Mechanical Soul

Chapter 10 White Riding for Justice

A white rainbow seems to have extinguished the hope of the people on the Cloud Blue Star. And what is really desperate is that there is a place in the sky suddenly becomes extremely dazzling. Cloud Blue Star's external defense satellite, that is, the external defense base, was broken. Countless people looked at the sky and seemed to see the arrival of the end.

In the dark universe, a number of horrible fleets sneaked out and immediately launched an attack on Cloud Blue Star. Under the main gun of terror, the Cloud Blue Star satellite base was completely destroyed and became the dust of the universe.

"Report! D2 Baihong successfully hit Qingyu City, and the cloud blue star satellite in front of it has been destroyed.

This is a glorious space, and a soldier covered with red feathers is reporting to the commander of the fleet. There is also a triumphant smile on the soldiers' faces. They have been waiting for this day for a long time. The war without cost is exactly what they like. In this way, he doesn't have to face any danger.

"Go on with the order and prepare for the second D2 white rainbow, targeting the military base in Nanshuicheng."


In the mysterious valley, the blue veins on the foreheads of Kehou and Du Hai are raised in a state of extreme anger. D2 Baihong is one of the strongest forces mastered by the Chiyu clan. It is superior to ordinary nuclear weapons with its long range and strong destructive power.

Since there is the first one, the second one is definitely indispensable. Realizing such a problem, Ke Hou and Du Hai began to be nervous, looked at each other and quickly operated the instrument. Just when he was busy with Du Hai, two more figures suddenly appeared, two indifferent women.

The new two did not disturb Ke Hou and Du Hai, but quietly did their posts. Maybe it's not that it's not disturbing, but that there is a conflict between the two and they don't want to say hello.

In front of Ke Hou, pictures destroyed by Bai Hong flashed, and a string of data appeared in front of him. Du Hai was full of data in front of him, and you could see that the data flashed in Du Hai's eyes very quickly. About a minute later, Du Hai suddenly said, "The impact of the red cloud is still weakened, and the impact will disappear completely after an hour and 20 minutes. Some instruments can already be used, but the load will be very heavy.

"The location of the enemy warship has been calculated, and a high level of energy has been detected. It is predicted that the second D2 white rainbow will be launched in 103 seconds. On the other hand, mutants did not move against our army. Only a few crazy creatures attacked our army and have been killed. Ke Hou also said.

Next, Ke Hou and Du Hai stood up at the same time and looked at the other two unharmoniously and said, "We have crossed our authority to order all the evacuation spacecraft to leave. Next, we will issue an order to you."

This is a cold woman who said with sharp eyes, "The Cold War ends first. If I am still alive after the war, I will apologize to you."

"The order goes down, Yun Lanxing enters the death-level preparation state, and all the soldiers who can enter the universe are ready to go to their own mecha..." Another woman with glasses said in a voice without any emotion.


The officers who were arguing about losing their command suddenly heard an order that appeared in any corner of the Blue Star. The moment I heard this sound, the instrument on everyone's wrist popped up a screen. Seeing the figure on the screen, almost everyone showed an unbelievable look.

Of course, the asylum ship of the Blue Star cannot send away all the people, and a large number of people remain on the planet. They looked at the screen on the streets of the city, with smiles on their faces as if they had seen victory.

"The goddess of victory... is really the goddess of victory..." Someone exclaimed.

In the era of war, heroes are inevitable. A heroic image can make people believe and gain spiritual strength. Fengshen is a heroic image of the previous generation, with mysterious strength and an image established with absolute power. Many people can't count the wars that brought victory because of the wind god.

And the image of the goddess of victory died through the command of countless battles. The war she commanded has not failed so far. Of course, she is called a goddess and her appearance is also beautiful.

"As you can see, our human territory has again been invaded by alien races. The fleet of the Akaba clan has broken through the defense base in outer space and Qingyu City. It is our fault and our responsibility not to stop all this from happening in time. Now, we have no right to make mistakes, and we have no right to make mistakes. For our homeland and our loved ones, please pick up our weapons and protect what we want to protect. Please believe that victory will belong to us again.

Women don't talk much, but they make people see hope in their hearts. When almost all the weapons that can be relied on have lost their function, most people have lost their hope. But the appearance of the goddess alone makes all the soldiers full of confidence in victory. Victory belongs to us.

"The order has been received, and the White Knight is ready to depart. Please enter the coordinates of the enemy for us."

The screen suddenly switched, and a young face appeared on the screen. It can be said that this is a very handsome young man, with arrogant and unruly hair, giving people a strong feeling.

Free organization, White Knight. How can they be on this planet? It seems that the free organization is much more powerful than we thought. Ke Hou said lightly and felt a little sarcastic.

The intelligence of the Israeli military does not know the existence of a big warship, and their technology is significantly higher than that of the military. In this case of interference, their warships can set out, while the military's warships can only wait.

"They only have one warship, and it will be dangerous to fly into the universe. It's really an admirable free organization." The woman with glasses said with a smile.

"Enter them the coordinates of the enemy and the estimated number and firepower, and at the same time order the warriors who can act by the Cloud Blue Star defenders to set out with the White Knight and go to the universe to temporarily follow the command of the White Knight." The other woman said quietly.

"Give the army to the command of the free organization?" Ke Hou glanced at the cold woman and said.

"I believe them!" The cold woman still said calmly.

"We have received the coordinates, brothers. Next, let's watch our White Knight perform. The White Knight was just made, and it was our first time to drive, but don't make it too ugly and lose our White Knight's face. In addition, some elite defenders of Cloud Blue Star will also go with us. The silver-haired young man said with a smile in the command room of the warship, looking at the sky of the universe with a sharp light.

"Brother, the White Knight is out."

Shen Yun's little finger said with white light spots in the distance, and her eyes also flashed with curiosity. The white knight is like a righteous knight among the people. He fights for justice and is very popular with the masses.

Shen Feng nodded and took advantage of the sight of the wing shadow demon god to pull the white knight in front of him. Looking at the warship shining with silver and white light on the screen, Shen Feng's eyes were also slightly shocked. As a free organization, its anti-interference ability is so much stronger than that of the military, which is simply incredible.

"Brother, lend me the computer of the Wing Shadow Demon God." Shen Yun said with a smile and jumped to Shen Feng's knee, and her little hand quickly clicked on the suspended light screen keyboard.

Shen Feng was a little curious about what Shen Yun wanted to do, but just watched quietly. Just after a while, Shen Feng's eyes widened. What's wrong with my sister? She actually invaded other people's systems.

"Brother, the information of the White Knight is basically here. According to its information and my speculation, the White Knight can't stop the launch of the second D2 White Rainbow. Shen Yun said to Shen Feng while looking at the data carefully.

"The Red Feather must have planned for many years and have made a lot of preparations for this. Their biggest possibility is to plunder the resources of Cloud Blue Star, and then use it to blow up Cloud Blue Star to threaten the government and get a retreat or compensation. After a pause, Shen Feng sighed and said, "Actually, this battle is of little significance. The battle is just to increase the death toll. The purpose of the Red Feather tribe lies in the resources on the planet..."

Shen Yun tilted her head and suddenly said with a smile, "Brother, are you trying to say that the woman who encouraged them to fight is really abominable?" Of course, this is Shen Yun's statement. Shen Feng just doesn't want to have a war.

Shen Feng was slightly stunned and said, "Maybe it's like this, maybe it's not. This is my home, and there are people I want to protect, and I have to fight.

Shen Yun nodded obediently and suddenly found that her brother's face was wrong, as if he was enduring some kind of pain. Shen Yun knew that her brother's old illness had happened again. With worried eyes, Shen Yun's little hand quickly operated on the keyboard again. Just a moment, information about Shen Feng flashed on the screen one by one.

On the White Knight warship, a beautiful girl suddenly stood up and said in panic, "Report to the captain, I suspect that the White Knight's database has been invaded."

The silver-haired young man frowned and said, "Xiao Shi, the system did not issue a warning of being invaded. With the defense system of the White Knight, there is nothing to invade.

"But captain, I really feel that the database has been hacked." The girl named Xiaoshi said aggrievedly that although she knew that she was new and might not be trusted, she still felt very aggrieved when the situation really happened.

"The system is normal, the energy output is stable, the lift-up is ready, and all the crew are ready to fight..." A non-commissioned officer reported quickly.

The silver-haired young man nodded and said, "When the Yunlan Star defenders arrive and set out immediately, the Chiyu clan will not give us too much time."

"Captain, since we won't be given too long, the positions of the Yunlanxing garrison elites are different. Do we have to wait for them all to arrive?" Someone asked.

"We are going to win, not die. There is no doubt that Cloud Blue Star can still drive the mecha. With one more strength, there is a little possibility of victory. The mecha that can still operate under the condition of extreme interference is either advanced or the driver is a cutting-edge elite, and the silver-haired youth also knows this. In a sense, war must be sacrificed. Even if the Blue Star completely fell, they took away the human elite. It is impossible for the silver-haired young man to tell such a girl.