Mechanical Soul

Chapter 11 Still Care

Looking at the sky, a warship is sailing towards the universe at a very fast speed. Normally, no one will believe that only one warship can stop the S-class warship of the Akaba clan. What is difficult to understand is that the eyes of the Cloud Blue Star defenders are full of hope.

"Miss, the White Knight has set off." In an extremely spacious grass, the fat official said to an extremely beautiful girl with a smile.

The girl has long red hair, the breeze blows, and her hair flutters like flames. The exquisite and beautiful face ripples with a charming smile. The exquisite figure makes people have to marvel at the magic of the creator. At this time, the only incongruous thing was that the girl's eyes were full of melancholy, which formed a contradiction with the smile on her face.

"Let's go!" The girl gritted her teeth and said only two words. After saying that, the girl jumped on a fiery red body. The fiery red body is like a fiery red phoenix, flowing the light of rebirth in the bath of fire. Suddenly, Phoenix opened her eyes, and her fiery red wings vibrated gorgeous red, turning into a streamer flying to the distant universe.

The fat official looked silently on the grass and suddenly said puzzledly, "It seems that the teenager has a greater influence on the young lady than I thought. What happened between them?"

The Thousand Birds is ready to go! For the safety of the young lady and the foundation of the blue star, fighting is also inevitable. As the fat official said, the grass under his feet suddenly split and opened like a gate.

"Exploring a high level of energy, there is no data in the database, unable to identify the body, and emit three-dimensional images."

In front of Kehou, a fiery red mecha three-dimensional projection was rapidly formed. This surprised Kehou. If I remember correctly, this is the young lady's personal body. Of course, Du Hai was also surprised. As for the other two, they keep calm all the time.

On the main ship of the Akaba clan, the supreme commander looked at the two missions and a huge amount of data with a gloomy face. Task 1: Find the lost Chaos and bring it back. Mission 2: Destroy all resistance forces and collect blood crystals. If you don't know the specific location of the so-called Chaos, you can only detect it one by one through the data. This task is not difficult, but there must be enough time. If human reinforcements come, the whole fleet may not be able to return.

"Report! It was found that the Cloud Blue Star garrison launched a space warship! It is monitored that the influence of the code name Red Cloud is gradually weakening.

The commander of the Chiyu clan pondered and thought, "It seems that Yun Lanxing can't be underestimated, otherwise he would not have waited until now to act. Chaos, what's the secret? He didn't hesitate to sacrifice the whole fleet.

"Report! The launched warship has been confirmed to be a free organization White Knight, and the model of the warship is unknown. Another soldier came in to report.

"Order the leading troops to accelerate into the predetermined orbit and prepare to land on the Cloud Blue Star to fight."


Shen Yun, who was using Wing Shadow Magic to search for information, found that a very powerful body appeared, but she didn't care. Now her brother's condition is the most important. There are no such advanced computers and databases at home, so don't miss the opportunity now. Looking at her brother's uncomfortable expression, Shen Yun was also very uncomfortable.

Ke Hou looked at the two cold women and said, "The other party asked for a call? Do you want to receive it?"


"Hello, I'm Tang Yu, and now I'm asking to enter the universe. Identification code: 00070, which is a special force red.

Ke Hou looked at Du Hai and said to Tang Yu, "Miss, it's very dangerous."

Tang Yu shook his head with melancholy eyes, didn't say anything, and flew directly to the universe. For her, as long as she submits the request, there is no need to wait for the other party's consent, let alone listen to the other party's command.

"Monkey, the madman still cares about Tang Yu, right? Although it was very stiff because of a conflict, you also know that crazy people are not the kind of narrow-minded people. Du Hai suddenly said.

The monkey nodded irresistible and said, "Even a beautiful little girl you don't know, the madman will care, won't you?"

"Madman, is that Shen Feng? I'm curious about him!" The woman wearing glasses also said something. Listening to her curious tone, she didn't seem to lie.

"Note that this is not the time to chat." Another woman said coldly.

As soon as the cold woman's words came out, the whole command room became quiet again. They didn't say anything and were busy. Countless data screens flashed frequently, and the atmosphere looked quiet, but in fact it was very tense.

Shen Yun buried her head in search and suddenly raised her head to Shen Feng and said, "Brother, when you were ten years old, you broke out with forces beyond your own boundaries, resulting in intermittent pain in your body. At that time, did you feel as uncomfortable as you are now?"

Shen Feng reluctantly smiled and said, "At that time, it was much more terrible than now. That kind of power was not under my control, and it would even make me lose my mind and more uncomfortable."

This power is the power of Shen Feng's blood crystal. Shen Feng only mastered the power of blood crystals before. Fortunately, this kind of blood crystal power is usually very quiet, and it has only come out once in so many years, and it has not completely exploded. However, Shen Feng knew that there was another one this year.

Shen Yun bit her lips, her eyes were red, and she didn't say much. Because the database says that my brother's outbreak was to save a baby, and Shen Yun now knows that the baby is herself. Shen Yun has never understood why her brother's body has intermittent pain, but now she understands.

At each stage, there is a limit on the level of power that people can bear, which depends on each person's specific situation. Shen Feng shook a five-star fierce beast with the power of the blood crystal of his ten-year-old body. If his body was normal afterwards, it showed that Shen Feng's boundaries were extremely horrible. However, Shen Feng took a hidden disease afterwards, indicating that Shen Feng had exceeded that limit.

can go beyond the boundaries, both of which are rare geniuses. If it is really compared, it is naturally better to surpass the boundary. As long as the boundary is always beyond, this boundary is equivalent to non-existent and can burst into infinite power.

What puzzled Shen Yun was that her brother refused all treatment. Physical problems caused by outbreaks beyond their own boundaries can be cured under today's technology. Shen Yun looked at her brother doubtfully, but she didn't want to get the answer, because Shen Yun, who knew Shen Feng, had already got a general answer. That kind of treatment fee is undoubtedly an astronomical figure. If accepted, it means to work for others, and it is impossible for a brother who likes freedom to do so.

Shen Yun looked at Shen Feng's calm face and once again felt her brother's greatness, definition of freedom and love for herself. Shen Yun watched Shen Feng pull herself up, accompany herself, make money, study, train... Shen Yun knows that her brother's day is more than just busy.

Now that I have grown up, my brother is a little more relaxed. However, in my brother's eyes, I am still a child. Shen Yun thought in her heart and felt warm in her heart.

Continuing to watch, Shen Yun also found some interesting things. For example, his brother failed to confess and had a major conflict with a girl named Tang Yu, which were clearly recorded. Shen Yun thought, I'm afraid her brother has forgotten some of the things recorded here.

Looking at it, Shen Yun suddenly stopped her eyes and muttered, "Sister Liuli, I haven't seen Sister Liuli for a long time."

Although Shen Yun's voice is very small, how could Shen Feng not hear it? The word glaze is the last thing Shen Feng wants to recall, and it is usually replaced by her. As for the reason, it's really childish.

Liuli is a very smart, progressive and beautiful woman who grew up in the same orphanage as Shen Feng. But the relationship between the two is not so good, even bad. The reason for this relationship is that the two people have completely different personalities. Shen Feng is the lazy kind, and Liuli is the most unaccustomed to this kind of lazy person.

Liuli and Shen Feng have been fighting since they were young. Although Shen Feng was silent in the face of Liuli's harsh criticism, it does not mean that Liuli was beaten silently when she started. At that time, Shen Feng didn't know whether he was merciful or really not as good as Liuli. Every time Shen Feng was beaten all over his body. The further back they go, the deeper the conflict between the two is, and no one can adjust it. When leaving the orphanage, Liuli and Shen Feng chose different colleges and never met again.

Glass left too many scars when Shen Feng's heart was still young. No matter how young his heart was, he had a strong self-esteem. Every time he was beaten all over his body, and he was a girl of about the same size as himself, which Shen Feng could not accept. If he made a mistake and was beaten, Shen Feng felt that he should, but Shen Feng did nothing wrong.

"Is she okay for me?" Shen Feng asked herself in her heart, but she was quickly denied by Shen Feng. Her hatred for herself was not fake. If she said it was good for herself, it was self-deception.

In fact, Shen Yun didn't have much memory of Liuli. At that time, Shen Yun was only two years old. She only saw Liuli and only had a superficial impression. In the eyes of outsiders, Liuli can be called a goddess, and a goddess with talent can be comparable to Shen Feng.

Shen Feng shook his head slightly. Now that he still feels useless when he thinks about it, he was bullied like this by a girl. Feeling the pain in his body getting stronger and stronger, Shen Feng gritted his teeth and tried to make himself behave more naturally so as not to make Shen Yun worry.

"From the data recording my brother's deeds, my brother's love seems to be very unsucible. The hatred between the goddess Liuli and her brother is insoluble. Tang Yu, the most perfect lady, also has a huge conflict with her brother, and the first beauty Xiang Qin also refused her brother. If no one wants my brother, then I..."

Shen Yun thought about it, and her little face couldn't help blushing. Her gray eyes peeked at Shen Feng and quickly browsed the data. At this moment, Shen Yun silently made a vow in her heart, a vow that would never change.