Peerless Fairy

Chapter 58 What is his dream

"I don't know whether I should come or not, and I don't know if I'm right. But... I'm still here after all." The snow-white clothes were dyed red, and almost everywhere seemed to have been infected by blood. The red was so dazzling that the original face became more enchanting.

Every time a woman says something, the corners of her mouth will overflow with bright red **, and her pale face is like the small corners with heavy makeup on the stage. But she still can't hide her peerless glory.

She lay a child on her side, about eight or nine years old, with a young face and clean and clear eyes. Although she is young, that face inherits the exquisite beauty of the woman.

The child looked blankly at the woman who looked scared but tried to make herself soft. The blood dripping from the corners of her mouth fell on her face but she didn't know it, leaving a clear blood mark on her white and clean skin.

But the child was reluctant to blink, but looked at the woman blankly, begging and longing.

The woman wanted to raise her hand to touch the child's head. When she looked at her blood-stained hands, she hung down in despair. Looking at his hand and saying to himself, "You see, how bright and beautiful this red is. Even in the end, I should have been satisfied with such a beautiful color, but..." The woman slowly lowered her eyes and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it after all. Looking down at the child's innocent face, his eyes are full of love and pity, "Don't hate, never hate, it's really too tired to hate someone."

The child could only look at the woman in a daze until her body gradually melted, turned into dust and dispersed with the wind, flying to the palace pavilion and floating outside the nine clouds. Xianshan was cloudy, and those in gorgeous clothes stood beside the children like this, with fierce faces, a pair of murderous and sarcastic eyes, greedy and bloody.

But there was only one person in his eyes, the one who made him hate hysterically.

He doesn't have a word, or he can no longer speak. There is no longer his innocence in those eyes. The heart driven by hatred, at the moment when the woman's soul flew away, her eyes had become scarlet.

In an instant, it seems to be the reincarnation of a century.

That child has long grown up, and now standing there is the soul that only has hatred left.

Cold, mocking, disdain, hypocritical, arrogant, how frightening the laughter is, how hateful the tone is, the face, like the most hateful viper from the depths of Jiuyou, wrapped around the person struggling in pain, destroying everything, until finally let him slowly fall and sink in the pain of memory. Die.

The only remaining soul is mutilated, the heart tormented by hatred, and the broken heart can no longer piece together a kind face. If the whole world is laughing at you, what will you do to repay the world?

Who is indifferent and ruthless in the gorgeous palace? On the reincarnation path, who whispered and finally turned into a ghost and floated for nine days. No one can tell whether it is a dream or a truth. What will happen to those forgotten memories if they are remembered again?

Are you afraid? If you don't even want to think about your past, will you be afraid that others will know? Even if others love you, you will only feel pity. But how can you be willing to accept sympathy, other people's charity, and other people's pity? Everything with you will only increase endless hatred.

In the dark, are you also wandering? A moth just wants to find a light, but I don't know if it will eventually turn into ashes. What do you want? A ruthless face beats you into boundless darkness, which should have been attached to, but replaced everything with hatred.

The confusion, struggle and pain in the darkness can only be endured by yourself. With that pair of gentle hands, she took you to face the endless darkness. Because she was afraid of losing, she had to hold it firmly. However, at the end of the darkness, she let go. Is such a abandonment a betrayal?

Pear blossoms fell on the body, and the red clothes were hidden. How much he wanted to stay awake like this and let those warm hands walk forward with him, even if it was painful. Maybe everything will pass when he opens his eyes. Maybe it's really just a dream, but he took it seriously. At least in the dream, there are people who can be attached and warm hearts.


At dusk, there is only the sound of wind in the quiet garden, the window is empty, the sandalwood in the house rises, and the whole room is also full of fragrance. Jiuyin and Ye Qingwu stood by the bedside and looked worriedly at the man lying on the bed. The two looked at each other, but no one spoke.

After a while, the sky was getting dark. Jiuyin couldn't help asking softly, "Master, what's going on?"

In the morning, I met Xing Zhuan in the Fantasy Sydney Sea. Cang Lan originally planned to leave alone, but she was still a little worried. He also thought that what these stars and Jiuyin should be rewarded for what they have done for themselves and Jiuyin. If Xing Zhuan really has something to do, how can he ignore it?

So later Cang Lan returned to his original place again, and it happened that Xing Subaru fainted to the ground for some reason. Canglan called for a few times but didn't answer, and entered his true breath to save him, but he still didn't wake up. Just as Jiuyin found Canglan, which was found by Xuanyue Valley disciples, the two brought Xingzhu back to Qingfeng Xiaozhu together.

Cang Lan sat on the edge of the bed and kept staring at Xingbo, while her hand was tightly grasped by Xingbo. Maybe the sleeping man was too hard. Cang Lan only felt that his hand was a little numb with pain and wanted to take it away several times, but the man seemed to feel it. Every time Cang Lan moved gently, he would hold it tighter and tighter. After several attempts, it was the same result, causing Canglan to dare not move in the end.

Xing Zhuan's face is slightly better at this time, but his eyebrows are still locked, short of breath, and he is uneasy. People who have fallen asleep always seem to think of something in their dreams, and their clenched hands will be held tighter and tighter.

Cang Lan was helpless. The first time she met such a star, she was really at a loss.

ying ying Jiuyin's worried eyes, Canglan shook his head and whispered, "He was injured by a powerful force and forced to exert his power, causing his body to go against qi and blood. In addition, the previous sword wound was not good, so it became like this." Cang Lan looked at the hand that clenched his hand again, "but in terms of his cultivation, he will recover as long as he calm down, but I really can't figure out why he has been sleeping all the time."

Ye Qingwu didn't understand this, but when he heard the deep sleep, he muttered, "It turns out that Xing Zhuan is so sleepy."

Jiuyin glanced at the woman beside him, "In the sky, all the superiors will practice with deep sleep."

Ye Qingwu asked in surprise, "How long will they sleep at a time?"

"It's hard to say, ranging from a hundred years to thousands of years." Jiuyin held his hand on his chin and thought about it. Looking at Xing Fang's still frowning eyebrows, he left Ye Qingwu and squatted on the edge of the bed. He put his hands on his chin and tilted his head to look at Cang Lan, "Master, how long will it take for Xing Zhuan to sleep?"

Cang Lan slowly shook his head. Jiuyin looked extremely cute at this time, but Cang Lan never showed a smile. "As you said, it can be at least a hundred years, or thousands of years."

"Ah." Jiuyin pouted, "I'm just joking with her. If Xingbo Zun really sleeps for so long, we must wait for him to wake up before we can leave. Last time I was injured, I caused a lot of trouble to Xing Fangzun. This time, I also want to repay him for his injury.

Cang Lan smiled bitterly, "Are you not afraid of him?"

Jiuyin shook his head, "I'm not afraid to have a master here. Besides, I'm a good man."

"Good man?" Thinking of the jungle that day, Ye Qingwu only thought in his heart, "If he is a good person, there will be no good person in the world."

However, it was hard to say when he saw Jiuyin's worried look with Canglan at this time. Seeing that it was boring to stay here, he walked out of the room, sat on the stone in the courtyard, and enjoyed the pear blossoms in the garden.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Qingwu sat down for more than a little, a figure came in at the door. Ye Qingwu looked curiously. This person was Qin Fei.

Qin Fei went into the garden and looked around. At first, he didn't see anyone. When he was wondering, he suddenly said from behind, "What are you doing?"

The sudden sound made Qin Fei tremble and looked back in consternation, but saw Ye Qingwu looking at himself with his hands around him. Hearing Ye Qing danced again, "You are sneaky. What do you want to do?"

Qin Fei was still wondering who this woman was, but suddenly remembered that he had heard from Wen Qing yesterday that Mo Yun went here to protect a woman, and there have never been many women in this valley. Except for Cang Lanfeng Shaoli Mu Qiuning, the person in front of him must also be the woman brought back by Brother Mo Yun. Thinking about all this clearly, Qin Fei looked at Ye Qingwu and said politely, "Girl, come down to find Xingbo and Canglan. I don't know if the two of them are in the garden?"

Ye Qingwu stared at Qin Fei and said lightly, "Xing Zhuan is sleeping... No, that's a coma... Yes, it's a coma. Xing Zhuan was in a coma, and Cang Lan was taking care of him. So, they are in the park, but they are not free.

"Star Suba is in a coma?" Qin Fei was stunned, "Why is he in a coma?"

Ye Qingwu looked at Qin Fei impatiently and stared at Xing's eyes, "I fainted when I came back from the Fantasy Sydney Sea. How do I know why I was in a coma? Now what I want to say has been said. Can you go?"

After saying that, Ye Qingwu did not forget to make way and made a gesture of invitation.

Qin Fei scratched his head and was confused by Ye Qingwu for a moment. He looked back at several houses, but no one appeared. Seeing Ye Qingwu's fierce smiling face, he had to walk out of the garden.


In the Taixu Hall, Xuan Ningzi and the elders sat on the sandalwood chairs in front of the hall, and Qin Fei, who stood in front of the hall, had told Xuan Ningzi and others what Ye Qingwu said when he was in the breeze. After Qin Fei finished speaking, he found that the elders' faces were awe-inspiring. Qin Fei, who had always been in awe of the valley owner and the elders, stood there. It is also extremely panicked.

The hall was quiet for a while. Yun Chang looked at his only promising apprentice being so timid in front of the elders, and he sighed secretly.

Xuan Ningzi was silent for a long time. Seeing Qin Fei's uneasy look, he knew Qin Fei's restraint at this moment. Qin Fei is honest and honest. Although his qualifications are mediocre, he lacks understanding compared with other disciples. He is so diligent and good to people that he has always been loved by elders. But he is so timid that he is frightened every time he sees the elders.

"Qin Fei, we already know about this. You can go down first." Xuan Ningzi said kindly, afraid that if he would let Qin Fei stand down again, he would have to faint.

It is natural to leave Qin Fei, and he bowed to the elders. When he saw Yunsheng looking at him shaking his head helplessly, he was also frustrated. Then he saluted the master deeply before exiting the hall.

Several elders looked at each other in consters. Originally, they were discussing the fight against the demon clan. They sent Qin Fei to invite the two respects in the hope that they could help each other. However, when they heard that Qin Fei came back and reported, everyone suddenly wondered and looked at Xuan Ningzi. They saw that Xuan Ningzi also nodded deeply. The elders seemed to understand something. , all of them are nodding signs, and there are many coincident wishes.