Peerless Fairy

Chapter 59 Attacked in the Dark Night

Night replaced dusk and swept the whole world.

The person struggling in the nightmare finally woke up and frowned slightly. Xingbo slowly opened his eyes, but with a burst of swelling and pain in his brain, Xingbo had to frown again.

When I was about to raise my hand and rub my chaotic head, I suddenly felt something wrong and always felt that I was holding something in my hand.

I sat up with difficulty, and my body seemed to be no longer so uncomfortable. Except for the dull brain, there was nothing else. Looking along his hand, he was slightly stunned when he saw the woman sleeping in **.

Xing Zhuo's hand is still holding Canglan's wrist tightly, and there are still cyanosis on his slender and white skin. Xing Fang was even more confused. Did he keep holding her like this when he was in a coma?

Thinking that Canglan had left before she fell into a coma, but how could she be here now? Looking around, this is my room, and at the table of that room, Jiuyin is still lying there and falling asleep.

Withdrawing his eyes and looking at the quiet sleep on the edge of the bed, a burst of pity suddenly appeared in his heart. The handsome face is usually rare peace, gentleness, and a smile gradually emerging from the corners of his mouth, like peach blossoms on the branches in March. Obviously, there is pity in my heart, but more seems to be satisfied.

The man who was clenched by himself in the dream was also so warm and weak. So she was reluctant to let go in her dream. Every time she wanted to leave, she thought she was going to abandon herself, and then she grabbed it tighter, afraid that if she let go like this, she would never have it again.

If the dream is unintentional, then when you wake up, you will really miss it. The clenched hand was changed to gently holding, feeling her smooth pulse, as if it blended with her heartbeat, quiet and peaceful.

He has always hoped for such a good relationship, but only under such circumstances can he be greedy without scruples. He looked deeply at the woman's side face, but why did she frown in her sleep?

With a shallow smile, Xing Fang fell down and continued to fall asleep. At this time, he was like a child. He deliberately did not wake up for fear of losing.

Close your eyes and never think about the past again. Maybe he knows that this moment of silence is unattainable.

He could feel what happened outside Xuanyue Valley at this time, because the familiar breath had already come from a distance. It's just that he doesn't want to move, let alone let go.

When the man in black killed the last disciple who guarded the Taixu Pavilion, he did not want to go up to the attic. His dark blue eyes were full of cold and ruthlessness. Looking up at the top of the attic, the corners of his eyes sparkled with darkness and indifference, and how sinister the face under the veil should be at this moment.

It's just that he did not continue to stay in Xuanyue Valley, but left straight away. Such a familiar route and such a quick move, like a wolf shuttling through the forest, sensitive and fast.

In the middle of the night, in the distant forest, the moonlight was bright, and the sobs of all kinds of birds and beasts came from the forest. Even if the moon in the sky was round as a silver disk, it was difficult to shine into the dark jungle.

The man in black went all the way back and looked towards Wulan Town. Seeing that he was about to get out of the darkness and approached Wulan Town, the man in black stopped his speed and turned to look at the dark forest indifferently.

"Come out." The man in black said harshly that his body was already full of true anger.

No figures appeared in the dark, and no sound could be found except for those awakened birds and beasts.

The blue eyes had some doubts. He secretly guessed whether he had an illusion and looked at the whole jungle seriously again. He did not let go of almost everywhere. Just as his eyes fell on an uncle not far away, he seemed to have found something. His hand gathered into a blade, and a light sword was gradually forming. He carefully stepped forward like a life-threatening charm step by step.

The night looks strange and gloomy. The birds in the forest seem to be crying, and the whole environment is shrouded in the breath of death. The murderous atmosphere emanating from his whole body is more like a dark messenger who comes to grab people's souls.

Step by step, there was something moving behind the tree. The sound of rapid breathing came to his ears, and he obviously felt that it was the movement of living things.

The cold light passed by, and the sword cut through the darkness. The fleeting speed was unimaginable. The rustling sound rubbed where, and then a scream came, making the whole forest even more horrible.

The man in black walked behind the tree when the scream was cut off, and there was a Xuanyue Valley disciple lying on the ground.

The throat was sealed by the sharp blade, and the scream must have been exhaled by the sharp blade before it hurt him. Before he could come out to see who he was, he died like this.

The man in black snorted and glanced at the body on the ground, with his eyes as sharp as a sword. Then he looked around, and his eyes fell gently above him. A sneer flashed in his eyes, and then flew away.

The dead disciples on the ground are no longer likely to be reborn. They stared roundly and looked straight up, as if they would not close their eyes. And where he looked directly, it was the branches of the big tree. The man sitting on the branches held the branches tightly and trembled all over his body.


The next morning

In the Jingxu Hall, Xuan Ningzi stood there and looked at several disciples lying on the ground. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes unbearablely, and his face became older for a moment. The elders looked heavy, and everyone was full of sadness and anger.

The disciples lying on the ground were the disciples who guarded the Taixu Pavilion last night. The bodies of several people were found by those who were replaced in the early morning and reported to Xuan Ningzi. Xuan Ningzi and several people came one after another when they received the news. Even Lan Ge frowned angrily when he saw this scene.

Nangong Chenxuan clenched his fists and his eyes were full of anger. Looking at those brothers, he obviously talked and laughed with everyone yesterday, but he didn't expect that there was only one night between yin and yang. Mu Qiuning and others looked at the brothers and were also extremely sad.

One of these disciples was sitting on a chair tremblingly, with a pale and bloodless face, which was obviously caused by excessive panic. Last night, Mu Rong, who was guarded by another disciple outside the valley, stumbled back with the body of another disciple on his back in the morning, and his whole body was like the Buddha without three souls. Six gods have no master.

Gu Xiao looked at several deceased people's whole body and found that they were all broken and had no strength to struggle or resist. He got up and looked at Xuan Ningzi and others, and shook his head helplessly.

"Ancient elders, can you see what weapons they were injured by?" Yun Chang always asked anxiously.

Gu Xiao shook his head and sighed deeply, "The wounds of these disciples should have been injured by a short blade, and the man's technique is extremely fast. These disciples have no power to fight back."

"Ah." Everyone present was amazed. Who was able to kill five or six disciples next time at such a fast speed, and no one had noticed the resistance.

Xuan Ningzi turned around and looked at the trembling disciple. He wanted to ask something, but he couldn't bear to say anything when he was so scared. He looked at everyone present, and his eyes were awe-inspiring. "If the order goes on, the disciples of the whole valley will be alert. Be sure to pay attention to whether there are any suspicious people in the valley."

The elders nodded one after another with a serious look. The murder of this disciple once again plunged Xuanyue Valley into panic and tension. The matter of the demon clan has not yet come, and the forbidden place of flying rivers has been discovered again. Now the disciples have been killed strangely. All this happened so suddenly that no one had to worry about it.

Long is also very worried. Xuanyue Valley has been secretive. Such a thing has never happened in the seven hundred years. So many things have happened in just two days. What caused it, and what is the purpose of those people?

puzzled, Lan Ge stared at the disciples but didn't say anything, but directly looked at Nangong Chenxuan, "Sent several people to bury these disciples well, and arrange this disciple to suppress him."

"Yes." Nangong Chenxuan nodded heavily and looked at Xuan Ningzi again. His eyes were hopeful and sad, as if he was begging Xuan Ningzi to make the decision for these disciples, and then came forward to help the trembling brother up. The man was paralyzed and weak, and almost all his strength was held by Nangong Chenxuan.

"Cen Xuan will stay for the time being and let other brothers take Mu Rong out to rest." Hearing Xuan Ningzi suddenly say, Nangong Chenxuan had to stop and take Mu Rong out by another disciple.

Several other disciples carried the deceased out and Xuan Ningzi didn't say anything until the only disciples in the hall were Nangong Chenxuan Mu Qiuning and Qin Fei.

At this moment, the hall is extremely quiet and solemn, and no one has ever spoken. For a long time, only Xuan Ningzi said, "Who is waiting for the Taixu Pavilion now?"

Gu Tian Channel, "Now Wen Qing and others are waiting."

Xuan Ningzi said, "Three days will be the war period agreed by the demon clan. If this matter is related to the demon clan, then these two nights will not be peaceful, so from tonight, a few more skillful people must be sent to guard it." With that, he looked at Nangong Chenxuan and said, "Tonight, Chenxuan will be guarded by someone, and another elder will take care of him. If there is anything unusual, everyone can inform them as soon as possible."

"Yes." Nangong Chenxuan answered without hesitation, but Mu Qiuning suddenly said seriously and sincerely, "Master Gu, can you let Qiu Ning accompany your brother?"

Mu Qiuning's cultivation in the valley is not one of the top disciples, but it is not too low. It can only be said that he is a middle-level disciple and sits down for Elder Gu Tiantong. Nangong Chenxuan and Mu Qiuning have always had a deep relationship, so they are also willing to advance and retreat together in the face of a strong enemy this time.

Xuan Ningzi was a little hesitant. After all, this is not a joke. If the person is skillful and profound, Nangong Chenxuan can still confront each other for a while, but Mu Qiuning has always been regarded as the youngest female disciple in the valley, and everyone loves her. It is also for her safety to not send her. But I didn't expect that she would ask for her own life.

Elder Mingxuan looked at Mu Qiuning and nodded when he saw that she was so persistent. He looked at Xuan Ningzi and asked, "Let Qiu Ning be together. Tonight I will secretly guard the Taixu Pavilion."

Xuan Ningzi nodded and agreed. His eyebrows were covered with sadness, and his eyes were deep. "Then you go down and have a rest first."

"Yes." The two looked at each other respectfully, and Mu Qiuning was also extremely happy to be able to carry out the task with her favorite brother. After saluteing the generals, they withdrew from the hall together.

After the two of them left, Xuan Ningzi's expression suddenly became more serious, "The purpose of that person should be Taixu Pavilion, and in the Taixu Pavilion, in addition to Zhen Yuanzhu, what else does the foreigners want?"