Peerless Fairy

Chapter 247 Stop it in your own way

Maybe he is worried about Qianye, or he doesn't know who to stand in to deal with this matter. After waking up, Canglan has been thinking about the reason why the heaven wanted to kill Qianye so much. If Da Ashan hadn't ruined Qianye's family, how could Qianye become what it is today?

But in her memory, there are all kinds of things in the city of fantasy that day. It's not that she hasn't seen Qianye's tragic killing methods. It's not that Qianye deceives and uses herself to achieve her own purpose. It's not that she hasn't considered the threat to the three worlds after Qianye became a demon.

But what kind of answer can these give her?

Many confusions can no longer be measured by positions and emotions. If the heaven must kill thousands of nights, can it stop it? What's more, Tianzun hasn't come forward yet, and he is not sure what Tianzun has on Qianye. Canglan always believed that the purpose behind Tianzun's help Qianye escape from reincarnation and help him revenge a thousand years ago would never be simple.

I think about it in my heart, and I still can't figure it out after all. She needs someone who can tell her the whole story. She also needs to know what is the feud between the heaven and the heaven and the devil. She needs these people to try their best to eradicate a person.

Looking at Lan Ge's determination to kill Qianye, Cang Lan can only keep that request in his heart. Although Lan Ge seems to be gentle and indifferent, he is an extremely persistent and stubborn person. Few people can change what he decides.

He said that he was affectionate, but he would also be affectionate. However, such a person will make people love deeply and hate them to the bone.

For what Qianye said about the divine moon mirror a thousand years ago in Tianji Pavilion, Canglan has chosen to keep it in his heart at this moment. If Lange knew that Qianye had deliberately done it behind this, he was afraid that his intention to kill Qianye would not decrease.

However, the whole heaven is against Qianye. What can Qianye resist? Can a heavenly disk alone really resist the heavenly world?

Canglan dares not think about the result.

She stared down at the thick fog under the cliff, and the eyes of the people beside her had become a little arrogant. She didn't dare to look at him, but asked uncertainly, "Is Qianye really so damned and shouldn't live in the world in your eyes?"

Although it is not a direct plea, Lan Ge knows his purpose, "Do you have a reason for him to live?"

In Lan Ge's heart, there has never been a reason for him to live.

"I know that maybe you will blame me for talking about Qianye at this moment, but now for Qianye, I just want to do my best to do what I can." He raised his eyes and looked straight at those cold eyes, "Maybe you don't know Qianye. No one knows his past, and no one has experienced his pain."

Lan Ge stared indifferently and said no.

"If Da Ashan hadn't ruined his family, Qianye would not have suffered so much and would not have wanted revenge. He only targeted Da Ashan, not the whole heaven." Lan Ge's expression was slightly warm. Even though she was exhausted, she continued to say, "I have had a dream of a thousand nights, and I have seen the deepest painful memory in his heart. I thought that what I had experienced was the most painful in the world, but later I learned that what I experienced was just the tip of his iceberg."

The eyes of the people in front of him are no longer warm, but disappointed, and Canglan has no courage to look at him. Without feeling clencing her hands tightly, she forced herself to look down and asked Lan Ge in a nearly pleading tone, "Lan Ge, many things will be helpless, and everyone will be involuntarily. He is also the owner of the palace who hates the sky. He does not lack anything in his life, and he can also hide his identity and enjoy the world's respect and freedom, but because Unable to let go of his heart, he chose this thorny revenge road. I believe that his stubbornness is just to get justice for what happened back then. Such a thousand nights, I can't watch him killed by the three worlds... So I hope you can give him a chance, even if it's just once."

The last sentence is already begging.

Lang Ge just looked at Canglan silently, his face was as plain as a pool, but his eyes deepened. The person in front of him held on to the physical pain and gently told himself the grief Qianye had experienced. The purpose is just to give him a chance in the last sentence.

Looking at it, Lan Ge couldn't help laughing. But that smile is a little sarcastic.

"A corner of the iceberg..." repeated these four words, and his tone was more and more disappointed. "In order to make me sympathize with Qianye, you would rather humble yourself."

Canglan does not deny this sentence.

"I once thought that the pain of 300 years of forgetting the river was an irreparable injury to you, and I also wanted to brush away that memory for you one day, but now your words make me feel so ridiculous."

The incontrollable regression is the limit of physical energy consumption and the end of that situation. Supporting the pear tree beside him, Canglan could no longer find a reason to refute it. She persisted in a thousand years of obsession and drew the end like this.

Maybe Lan Ge didn't want to believe the pain of Qianye, so Canglan's words made him so sad. He felt Canglan's mood, but he would not cherish it. "But if you know Qianye enough, you should know that he doesn't need sympathy or you to make a living for him."

After saying that, it was a cold turn. For her, he broke into the Tianji Pavilion against the will of the Emperor of Heaven. For her, she left in battle and let tens of thousands of people die tragically in the hands of Qianye. All this is just to make up for the lack in her heart and fulfill her feelings. But in the end, it turned out that everything was made up for by one's own wishful thinking.

With his back to the pale face, he said, "The enmity between Qianye and Da Ashan will solve by himself, but the damage he caused to Changliu Mountain in those years can't be compensated in any way. I have never been aimed not only at Qianye, but also at the whole demon world. And you... don't need to plead for him at all."

The words have stabbed the key points like an ice knife and frost sword. No matter how Canglan plead for mercy today, it can't change Lan Ge's heart for Qianye.

She held the branch in her hand tightly and tried to endure the pain of her body. She raised her eyes, and her back was so cold. But I don't know that under the cold back, a heart is also cold.

It may be really fate for two people to get to this point. Lan Ge felt ridiculous, and so did Cang Lan. The manipulation of fate makes them unable to struggle, and they can only let fate play with them and experience the joys and sorrows of the world.

Holding the pear tree, Cang Lan tried to stand up and stand up straight, "What can I do now? I can't stop you, but I will stop Qianye in my own way. There was a cough, and even her breathing became more and more rapid. Looking at the back, she smiled bitterly, "As long as I live, I won't let you have a military day."

The figure trembled, but still did not turn around.

Both are stubborn people, and no one wants to give in. Canglan lowered her eyes slightly and wanted to turn around and leave, but she found that there was still a white shirt on her shoulder. When she was about to take it off, an inexplicable sense of familiarity suddenly came, which shocked her to turn pale. At the same time, Lan Ge also felt it.

There is no reason. Lan Geren has stood in front of Canglan, so skilled and without any hesitation.

Cang Lan looked at the person in front of him and felt inexplicably depressed, and pulled the corners of the white shirt in his hand. Looking at the hazy fog, a figure slowly fell down. The white shadow was shocked, and the fairy spirit suddenly came. Lan Ge was right, and his handsome eyebrows were cold and restrained.

The fog was blown away by the wind, and the appearance of the comer also appeared in their eyes. Yun Xie, dressed in white, slowly walked slowly with a folding fan, and the smiling face was as gentle as in the past. But seeing that Lan Ge did not seem to welcome his arrival, Yun Xie had to smile apologetically and said, "I take the liberty to visit, Xianzun, don't blame me. It's just that Yun Xie has an important thing to take away the vicissitudes today.

Looking at Canglan, Yun Xie smiled, with some apologies in his eyes, but more of the intention that Canglan couldn't understand. Regardless of Lan Ge's idea, Yun Xie approached Cang Lan step by step, "I think we need to talk about some things."

When the words fell, the man had walked in front of Lan Ge and was stopped by Lan Ge as he expected. He only heard Lan Ge said, "This is Xuanyue Valley. Breaking into the rules of the valley without permission is to break the rules of the valley, not to mention that now you have to take away the people in the valley. Even if you are away from Heaven, you don't have the right to take anyone away.

The meaning of Lan Ge has drawn the boundary between the heaven and the heaven.

But the Yunxie he faced was very kind. The palace owner who hated the sky was usually elegant and humble, but he also had a deep calculation in his bones. For Lan Ge's words, Yun Xie only did to protect Cang Lan, but since he came to the valley to lead people in person today, he must do it.

"Like Xianzun said, this is Xuanyue Valley, a place that belongs to the heavenly world. People who hate the sky are not suitable. Why should Xianzun make Canglan difficult?" Yun Xie laughed and said, "Due to the difference between the Heaven and the Heavenly World, Gu and Yun Xie's feelings for Cang Lan's seven-year-old sister, thinking about the internal affairs of the Heaven and the Heavenly People's Heavenly Water Moon Palace, Canglan, as the owner of Heavenly Palace, needs to stand up and undertake some things at this moment, instead of hiding behind the immortals to receive protection." He looked at Canglan behind him, and his tone seemed to be a brother asking, "Canglan, do you think it's right?"

The words are reasonable, and the reason is also true. Now Canglan is no longer suitable and should not hide behind others. Therefore, even Lan Ge didn't know how to answer Yun Xie. Thinking about the promise to His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor in the Heavenly Palace and the responsibility he has to shoulder now, leaving the Canglan dedicated to thousands of nights is just a burden. Maybe with Li Hentian, she can still find what she should do. Even if the feud between heaven and hatred is difficult to solve, for now, it is better than her dilemma because of thousands of nights.