Peerless Fairy

Chapter 248 From the passers-by

His thoughts, his concerns. Even if they didn't ask, the few words just now have made clear their positions.

Lang Ge and Yun Xie have never spoken, and maybe they are waiting for Canglan's decision. But Lan Ge's decision does not need to be made clear. Qian Ye, he must kill him.

And Canglan must be saved.

For such a simple reason, there is no possibility for two people to stand side by side.

Sometimes Cang Lan thanked Yun Xie from the bottom of his heart. Although this person always speaks a little harshly and always does things according to his preferences, every word he says wakes her up from confusion, so that she can find her real position and do what she should do. Whether 700 years ago or 700 years later, this person has not changed at all.

The injury of the Ming Mark Sword is more serious because of the wet and cold here, and Canglan can only be forcibly suppressed. Looking at the figure that built for himself to protect himself, he could only secretly apologize in his heart. Holding up his weak body and passing by Lan Ge, the familiar breath gradually blurred because of the distance.

This journey is much closer than the small building in the breeze that day, and it is also easier than the pace of that day. Even if there were still those burning eyes behind her, she still chose to persist without looking back.

said that it was ruthless and once engraved in my heart. He said he was affectionate, but now he is also a stranger. What's the difference between the two people to suffer from separation and opposition again and again.

Lan Ge just watched silently. This time, he didn't close his eyes.

came to Yun Xie and looked at the familiar face. "We should have a good talk..." Before she finished speaking, Yun Xie had reached out to hold the arrogant man around Canglan's waist. His movements were far more intimate and skilled than Lan Ge, and Cang Lan had no choice but to smile bitterly.

Yun Xie shook his head and sighed. The reason for Canglan's abnormal expression was known at the moment of contact. Seeing the white shirt on Canglan's shoulder, he was silent for a moment, took it off and waved it back, and the white shirt fell straight down among the Lan singer.

In the blink of an eye, Canglan's shoulder was already Yun Xie's clothes.

"Thank you very much for taking care of Canglan these days. I will definitely visit you in person another day." Before the end of the words, the man has gone. The lingering sound from the air floated in the flying stream for a long time.

Shaking hands tightly in the clothes, looking down at it, pure white like a pear flower. Obviously, she was just wearing the woman, but she couldn't feel the warmth in her hand.

"Is it that as long as I can fight against the demon world wholeheartedly?" He asked himself. Now Canglan has been taken away by Yun Xie, at least the safety can be considered. But that sentence to stop Qianye in her own way is still worrying.

The hands were clenched unconsciously, and the clothes were pinched into folds by him.

The phoenix stared at the sea in front of him, and he began to plan to deal with Qianye.

This matter should have ended as soon as possible.

It's just over. Will it really end? Or is it just another beginning?

In the Demon Hall, a pair of dark eyes stared at the unconscious person on the seat. The pale face was bloodless, and the handsome face was less gorgeous than the past, and there was a little more cold breath. In the hall, there is the sound of bonfire burning and the rapid breathing of the unconscious.

The blue charm and silver soul stood quietly in the hall, and even the witch who had not appeared for a long time appeared on the hall at this moment. The three of them were so solemn that they did not dare to relax. They had been staring at Qianye Shaozun sitting cross-legged, and that person also looked directly at Qianye, and the atmosphere in the hall was extremely depressed.

Then, the unconscious man seemed to have suffered something painful. His eyebrows frowned, his body trembled slightly, and he was enduring great pain. Seeing this, Lan Mei hurriedly shouted, "Young respect him..."

Within't waiting for the blue charm to remind him, the man in black has raised his hand, and the thing in the palm of his hand is the holy pearl of the demon clan, and this man in black is not someone else, but the demon king.

I saw the demon king pointing a secret, and the black light sank into the holy pearl. The originally glorious holy pearl was scattered with strange red light in an instant. The fluctuating red light lingered around the holy pearl, and the Buddha was waiting for an outbreak.

The three people in the hall held their breath and dared not make a sound, waiting for the next development of the matter. When the demon king waited for the red light for a long time, he pointed to the magic formula again, and the red light followed the demon king's hand to Qianye's eyebrows. Suddenly, a true qi rushed into Qianye's body like an electric current and swam with the second veins of Rendu, and then flowed to the eight strange meridians of the body. Its whole body was shrouded in a faint red light, and the red shadow in the middle of the eyebrows appeared again, which was much more obvious than before in Tianji Pavilion. Demons and evil spirits, like a ghost slowly taking shape.

The red light poured into the eyebrows of Qianye, and then gathered in the heart. The light red light appeared from time to time, and the red shadow between the eyebrows began to become clearer.

At this moment, Qianye's body seems to have a suction to absorb all the power of the holy pearl into his body. It is too late for the demon king to stop it. If it is interrupted at this moment, it will not only not cure Qianye's body injury, but also aggravate his qi and blood disorder, and may even explode and die.

Measuring the interests, the demon king no longer hesitates. His body exerts another force and wants to give all the power of the holy pearl to Qianye, and Qianye in a coma can only be forced to bear it.

The three people in the hall watched until the red light of the holy pearl gradually faded, and finally broke to the ground because of the dispersion of power. The three people also thought about it in their hearts.

The holy pearl is the sacred object of the demon clan and the source of the power of the demon clan. Before their death, the demon kings will pour their lifelong cultivation into the holy pearls as the identity symbol of the next generation of demon kings. The modern demon king was able to transcend the previous demon king because he absorbed a lot of power from the holy beads. At the beginning, the white fox deliberately wanted to get the holy pearls, which was also for this reason.

But but the spiritual power of this holy pearl has been absorbed by Qianye, does it mean that he has all the power of the demon kings?

If so, who can resist such a thousand nights?

When Lan Mei and the witch think of this, they are very excited. They hope that their masters will become stronger, because only in this way can they not be afraid of the heavenly world and complete the great cause of the demon world.

The empty demon temple is the most sacred place of the demon clan and the symbol of the spirit of thousands of demons in the demon world. As long as the people here are strong enough, the demon world will no longer have to worry about anyone's invasion. On the contrary, the demon world can also break through the boundary to invade the outside world.

Carrying such hope and sustenance, Qianye, who was in a coma, slowly opened his eyes. In an instant, the ink pupil flashed a scarlet color in an instant. But soon, he regained his calm look.

Seeing that Qianye woke up, the four people knelt down on the ground to worship and said in unison, "Young Master."

People are still that person, face, or that face, but in the flow of eyes, it is a strangeness that everyone can feel. The cold eyes are as sharp as spears, and the chilling coldness has somehow permeated the whole hall.

The red clothes were bright and his eyebrows were open. He raised his hand and stroked his heart. The place penetrated by Feng Yu's sword did not feel any pain at this moment. On the contrary, he felt that he was much more energetic than before.

His eyes turned again and inadvertently fell on the broken holy pearl on the ground, and it was clear.

"Get up." The tone was very heavy and the voice was very low. Hearing this, the four people answered in unison and stood up.

Qianye stared at the four people, and there was always an indescribable strangeness in his eyes, "How many days have I been in a coma?" He asked.

Lan Mei put away her doubts and said before, "According to the time of the human world, this is already the seventh day."

"Thirty days?" Raising his hand and stroking the green silk under his ears, he asked with deep meaning, "Have you been waiting in the Devil's Hall these days?"

"Yes." Lan Mei still answered seriously: "Since the return of the City of Wonderland, Shaozun has been in a coma. Meier can't find a way to save Shaozun, so she has to go to the demon clan to ask the holy pearl of the demon king for help."

In short words, Lan Mei knows that Qianye is obedient and only likes to listen to important things. He disdains to know how the process is. But at a certain moment, Lan Mei's drooping eyebrows had a trace of guilty, and this small change was not seen by Qianye.

In fact, when he woke up and saw the broken holy pearl, Qianye already knew the reason why his body could recover. And when he saw the distressed face of the demon king, Qianye would not let his holy pearls sacrifice in vain. He put down his hair-tightened hand. Qianye smiled and said, "Today, the demon king sacrifices treasure to save me. I am deeply and wait for him. If I have a chance to repay it, I will be ten times as a gift.

When the demon king heard the words, he immediately came forward and hugged his fist and said, "My subordinates dare not. It is an honor to serve the young master. How dare they take credit? Now that Shao Zun is safe, his subordinates are relieved.

Qianye hummed faintly, which was regarded as receiving his heart. Then he seemed to think of something and asked Lan Mei, "Is it the silver soul and the witch who saved us from the fantasy city that day?"

Lan Mei shook her head, and Qianye frowned and looked at the silver soul.

"When my subordinates and witches rushed to the city of fantasy, the city of fantasy had been trapped in the boundary. No matter how they attacked, they could not find a solution, and the outside of the city was full of people in heaven, and what happened in the city did not know at all. Later, his subordinates fought with the witch to eliminate those people in heaven, but the boundary still could not be broken through. When his subordinates were helpless, one of the fantasy city actually brought out the young master and the blue guardian. After the man handed over the young master to his subordinates, he disappeared. He was worried that the people in the heavenly world would chase him again, so he took the young master and the blue guardian back to the demon world together.

This is how the event of the day ended. No one knew the identity of the man who rescued Qianye. Whether it is the demon world or the heavenly world.

After listening to the story of the silver soul, Qianye also had more doubts in his heart. Why did an unknown person save himself? And how capable can that man withdraw from Feng Yu and others with two seriously injured people?

Hand, gently tapping on the throne, he is thinking about the identity of that person.

Lan Mei and others also found someone to explore the identity of that person, but in the end they were all over. Seeing that Shao Zun seemed to be thoughtful, he told him the result.

I thought that Qianye would be a little lost, but the people in the seat just smiled lightly, looked at Lan Mei with great interest and said, "After all, if you are kind to me, if you don't find him, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Lan Mei looked at Qianye in a staringly. That face was obviously smiling, but why was it so cold that it was seeping? And when she woke up, she felt that today's young master was different from the past. Is this because the battle of the City of Illusion changed Shaozun's mind, or did the worm under the witch really work when Shao Zun was in a coma before?