Peerless Fairy

Chapter 276 A Mispayment

He rushed back to the Heavenly Palace and truthfully reported the results of the matter to the Heavenly Emperor. The Heavenly Emperor was not surprised. The calmness as before made Lan Ge feel that maybe this matter did not mean anything to the Heavenly Emperor.

Or the person who was kidnapped has no value at all.

Screen retreated all the waiters, and Tiangong left Bai Lao and Lan Ge. The Emperor of Heaven slowly got up from the throne and his eyes fell on Lan Ge. "The matter of Qianye taking away the green-dyed fairy from Yaoshan cannot be spread to the public. In addition, Qianye's whereabouts can no longer be neglected. Now at this critical juncture, it is not allowed. It's a little bit."

Lan Ge lowered his head and finally understood.

Mr. Bai brushed his beard and was silent for a moment, and then arched his fist and replied respectfully, "Your Majesty, don't you care about the matter of the green-dyed fairy?"

The Emperor frowned slightly and withdrew his eyes that had been falling on Lange. His expression was slightly serious. "Qingran is useless to Qianye. What's more, just taking Qingran away did not hurt her. I don't think it's life-threatening. What's more, Qingran also saved Canglan's life at the beginning. Even if Canglan, who is in the demon world, does not return the kindness, it will not cause harm, so there is no need to worry about this matter.

Old Bai thought for a long time, "In this case, I can only hope that the green-dyed fairy can survive this disaster."

The Emperor of Heaven did not answer, but continued to ask Lan Ge, "I heard that the silver soul of the demon world was the eldest disciple who had been missing for a long time in Xuanyue Valley. Now that he has returned, can you investigate the affairs of the hundreds of races in the wilderness? What kind of clans are united with the demon world?

Lan Ge knew that the Emperor of Heaven would definitely ask about this matter this time, and he had already thought about the answer before he came. "Although the silver soul has indeed returned, he didn't say much. The clues he gave are only some clans that are not threatening at all. I will send people to deal with it later."

"Do you think what the silver soul said to you is unreserved?"


"In this case, don't you trace it clearly?"

"Lan Ge just feels that if others don't want to say it, it can't be imposed on others. Everyone has the right to choose, and Lan Ge doesn't want to force others. In his heart, he can't force what others don't want. No matter what, he hopes to make others willing.

But many things he did were not his intention.

The Emperor of Heaven was obviously a little angry. He looked directly at Lan Ge and looked majestically, "But have you ever thought about it? If we don't suppress those wilderness clans before the demon world take action, this will be a great threat to the mortal world. You know better than me what the consequences will be."

Bai Lao pinched a cold sweat for Lan Ge.

Lan Ge continued to say indifferently, and his attitude was still not lowered at all. "Lan Ge knows the consequences, but he will try his best to control this matter within the scope of the two worlds of heaven and demons. The wilderness people do not completely follow the demon world. We are happy to set an eye for them first. After all, they can't expect the final outcome."

Bai Lao seemed to understand and said, "I'm afraid that the meaning of immortals is not to move the tribes of the wilderness for the time being, but to take what the silver soul said as a reminder."

Lan Ge smiled and looked indifferent. Obviously, that's exactly what happened. Silver Soul doesn't want to say that it has its own difficulties, but whether to say it or not has become a key in Qianye. If Qianye feels that their plan is exposed, they will definitely find another way, so that we are still elusive. It's better to make him feel that Gintama has not betrayed him, so that he will definitely follow the original plan. What's more, if the wilderness hundred clans are enraged, it will only make them rebel earlier. Instead of making them feel threatened, it is better to make them feel that there is still room for manoeuvre. No one can predict the outcome of the battle between the two worlds and demons. However, if the demon world can be annihilated in one fell swoop in this event, the wilderness hundred clans will certainly not be willing to violate the heaven.

The tone is calm and calm. Even if he is really about to face a big enemy, Lan Ge is still so emotionless.

After listening to Lange's explanation, the Emperor of Heaven has his own measure. He walked back and forth in the hall several times with his hands, and then stopped in front of Lange. He said, "Since you have plans for this matter, I will no longer ask about the process in detail. I believe in your decision."

Lange bowed and arched his hand, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The Heavenly Emperor hummed in a low voice, which was an acquiescence, and then asked Bai Lao, "Is there any movement in the moon mirror?"

Speaking of the divine moon mirror, Lan Ge's eyes flashed fiercely in an instant, but it was only for a moment. There were the low words of the white immortal in his ears. "I have been paying attention to the divine moon mirror recently and found that the divine moon mirror did not respond at all, so I let the Buddha fall asleep. I used various methods to wake up the divine moon mirror."

The Emperor's face was more solemn. "So it seems that Canglan's spiritual yuan has been deliberately hidden."

Lan Ge was silent.

The Emperor of Heaven said again, "At the beginning, the half-month deadline with Canglan was agreed. According to the current situation, I'm afraid she will break the contract."

"This..." Bai Lao looked at Lange speechlessly. Seeing Lan Ge's indifferent face, he had to shake his head helplessly and said, "After all, the lord of Canglan Palace is a person who hates the sky. I'm afraid only His Majesty can..."

"I have sent a letter to hate the sky. As for the result, I believe there will be a result in the future." The Emperor of Heaven was silent for a moment, and then said, "If Tianzun plans again, it is an indisputable fact that Canglan is in the demon world. He really wants to unify the three worlds, so he will definitely consider how to deal with this matter. Now the only way is to control the moon mirror so that Canglan won't take it away. In addition..."

The Emperor's eyes shifted to Lan Ge and asked meaningfully, "How are you preparing for the wedding?"

Lan Ge raised his eyes and looked up at the Emperor of Heaven. The topic did turn too fast. He said, "The two mountains are already preparing. The god of Da'a Mountain has been assigned to prevent wind and feathers. Here in Tiangong... will be arranged in two days."

words, lightly, the person who is about to get married is not himself.

"Where's Changliu Mountain?" Mr. Bai suddenly asked.

Lang Ge was stunned. When he was about to answer, the Emperor of Heaven had already taken over the words. "There is no need for Changliu Mountain for the time being. Shaohao once said that he would see Lan Ge get married in Changliu Mountain with his own eyes, which was also my original promise, so I still waited for Shaohao to wake up. It's okay to get married in Tiangong, and I also feel that there is nothing more glorious than getting married in Tiangong.

It's white and old.

The corners of Lan Ge's mouth were slightly touched, but only he could taste the bitterness himself.

Marriage is not for glory. If you can raise the case with the person in your heart, even if there is no celebration, there is no singing and dancing. As long as you are the person you love, it is enough to drink two glasses of wine.

But can this marriage really be done?

Maybe another nine days of blood stain? How many lives will it take to complete the end of the sword? He only wanted peace in his life, but who knew that there was only one strong man left for this so-called peace.

If there is an equivalent opponent, there will be endless disputes. The only person who can really stand at the highest point is the one who lives to the end.

The nine heavens are beautiful. He has been guarding the place all his life, just for the responsibility given by others. If this war can really break everything, he thinks... no matter how much it is worth it.

After a short discussion, Bai Kao and Lan Ge returned to their respective places. At the time of parting, Bai Lao took a meaningful look at Lan Ge, and then sighed and left gracefully.

After Lan Ge returned to Changliu Mountain, he handed over the clan matters that Ginhun said to Feng Shaoling to deal with, which was Feng Shaoling insisted on going. Maybe this nobleman, who has always been unindustrable, feels that he should help. He also felt that Lan Ge was about to get married and should not run around.

Ye Qingwu also felt bored in Changliu Mountain, so he went down to earth with Feng Shaoling. Lan Ge was worried about the two of them, so he also sent Qianmo and Nangong Chenxuan. I also told Qianmo how to deal with things.

Qianmo came out by him, and there will naturally be no lack of trust.

Looking at the figure of Feng Shaoling and others leaving, Lan Ge suddenly felt that the long mountain was empty. There was obviously someone behind him, but he just felt empty. He lowered his head to see the sky under the clouds, but he couldn't find a place to put his eyes on.

It turns out that only when those people are away can he clearly feel that he is actually lonely. And he has been in this feeling for a long time, but he still doesn't know it.

He silently withdrew his eyes and forced himself to ignore those negative emotions. But to ignore it, the only way is to devote himself to the fight against the demon world, so he plans to go to Da'a Mountain again. At present, the two mountains are working together to fight against the demon world, and the movement of the mountain also needs to be mastered.

While he was still thinking, a familiar voice sounded. He looked up and saw that a beautiful figure in the cloud slowly flew in. It was Feng Shaoli.

At the moment of landing, Feng Shaoli said without hesitation, "Uncle Fengran wants to see you."

Lan Ge's eyebrows converbed and his expression suddenly became cold.


Qianye has been dealing with recent things in the demon world. After taking Qingran to Wuya yesterday, he has never been there again.

In fact, as the master of the world, he has a lot of things to deal with. However, because most of them used to leave the hate sky, there is very little time to return to the demon world. Some trivial things in the demon world were handed over to Blue Suc and some guardians of the demon world, and Lan Mei also handled those things responsibly.

The decoration of the study is relatively simple, and the pattern is only the bookshelf table and some simple decorations, so the whole study looks a little empty, as if there are only books here. However, the classification is clear, the history of the wilderness, strange people and strange events, and each of the three worlds is recorded. On the other side, it only belongs to the demon world, and there are also some books on the case, which record some things that have happened in the demon world, and the important and unimportant are very clear.

Thousand Nights naturally look at those important ones.

Sitting down with the robe, Qian Ye took a book from the case and slowly looked through it.

It records what happened 700 years ago, and the soldiers and horses lost to the demon world in that war and the post-war situation are very detailed. In fact, there were not many people participating in that war demon world. On the contrary, those clans who had been dissatisfied with the heavenly world in the wilderness participated in full power.

Qianye secretly provoked hundreds of clans and heaven, and then there was a war.

At that time, Qianye had only one plan. He could not let the heaven live a peaceful life, and he could not let that person live at ease.

He stood on a high mountain overlooking the battle between the heaven and the hundred races. The ink robe flew over, and the breath of pride rendered the air very coldly. Under the mask, the slightly raised corners of his lips pulled out a fierce arc. Lan Ge fought side by side with Ye Lingfei. At that time, he felt that Lan Ge was a respectable opponent.

Before Lan Ge rushed to the ghost world, he took advantage of Tianzun's identity to go to the ghost world to bring Canglan back. Among the hundreds of ghosts, he recognized Canglan at first sight. Canglan, who was caught in a coma because of the turmoil in the ghost world, floated so prominently on the water, with messy hair and ragged clothes, and his red face reflected by blood fell into his eyes.

These are not recorded, but they are recorded in his memory, which is very profound.

After closing the book, Qianye suddenly felt that he had not recalled what had happened over the years. Time flies. In the past years, except for the bitter love or hatred, there are very few things that can clearly talk about what it was like at that time. He is not a nostalgic person. He only sticks to what he thinks can be remembered. He will not pay attention to those insignificant things at all.

Some things may have been forgotten by himself, and some things have been recorded by Lan Mei, because one day the young master will come back to sit here, slowly look at what happened in the demon world, and know that she has taken good care of the demon world.

It is the biggest limit for a woman to achieve this. What's more, he has to take care of Prince Su.

Suddenly, Qianye felt that he should also look at those unimportant things, but he was a little curious about what those unimportant things were in Lan Mei. He put down the book in his hand and took another book, which recorded some things that Wuya had added 300 years ago. At that time, Qianye inadvertently said that he liked pears, and Lan Mei added a set of tables and chairs made of ten-thousand-year-old pear wood carving in Wuya, and the pear wood would always exude a light pear fragrance, which is why there is no pear in Wuya. The incense can always be because of the pear fragrance. This pear wood blue charm has been sought for several years, and it is not easy to get it.

His face had been cold and frowned suddenly. He couldn't tell whether he was angry or not, but such a complicated look had not been seen for a long time.

He closed the book and threw it back into the pile of books. He looked a little tired when a sound suddenly came from outside the door.

"I want to see you."

"Come in."

In the quiet study, I only heard the sound of the door opening and then closing the door.