Peerless Fairy

Chapter 277 He is disappointed

In the empty room, Qingran walked step by step to the man sitting by the bookshelf and slowly approached with an uneasy mood.

Qianye did not get up, and his eyes fell on the slowly coming figure of Qingyan. After leaving Wuya yesterday, he has never seen Qingran again, and Qingran has also been staying in Wuya to diagnose and treat Canglan. Qianye also said that as long as there is anything needed to treat Canglan, as there is anything in the demon world, what Qingran wants, will be given to her.

The waiter came to make a simple report. Qianye nodded lightly every time, and there was no other indication. He also believes that with the ability of medical immortals in heaven, Canglan's body can be cured.

Qingran stopped in front of Qianye and looked around the whole study. There was no one else in it. This is also what Qianye ordered. In addition to the cleaners, only the prince Su and Lan Mei can go in and out of the study at will.

"The green-dyed fairy came here today to tell me that Canglan's dumb disease has been cured?" The person sitting there looked blankly at Qingran focusing on his surroundings, and his tone was still plain.

Qingran withdrew his eyes in a trance and fell on Qianye. Even if he sat there, he did not dare to relax at all. Instead, he became more careful because of his quiet face. I'm afraid that I will accidentally anger him.

Qingran smiled politely. She was kidnapped here, and she always told herself to be careful of every word, including every behavior. Now the person opposite is the lord of the demon world, not the lord of the Star Subaru Palace who hates the sky. Now in the demon world, it is not the heavenly world.

"The dumbness of the Lord of Canglan Palace has been cured, but..."

Qianye stared at Qingran without saying a word.

Qingran smiled silently, and once cherished the words like gold, but now it's only even more. With the eyes of Qianye, who seemed to look at the prisoner, the corners of Qingran's smiling mouth were a little twitching. "But in the end, this dose of medicine made Qingyan helpless."

"There are all kinds of medicinal herbs in the magic world, and it is also the best medicinal herbs in the wilderness." Qianye suddenly leaned against the back of the chair, "Green Dye Fairy, is the medicine you want really just medicine?"

There was a momentary panic in Qingran's eyes, but it was fleeting. "What Qianye Shaozun said is that the last dose of medicine is not a medicinal material, but the only way to save the owner of Canglan Palace. Qingran feels that what can save people is medicine, and the medicine can also be divided into many kinds."

"Then tell me, what is that medicine?"

The green-dyed fairy raised her eyes and looked straight into Qianye's eyes, "In fact, this medicine is also very easy. It only needs to restore the spirit of the owner of Canglan Palace."

Qianye has been looking at Qingran, and his eyes are deep. Before Qingran stepped into this door, he could more or less guess the purpose of Qingran, and he was ready to refuse. But at this moment, when Qingran said it so directly, he was a little curious about what reason Qingran could give.

Qingran didn't have much confidence, but Qianye did not interrupt, which meant that he was willing to listen, so he continued to say, "Qianye Shaozun must know the fact that Lingyuan, the owner of Canglan Palace, was sealed, and the reason is not clear. But this has had a great impact on the body of the owner of Canglan Palace. Before this, the owner of Canglan Palace also operated his true qi countless times when the spiritual yuan was sealed and wanted to break through the seal, resulting in the disorder of true qi in the body, and many meridians and acupuncture points also formed a gradual decline. If the owner of Canglan Palace continues like this, I'm afraid that he will no longer be as simple as dumb, and maybe his life will be in danger. ."

"So you want me to unsealed Canglan?" Qianye said straight through the green eyes, and I don't know when there was a shallow smile on the corners of his mouth.

Qing Ran looked at Qianye's words in astonishment, but the smile only felt cold behind his back. Avoiding the eyes, he nodded and said calmly, "Please do it."

Qianye straightened up from the back of the chair, then stood up and walked out, with his hands behind his back to Qingran. He said quietly, "But I'm sorry to tell Qingran Fairy that I can't untie the seal of Canglan Lingyuan. It doesn't matter if you can't cure it now. I believe that one day she can speak until you are cured.

After saying that, he walked from the side of Qing Ran to the door.

Qingran was stunned for a moment, and her head was blank for a moment. She tried to recall what Canglan said before she left, and then immediately turned around and looked at Qianye's leaving back and said coldly, "But the owner of Canglan Palace also told me that if you don't untie the seal of Lingyuan, she will not marry you even if she dies."

The footsteps ready to leave stopped, and the figure stood still. For a long time, he suddenly smiled, "Then I'll ask how determined she is to die."

This time, Qianye walked directly to the door without looking back. Qingran was stunned and blinked with a blank face. What she just said seemed to be in a dream, and she forgot what she said in the end. But it seems that the sentence that Cang Lan explained before leaving didn't mean that.

In Wuyan, Cang Lan sat at the table waiting for Qingran to come back. Although Qingran had not left for a long time, she still couldn't but worry. In the past two days, the body has been almost good under the recuperation of green-stained drugs, but there is still some blood deficiency. After all, there is a lot of blood flowing from the sword in the prison. Although he looks much better, his face is still a little sickly pale. And for what reason is this? Qing Ran has already told her.

That's why she is so eager to restore Lingyuan.

Holding the blood jade porcelain cup in both hands, there is only half a cup of tea in it, but it is already cold. From time to time, I looked out of the door. Although the door was open, no one came in. With the passage of time, Canglan's heart became tighter and tighter, and she wanted to go out to look for it, but every time she walked to the door, she was stopped by the waiter.

Just as Canglan lowered her eyebrows and was anxious, a sound suddenly occurred outside the hall, and Canglan clearly heard those people calling Shao Zun. With no time to think about it, Canglan put down the porcelain cup and was ready to meet him to see if Qianye and Qingran had come back. It's just that before a few steps have been taken, the people outside have made great strides in.

There is only one person, a thousand nights. The door was also closed at the moment Qianye came in.

Canglan subconsciously looked behind Qianye and did not see Qingran. She looked up at Qianye again, with a little coldness in her eyes, as if asking Qingran?

Qianye approached Canglan and looked carefully. Looking so closely, Canglan's face was indeed much better than the previous two days, at least it didn't look dead. And the question in those eyes can better prove that she has recovered well in the past two days.

Facing that look, Canglan unconsciously frowned, but still stared at Qianye's eyes, waiting for his answer.

It seemed that he understood the expectations in his eyes. Qianye carelessly put aside his eyes and walked to the table, and his eyes fell on the blood jade cup held before Canglan. "I heard Qingran say that if I don't unblock your spiritual yuan, you won't marry me even if you die, right?"

Cang Lan was stunned, and immediately seemed to understand again. He smiled helplessly and didn't say anything.

Qianye picked up the blood jade cup and walked slowly to Canglan, looked down at Canglan's eyes, and continued, "Did you plan to do this after learning that Lan Ge was about to get married?"

There is a momentary fluctuation in Canglan's eyes, just for a moment. When Qingran told her about this, she had accepted it, but when this sentence came out of Qianye's mouth, she listened to another emotion.

But at that moment, he was firmly grasped by Qianye.

"Do you know that Jiuyin has been with Yunxie?" Qianye raised his hand to play with the blood jade cup in his hand and let the tea in the cup ripple in the edge of the cup. Every time it almost overflowed, but soon Qianye changed its position, and the tea returned to the cup again.

In fact, Cang Lan did not know that Jiuyin had arrived at Yun Xie's place. At this moment, he was slightly relieved when he heard the news. After all, Jiuyin is safe to be around Yun Xie. But in the face of Qianye's extraordinary emotions at this moment, Canglan actually found that she did not dare to express anything.

The empty bedroom became more and more lonely because of his silence, and they could even hear each other's silence. And the longer the silence, the colder Canglan felt around him. Let the Buddha go, and the silence of a thousand nights was just brewing. Subconsciously lowered his head and only thought about the situation of Qingyan. While thinking about it, the blood jade cup suddenly appeared in front of him. Looking up, it was Qianye who handed him a blood jade cup.

Canglan is still a little unclear. Qianye has sighed and said, "The Lan Ge you miss is about to get married, so you also feel hopeless, don't you? Cang Lan, I'm very disappointed, really... very disappointed..."

The tea in front of him rippled slightly in the cup, and the hand holding the blood jade cup seemed to be shaking. Canglan looked up in panic and found that there was a red mark between the eyebrows of the people in front of him. The anger in his eyes seemed to nourish the red mark between his eyebrows. The more angry he was, the more obvious the red mark became.

Canglan only remembers that she has only seen this kind of Qianye in the illusion of Tianji Pavilion and Xuanyue Valley. At that time, it was the time when Qianye's magic was released. The sword wound of Tianji Pavilion and the disaster of the destruction of Xuanyue Valley made Canglan deeply remembered twice and paid a heavy price. Now that this red seal reappears, how should we deal with the Canglan that Lingyuan was sealed?


Nine Heaven

On the way to Da'a Mountain, Lan Ge never asked Feng Shaoli to find his purpose. And Feng Shaoli naturally didn't know. She guessed that there were only two answers after thinking about it, either asking the Lan singer to spare Qianye's life, or repeat the same mistake to make Qianye disappear forever like his mother.

In fact, the hundreds of years of getting along with Feng Shaoli have made Feng Shaoli feel that maybe Uncle Fengran is not as ruthless as others say. At least Uncle Fengran has always taken care of himself.

Two figures both fell on Da'ahou Mountain, the mysterious place of the green fairy mountain, there is still such a tree of begonias, and there is still such a cave deep and cold. Lan Ge and Feng Shaoli walked side by side to the stone table under the begonia tree. The latter took a look at Lan Ge and then shouted at the cave, "Uncle Fengran, Lan Ge came to see you."

The crisp sound is very pleasant, but the inside of the cave is extremely quiet. Feng Shaoli, who couldn't get an answer, was a little puzzled. She stepped forward to the entrance of the cave and continued to shout inside, "Uncle Fengran, you just said you wanted to see Lan Ge. I have brought Lan Ge now. Do you hear it?"

Silence, still silent.

Feng Shaoli was even more unclear. He pouted and looked at Lan Ge, raised his volume and continued to shout without discouragement, "Uncle, are you asleep? Why don't you answer me?"

The only answer to her this time is the echo in the cave.

Lan Ge behind him looked around the whole mountain and finally fell on the begonia.

Begonia flowers have never been available in Changliu Mountain. Lan Ge suddenly talked about it. He said that when Lan Ge just arrived at Changliu Mountain, as long as he saw the begonia flowers, he kept crying. No matter how he could coax it, he could not coax it. Later, the White Emperor ordered Changliu Mountain not to plant begonias again.

Time seemed to stop. Lan Ge fixedly looked at the begonia, the bright begonia flowers, blooming its beauty in the wind. The petals were blown down from the tree by the wind, like a different world.

In the hazy, Lan Ge only felt that a strange picture flashed through his mind. In a flat valley where mountains and rivers depended on each other, several begonias bloomed brightly, and the petals floated in the air with the wind, spinning and falling. A woman and a man sat hugging each other, and the two children next to them were laughing and playing. One of them shouted happily, "Qianyue, come quickly. Come and chase me. When you chase me, I will call your brother."

"Don't run there. If you don't move, I'll catch up with you."

"Stupid, a fool will stand still and wait for you to chase, hee hee..."

Although that's the case, the older one has gradually slowed down.

Four people enjoy the beauty there happily.

At this moment, a burst of swelling and pain suddenly hit the brain, and the sound of the wind chimes in the piano echoed in my ear, so clear that I could feel every tap. At this time, I found that there was also an identical wind chime hanging on the begonia tree in the original picture.

Lan Ge raised his hand and stroked his swollen forehead. The sound of the wind chime became clearer and louder, and his head became more and more painful. It seems that something is linger in his brain, but he can't find the root cause to stop the pain.

Feng Shaoli, who hadn't received Feng Ran's answer for a long time, couldn't help but be a little discouraged. She turned around and wanted to apologize to Lan Ge, and happened to see Lan Ge's painful look. Unable to call Uncle Feng Ran any more, Feng Shaoli immediately ran to Lan Ge and asked with concern, "Lan Ge, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?"

Being called by this sudden claim, Lan Ge suddenly recovered from his dream. He frowned and condensed Feng Shaoli, and there was still the fear left by the strange feeling in his eyes.

Feng Shaoli looked at Lan Ge and couldn't help but feel a little scared when he suddenly looked at it like this. He carefully asked again, "Lan Ge, are you all right?"

Lan Ge did not answer, but his eyes were a little erratic. Facing Feng Shaoli's concerned eyes, he tried to calm down and forced himself to calm down. He turned around and said faintly, "I'm fine."

"But I don't think you look okay at all."

"I said I'm fine." Lan Ge's tone was a little angry, but his gentle eyes seemed to be a little aggrieved and sighed deeply. He said softly, "May be because the things in the demon world have been too hard recently. Don't worry too much."

Feng Shaoli is still very worried.

Lan Ge had to smile, "Believe me, I said it's okay."

"But I'm really worried about you. Recently, you have to be busy with both the demon world and the wedding. If you don't have a good rest, your body can't stand it. Even if you are a fairy, you have to combine work and rest. Feng Shaoli took Lan Ge's hand and looked like a little woman. All kinds of tenderness were given to him, "Lange, why don't you go to Da'ashan to have a rest first and come to see you when I find my uncle?"

Lan Ge was silent for a moment and looked up at the deep cave. He always felt inexplicably depressed. I remembered that there was indeed something to go to Feng Yu and others, so I agreed. That's good. I'm going to discuss something with your father. Be careful here."

Feng Shaoli smiled and hummed.

Lang Ge returned with a faint smile, looked at the begonia flowers again, turned around, and his eyebrows were again sad.

Feng Shaoli stared at Lan Ge's distant figure, and the smile at the corners of her mouth was thicker and happier. Looking back at the cave, he frowned in puzzledly.