Peerless Immortal

Chapter 54 Continuous Fighting

The battle has been maintained.

In the following battles, Fang Rui challenged those monks in the middle reaches of the second grade. These students basically have their own unique skills, but in terms of real combat effectiveness, there is still a certain gap with Fang Rui, so basically Fang Rui can defeat them in a short time, and each time they defeat one People, his points will increase rapidly by 100 points!

At first, the people who noticed this were not bad, but when the time went on, all the monks noticed that Fang Rui's points had soared from more than 2,000 points before to more than 5,000 points. From about 300, he had quickly surpassed countless second-grade and third-grade monks. Entered in the top 50!

In the middle courtyard of more than 3,000 students, entering the top 50 has definitely reached a very high peak!

He is just a monk! There are basically no monks with the strength of the second grade. After entering the top 200, they are all the students with the strength of the third grade. Now Fang Rui has suppressed all the students of the second grade with the strength of the first grade!

Ji Hua and Tian Yan looked at each other and began to smile bitterly. Ji Hua's points were 6,000 points, ranking second. Tian Yan's points were only 100 points less than Ji Hua's, ranking third, and the highest was Hong Feng. His points were 9100 points - and now? Fang Rui's points are 5,300 points!

So far, 32 second-grade monks have lost to Fang Rui!

It is not difficult to challenge one or two opponents. However, the leap level challenge has not stopped since sunrise, defeating 32 monks who are one level higher than themselves. Among other things, this endurance alone is at least unprecedented!

Monks who enter the road period claim to have endless heaven and earth in their bodies. However, in fact, they cannot never be exhausted. At most, they can store part of their heaven and earth in their golden elixir in their daily practice, and then call part of them to increase their ability to fight for lasting combat, unless It is a monk who enters the period of immortality who will not worry about his true anger in a short period of time.

Fang Rui can do this, making almost all the students can't believe their own eyes.

The comparison has actually been basically completed. Such a comparison is often just a comparison for students to increase their combat experience. After all, with such a comparison, few people can really make a leap in their ranking...

Normally, at this time, the test is basically over, and the rest are the students who have a good relationship to fight with each other to prove each other's level. Everyone happily sit together and chat and discuss tomorrow's practice...

But by this time today, everyone's eyes fell on a certain ring.

Although you can't see the situation of the game inside, it is also very interesting to see one second-grade monk after another flying out of the ring...

Even the people on the twilight mountain seemed to be attracted. He was not determined in the sky, but stared at the ring and counted the numbers in his heart...

A burning young man was knocked out: "Ji Ping also lost! Thirty-seven!"

"Red has also lost... the thirty-eighth! The points are already 5,92 points! Overtake Tian Yan, third place! Tian Yan fell to the fourth place!"

Tian Yan smiled bitterly, and Ji Hua patted him on the shoulder - he was 100 points higher than Tian Yan, and it seemed that his second place was immediately out of protection...

Sure enough, with the Cui family's son of another eight major families, when Cui Jing was beaten out of the ring, 39 second-grade monks had lost to Fang Rui, and Fang Rui's points also successfully crossed the 6,000 mark and became more than 10,000 people under one person!

"What a pervert... I won 39 points. If it hadn't been for Hongfeng's points, it would have been 9100 points. I'm afraid this guy would have exceeded Hongfeng's points!"

"How do you know he can't surpass it? It's just noon, and there are still more than three hours before the end of the game. As long as he wins 31 more opponents, he can surpass Hongfeng's points!"

"Oh, according to the time, he is indeed enough, but the rest of the second-grade monks who have not been challenged three times are all in the second grade! Didn't you notice that it didn't take long for him to challenge the monks in the second grade and the second grade, at most a cup of tea, but when he meets those monks in the second grade, it often takes a pot of incense! One hour, that is, the time of six incense, six hours, and three hours is only eighteen. It is really difficult to win 31 opponents in three and a half hours.

"Well, what you said makes sense. Unfortunately, it seems that this Fang Rui can't complete the miracle of reaching the first place in the scoreboard in the first month of the middle court... What was Hongfeng's record at that time?"

"In those years, Hongfeng... seemed to be the second. He was suppressed by the young master of the Ji family, which was also a peerless genius. However, a year later, Ji Renfeng, the young master of the Ji family, graduated from the middle court with the strength of a five-grade monk, and Hongfeng has been occupying the first position for a whole year now."

"That is to say, Fang Rui has flattened the record now?"

"Yes, it's really a pity that I didn't break the record."

In the discussion, Hongfeng's face is not very good. In his first month of entering the middle school, he won the second position, which is the highest record of the middle court for thousands of years. Now, this highest record that makes him proud will be shared by this guy named Fang Rui!

This is arrogant red maple, which is completely unacceptable.

However, Fang Rui also can't accept this result. He believes that he has the opportunity to rush to the first - of course, before that, he did not know that there would be such a record, but for Fang Rui, he felt that he could do this and complete the sprint to his limit!

The goal is set high, and it's great to complete half of it, but since Fang Rui has set a goal, he hopes that he will do his best - when he tries in the Golden Cave, this is the same idea. At this time, it is the same idea!

When there is a chance to rush, why not rush?

Ji Hua and Tian Yan stood together in the air. Tian Yan raised his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?"

He Tian Yan and Ji Hua are also familiar with it. The relationship between the Tian family and the royal family is originally the closest among the eight major families. As the legitimate sons of the two big families, they are relatively close to the middle court and have been fighting against Hongfeng. Unfortunately, there is still some gap between them and Hongfeng in strength.

Hearing Ji Hua's words, Tian Yan came to his senses and whispered, "Looking at the current situation, it seems impossible for Fang Rui to catch up with Hongfeng... Why don't we fix Hongfeng? You know, both of us are at the peak of the third grade. If we deliberately lose to Fang Rui, he can add 1,000 points every time he loses to him! With 2,000 points with the help of the two of us, it's easy to surpass Hongfeng!"

Ji Hua was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Tian Yan to come up with such a ghost idea... But it sounds really feasible...

However, at this time, a glance swept over the two of them, giving the two ghostly-hearted students a creepy feeling.

"Let's not do this... There is no sand in the dean's eyes! If we deliberately lose to Fang Rui, with the dean's temperament, it will probably directly deprive us and Fang Rui of points... Besides, I think Fang Rui is also a very proud person, and he probably won't want us to help him in this way.

Ji Hua had a cold war, and then hurriedly said to Tian Yan. Tian Yan also got excited and nodded quickly: "Yes, even if we want to win Hongfeng, we have to win dignity!"

The people on the Twilight Mountain withdrew their eyes. Ji Hua and Tian Yan breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The people on the Twilight Mountain are really dissatisfied with their behavior, and they will also be miserable...

When the ghost fetus of the two people was eliminated, Fang Rui ushered in his 40th opponent.

"My name is Lu Xingtian!"

This tall student reported his name as soon as he came up. The Lu family is also one of the eight families.

"Your performance so far has really surprised everyone. I won't talk nonsense. As long as you can beat me, this percentage is yours!"

After shouting like this, Lv Xingtian shook his hands, and two huge axes appeared in his hands. Then he raised his hands and rushed up with the axe.

Fang Rui did not mean to retain his strength, but waved the same hands, and two truly condensed entities appeared in his palms, one shining with fire and the other shining with water waves.

Up to now, Fang Rui has forgotten the points and everything else. What he wants is to defeat the opponent one after another and defeat the opponent in the fastest way!

At the first time, he noticed the attributes and characteristics of the other party and chose an easier and more direct way to defeat the opponent. After more than 30 battles, such a combat method has gradually become his instinct.

What he didn't even notice is that the time he defeated a second-grade monk was actually gradually shortening - in such a dense battle, his combat experience has unconsciously become an instinct, and this instinct makes him use less strength to solve the battle. Shorter time!

Although Lv Xingtian holds a pair of plate axes, he is a guard known for his defense. The two-panel axes are very fierce and convenient to protect his body.

So Fang Rui attacked close to him, with skillful and continuous rapid attack, grabbed the gap between Lv Xingtian's axe waving, hit his body continuously, and flew out the opponent's whole body!

The time it took to win this time is less than the time of a fragrance...

"My name is Shen Gonghu!"

The students who appeared in the ring also signed up for the first time, and then fought with Fang Rui at the first time. This is a summoner. From the beginning, he summoned five steel puppets in an attempt to block Fang Rui.

However, Fang Rui immediately turned into the wind and quickly integrated into the air. After shaking back and forth to get rid of the pursuit of the steel puppet, he successfully broke through to Shen Gonghu's side, and then flew him out with just one slap!

Defeating the opponent this time is a few fewer fingers than the previous time!

The forty-second, forty-third...