Peerless Immortal

Chapter 55 Still Hope

As one after another students were beaten out of the ring by Fang Rui, paying attention to the expressions of the middle court students in this ring also changed from excitement and excitement to surprise... and respect!

The students of the Intermediate People's Court can be said to be the absolute elite left after the whole East Qi was selected twice. The students of Jixia College are proud, and the students who can enter the Intermediate People's Court are even more proud!

But the more proud people are, the more they see that someone has done what they have not done, the more they will worship this person - Hongfeng has been king in the middle court for a year, which makes him not only those students of the vassal family of the Qiao family of the Hong family, but also full of many people of civilian origin and There is no other reason for the children of the neutral family, because Hongfeng is a strong man, and naturally he can attract a large number of talents by his side!

Even Ji Hua, who represents the royal family, and Tian Yan, who represents the Tian family, is far less powerful than Hong Feng in the middle court.

And now, there is no doubt that Fang Rui has used his performance today to make countless arrogant middle court students begin to have sincere admiration for this new student who has just entered the middle court!

Because he did something that no one can do!

Hongfeng, how powerful you are... When entering the middle court is only one grade strength, have you ever won so many second-grade students in the leap challenge? No! Your points were high at that time, but it was just because the Hong family and the Qiao family tried their best to help you get enough points through chivalry and righteousness in the whole Eastern Qi Dynasty!

And what about Fang Rui? With the strength of entering the middle court, it was only the strength of the heavenly realm. In the 28-day trial, it jumped to the next level and abruptly relied on its own battle to get points... Such points are the second, even if it is not the first point, the gold content far exceeds the record set by Hongfeng at that time!

Hong Feng was clenching his fist. It was precisely because he knew that. When he entered the middle court, the whole middle court was shrouded in the pressure of the peerless genius named Ji Renfeng. Even if he spent a whole year under the suppression of Ji Renfeng, it was not until Ji Renfeng left the middle court that he became the first among the students in the middle court. People!

At that time, with my genius, the support of the whole Hong family and the Qiao family could not break through the suppression of that guy. Now this damn civilian guy actually wants to suppress me as soon as he enters the middle court? Impossible!

Hongfeng couldn't wait to rush into the ring at this moment, twist Rui's neck with his own hands, and then smash him to pieces - however, he could only think about it and dared not do it.

The man on the Twilight Mountain, the peak monk on the ninth grade, suppresses all the middle court students. In the middle court, he is the sky, and he is the iron law!

The way of heaven is ruthless and the law is ruthless. People on the mountain will not only suppress Ji Hua and Tian Yan's idea of helping Fang Rui, but also suppress Hongfeng's idea of hurting Fang Rui - he is not what the other party has any preference, but what Fang Rui does at this moment. It is completely within the rules of the middle court. The middle court is big and the earth, not as the rules. The biggest!

One second-grade monk after another entered the ring. Unconsciously, each second-grade monk who entered the ring will use the most serious, oldest and old-fashioned etiquette before the start of the test. The other party, Rui, a monk who is one level lower than them, salutes deeply, shows their respect, and then makes every effort at Fang Rui. Let go!

And after being knocked out of the ring, regardless of the injury, whether Fang Rui could see their actions or not, they would give the same big salute to the ring again, and then stood behind Ji Qingfeng and Tian Xingjian without saying a word.

This is a statement that shows the respect and sincerity of the other party, and standing behind Ji Qingfeng and Tian Xingjian, it expresses another attitude - in the middle court, no matter what happens, I will stand behind Fang Rui and never give up until the day I leave the middle court.

This itself is also an unspoken rule of the middle court. Because of admiration, I support someone, but only in the middle court, after leaving the middle court, the lives of the students often do not belong to themselves, but to the royal family and the family...

As more and more monks stand after Ji Qingfeng and Tian Xing's fitness, Hongfeng's face is getting worse and worse, because many monks who originally worshipped him also began to stand in the camp that supported Fang Rui...

These monks are all second-grade monks. Although they are not the highest group of people in the whole middle court, they are also the backbone. They more or less have their own scattered forces. After concentrating together, they are the power that makes Hongfeng also jump!

Ji Hua and Tian Yan looked at each other and laughed.

They don't mind the emergence of a third force in the college. They are suppressed by Hongfeng. Now there is one more force, which is more complicated, and they can also live a more comfortable life.

Five-two, fifty-three......

More and more students were defeated by Fang Rui, and the speed at which he defeated the students of the second grade is also faster and faster.

It only shortens the victory time of a few fingers at a time, but more than a dozen times later, everyone found that Fang Rui's winning speed seemed to be faster than before...

When the 55th opponent was knocked out of the ring by Fang Rui, Fang Rui's points had reached 7,620 points, which was still 1,500 points away from victory and 15 opponents away.

Fifty-six, fifty-seven......

When Fang Rui's points reached 7,820, the people on the twilight mountain in the sky suddenly made a move.

After his fingers lightly drew twice in the air, a huge hourglass appeared next to the empty mirror. Countless sand grains began to pour down, and the voices of the people on the dusk mountain also came down leisurely: "There is still an hour before the end of the game... When the hourglass is over, the game is over. When."

All the students rolled their eyes - dean, do you think the atmosphere is not tense enough? I also specially made an hourglass to remind everyone how much time there is until the end of the game... But it's really good to do this. Our onlookers' blood has begun to burn!

Ji Qingfeng and Tian Xingjian's hearts have begun to rise. Although Fang Rui's points have far exceeded others at this moment, there is still a gap of 1,300 points from Hongfeng. That is to say, in the next hour, Fang Rui has to defeat 13 opponents to become the first place!

Although the second place is already very good, isn't it more frustrating to fall to the ground when it is a little away from the first place?

"Come on! Fang Rui!"

Ji Qingfeng couldn't help shouting, and when she shouted, hundreds of students behind her also shouted with expectations: "Come on! Fang Rui!"

"Come on! Fang Rui!" Ji Hua and Tian Yan were also waving their fists with their family children.

"Come on! Fang Rui!" Almost all the students began to wave their fists and shout.

"Come on! Fang Rui!" A second-grade student selected by Fang Rui to challenge was also waving his fists and shouting on the way to the ring...

Hongfeng's face is getting worse and worse. Maybe the students in the middle court shouted like this just to witness a miracle, but in Hongfeng's ears, it was as if everyone was against him!

"These bastards..." Hongfeng gritted his teeth and thought.

In an hour, 13 opponents - according to the speed at which Fang Rui defeated these opponents before, it is difficult to do this in an hour. However, every time he defeats an opponent, it will be a few points faster, which is also the reason why all neutral students want to watch it down - they hope to see the birth of a miracle!

If Fang Rui only needs to defeat five opponents in this hour, there will be almost no suspense. If Fang Rui doesn't get a few points every time he defeats an opponent, it is almost impossible to defeat 13 opponents. Now, Fang Rui has a chance, but he may not be able to do it. It was this completely uncontrollable situation that made this group of monks start to fall crazy!

Because of suspense, it is crazy and attractive!

Fang Rui is now racing against time - he is also very clear about this, as if to interfere with Fang Rui. In the ring, there is also an hourglass that is exactly the same as the outside, but a smaller hourglass, constantly reminding Fang Rui how much time is left...

However, this is not that people on the Twilight Mountain deliberately want to bully him, but that the competition itself has such a rule. There will be an hourglass reminder in the last hour, but in the past time, every time the competition comes to this time, basically no one will compete again, so that such a kind of Preparation activities have become completely useless.

Now it's finally time to display the hourglass. If the hourglass has its own intelligence, I'm afraid it will also sigh that my natural talent must be useful!

Fang Rui naturally blocked the impact of the hourglass on himself - he has now entered a very mysterious state, forgetting everything and other things. There is only battle in his eyes, only one opponent after another. He has to judge the characteristics and strength of his opponents in the shortest time, and then Try to defeat your opponent in the shortest time!

"The 60th!"

When the students cheered, Fang Rui had defeated the 60th opponent, and not much time had passed. With his current progress, it seemed that it was not too difficult to defeat 70 opponents!

However, when the 61st opponent entered the ring, for a long time, until more than half of the whole hourglass passed, he was not beaten out of the ring by Fang Rui!

"Is Fang Rui no longer working?"

"No wonder he has been playing for a day and defeated 60 opponents beyond his level. Even if he is an iron man, his vitality in his body will be exhausted..."

"What a pity..."

"It seems that such a task is too difficult for him..."

The students showed regret one after another, but in their opinion, even if Fang Rui failed to reach the first position, it was already a great thing. In such a wheel battle, 60 opponents were defeated in a row, which was never heard of anyone in the middle court or even the whole Feixian continent. To such a thing!

I don't know who took the lead, and the students began to applaud one after another. They wanted to greet Fang Rui with applause. In their opinion, it is estimated that Fang Rui will leave the ring exhausted in a while, but even so, Fang Rui will be a well-deserved winner!

Ji Qingfeng and Tian Xingjian did not applaud, but quietly looked at the ring. No one knew better than them who had fought side by side with Fang Rui. How strong Fang Rui is. As long as he hasn't come out of the ring, as long as the time has not come, he still has hope!

At this time, Fang Rui in the ring had the same idea as them.

The time of the competition is not over yet, so there is still hope, even if it seems very, very slim.