Peerless Immortal

Chapter 428 Darkness and Light

"I want to go where the passage is."

Fang Rui looked at the thirty-six Yuansheng and said in a low voice.

In the other party's wise words, the Yuan Shengs did not feel any surprise.

Fang Rui was able to break through to the supreme realm in the spiritual world because he had enough accumulation before.

Even such a tragic war in the spiritual world in the past ten years has given Fang Rui great help, allowing him to pass a large amount of power in Qingyun, Qingxu Dongtian and his own immortal body, and forged the foundation for supreme achievement.

But after reaching this level, if you want to improve, you need a large number of planets to improve your small world, so that you can turn the small thousand world into a real big world and achieve the strength of Tianzun.

The flames of the conventional war in the spiritual world have just been extinguished, and there are not enough planets to improve Fang Rui's strength.

In fact, although the territory of the spiritual world has not shrunk much now, the other party's wisdom is useless.

These territories are the territories formed by the planets obtained in the previous campaign of the spiritual world. The chaotic atmosphere on these planets has long been transformed into aura, and the other party is wise and useless.

What Fang Rui needs is a new planet.

Only after contacting the outside world can there be channels to obtain it.

So it is imperative to go to the channel.

"We can't help you with anything in this regard." Zhong Yuanding sighed.

Fang Rui nodded: "I understand that you are responsible for the future and fate of the spiritual world, and naturally you can't move lightly. What I want to know is the location of the channel. At the same time, I can also explore how powerful the spells have now."

Zhong Yuanding nodded: "It is naturally the best for Taoist friends to understand this... The spiritual world really owes a lot of Taoist friends."

"There is no need to say that." Fang Rui shook his head: "The efforts made by Fang before are not only for the spiritual world, but also for Fang to live better!"

Zhong Yuan nodded, then stretched out his hand and waved it in the air.

A water wave appeared in the air, and in the water wave, a detailed map appeared.

"This is the territory distribution map before this spiritual world."

Zhong Yuanding explained: "The three passages are near the valley where Jiuling Yuansheng lived in seclusion before, and they are extremely close."

"... Why are such important channels concentrated together? Do the spirit beasts have to start from those three channels every time? Fang Rui asked speechlessly.

"Of course, because we don't like to go out, we gather near the residence of the Nine Spirits and Yuansheng, and then set out together. There are no scattered spirit beasts that need to leave the spiritual world and go somewhere else, so we don't need other passages." Zhong Yuan took it for granted.

"You are really not ordinary closed." Fang Rui sighed.

"Because we only like to stay in the spiritual world, and we don't want to go anywhere else, except where we have to go." Zhong Yuan nodded.

Fang Rui is speechless, and the spiritual world is simply a group of dead houses!

No wonder they have been fighting for more than 500 years and can't contact the outside world, because they usually don't have much contact with the outside world. Once they declare a retreat, it will be hundreds or thousands of years, and the fairyland will not feel surprised.

So, there is a reason why the spells will choose to start from the spiritual world first.

If Fang Rui's ghost hadn't come to the spiritual world, the destruction of the spiritual world would have happened sooner or later.

The destruction of the spiritual world is equivalent to the spells have all the army of the spiritual world. If you are lucky, you may be able to sweep the fairy world. If all the worlds are turned into spells, it will be a disaster for the worlds.

Now it's okay. The spiritual world has stabilized its pace. As long as you can get in touch with the fairy world and defeat the spells with the power of the high-level fairy world, there will be no big problem.

After all, if the spells have the ability to destroy the whole fairyland, they will not be so careful.

Seeing Fang Rui remembering the terrain silently, Zhong Yuanding reminded: "Now that the terrain of the whole spiritual world has changed, you can't rely too much on this map."

Fang Rui nodded. Among other things, the 36-yuan saint's casting spell and concentrating all the sea areas in one has changed the landform of the whole spiritual world. What's more, in the previous battle, the two sides competed for every piece of land, and the intersection of the sphere of influence was intertwined, which made the terrain earth-shaking. hua.

"The terrain has changed, but the location of the channel will not change. After all, it is the channel opened by the Nine Spirits. If you can change the location of the channel, I'm afraid you will move the channel directly to the sea and ask for help from the outside world." Fang Rui said with a smile.

"That's true." Zhong Yuanding nodded: "But the surrounding environment must be different from this map."

"I just need to know the address."

Fang Rui arched his hand to Zhong Yuanding: "I'm leaving now. Anyway, I will definitely come back, either with the army of the fairyland or bring the information of the spells."

Zhong Yuanding held Fang Rui's hand and patted it twice.

"Then...please, Taoist friends."

Fang Rui raised his head, looked at the land of the spiritual world from afar, and then his whole body flew up.

He began to move inland.

In the sea, he flew very fast, but after arriving on land, he began to slow down his speed.

What can be seen everywhere are the spirit beasts that are transforming the land.

With the spirit man as the core, the spirit beast guards around. The spirit man constantly cleans up the continent with spells, so that the black gas on the land dissipates little by little and shines again.

Fang Rui released all his consciousness and explored the surrounding environment.

When he just entered the scope of the mainland, Fang Rui's consciousness could detect the movements of countless spirit beasts, but after entering millions of miles of the continent, the breath of the spirit beasts slowly disappeared.

The spirit beasts are now restoring the style of the spiritual world step by step. First, the sea is fully restored, and then the land style is restored little by little.

Because they don't know what kind of enemies are hidden on the mainland, the 36-yuan saint moved his station to the coast to give the most direct support to the spirit beasts.

After flying millions of miles, Fang Rui could no longer detect any creatures in his consciousness.

All the spells that originally spread all over the continent have disappeared, and those strange beasts have disappeared.

The hardware and fire trees on the ground, the weathered yin soil in the valley, and the cold water on the water surface are emitting a lot of yin qi. However, the more such yin qi is emitted, the weaker it will become.

"It seems that the increase in the number of spells will keep these lands infiltrated by yin qi. Now the low-level spells are all dead and lose their moisture anytime and anywhere. These ground, even if the spirit beasts do not have the strength to transform, they can return to their original appearance after spending more effort."

Fang Rui thought to himself while flying.

He did not relax his vigilance, but unfolded all his consciousness. Once he found that there was an enemy, he would react as soon as possible.

However, after flying to the depths of the mainland for two days, Fang Rui did not notice any signs of life.

This made Fang Rui's eyes show a trace of gly.

Spiritual world... There are only those in the rebels and the base camp!

Although there are still tens of millions of rebels, there are tens of millions of women and children in the base camp, which are not considered exterminated.

But there are less than 100 million spirit beasts...

This is a whole world!

Although the population of the spiritual world is far less than that of the fairyland, and it is less than the other three worlds, at least it is also a big world!

Although Fang Rui does not know the specific number of spiritual beasts in the heyday of the spiritual world, he knows that according to the configuration of the spiritual world, a nine spiritual saints, dozens of eight spiritual saints, thousands of seven spiritual saints, so the existence of a great victory level is not less than tens of millions!

The low-level spirit beasts under them will have tens of billions of scale!

Now there are less than 100 million left!

One out of 100!

Even if there are no other dangers in the spiritual world now, the spiritual world is still greatly damaged. Without tens of thousands of years, it can't recover at all!

If there is any war next, the power of the spiritual world cannot be counted on at all.

Fang Rui shook his head.

Even if there is no war next, there is only one in a hundred of such a kind and indisputable race, which is also a great tragedy.

"Who the hell manipulates all this behind?"

Fang Rui gritted his teeth and thought.

Generally speaking, although there are wars between the worlds, the general worlds are still peaceful!

Even in the previous war in which the fairyland invaded the three worlds, there was absolutely no death of so many masters from all walks of life.

It's just a low-intensity, small-scale war, and no one will hurt your muscles and bones.

Even in Fang Rui's vision, if Cain, Griffin and Maitreya can hold the power of the three worlds, and they can also control the power of the fairy world, then it is possible to promote cooperation between the worlds, take what they need, and promote peace between the worlds!

But now, there is no one in the peace-loving spiritual world.

Fang Rui can't figure it out about this.

Cultivation of immortals and immortals is immortality. Even those who cultivate gods, Buddhas and saints, in the final analysis, is it not for their eternal existence and strength?

Since it is not for the competition of resources, why do we have to fight endlessly?

Like those pretentious scattered immortals, they are obviously alive and covered by the fairyland, and there will be no danger, but they begin to be bored to bully civilians and fight with each other to find excitement.

What kind of existence is the behind-the-scenes of the spell? What is their purpose? Or do they need to kill immortals and spiritual beasts to be strong?

If this is the purpose, there is nothing to say. The contradiction between the two sides is sharp and cannot be resolved. Naturally, it can only be immortal!

While thinking, Fang Rui flew to the destination.

Three channels from the spiritual world to the outside world.

Now, those three channels are the lifeline of the spiritual world and Fang Rui.

In the sky, the sky is as black as ink.

However, the sky in the distance has begun to shine brightly.

The bright sky on the sea corresponds to the dark sky on land.

At the intersection, light and darkness are intertwined, forming a strange gray.

The light is gradually growing, while the darkness begins to shrink gradually due to the loss of support.

Fang Rui is flying from the light into the dark.

He was carrying light and flew to the darkness, but in order to find that glimmer of light in the dark.

The light is increasing little by little. Sooner or later, all the darkness will be eliminated.

Light is a characteristic of the spiritual world. Even in the fairy world, there is a difference between day and night, but the spiritual world is always bright.

Fang Rui went deep into the darkness.

The spirit beasts in the distance are still struggling to drive away the darkness.