Peerless Immortal

Chapter 429 Interception

The dark sky shines with dark thunder.

The hellish world is rapidly backwards at Fang Rui's feet.

Fang Rui did not detect the existence of his opponent in his consciousness.

is approaching the channel.

In the direction recorded in Fang Rui's mind, it is the darkest place.

It is this rich darkness that has devoured hundreds of seven spiritual saints, so that the spiritual world can only shrink its defense.

Those seven spiritual saints are all dead.

But the spells they transformed disappeared.

A high mountain.

This was originally the highest mountain in the spiritual world.

Like the divine world, the place where the nine spiritual saints live is the highest mountain in the spiritual world.

Because it is the highest, it is closest to the sky, and it is easiest for the spiritual beast to understand the way of heaven and earth.

Although Jiuling Yuansheng occupies such a good place, he will not occupy it alone. Any spirit beast in the spiritual world can come to Jiuling Mountain and feel the heavenly opportunity. If he is qualified, he will break through his own level.

There is no ruler in the spiritual world, only leaders.

The three passages to the outside world are around Jiuling Mountain.

This is also a kind of protection of the spiritual world by the nine spiritual saints.

If the outside forces want to attack the spiritual world, they can only come in from these three channels, and then the first time, they will encounter the nine spirits, the top existence in the world.

All these designs show the characteristics of the spiritual world and how peaceful the spiritual world is.

However, such a design has cut off all the retreats of the spiritual world at the time of disaster.

Now, the only hope for the spiritual world is a fairyland visitor.

Only the seven spiritual saints are qualified to come to explore, while the 36-yuan saints such as Zhongyuanding are carrying the last hope of the spiritual world, and they can't come.

Only Fang Rui, who broke through not long ago, has such a qualification!

And now, Fang Rui has come to the bottom of Jiuling Mountain.

Looking up at this towering mountain, but not sharp, but with a heavy momentum, Fang Rui smiled.

This is really the style of the spiritual world... Even if it is a mountain, it only shows weight and tolerance!

The passage is near the mountain, which is what Fang Rui knows.

The channel is naturally in the sky.

Fang Rui looked up at the point where the top of the mountain was connected to the sky.

There are three vague black spots, which are flexible.

This is the only way to connect the spiritual world with the outside world.

But why is there no one here?

Where are the powerful spells transformed by those powerful spirit beasts?

Or will those powerful spirit beasts not be turned into spells?

But there will always be murderers who kill them!

But Fang Rui did not feel the existence of an enemy.

Even if the spiritual beasts in the spiritual world turn into spells, they will not become one like immortals.

This is the unique ability of immortals.

Before becoming the Three Immortals, the immortals seemed a little mediocre compared with the masters of other worlds.

However, after reaching the level of the three immortals, the world owned by immortals is self-contained, but it is the only existence among the worlds!

Even if the spells have the same power as the fairy king, they can't hide their strength in the cracks in space.

If there is someone here to guard... then it must be a fairy! And it is still the extremely powerful existence among immortals!

If the immortal is behind the scenes, it seems that many things can be explained.

Even if the spiritual world has been closed for hundreds of years, it is impossible that no immortals have come to visit the spiritual world in these hundreds of years!

With the good relationship between the two worlds, there will be no danger for immortals to go to the spiritual world, and immortals often come to the spiritual world to play.

In the past hundreds of years, no fairy has brought out what happened in the spiritual world, and even nothing strange has appeared.

This is impossible.

Even if the spells kill the immortals who come to play one by one, they will definitely shock the fairyland.

There must be someone in the fairyland who is covering up this.

And it is still extremely high-level.

So, what kind of person will guard the existence here?

Fang Rui closed his eyes.

Then his whole body began to release an extremely powerful breath.

The strong fire of Zhenyang was released in his body and dispelled the darkness around him in an instant!

Fang Rui raised his strength to a limit, which made him begin to feel that there was a horrible existence around him!

"Come out!"

Fang Rui shouted, "If you don't want the spiritual world to be destroyed!"

A cold voice sounded: "If I hadn't thought of it myself... What does the destruction of the spiritual world have to do with me?"

"But you're still out."

Fang Rui looked at the highest point of the mountain, the gradually revealing shadow, with a sneer on his face.

"It's really you, Zhang Bairen!"

A smile appeared on Zhang Bairen's handsome face.

"Why do you say that? Fang Rui?"

"There will be some other ideas that will join hands with the three worlds to deal with me and the infinite people, but at that time I didn't know if you really belonged to the fairyland, or if you were a traitor to the fairyland?"

Fang Rui sneered and said, "It was not until I arrived in the spiritual world that I found that the fairy world must have some huge strength, which is covered up for what the spells have done. Otherwise, how can the fairy world and the spiritual world not know at all in hundreds of years of war?"

"You're right. We did all this."

A strong black gas appeared on Zhang Bairen's handsome face.

"You don't know that only darkness is the most eternal power and the power that can reach the peak in this world! We transform the spiritual world so that they can better feel the peak power and then transcend themselves!"

Zhang Bairen opened his arms, and a thick black fog gushed out of his shoulders, like black wings, covering the peak of Jiuling Peak and the entrance of the three passages.

"Detachment from yourself? Do you know what is detached from yourself? Fang Rui sneered.

Zhang Bairen said extremely seriously, "Of course I know that only by devoting myself to the darkness can I gain more powerful power than the world and break this cage and reach a higher level of the other side!"

"Cage?" Fang Rui was puzzled.

"Yes, the cage."

Zhang Bairen laughed and said, "Poor guy, you are just living in this world, but you don't know that this seemingly boundless world is just a cage. If you can't break this cage, even if you have eternal life and strength, what's the meaning?"

"Do you have any evidence that this is just a cage?" Fang Rui spread out his hands.

"Do you still need to prove this?"

Zhang Bairen looked at Fang Rui with a smile: "My master's magic power has reached the peak of the world. He has been able to feel that there is a wider space outside the world! You don't know what the outside world is like, but we want to know! So we should concentrate everyone's strength to break this cage and give the world a new sky!"

"Focus on the power of all people? Is it your way to concentrate all your strength to turn them into spells? Fang Rui continued to sneer.

"Naturally it is."

Zhang Bairen nodded: "Only the magic of spells can bring all the endless creatures of the world together... Do you also feel it these days? How much power can the spells exert when they work in one direction under the same consciousness?"

"But it was still destroyed by me and the spirit beasts." Fang Rui shrugged his shoulders and said.

"No, what you destroy is only the form of their existence, but the energy is immortal. These energies are still floating between the heavens and earth of the spiritual world. As long as we finally control the spiritual world, these energies can still be used for us." Zhang Bairen replied.

Energy is indeed immortal, but life has its meaning! You have collected so much energy but destroyed so many lives. No matter how nicely you are, you are just a group of extreme egoists. Therefore, you are just a group of crazy people. No matter how powerful you are, you are still a group of crazy people. Fang Rui fought back.

Zhang Bairen looked at Fang Rui in a stunned way, and then shook his head with regret.

"Sure enough, Master is right. You are the most special guy... Extremely egoist? I like this description. Zhang Bairen muttered.

"I have seen a lot of guys who sacrifice the interests and lives of others in the name of righteousness. Your words are useless... Make way, I won't take action against you." Fang Rui said coldly.

"Sorry, I can't do this... Because the reason why I'm guarding here is to prevent you from leaving the spiritual world, otherwise, it will have a great impact on our plan." Zhang Bairen waved his arm and said.

"Your plan? What are you doing to the fairyland? Fang Rui said harshly.

Zhang Bairen laughed and did not answer.

"Is the great loss of the strength of the spiritual world no longer has any effect on you? If you bring me to the spiritual world, the primary goal is naturally to destroy me. Even if you can't do it, you can't let me stay in the fairyland... Have you launched an attack on the fairyland? Fang Rui shouted.

"Smart, worthy of being the most feared existence of the master, the inheritance of the omnipotent fairy... At that time, it was really a mistake that the master failed to completely destroy the inheritance of the omnipotent fairy." Zhang Bairen sighed.

"Your master is probably the black fog that brought me to the spiritual world, right? It's just the level of immortals. There are at least three immortals in the fairy world. Do you think you can win with your strength? Fang Rui asked harshly.

Zhang Bairen shrugged his shoulders, but did not answer.

"Don't want to know anything from my mouth, Fang Rui, I know you are very smart, and even you have some born skills, but I'm not a fool. In the past ten thousand years, I have been reincarnated to 1,750 and experienced all kinds of things. My intelligence is no worse than that. Anyway, as long as I keep it Here, if you don't defeat me, you can't leave the spiritual world and exchange you for the spiritual world. It's a very worthwhile thing for us now.

"Do you want to stop me? If those masters of seven spirits and eight spirits or even nine spirits are here, I will probably only run away, but you can't stop me, can you? Fang Rui sneered.

"Why haven't I moved in the past ten years? It's because I also want to use your opportunity to kill those spells to wash my body and mind and improve my strength.

Zhang Bairen laughed, and there was also a strong atmosphere in the Qingyun above his head.

"You see, in the general peaceful world, whether you or I, can't let Qingyun have the power to evolve the small world in just ten years through the refinement of so many forces, but war, a wonderful war! Let you and I have such an opportunity to break through the shackles of the peak of power!"

Zhang Bairen looked at Fang Rui funnyly: "Look, now I'm also at the supreme level. How can you defeat me?"

Fang Rui answered him that it was a return seal that was smashed face to face.