Peerless Blood

Chapter 93 Improve combat ability first (second update)

Huh? What's the matter?"

was busy starting to practice Shuangxiu Dan to improve his experience, but he heard the neighbor's voice. Thinking that he only knew this neighbor now, the others were either closed old students or arrogant rich young masters, and then their whereabouts were uncertain. If they closed the door, it seemed a little unreasonable.

Hearing his voice outside, he quickly said, "I have something to do. I don't know if you are free. I want to ask you a favor!"

Listening to the tone, Xia Jiang felt that the other party was indeed looking for something to do with him, so he opened the door and looked at it. There were no harassers around him, only Kaiqi was alone.

"No one else, just me." Seeing Xia Jiang looking around, this Cage said honestly.

Xia Jiang shook his head, saying that it had nothing to do with him, and then said, "Say it, what's the matter?" With that, Xia Jiang looked at this Cage a little more. Compared with last time, at such a close distance, he suddenly felt that the person in front of him did not seem to be simple. There was an unyielding posture between his eyebrows, and he was a very courageous person who could do great things.

Cage didn't say much. Seeing Xia Jiang's sincere inquiry, he immediately said, "I have a super seven-grade treasure and some money. As long as you can help me complete one thing, I can use them as a reward!" He said he was going to take something out and have a look.

Before he started, this Cage actually started talking about money directly, but when he thought about it, it made Xia Jiang praise that the other party is really a beg-seeking master. In this business school, they are a group of people who regard money as their lives. It is most reasonable to talk about money first and then talk about things.

"Speaking, let's put the magic weapon and crystal first to see if I can help you." Xia Jiang did not exaggerate. Since the other party is so serious, it must not be easy to accomplish. He immediately motioned the other party to speak first.

Keqi nodded, withdrew his movements, and immediately began to say what he wanted to ask him.

After listening to the other party's simple description, Xia Jiang couldn't help looking at the people in front of him, but he couldn't help wondering, "Can you tell me more about your plan?"

"Alle." Kaiqi nodded and said in detail, "I know this woman is a little mentally retarded. Her family is very rich, but she won't give it to others casually, so I have to build my own image first, so that people can see that at least I won't feel too bad. You need to help me figure it out. Secondly, there is also a man in his family, that is, this A woman's brother, if she wants to practice and get married, she must get her brother's consent, so I have to find him and let him agree. Finally, it is to practice and give her internship status. To tell you the truth, I have brought five friends from my hometown and have no extra qualifications, so I hope you can take her to meet for me. Xisheng, wait for me to be promoted to Grade 6 College and then transfer her to my name.

Cage said his plan in detail and almost didn't dare to look into Xia Jiang's eyes. Now he feels that these requirements are too crazy. Originally, he was not aware of this, so he asked other neighbors, but the best explanation was: "Are you sick, aren't you? Isn't it far away?" Needless to say, I almost beat him up.

However, Xia Jiang was not as realistic as his previous neighbors, but nodded after listening carefully to his plan.

Xia Jiang said, "Well, let's talk about the first task first..."

Really? Did you promise to help me? When Cage heard Xia Jiang's words, he was immediately surprised beyond description.

Xia Jiang nodded again.

In fact, Cage's requirement is simply that he wants to marry a mentally retarded, ugly but extremely rich woman, and bring her to the college to become a temporary trainee. The motive is very simple. He is just for money and get the property that a woman's family may change ownership at any time.

However, it seems necessary to add that this woman has a relationship with him. When he went shopping in his hometown, he accidentally met this woman in a super magic weapon trading place. Later, after inquired, he learned that she was the mentally retarded daughter of the owner of the super magic weapon trading house. Less than two years later, the boss of the trading floor died and assigned the family business to the brother and sister. Now the brother has left the countryside and is practicing in a local college. As for the woman, she stays at home all day, eating and drinking, and no one takes care of it carefully. As a result, she is originally mentally retarded and ugly, but now she is still extremely obese. People dare not come close to the waiter.

Now, because the brother has no time to take care of his sister, he sends someone at home to announce a notice that he needs a young man with a legitimate career who is willing to accept his sister and take her to the college to be taught, taken care of, double training, and both husband and wife, so he transferred all the family property owned by his sister to the other party in the name. .

Therefore, you can imagine what kind of person this Cage is. For his future, he actually abandoned his normal children's feelings, double cultivation companions and so on, just to get money for his development in this imperial courtyard!

"When it comes to the image, you already look very good. In addition, you are a fifth-level student of this imperial court. For the big city in your hometown, you should also be regarded as a great teenager who has achieved success." Xia Jiang will not praise others, but only speaks his own opinion.

"I'm afraid it's not enough. You see, I'm only a fifth-level student, and in the early days of my cultivation as a talented monk, I've been dedicated to business these years, and I've rarely practiced combat magic weapons. If something happens, I'm afraid I can't even protect a woman." Cage finally said what was most outstanding about him.

Listening to the other party's words, Xia Jiang also felt a little tricky, but also said, "No problem. I will try my best to give you a little advice to improve your cultivation and combat ability in the shortest time, that's fine."

Cage heard that he was deeply moved by Xia Jiang and seemed to kneel down to express it.

"Don't be so foreign. Since you are my neighbor, we are also predestined... Let's go to the 'spiritual training ground' first." Xia Jiang doesn't talk nonsense. Time is precious. Since he promised, he should act quickly.

Seeing this, Cage no longer became a mother-in-law and immediately followed Xia Jiang.

Speaking of this, the reason why Cage needs to help is that his neighbors spit on it. In addition to a large number of harsh requirements, one of them is to leave the college and leave the college. This is a preferential treatment for everyone with a limited number of times a month. Whoever is willing to waste it on others can't wait to have more every month. You can go out for a few times, so that you can use your student status to make some extra money.

After a while, Xia Jiang took Kaiqi to this spiritual training ground, which is often visited by Xia Jiang. The price is fair and the venue is excellent.

After a day of practice, Xia Jiang immediately took Cage in.

"My combat magic weapons are [fog ball] and [cobweb hand]. Under the urging of the fog ball, it can stun the enemy. The cobweb hand can create extremely tough and elastic cobwebs, bind the enemy, and can also absorb the power of the other party's blood and make the other party lose its strength."

Keqi said, taking out his two * treasures and showing them in front of Xia Jiang.

But after listening to Kaiqi's introduction, Xia Jiang was not moved at all and said, "This is actually not a combat magic weapon. You need a more aggressive magic weapon." Xia Jiang said and simply took out a low-level dagger from the storage ring.

However, although it is low-level, it is also a super four-grade magic weapon he refined.

"This dagger will be given to you. This is a 'shadowless dagger', which can create a real flying dagger through the power of blood, just like infinite throwing weapons..." With that, Xia Jiang demonstrated to the other party. Under the urging of the power of blood, the dagger pointed to somewhere, and a dagger seemed to be from his hand. Flying out, it was extremely fast and powerful, inserting into the depths of the earth, but in fact, the dagger was still in his hand.

Seeing that Xia Jiang was so generous, Cage was not polite and immediately began to skillfully dagger.

After guiding the other party for about a few hours, Xia Jiang began to guide the other party to use two magic weapons and some essentials of cultivation. These are his many years of experience and can barely be the other party's teacher.

After half a day, Xia Jiang said, "Next, you have to practice how to use your two control magic weapons to help the dagger to find opportunities to attack, so that even if you are a higher-level opponent, you will have the strength to fight."

Once again after half a day of subtle guidance, Xia Jiang began to cooperate with the other party to fight against each other, so that the other party could gradually master the use of three magic weapons.

Xia Jiang is energetic and has no problem staying up and nights, so he can easily cope with the day and one night. However, Kaiqi is obviously a little weak, but when he sees that Xia Jiang teaches so seriously, he also tries his best to support.

With such a superior cultivation land, coupled with Xia Jiang's extremely careful and comprehensive teaching in various ways, this day has improved the strength of Kaiqi's bloodline several points, and his combat experience is much richer. It can be said that among the monks, as long as he is not a master with a strong magic weapon, he can deal with it.

"Now you just need to buy a noble dress and match it, and there will be no problem in terms of image. Next, let's go to find that brother... Well, by the way, you'd better take a break first, so as not to be too bad spirits and affect your state." Originally, he was in a hurry, but Xia Jiang found that he had too much contact for a while, and his mental and physical strength were exhausted, so he quickly changed his words.

Because it was also a waste of time to return to the college, Xia Jiang returned directly to his hometown with Kaiqi, which is a city near Yanqiu City, and the rich girl was in this city.

With all his efforts, he came here in less than half a day. Xia Jiang retreated and recuperated himself, and Cage began to fall asleep and quickly replenish his energy.

A few hours later, this Cage woke up and was full of energy. Xia Jiang looked at it and felt good, so he motioned to immediately go to the college where the rich brother was located to talk about it.

The city they came to is much smaller than Yanqiu City, and the comprehensive index is much worse, but it is also stained with the scenery of the super city of Yanqiu City. It is also a first-class city, and the college is also very magnificent.

"This is a martial arts college. His brother's name is Kebu. He is an old student in this college and should be a little famous. Recently, the college is holding a martial arts competition. Outsiders can watch it as long as they spend a little money." Cage quickly introduced.