Peerless Blood

Chapter 94 Assisting in Marriage (Three Updates)

"That's just right. During the competition, he may participate in the competition. Let's have a look." Xia Jiang said and immediately entered the college as a foreign audience.

As an Imperial College, even if it can't be regarded as a first-class city, its scale is not comparable to that of other small and medium-sized countries. Compared with their business schools, the style here seems to be very rigid and square, but it seems to be more upright.

The two came to the martial arts arena and stood at the end of the scene. At a glance, they saw dense figures, and voices were boiling and layered. I'm afraid there were millions of people at this scene.

"No wonder it is open to watch. The martial arts college can earn a lot of crystals just by this..." Xia Jiang took a fancy to the basic value of this martial arts arena at a glance.

Because of the last position, they are in the audience on the last two floors of about a hundred floors. From here, they can only see the movement of the figure, which can't be seen clearly. However, Xia Jiang's eyesight is excellent, and he can barely see the specific details of the battle between the two on the stage.

However, it doesn't seem that they all need to see it so clearly. In the noise of the scene, many people shouted a name and knew that they were coming at the right time.

"It's Keb, and the one in the black cloak is him..." Cage quickly motioned.

At this moment, I saw Kebu wearing a black cloak on the field, which obviously had an advantage. He held a long whip, and there was a dragon-like roar. The tip of the long whip turned into half of the body of a giant beast, with teeth and claws. The opponent dodged the whip shadow attack, but it could not prevent the roar, attack, and even the rot spray of the giant beast. Spit, stabbing shooting, attack is strange and impermanent, not very guarded!

"Yes, this long whip integrates many magic weapons, and refines a variety of giant beasts. Under the impetus of blood, it is equivalent to several people besieging the opponent alone..." Xia Jiang carefully observed the battle and couldn't help admiring.

It didn't last long. Na Keb's opponent was caught by a fierce beast, and the long whip swept the way. The whole person was wrapped under it, which showed the terrible power of the long whip. The whip emitted all kinds of corrosive fog, and the opponent fainted in an instant.

Seeing this, Xia Jiang couldn't help but think of the battle with Xia Yan. At the beginning, Xia Yan used this long whip against him, but it was not as powerful as Kebu's long whip.

"With the effect of multiple magic weapons, I have the opportunity to slightly refine some of this high-end magic weapons and make high-quality products. Although it takes time, it can start my signature, which is a long-term plan..." Xia Jiang suddenly silently planned that in the future, the refinery cannot be completely mass-produced to make money, and we should create a few super high-quality products in due course.

At the end of the game, Xia Jiang watched Na Kebu leave the martial arts arena and walk towards the nearest exit.

"Let's go and meet him."

The two immediately went out to the nearest exit and walked down the steps.

When I walked out of the field, I saw Kebu just came out under the 100-storey high steps, followed by a large number of congratulatory students, mixed men and women. It should be acquaintances, friends and his admirers.

Xia Jiang and the two followed closely until there were only a few people chasing around Kebu, and then Kaiqi came forward to greet him.

"Prem. Kebu, congratulations on your triumph..." Cage congratulated with a smile.

Na Kebu obviously misunderstood Cage as one of those chasers, but nodded casually, waved his hand with a smile, and continued to leave.

"Schore Kebu, please wait a minute. It's about Kefu's life!" It seems that he has learned to cherish time. Seeing the other party's misunderstanding, Cage immediately said it.


Sure enough, as soon as he heard the word "Kefu", Kebu, the elder brother, immediately looked serious and looked at Cage seriously.

"I and Kefu have had a relationship since I was a child. At the beginning of the celebration, I went there and saw Kefu sitting and laughing happily..." Cage told how he met Kefu that day in an extremely simple tone, almost showing what happened that day like a picture.

It seemed that he immediately remembered the scene of that day. Kebu immediately took away a few friends who followed him and then said, "What's your name?" Have you decided to double-marry and marry Kefu?" With that, he looked at the people carefully.

"My name is Cage, and that's why I'm here." Cage nodded immediately.

"Oh," Kebu quickly looked at Cage, only glanced at Xia Jiang on one side, and immediately said, "Then do you know exactly what kind of requirements I have and what kind of agreement I need to sign?" While talking, he stared into the other party's eyes, as if to find out if the other party was lying.

At this time, Xia Jiang found that this Cage really had a set. In the face of this test of Kebu, there were no flaws at all. While talking, he made people feel that he had even loved his sister for a long time, and only hoped that he could enjoy his old age as soon as possible.

This son will become a big weapon in the future!

Xia Jiang looked at Cage's speech and posture casually, and there was such a strong intuition in his heart, so he felt more and more that he was helping the right person.

Xia Jiang stood aside silently and watched the two begin to talk. After waiting for Kebu's inquiry and Kaiqi's introduction, the two sides turned their eyes to him.

"Hello, Brother Xia Jiang, I heard that you are a CET-6 student of Yanqiu Business School?" Kebu said, and his slightly questioning eyes fell on Xia Jiang.

He secretly felt that Kebu was cautious, and Xia Jiang directly urged his jade card, and the identity of the sixth-level student was immediately revealed.

"It's really level 6!" Kebu's eyes immediately changed when he saw Xia Jiang's level.

It is that Xia Jiang doesn't care so much about his level. In fact, most of the people in the Dugu Empire basically know that Level 5 and Level 6 in the college are a watershed. Level 5 generally meet the standard of outstanding students in the college, while Level 6 is beyond and is a million potential talents. This is also the enrollment of each college. Among the millions of people, there will never be more than 100 new students who can pass and eventually be rated as CET-6.

Seeing Xia Jiang's status as a CET-6 student, coupled with Cage's almost perfect performance, Kebu officially talked with Cage about his sister Kefu.

"It is said that the students of the business school mainly do business and even ignore their own practice. Cage, how can you guarantee that my sister will not be effectively protected if she follows you?" Sure enough, it was not beyond Cage's expectation that Kebu actually raised this question.

Hearing this, Xia Jiang couldn't help but be grateful for his strict training for Cage.

"Please rest assured that although our generation attaches great importance to business, we always put our own cultivation first. The first time we have money is to consider magic weapons and cultivation, improve our cultivation, break through the realm as soon as possible, and become a practitioner. This is the purpose of our generation to do business!"

"Very good, but I never take what I hear seriously. In this way, I will find an opponent comparable to your cultivation. You will compete with each other. As long as you are not defeated too badly, I will recognize you!" Kebu looked into Cage's eyes from beginning to end and said.

"No problem!" Cage said firmly and glanced at Xia Jiang, and the magic weapon in his hand was already in place.

At this moment, there were many people passing by. Many of them were in a hurry and didn't have time to pay attention to it. Kebu was sharp-eyed. He quickly stared at a passing student and shouted a name, "Come and do me a favor."

was greeted like a freshman who came to the college, 16 or 17 years old, holding a long black stick, showing his comprehensive combat quality.

The long stick is different from the sword. Although it is slightly more lethal, it is more flexible and flexible. At this moment, the whole body of this long stick is black, and the magic weapon characteristics are not simple. As a freshman, this person should not be able to deal with it easily.

But Xia Jiang did not remind him. He knew that the reason why the other party chose this teenager must be because he wanted to have a deliberate idea. It would not be good for him to remind him.

However, Cage's feeling is also keen, and his expression is extremely serious. Three magic weapons have been secretly in place.

With Kebu's signal, the two immediately fought in one place.

Different business schools of Wudou College can be battlefield anywhere as long as they agree. This is the normal atmosphere of the college. They can't help but violate the rules and are also regarded as diligent and brave.

Xia Jiang stood aside and watched silently. He saw the long stick and the young man's shadows, and his moves were continuous. He had the demeanor of a veteran. How could he look like a freshman? Looking at where the long stick went, the terrorist destructive power that broke out made Xia Jiang suddenly understand its effect. This black should represent a material of extreme density, so that the long stick can increase its density by ten times in an instant, weight like a mountain and explosive power!

Looking at Cage, he uses two auxiliary control magic weapons to constantly create fog and cobwebs, so that the stick shadow is always weakened by the cobwebs when it does not reach the strongest explosive power. It is empty and powerful, but it does not show its power.

The two are like this. One is constantly waving a long stick to find each other's weaknesses, and the other is constantly trying to force the blood to control the two magic weapons and weaken the other party's offensive, which is difficult to distinguish. Originally, Cage still had a dagger that was not used. If he could use the dagger to find an unexpected opportunity to shoot at this time, he might be able to shoot the opponent, but unfortunately, Xia Jiang, who was on one side, could see that because the opponent was too strong, now he only maintained two magic weapons to control the opponent's continuous stick shadow. It's very hard.

"Stop!" For almost three or five minutes, Kebu, who stood aside and couldn't take his eyes off, seemed to know that there was no point in fighting any more.

The battle stopped, and both of them stopped.

He failed to perform well in the first battle. This Cage secretly glanced at Xia Jiang and was obviously disappointed with his performance.

"Yes, although your cultivation is too low, it is not easy to stop his cracked stick shadow, and as a business school student, it should be more rare!" Strangely, Kebu did not see Cage clearly, but appreciated the export.

"Thank you for your appreciation. I will improve my combat ability soon!" Cage's tone was still firm, and his promise was still sincere, saying that he was to meet the other party's request, but his tone was not false at all, and it was difficult to catch up.

Sure enough, this Kebu is also a well-sighted person. Like Xia Jiang, he can see that this Cage is not simple. He said, "I have to compete tomorrow. Why don't you go with me to see my sister now and settle this matter!" Unexpectedly, he has accepted Cage.