Peerless Blood

Chapter 162 Sweet Petals

In the face of Xia Jiang**'s naked humiliation, this man's ferocious face was gone. At this moment, his face turned pale and his eyes stared at Xia Jiang, which was unbelievable.

The super magic weapon refined by the master, fighting against an opponent of the same level under the condition of comprehensive control, actually lost?

How could this happen? You should know that even a major repairman should avoid this kind of strength, not to mention a repairman?

Who is he...?

But at this moment, obviously no one can give him this answer, and the only thing he can get after that is to fall from now on, because a person sitting in a corner of the audience at this moment will take everything from him, which is the price of losing.

At this moment, in the corner of the audience, a man's eyes were extremely deep, and he gritted his teeth, and said extremely low: "Hum! What a martial arts group that didn't even pay attention to the master, was actually defeated by this boy, which made the young master lose face! I don't think you need to exist in this Yanqiu City anymore!"

This man was extremely gloomy, looked at the blood dragon with contempt, and then turned his eyes to Xia Jiang again.

At this moment, if Xia Jiang can come here, he will definitely recognize who this person is!

That's right. He is the second young city owner of Yanqiu City. In fact, today's so-called challenger is that he arranged for a dark martial arts group of this college to kill Xia Jiang here, but he never thought that a top member of this dark martial arts group could not even handle this Xia Jiang.

In the students, there are many martial arts groups, which are privately blocked by students. They have their own way of operation and get paid through various forms of martial arts. They belong to mercenaries in a sense. In addition, there is a dark side, that is, to take on those invisible challenge tasks to kill people. Mainly.

Freshmen like Xia Jiang, or those who are approaching the promotion of the main level, are most likely to be calculated. A person will suddenly emerge to challenge and be killed by their opponents under the promotion **.

Just like this time, Xia Jiang offended the second young city owner, and he was the easiest to be calculated in this martial arts college, but he seemed to be lucky. Today, this ninth-level student blood dragon was too confident to be defeated by him.

In the face of Xia Jiang's inquiry, the blood dragon did not have any strong momentum at this moment. He seemed to be discouraged. In the face of such an obvious situation, it was not a life-and-death challenge, so the referee's voice quickly sounded and began to announce the results of this challenge.

All the audience secretly looked forward to it, at least hoping that the blood dragon could say something and hadn't heard a word for a long time, which really disappointed these audiences and couldn't wait to rush to kill the blood dragon. After all, if a person wants to be arrogant, he should have arrogant capital. Even if he can't do this, then If you lose, you should admit defeat and say nothing. It is by no means an attitude that a challenger should have! Although these audiences are not strong, they often watch the martial arts war and spend money to come in. Everyone has some bottom lines and requirements.

The referee's voice soon sounded, announcing that Xia Jiang had won the winner of this challenge!

Needless to say, Xia Jiang's identity was immediately promoted to an official member of the college!

Xia Jiang.

Officially the owner.

Current level, level 1.


Some simple information soon showed in his new jade card that it was obvious that the referee had given him various benefits in this battle.

After getting the victory information, Xia Jiang naturally did not stay here. After quickly withdrawing the demon-eating sword, he immediately walked down the stage.

On the way back from Xia Jiang, the 15- or 16-year-old girl almost stood in a long line and huddled in one corner to look at him. At this moment, they did not suddenly become united, but no one dared to stand in front of them, even if they really wanted Xia Jiang to turn around and accidentally found one of them. But inferiority let them know that even if Xia Jiang saw them, they would not have a chance, and even made them feel disdainful.

All this is because Xia Jiang is so excellent that they can't climb high at all.

In this martial arts students, two people practice together, which depends too much on their own cultivation. Boys require girls not only to be beautiful and temperamental, but also have cultivation not far from them, and girls also hope that boys' cultivation should not be at least lower than them. In this way, many people's thoughts have been deeply rooted, once they secretly admire them. If their strength increases greatly, they will immediately retreat and have to change their goals.

However, at this moment, at the moment when Xia Jiang walked slowly, even if they had to give up, they still stood quietly and looked at Xia Jiang silently, hoping that a miracle would happen.

At this moment, Xia Jiang didn't care about the girls around him at all, but just swept and checked the figure of the little tiger on the way. When he was in the belly of the blood dragon, he faintly heard the shouting of the little tiger.

"He should come to me. Well, I don't know what Tian Qing is doing now. She probably won't go out casually without me..."

Xia Jiang's mind at this time, in addition to cheering for the little tiger, obviously only the talented and elegant Tian Qing. I don't know if it counts. Xia Jiang dares not say that he may be so interested in this Tian Qing, but at least, he feels very warm and comfortable beside Tian Qing.

Tian Qing, who silently arranged some ingredients and made some dry food in the mansion, also waited until the evening when Xia Jiang returned. He watched Xia Jiang and Xiaohu come together and suddenly showed a smile in loneliness.

This smile is like a budding flower. Seeing the sunshine in the early morning, it is not yet open, but it secretly stretches out.

Xia Jiang couldn't help but be shocked by this smile. Compared with the contempt of the other party on the martial arts stage, this smile is simply a pure angel above the nine heavens, the same as the most evil demon under the 18th floor of hell. How can he not let him lose consciousness?

Even the four-meter giant tiger, who was usually somewhat naturally dull, couldn't help laughing when he saw this smile.

"Look, what did I bring you?" Xia Jiang faced the other party's smile, moved the corners of his mouth and smiled, and then took out an extremely gorgeous petal from his body.


Looking at Xia Jiang taking out this petal, Tian Qing was stunned, but soon saw that it was an ingredient of a top ingredient that had been out of stock on the market, called "sweet petal", because Xia Jiang occasionally heard the other party silently thinking about this ingredient when cooking. Xia Jiang just touched it and bought a petal.

Although it is only one petal, it can be seen from Tian Qing's eyes looking at Xia Jiang that this petal is not simple. This petal flower is complete and perfect, which is already the best of the same kind of ingredients.

It's a coincidence. Xia Jiang originally just wanted to sell the rune armor that was swallowed up by him and buy some advanced materials and magic weapons that were helpful to his cultivation, but he accidentally passed by a food store and happened to sell this kind of petal, so he simply spent all the money he exchanged and the winning bonus of the challenge. I bought it.

Yes, this thing is very expensive and worth more than half of the nine-grade crystals, but it is because it is expensive that Xia Jiang will buy it, otherwise it will be meaningless.

"Thank you so much. Do you know that such a perfect flap can be used five or six times to make hundreds of dishes!" Tian Qing said, holding the petals to signal the tunnel.

Xia Jiang also heard from the store staff that he knew that this kind of petal was a top ingredient and had a huge effect. It was not the kind of low-level goods that needed to put a lot of dishes.

With a relieved smile, Xia Jiang nodded and said, "Actually, I'm doing it for myself, so you should at least prepare some desserts for us!"

Tian Qing listened to Xia Jiang's jokes and still smiled, but said the real effect of this ingredient, not just making desserts.

Xia Jiang didn't want to delay the other party too much time. After asking him for dinner, he immediately began to practice with Xiaohu.

Through this battle, Xia Jiang has benefited a lot. He not only got a high-level magic weapon such as a rune armor, but also learned more about the common sense of refining, and absorbed its attributes, and he also made a lot of breakthroughs.

Before, he could not guarantee that he would retreat in front of the master, but now, he has this confidence, and in a real sense, he has enough strength to fight against the task at the level of the master!

In other words, he now seems to have touched the realm of his father, Xia Xiong, who has touched the realm of spiritual practitioners, and he has now touched the realm of a spiritual practitioner, even more prosperous than his father, but half of his foot has stepped into the next realm.

In the place of cultivation, Xia Jiang spent half a day finally stabilized the realm of his current skills. It was the late stage of magic blood, close to perfection, and his cultivation was also half a master.

Nian shouted encouragement for him during the day, Xia Jiang hurried to the place of Xiaohu's practice and helped Xiaohu practice the invincible hammer again.

After a while, after the huge hammer he cultivated again with his current strength, he became stronger and became the peak of the super seven magic weapons.

"Little tiger, I have helped you refine this giant hammer into the peak of super seven products. I believe it can be used by you for a long time. Why don't you give it a name?" Xia Jiang said and handed the hammer to the other party.

Speaking of Xiaohu's current cultivation, he has also stepped into the realm of a practitioner. Originally, he could not fully master more than six magic weapons, but because of his Xiajiang's refining and powerful demon-eating refining techniques, he perfectly overcome this problem. Although he may not be able to play it perfectly, he can play a seven The eighth floor is already very strong.

Hearing Xia Jiang's words, Xiao Hu was also excited and immediately began to name his super weapon. But after thinking for a long time, how could he come up with a name?

It's not difficult for Xia Jiang to take a look at him. He simply smiled and said, "Let's just call it 'Batian Hammer'!" For the power burst, only this name matches.

Hmm! Overlord Hammer!

Although Xia Jiang was a little casual, Xiaohu was obviously shocked when he heard the name, followed by an incomparable surprise. He felt as if he had got a supreme artifact and wanted to hug Xia Jiang.

For good, Xia Jiang flashed quickly and said, "Xiaohu, you'd better take a shower first. I don't want to be hugged by you!"

For this little tiger, he suddenly took the initiative to hug the other party, and he was often moved with great sincerity. If the other party hid from the meeting, it would make him very embarrassed, but he had a close relationship with Xia Jiang and was used to the other party's avoidance. Instead, he smiled and actually took a shower.