Peerless Blood

Chapter 163 Murong Chunxiang's Invitation

Looking at the back of Xiaohu's departure, Xia Jiang's face softened and couldn't help but be a little distracted: "I don't know what the scene is in Xiaohu's hometown. Presumably, the people there are all big Macs like him, er... It's hard to imagine that men are okay. If they are women, even beautiful and slim be beautiful women, I'm afraid it's terrible. ..." When he was bored for a moment, Xia Jiang dared not think about it any more.

In the next few days, in addition to reporting to the students every day to learn about the challenge information, Xia Jiang stayed in Tianqing's mansion. In addition to practicing, he tasted delicious food, and his days were still free. However, in contrast, Xiaohu was different. I don't know if it was because of his huge size that someone had to choose every day. Fortunately, the domineering hammer refined by Xia Jiang can always exert great power to turn the tide and make up for the lack of combat wisdom.

Almost seven or eight days later, Xia Jiang only received one or two challengers who wanted to take his fame, which were easily solved by him. Because of the winning streak, his student level has been improved, and his reputation in the college has also begun to spread, especially that he is a strong man of the war blood dragon. This matter is in some special crowds. The most sensational.

And the so-called special people are naturally those who are self-righteous and disdain to fight with any challengers and players. That is, this kind of people, who know that even the blood dragons that rarely take action have been defeated by Xia Jiang, begin to pay attention to Xia Jiang.

Naturally, Xia Jiang did not know these things, which also led to his inexplicability when he suddenly sent a special invitation on the street.

"Xia Jiang, Murong Chunxiang has heard for a long time that Xia Jiangjun is a genius. He not only has high cultivation and outstanding strength, but also has a broad mind. You have won several consecutive battle of masters. It can be said that you have stood out among the freshmen. My little sister has admired him for a long time. I hope Xia Jiangjun can come to his humble house and let Chunxiang have a happy birthday! ......”

This is...

Xia Jiang saw this message displayed in the jade card, which was a private message forwarded by a special institution of the college.

The college has such a special institution. You only need to add this function to help people spread information, but this is an extremely luxurious function, which requires the delivery of a large amount of crystals every month.

This makes Xia Jiang think of the mobile network in his previous life. Although this is still in the exploration stage in this world, the continuous strengthening and joint use of magic weapons have also become the prototype of the network.

"Murong Chunxiang is a girl, and she looks like a beautiful girl, but I don't know how she invited my new club owner at this level to a birthday party?" Xia Jiang couldn't help shaking his head. He didn't know who this person was.

However, Xia Jiang was also embarrassed to refuse the invitation, especially when he saw the following information, which made a special explanation that she had invited Tian Qing as the chef of the banquet, which made him unable to refuse.

After passing through several squares and bypassing several floor areas, Xia Jiang came to the place where Murong Chunxiang held the birthday party shown in the jade plate. It turned out to be one of the purest large gardens in the college, but now it has been turned into a closed place by her, giving people an extremely warm feeling.

"Sorry, this is Miss Chunxiang's birthday party. No one can enter without Miss's invitation!"

Xia Jiang came to the door and was stopped by four guards.

In desperation, Xia Jiang took out the jade card and displayed the information, which made several people dodge and walk in.

The moment he entered it, Xia Jiang immediately felt the warmth in his imagination, and the fragrance was permeated. With a slight sniff, people couldn't help but be intoxicated.

As he glanced, Xia Jiang found that there were not many people coming to this garden for the time being. However, these people were all dressed as nobles with super treasures. A few students of the college like him also felt that they were deeply cultivated, not ordinary people.

Seeing this, Xia Jiang couldn't help wondering who Murong Chunxiang was.

"Hey, you two go slowly. Don't be in such a hurry. Look at those people, who are slow and elegant. That's like a rich man!"

"Well, buddy, why are you so troublesome? Don't you just want to see the beauty of Murong Chunxiang quickly?"

"Yes, don't hurry up, I'm afraid I can't see it if there are too many people!"

Suddenly, not far behind Xia Jiang, several people came over sneakily, as if they were saying something.

"What does it mean to hurry up? We are serious and come in as normal guests. We still have to celebrate Miss Chunxiang!" A man who looked like a leader quickly said to the latter two.

One person heard it but looked at the former with some contempt and said, "Please don't treat him as a fool. Murong Chunxiang is the flower of our martial arts college. She is the first beauty. The people invited must be famous. Do you think we can fool them?"

Another echoed: "That's right. I think we'd better take the time to look more. If we have seen enough, we should flash people early so as not to be caught and humiliated..."

Hearing this, Xia Jiang immediately understood that these people were secretly cheated in, as if the purpose seemed to be for the beauty of Murong Chunxiang.

"by the way, what did he say that Murong Chunxiang came from... The flower of the college, the first beauty?" Suddenly, Xia Jiang realized the key in several people's words. Suddenly, he looked at those celebrities and immediately understood what was going on.

But the more so, he is puzzled. In contrast, Xia Jiang seems to be the lowest class of invited people.

Although he thinks so, how can Xia Jiang feel inferior? Instead, he had to admire Murong Chunxiang's vision that he could find his number one person among the freshmen.

Those people passed by Xia Jiang and also saw Xia Jiang. They saw that Xia Jiang was a little hesitant and dressed like those rich and famous celebrities. One of them asked in a low voice, "Hey buddy, you also sneaked in, didn't you? Looking at your dress, you will definitely not be invited normally!"

Xia Jiangben didn't come to see the banquet, and the protagonist was not present, so he was ready to wander around. Unexpectedly, these people actually stared at him.

"Well, what do you say?" Xia Jiang pretended to have mixed in and asked in a daze.

When the man heard that Xia Jiang did not deny it, he immediately said, "It doesn't matter. We won't expose you. Everyone is here to see Murong Chunxiang's beauty. When you finish watching it, we will take you together and promise that you won't be caught!"

One of them seemed to find it troublesome and said, "Forget it, second, let's be busy with ourselves. Why do you care about this boy?"

The former is obviously very fond of Xia Jiang, a "like person" and said, "All right, take him with you. It can't ruin our business. Anyway, they are all fellow people."

Listening to what he said, the two had no choice but to nod and took Xia Jiang in.

Xia Jiang didn't say anything. As he wandered around with several people, he saw more strange faces. He didn't know any of them, but the reaction from the people around him let him know that none of these people was a simple master.

Seeing this, Xia Jiang paid more attention to this so-called flower of the martial arts academy. Murong Chunxiang knew that this woman was absolutely not simple. She was either amazingly beautiful or had a prominent family background, otherwise there would not have been so many people present.

When Xia Jiang became more and more surprised, he finally came to the middle of the big garden. At this time, he saw another person who surprised him even more.

The second young city owner, Ye Cheng!

"Oh, look, it's actually the lord of the young city!" The people around him obviously also knew this Ye Cheng, and he was immediately surprised.

The other two also saw it quickly, and even were so scared that they immediately flashed aside and said, "Let's go, let's hide aside and don't be found!"

It can be seen that these two are extremely afraid of this second young city owner, and seem to know the character of this second young city owner.

Several people quickly agreed that they would also pull Xia Jiang Shanren, but they were rejected by Xia Jiang.

"You can flash first, and I'll take a look here." Xia Jiang smiled faintly.

Several people seemed to be dizzy when they saw Xia Jiang. How could they care about him and quickly dodged ahead of him.

Xia Jiang approached a few steps and came to a huge banquet table. This central banquet table is about ten meters long, which is the longest. In addition, there are more than a dozen tables distributed around, with a width of only five or six meters, with some special fruits and desserts on it.

Just looking at these decorations and lineup, Xia Jiang knows that the cost of this banquet will be at least nine-grade crystals, which is absolutely a huge luxury.

Xia Jiang stood here quietly and waited silently. Because he hardly knew anyone, he was idle until he began to be noticed by someone.

Yes, it was the second young city owner standing opposite him. At first glance, he was stunned when he saw that Xia Jiang also came here, but he immediately thought of it, because Tian Qing was today's chef, and then again, how could he not come here for Tian Qing?

But obviously, for Xia Jiang, this second young city owner has long had a murderous intention. At this moment, how can he be comfortable at a glance?

"What are you doing here? Don't you have to help Tian Qing?" Seeing Xia Jiang standing there motionless, the owner of the second young city came to Xia Jiang in a few steps and asked in a low voice.

From the other party's footwork and tone alone, Xia Jiang can feel incomparable malice, and then remember what Ritianqing once said to him: The other party will never let you go!

"Thank you for your kindness, but you don't have to help today, because I'm a guest of Miss Murong Chunxiang today." Xia Jiang said unabashedly and stared at the other party.

This two young city owner was really angry with Xia Jiang in front of him. Looking at Xia Jiang's fearless appearance, he wanted to kill him. Yes, the blood dragon was challenging Xia Jiang to humiliate him, which was what he could arrange.

For a small role like Xia Jiang, if he can handle it for the first time, that's all. If this person is difficult to deal with, then he is not only satisfied with solving the opponent, but also tortures him and makes the other party regret being against him.

But he never expected that he should still be a small role, but this person was more powerful than he thought, and even the ninth-level students of the college like Blood Dragon were defeated by him.

"It's good that you can get an invitation from Miss Chunxiang. It seems that you are still a person!" The owner of the second young city listened to Xia Jiang's opening to show his identity at this moment, but he immediately strengthened on his uncertain face and said.

In such a close distance, Xia Jiang will not feel that the other party has made a secret decision. I'm afraid that someone will be sent to deal with him soon.


Not long after the two were in a stalemate, with the appearance of a figure, the scattered crowd suddenly began to gather in the middle of the garden.