Decisive Battle

Chapter 43 Give up your life to become a demon

The demon sky only used his sealing space to quickly rob all the auras in the whole array of heaven and earth, and then summarize all these auras into his own sealing space, so it has such an effect, which makes people feel strange.

It's just that Zhang Bad himself has the sealing space. Although it was only a moment for Motian to use the sealed space just now, Zhang Bad has clearly felt the spiritual fluctuation of the sealed space.

This is very different from the spiritual power fluctuation of the sealed space you have. The spiritual power fluctuation of the magic sky seal space is a dark breath, and it is a very dark atmosphere, which makes Zhang Bad feel a little shocked.

That is to say, the seal space of the devil should be left by the devil to the door owner of the devil. So if so, I don't know whose seal space of the two is stronger. After all, the seal space of the devil is left by the devil. I don't know how powerful it will be. It must contain the magic spirit of the devil.

And the demon is the person who captured the whole heaven. How powerful the magic skill is, which is definitely an unprecedented existence.

Zhang Bad said to Motian with a sneer, "So, what do you want now?"

"Of course I killed you." Motian looked at Zhang Bad and said, his voice was as cold as from hell, which made the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger School feel bursts of chill, as if they were saying to themselves, as if the person Motian wanted to kill was himself.

The must-kill momentum made the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger School feel afraid, which is caused by a huge gap in strength, so these disciples of the Dragon and Tiger School have no desire to resist, which makes Zhang Bad can't help but have a big head.

I smiled bitterly and didn't feel scared yet. I didn't expect that these people were worried and scared now. If it really came to the time of battle, this was definitely not a good omen.

Zhang Bad thought of this and laughed and said, "Do you want to kill me?"

"What? Can't you?" Mo Tian looked at Zhang Bad with a sneer and said.

"Do you think you are qualified to kill me?" Zhang Bad sneered and said, his voice contained disdain, and his disdain for the demon heaven shocked these disciples of the Dragon and Tiger School again.

I don't know where Zhang Bad came from such a great confidence that he was not afraid of Motian at all, which was very unexpected by the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger School.

Zhang Bad said with a sneer, "Do you know that I am the son of fate? God-destined person, can you kill me?"

"You are not qualified yet. No one in the world has this qualification or strength, do you know?" Zhang Bad said with a big smile at the devil.

"What did you say?" Motian's face was pale, and he looked really angry. His whole body was shining, and he wanted to take action after a word of discord.

Zhang Bad sneered and said, "I am destined to inherit heaven. You are just a small person in my eyes."

"Look at these disciples of the Dragon and Tiger School, they are also much better than you in my eyes." Zhang Bad continued.

The sound is like a cold light piercing the heart of the demon sky, piercing the blood of the demon sky's heart, making the demon sky tremble all over.

Zhang Bad then said, "In my eyes, you are just a dog of the devil, and these disciples of the Dragon and Tiger School are real people. They will live for their own lives, live for their own lives, and you are not."

Zhang Bad's words are like a sweet spring, which shocked the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger School. What Zhang Bad said was right. He was a real person and a real living person, and no matter how powerful the Demon Sky was, he was just a devil's dog.

Thinking of this, these disciples of the Dragon and Tiger School have no expression of fear now, because now they want to act like a person, not like a dog standing in front of the devil and others.

"Haha, do you think you can make me lose my mind by doing this?" Mo Tian said to Zhang Bad with a wild smile.

Zhang Bad shrugged his shoulders and said, "Your loss of reason doesn't seem to be a good thing for me."

"Our things are slowly calculated. Now I'm asking you, where is the thing I summoned in the mountain now?" Mo Tian asked Zhang Bad with a sneer.

Zhang Bad looked at Mo Tian and said with a smile, "Do you mean my son? Small fire?"

"How dare you take that monster as an adopted son?" Mo Tian said in surprise.

"Monster, a newborn monster, a baby who has not been taken bad by evil people, is a good person after me." Zhang smiled and said, "I'm still thinking about it. Fortunately, Xiaohuo was not with you, otherwise he would have died tragically."

"Real?" Mo Tian sneered and said to Zhang Bad, "Do you know that the country is easy to change its nature? The fire demon is not as simple as you think. His heart is evil. Do you think that with your care, it can no longer become a monster?"

"In my opinion, he is just a child." Zhang Bad smiled faintly and thought of the appearance of the small fire waiting for himself in front of his closed cave.

There is also a scene where the small fire is so cold that it trembles all over and still does not leave.

These are like a warm current flowing into Zhang Bad's heart. No matter what the devil says, Zhang Bad is just a smile.

"Kill." Motian suddenly shouted, and all the disciples of Tianmomen behind him shouted and came to cover up the Dragon and Tiger School.

"Take out your skills and let them see how you are a human being." Zhang Bad shouted: "We protect our homeland and give our lives."

"I don't hesitate to give my life." The elders and others roared and killed the turbulent disciples of Tianmomen with blood red eyes.

A flash of Zhang's bad figure came to a disciple of Tianmo sect and reached out to pat the back of the disciple of Tianmo sect. A black true qi gushed out of Zhang Bad's body, and the disciple of Tianmo sect aging and died in an instant.

is very horrible, and the rest of the disciples of Tianmomen seem to be deliberately hiding Zhang Bad. As long as it is the place where Zhang Bad arrives, the Tianmo disciples here seem to have four legs and quickly avoid Zhang Bad.

This becomes such a scene. As long as it is the place where Zhang Bad arrived, no matter how fierce the battle there is, those disciples of Tianmomen will disappear in an instant. If they really can't escape, they will fight with Zhang Bad.

Generally, the disciples of Tianmomen who couldn't run away roared, and the true energy seemed to be used on this blow, but there was a face of fear on his face, and the fear of death and the fear on his face looked so incongruous.

But this also shows the mood of these disciples.

In their eyes, Zhang Bad is simply invincible, and dying in Zhang Bad's hands is simply the most painful thing in the world.

Looking at the rapid aging of their companions in Zhang's broken hands and slowly turning into a pile of dead bones, this feeling is like a poisonous snake entering the hearts of these demon disciples, making them at a loss and not know what to do.

Zhang Bad laughed and chased these disciples of Tianmo Sect. As long as there are disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect in danger, Zhang Bad will fly somewhere and melt the power of time and space. As long as he can reach those disciples of Tianmo Sect in a blink of an eye, he will immediately scare those disciples of Tianmo Sect.

The devil looked coldly at the battle on the Dragon and Tiger Sect, and his face became colder and colder.

Although he is very dissatisfied with his subordinate's performance, he also knows that there is nothing he can do. After all, Zhang's bad black dragon swallowing the sky is too domineering. Basically, he will die when he touches it, leaving no room for resistance at all.

In addition, Zhang Bad's strength has reached the realm of Tongtian, and it is also difficult to punch him to death.