Decisive Battle

Chapter 44 Yueyang's Rebirth

Mo Tian frowned and looked at Zhang Bad. Zhang Bad himself is the son of fate and has the protection of God. It is also extremely difficult to kill him, and the most helpless thing is that if he kills him, he will be cursed by God.

The curse of heaven and the curse of the devil are simply not at the same level.

The curse of the devil is at most to make you want to live for ten thousand years, because ten thousand years later, there will be a son of fate to save you, but the curse of heaven is endless torture, and no one in the world can stand such torture.

In particular, those strong people who have reached the realm of immortality will not easily take action to deal with Zhang Bad, because this is not worth the gains and losses for them. Originally, they have experienced thousands of hardships to cultivate to the realm of immortality. If they are cursed by God just because of a badness, this There is no hope of soaring.

Everyone has an unbearable yearning for soaring. This yearning goes beyond everything, even to their own life. Life in the world is also a trivial thing before the soaring **.

Zhang Bad looked at the devil with a sneer and said, "Don't you want to do it yourself?"

Mo Tian smiled and said, "For you, I don't have to do anything."

"Really?" Zhang Bad laughed and said, "Since you don't do it against me, I will do it to your men."

Zhang Bad laughed and turned his body sharply. Between several ups and downs, several disciples of Tianmomen beside him were swallowed up by Zhang Bad, making Motian hate him.

However, no matter how angry Mo Tian is, the wisdom in his heart still tells Mo Tian that it is not the time to take action, because he still has a backhand, a person who can attack Zhang Bad.

And that person is about to arrive now and is not in a hurry at this time.

And who is the person who can kill Zhang Bad?

Is it a demon?

No, this can't be a demon, because the demon can't return to the human world. Even if the demon is such a powerful character, he can't completely break away from the rules of heaven, nor can he easily break free from the rules set by heaven.

So even if the demon's body is intact as before, it is impossible to return to the human world so easily.

So who is this person?

Even Motian can't confirm who this person is. Who looks so familiar, but it makes Motian feel so indifferent and distant.

A long roar was so clear in the chaotic battle, which clearly shocked Zhang Bad.

This is not the voice of Qingyang, so who will it be?

Who has such a strong power that the sound can cover up the battle sound of the whole battlefield.

Shocked, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at the place where the long roar sounded. A dark shadow was rushing towards him at a speed beyond Zhang Bad's expectation. What shocked Zhang Bad was that the speed had exceeded the speed of time and space, which was simply a hundred feet.

However, what shocked Zhang Bad most was that the shadow was rushing towards him, and the target was himself.

Zhang Bad couldn't help frowning, slowly mobilizing the true qi all over his body, spread the true qi all over his body, put his hands on his chest, and quietly waiting for the arrival of this person.

"The young master is here, so we don't have to worry about that boy."

"Isn't it just a son of fate? Our young master is much better than him.

"That's right, we will win this battle."


Those disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect shouted excitedly when they saw the dark shadow rushing towards here.

"Young master?" Zhang's bad heart trembled, and a strange feeling filled his whole body.

Young master, in their mouth, Zhang Bad seems to have only heard that one person will be called like this. That's Yueyang. Is it possible that Mo Tian has other sons?

However, it is not known that Motian has the rest of his sons, and the people in the world do not know that Motian has other sons, which is simply too strange.

"Kill." A cold shout sounded in the distance, and the next moment, the shadow had come to Zhang Bad, and a true air came to Zhang Bad, sharp and murderous.

As if you are the enemy of this shadow.

Zhang was stunned for a moment and thought that he didn't know this person. How could he have such a strong murderous spirit towards himself? This doesn't make sense.

"All good and sound." As soon as the words fell, he had launched an attack on himself.

Zhang Bad was terrmented. The attack seemed to be like a storm, crazy and full of energy. The rapid attack made Zhang Bad even have no time to fight back, and could only let this person attack himself.

Zhang Bad felt that his hands were a little numb, but his eyes ignored the attack of the shadow and looked at the eyes of the shadow coldly.

The man's whole body was covered with black clothes, and only his eyes leaked out. He looked very strange, but these eyes suddenly trembled, and his eyes seemed to have seen them somewhere.

I have seen him more than once, and it feels as if I have known this person for a long time.

"You, you are Yueyang." Zhang Bad shouted loudly, regardless of the crazy attack of the incoming person. The black dragon's arms really flashed and resisted the attack of the incoming person. He jumped gently and jumped away from the attack of the coming person.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to remember me." Yue Yang said with a wild smile.

Zhang Bad heard Yue Yang's voice and said in shock, "You didn't die? But at that time, I clearly watched you die."

"Really? Am I really dead?" Yue Yang said with a sneer.

"You're not dead?" Zhang Bad said in shock.

For Yue Yang's words, Zhang Bad still holds an uncertain attitude, because a person's death can't be faked at all, that is to say, at that time, Yue Yang really died.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bad said with certainty, "You must be dead, and you can't die again."

"Why did the dead appear in your place?" Yue Yang said with a big smile.

The surrounding battles have stopped, and they are quietly looking at the conversation between Zhang Bad and Yue Yang.

I want to figure out what's going on and what's going on.

"You are resurrected." Zhang said with a wry smile.

"Oh? What you said is also novel." Yue Yang sneered and said, "I'm really dead, but do you know why I'm resurrected?"

"I think it must have something to do with the devil." Zhang said with a bitter face.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be really not a fool. ;" Yue Yang said with a sneer.

"I dare not be a fool, otherwise how can I survive?" Zhang Bad said.

"Then you should know that your current limit is coming. Although others can't kill you, I can kill you, because I'm just a dead person." Yue Yang said with a wild smile.

The laughter is so crazy that it makes people feel sad and pitiful.

"I think this is the attention of the devil." Zhang Bad said with a wry smile.

"Only the same loyalty to Tianmo can communicate with Lord Tianmo." Yue Yang said with a sneer.

"I said why you were going to die at that time. So that's it." Zhang Bad thought of Yueyang looking for death at that time. Now that he can understand why Yueyang told himself that he would come back.