Kaeus's chess game

183 Magic Winter

The huge claws had not yet hit Calenbu's head with the wind, but suddenly slowed down. In order to end the battle as soon as possible, Calenbu took the lead in launching his iron-blood field. Whether it was Hasting's general or a senior samurai, the iron-blood field they launched was privately taught by the Black Dragon Generals in addition to their own exploration, but In terms of nature and function, it is always several levels worse than the iron and blood field inherited by the real black dragon. Before the red in Karenpo's eyes dissipated, he slashed the troll's chest and abdomen fiercely with a long knife with blood and a thicker!

The angry troll just seemed to suddenly fall into the mud, and the air around it became strangely thick. Its smooth arms seemed to have countless big fingers holding at this time. Obviously, the claws on Calenbu's head did not fall much for a long time!

The tofu-like brain of the troll has not figured out why. Calenbu's blood blade has cut a big X on its chest and abdomen. The colloid skin of the troll is indeed very powerful. If it were other creatures, Calmple's two knives are enough to split it into four pieces!

The green blood gushed out of the wound like a fountain, and then the thick milky intestines squeezed out of the wound as if they couldn't wait. They splashed between the troll's feet. Looking at the squirming intestines, the troll was stunned again. It really couldn't believe how the weak human in front of it could be used. The red knife cut itself!

The seriously injured troll fell on his intestines and didn't understand that it was not the ordinary steel knife that could cut it until death, but the blood blade secret method launched by Karenb!

Under the leadership of eight black dragon generals, human knights swept the werewolves and dog demons like a whirlwind, and cut down 20 giant-like trolls to the ground. Although countless knights fell on the way, the human iron horse still rushed to the distant coast like a torrent!

The staff of more than a dozen demon clans are like walnuts under horses' hoofs, which are easily crushed and smashed. Human cavalry are not even interested in even looking at them. Countless horseshoes with iron paws step on their thin bodies so directly...

The Red Lion King stood on a wide wooden boat and quietly watched the distant coast farther and farther away. The cliffs and fortresses on the horizon were invisible. The continent was as peaceful and calm as a pure land.

"If it weren't for the pressure of survival, I really wouldn't want to bring the people here," the Red Lion King whispered. Only the white tiger stood beside him. At this time, he also looked at the continent silently.

The white tiger snorted and said muffledly, "There is a gate to the rich land, but the key to the gate is in the hands of tenacious human beings!"

"Who knows what this door brings when it opens!" The Red Lion King patted the huge wood on the port of the ship with a wry smile and said, "Thousands of years ago, our ancestors and the demons opened the door together. As a result, they all attracted the powerful dragons and almost destroyed the demons. Do you know what will happen if we open this door again? Can the past really bring happiness to the people?"

Before the White Tiger could answer this problem, the horse fleet of human cavalry had already felt on the beach in the distance!

The wooden row of 5,000 bullheads closely surrounded the beast emperor's ship. The human cavalry was covered with black on the beach. Although the two sides looked at each other across the shallow sea, the fierce momentum scared the fish and shrimp near the sea to disappear.

The Red Lion King squinted at the black armored marshal sitting on the horse. Calomb was also staring at the red lion standing in the bow from afar. The two said nothing, but a few cold light flashed between their eyes. Looking at the green blood on Karenbu's body, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of the Red Lion King. More than a dozen fast-clawed beasts and twenty trolls, at least dozens of small tribes do not have to spend the winter empty stomachs this year.

Carenbu snorted coldly and turned the horse's head and slowly turned back. Along the way, the knights began to restrain their comrades-in-arms on the road. As for the bodies of those trolls and demons, they didn't even look at it at all.

The departure of the orcs means the end of the autumn war. Next, the demon world will enter winter, and those orcs will return to their own camps and no longer come out, and humans can also relax a little.

The support teams from the Blue Flag Army and the Red Flag Army have returned to their respective territory respectively. Everyone has to take advantage of this rare months to take a good rest. The demon world has 20 months a year and five months in winter. Such a long time is enough for some beasts to have a litter of cubs.

The first place on the hunting list is still a ghost. This result has made the people of Jingteng brigade raise their eyebrows for several months. When the orcs come back in spring, everything will start again. No one can tell how the names on this list will change after 15 months of long fighting.

After another half month, the weather really cooled down. According to experienced veterans, it should have snowed on the orc continent at this time. Soon the humans who had expeditioned to the demon world also ushered in their winter, but there was no snow, but it was a series of heavy rain for months!

"I think the orcs don't want to spend the winter here because they hate this continuous rainy season," Di Xuan sat boredly in the tent and looked at the raindrop-like raindrops by the door. Although the stove lit in the middle of the ground was still smoking, there was always a cold tide through his clothes and drilled straight into the cracks in the bones.

"This damn weather, ah!" The cripple sitting at the door scratched his thighs and cursed the weather. In the next few months, his broken leg will be so itchy that he will not stop even if he scratches the bleeding.

"Come inside, disabled, bake it by the fire. If you scratch like that, your leg will rot." Jing Teng sat by the fire and shouted. Everyone was more or less injured. When the weather was cold and damp, they would become itchy.

"Are we going to stay like this all the time?" The ghost sat by the fire and asked Jing Teng.

"This rain will take at least ten days to be lighter. At that time, we will go to the forest to cut wood together and have some training. Our bodies are naturally weaker than orcs, so if we want to live, we must seize the time to practice hard!" Jing Teng scratched his waist, which was an old injury for several years, and recently began to itch again.

Agui nodded and left the stove to make room for the other team members. He went to the door and sat down and stared at the pouring rain outside the tent with Di Xuan.

After more than ten days, maybe the rain in the sky was almost gone, and the pouring rain slowly turned into a drizzle. Occasionally, when I was lucky for a day or two, I could faintly see the sun through the dark clouds all over the sky. The warriors in the tent ran out one after another. With the pattering rain, he drilled into the nearby mountains and forests with an axe and began to cut down the pine. This kind of tree is full of sticky pine oil, and only it can continue to burn in this wet environment.

The war seemed to have left the land. The once-blooded forest was cleaned by the continuous heavy rain. A pair of big hands that once held the sword waved the sharp axe vigorously, cut off the red-brown trunk of the oil pine, and slowly put down the big guy more than 20 meters high. The warriors were on one side Laughing, he cut the oil pine into two or three meters of trees, and then against the big and small rain, everyone returned to the camp with tree stumps. Occasionally, frightened animals ran out of the cave in a panic, which naturally became everyone's tooth sacrifice.

Agui seemed to have returned to the days of the steel clan. He cut the oil pine with sweat every day, and then followed everyone to carry a period of time and walk back to the camp for an hour or two. Then everyone compared the tree section they carried back and then chopped them into firewood. After a complete, it was a day's work. After a few days, the camp four Zhou had at least piles of firewood, and then everyone's life turned into combat training. Everyone found a considerable opponent and walked into the woods to start.

Agui defeated the forest with narrow silver knives and strange steps. Several sets of magical ancient boxing techniques made Dixuan bow down, and with the hidden stealth of the Ye clan, Jing Teng was depressed. In a few days, all the martial arts saints of Jing Teng's brigade were defeated by the ghosts, so the first person on the hunting list became popular. Any master in the flag army can challenge him, and he will also take the initiative to compete with those famous warriors.

The Red Flag Army is not as regular as the Black Chess Army, so it is an armed organization that promotes personal ability. Everyone's battle with orcs is also based on individuals, so challenging the strong has become almost every martial artist's exercise method to improve himself. Unfortunately, the two children, Michael and Malaman, have left the camp coincidentally. , Agui had to challenge one by one according to the ranking of the hunting list every day. Agui, who has already faintly surpassed the level of martial arts, increasingly finds that he needs more powerful opponents. Although he has not yet formed his own field, he can rely on the meticulous purple pupil and this strong body, coupled with endless secret methods, The martial arts level in the Red Flag Army is no longer his opponent.

In the woods with raindrops, a bright red forest frog is hiding under a large leaf to avoid the low-temperature rain. Although it has not yet reached the freezing point, the falling temperature and continuous rain have made this amphibian poisonous frog lost its former liveliness, although this small thing only the size of a fist has With a beautiful appearance, even the greedy python dares not try it. The bright skin of the forest frog clearly indicates its danger. The layer of mucus and bright red blood on its body is enough to make a ten-meter-long forest python die several times!

A pair of leather boots slowly stepped on the chirping fallen leaves. The forest frog looked at the ignorant human and finally found a place to shelter from the rain. It did not want to be disturbed. As a very poisonous little thing, Lin Frog is very confident that no creature is willing to touch itself. The strong acidic mucus on the skin will make any creature that touches it sting. If it sees blood, it can even kill the other party in an instant!