Kaeus's chess game

184 freedom

In the rain, Micah, who was wet, was obviously not afraid of the forest frog. Instead, he looked at this bright little thing with a happy face. He took out a small bamboo tube from his waist, carefully poured out a black seed the size of soybeans, and then gently threw it near the forest frog, in the crackling raindrops, black The color seed rolled to the ground inconspicuously, and then it slowly cracked its skin like waking up. A milky white rootworm popped out its tentacles. As soon as it touched the land, it was quickly and deeply penetrated under the control of Micah's wooden magic. In a blink of an eye, a tender green seedling came out of the fallen leaves, and the tenacious top After the dead leaves at the beginning, it stretched its waist strangely and grew into a dark green soft vine in less than a few minutes, slowly growing in the direction of the forest frog like a snake on the ground.

Mija stood a few meters away and silently launched his field. Within a radius of dozens of meters, all the plants became his eyes and arms. The vine catalyzed by him was like a predatory poisonous snake, secretly and silently approaching the forest frog. Maybe the forest frog was too sleepy, and the green vine slowly grew around it. It didn't notice that the smile on Micah's face became stronger. He slowly stretched out his hand and suddenly clenched it like holding a forest frog in the air!

The huge leaf that blocked the wind and rain for the forest frog just now suddenly buckled on the forest frog, and then tightened like a green palm with Michael's clenched finger and directly wrapped the forest frog into a zongzi! Although white smoke was burned by the mucus of the forest frog, the leaf still wrapped tighter and tighter as if to strangle the forest frog!

The forest frog was really shocked by the strange leaf, and it screamed and struggled hard. However, the blades of the rain were big and thick. Although it was poisoned by mucus, it still took some time for the forest frog to break free. The vine, which had already coiled up, did not give the forest frog time. It quickly wrapped a few more circles outside the leaves like a python strangling its prey, and then a few tender green tentacles plunged into the leaves and pierced the skin of the forest frog fiercely!

The scream of the forest frog can't sound. It feels as if it has been inserted into a few needles and keeps pouring water into its body. After a while, the forest frog with a big fist is stretched into a small ball that can't move by the strange thick juice injected by the vines. Under the red skin, countless black seeds pass through its flesh like tadpoles. Although there is no lack of water vapor around, the unlucky forest frog gradually fades, and its skin, which was originally full of highly toxic mucus, is gradually dry, and its flesh and blood are sucked clean by a belly of strange seeds!

Micah came over with satisfaction and gently picked up the unlucky forest frog whose venom was absorbed by the seeds. At this time, the forest frog had turned into a dry skin pocket. Except for this bright skin, all its internal organs and flesh were absorbed by the seeds spewing out by the vine, and even the horrible poison of the whole body did not escape. Get rid of the fate of being absorbed! Micah proudly took the forest frog in his hand. After a while, the highly poisonous forest frog helped him breed hundreds of seeds of highly poisonous vines. In Micah's woody field, these poisonous vines can be as sinister as snakes, and also have the horrible toxins of highly poisonous forest frogs!

After throwing the forest frog skin into the space bracelet of his wrist, Micah continued to walk into the woods. He also had to prepare more poisonous seeds. With the help of these cute little things, he could win the ghost who could shoot arrows and return to the first place in the hunting list!

Continuous heavy rain has expanded the lakes in the forest five or six times. Countless temporarily formed rivers keep pouring the excess water in the forest into the lake. The sediment swept by the water has turned the already turbid lake into a mud pond, and countless fish living at the bottom. The class had to float to the surface to breathe a few breaths of air.

A big wave turned over the surface of the water, as if a big fish was stirring up the already turbid lake. Malaman just floated to the surface of the water and took a breath and dived into the bottom of the water. In his water system field, Malaman in the lake was swimming in this muddy lake as fast as a dolphin. The huge grass mass composed of several water grasses is like a super jellyfish swimming out of the deep sea. They surround Malaman like a king and rolls in the water. No matter how big or small the swimming fish, the water grass will gently trap it with tentacle-like fine grass leaves, and then throw it far away. One side.

Malaman also admitted that he prefers to stay in the water rather than in a warm camp. Here, he can not only continue to practice his water system field, but also feel the feeling of flying freely. At this time, he has no worries, just like a free fish!

Human beings are preparing for the next year's war. On the snow-covered northern continent, countless orcs are also carrying out glorious breeding activities in felt tents, in underground caves, and even under the cold snow cellars. Relying on meager food, the orcs suffer from the cold winter, except for the wolf tigers and other minorities. The cold-feared orcs are still hunting, and even the blood relatives of the beast emperor, the powerful lions and demons have to hide in the hot caves and castles, quietly waiting for the arrival of spring.

In the human hometown, the rich land has also entered winter. In addition to the Gran Empire in the south, the other three empires are more or less covered with snow. Along the Yuling Mountains and the lower reaches of the Tianshui River, the Light God quietly wiped out tribes and small countries that refuse to believe in the God of Light. They Just like a young silkworm, it is secretly encroaching on a large amount of land.

On the eternal ice field in the permafrost, human beings used the huge caves in the Tianshan Mountains to build their own underground kingdom under the ice and snow. Gordon took more than 150 bright knights who obeyed him and became the largest bandits here. Now the caravans that have entered winter are even rarer and want to grow bigger. Gao Deng of Cai also had to curl up in the cave with his men to live a boring life.

" boss, someone left you a message in the Great Stone City, using a special mark of Light God Religion!" A once bright knight, now the long hairy bandit in Big Stone City sent a sheepskin scroll covered with the fire paint of the Light God to Gordon.

"Do they still remember me?" Gao Deng narrowed his eyes and wiped a yellow beard. The woman on his body pushed away and took over the scroll. At that time, he was also a handsome and sunny bright knight, but now he is a dirty long hairy bandit leader with a yellow beard. I didn't expect that there would be news from the Shinto religion of Light that they had almost forgotten.

Holding the scroll and hesitated, Gordon still tore the fire paint and opened the scroll. It turned out to be an order issued jointly by the four archbishops of the Light God! Gordon narrowed his eyes and threw the scroll into the stove beside him and burned it into ashes. He leaned on the thick animal skin chair and pulled the woman beside him to him. As he put his broad palm into the woman's clothes and grabbed it, he laughed, "Those old people actually said that they had received the gift of God of Light. Now all Light believers can use the power of the Light Gods, and they have launched a holy war!"

Looking at the surprised eyes of his subordinates, Gordon laughed loudly: "Now the teaching will collect us and promise that if we go back to participate in the holy war, they will give me a holy weapon!"

"Holy Vessel!" His men exclaimed that this thing has always been a high-level item that can only be used by the regimental commander. If he goes back, he can be given holy weapons. Doesn't it mean that the Light God Religion has recognized Gordon's dominance, and this yellow bearded boss is about to become the head of the Cold Winter Knights of the Light God Religion?

"Don't fucking dream!" Gordon looked at his men and suddenly roared, "What the hell am I? I know best. Why did they give me the holy weapon? It's not that you want to trick me into taking people back to clean me up! At that time, we will casually choose a person from the religion to be the head of the regiment, and we will continue to be subordinates!"

"But boss, although those four old people are not a thing, they seldom promise casually. Now the divine religion even dares to launch jihad, and there must be a shortage of manpower. Maybe you can really be a regimental commander or something when you go back..." After all, there have been a bright god religion, and some old bandits are a little old. Deng persuaded me.

"Go back to his ball! It's good for me to be a king here. Why did I run back to be a grandson? Gordon curled his lips, looked at the woman with a sad face pinched in his arms and smiled, "Send a letter to the believers of the Light God Religion in Big Stone City, and say what I said, first let them send the holy weapon to show their sincerity. As for whether they can't go back to participate in the holy war, wait until I see the holy weapon first!"

So the Light Priest, who was located in the Great Rock, soon got the news, and it wasn't long before Gordon's words reached the ears of the four archbishops.

"This damn traitor doesn't deserve a sacred weapon at all!" Bishop Ante, who was already much younger, gritted his teeth and scolded, "If he hadn't gathered the largest winter knights, I would have taken a fancy to him? This Gordon was not just a servant who served Pagani a tea quilt at the beginning!"

"Ok, Ente, don't be angry about this little ant," Bishop Sam said with a smile, "He was indeed just a serviceman, but when Pagani defected the divine religion, he threw all your winter knights to Riga. Now Gordon, the little ant, is the largest. If he is willing to come back, Others will definitely follow back..."

"Do you really give him a sacred artifact?" Bishop Ante said viciously, "I think it's better to send a knighthood to destroy him. This unknown ant dares to tell me the conditions!"

At the beginning, Gordon was just an inconspicuous serviceman around the commander of Pagani. No one thought that today he was already the long bandit leader with the largest winter knight. In the past, Bishop Onte, who managed the Winter Knights, could put him in a life and death dilemma, but now this is not at all. The little man actually turned around to talk to the divine religion, which made the always-high Bishop Ante very angry!