armor demon

Chapter 81 Coldness

In a hurry, Qin Yu's mind flashed and immediately learned to bark like wild cats. When he was a child, he often learned to bark like animals when he was bored. Unexpectedly, it came in handy at this time.

The sound of "meow" came from behind the tree. At the same time, Qin Yu also picked up a stone and threw it in the opposite direction, creating the illusion that a wild cat ran out from behind the tree.

"It turned out to be a wild cat." Deng Fei couldn't help cursing, and the two of them naturally relieved their nervous hearts.

Listening to Deng Fei's words, Qin Yu's slightly hanging heart was also relieved. However, what happened later happened that Qin Yu did not expect that the relaxed Deng Fei actually followed Li Zhi and said, "Li Zhi, you just wait for Yang Li here. I have to go and see what wild cat makes me nervous."

After saying that, Deng Fei actually walked so hard towards the big tree that Qin Yu had hidden. Unexpectedly, he could not avoid a battle. Qin Yu immediately pulled out the dagger on his waist and held it tightly, giving a fatal blow when the other party passed by. Because it takes some time to perform magic, and because of the proximity, it is bound to alert the other party, Qin Yu chose the dagger.

The sharp blade of the dagger emits such a faint light in the dark woods, but the light is so ferocious, as if to choose someone to eat.

Because he thought that there was just a wild cat behind the tree, Deng Fei did not have any vigilance at all, but swaggered towards the tree. Li Zhi naturally did not pay attention to a wild cat, so he naturally turned his head and looked at the end of the road, looking forward to Yang Li's figure earlier.

Deng Fei, who had no sense of defense, walked over, and his whole body was naturally full of flaws, and these flaws were naturally enough for Qin Yu.

Because he thought that the wild cat had run forward, Deng Fei kept looking straight ahead, as if he wanted to find the figure of the wild cat as soon as possible, and then give him a pleasant blow to relieve his boredom.

However, when he passed the big tree, he actually felt a cold wind next to him, but it was too late for him to realize what had happened.

Looking at Deng Fei's throat exposed in front of him, Qin Yu, who was unusually calm, suddenly raised the dagger in his hand, and then the dagger stroked to Deng Fei's throat like lightning. In this situation where either you died or I lived, Qin Yu did not have any softness at all, because he knew that only by doing it hard can he Chance to win.

The cold flashed like that, and then a blood arrow floated out of Deng Fei's throat. Deng Fei looked at the blood arrow flying out of his throat in surprise. His face was unbelievable. He didn't believe it in any way. His life ended at this moment, and he didn't even have time to see who the murderer was.

A fatal move, Qin Yu was like an old-fashioned assassin who had experienced many battles. After the dagger cut the other party's throat, Qin Yu's other hand quickly covered the other party's mouth, and then grabbed the dagger's hand and dragged the other party over.

The whole process was like a well-planned murder. In fact, from Qin Yu to hearing the footsteps of the other party, to the time he waved a dagger to cut through the other party's throat, and then holding and dragging the other party, the whole process was only a few seconds. But in this short period of time, Qin Yu not only successfully assassinated the other party, but also made the other party unable to make any sound at all and could not warn his companions at all.

Quietly put down Deng Fei's remaining body, and Qin Yu couldn't help exhaling a breath that had been held for a long time. He knew that the reason why he had such a fast skills was because of practicing a hundred steps of sweat.

Deng Fei's whole body was placed under the root of the tree, and there was still no abnormal sound in this process. It was just a sound like a wind blowing leaves when it was placed on the ground. Therefore, Li Zhi was still looking not far away from the path and didn't know that Deng Fei was in such a blink of an eye. He was killed.

Since Deng Fei has been killed, it is naturally easy to solve the remaining Li Zhi. Even if the two fight head-on, Qin Yu is also very sure to kill the other party, because his spiritual strength is stronger than the other party, not to mention that he has other killers, so after taking a few breaths, he He made up his mind on Li Zhi. Because he tasted the sweetness of the secret assassination, he gave up the idea of fighting head-on with the other party. If he could quickly solve the other party without consuming his own physical strength, why not?

If you want to assassinate the other party, you must do it before the other party finds out that Deng Fei is dead, otherwise there will be a big war if the other party is alerted.

Li Zhi never thought that death had quietly come to his head.

Qin Yu first thought of magic, but when the magic is sent out, there will be a sound of breaking the air, and at this time, the water arrow sent by his spiritual power is impossible to hit the other party before the other party is aware of it, so the effect of assassination will certainly not be very good. Do you want to sneak over and give it to the other party, but this The idea was denied by him again, because if the other party turned around so occasionally, he was bound to find him.

How can you make your assassination perfect? Qin Yu would be entangled in this issue.

Just after a while, he seemed to suddenly wake up. Why didn't he expect to use armor? At present, after scolding himself for being confused, Qin Yu tried to start the armor.

Can the armor be activated in the mysterious magic boundary?

Qin Yu is solving the confusion in his heart step by step. You know, it is all magicians who enter the mysterious magic boundary, so no one has ever discussed whether he can start the armor in the mysterious magic boundary, and Qin Yu is the first one.

Birds sing happily in the sky, and those beautiful scenery are also gently shaken by the breeze, but at this time, there is a hint of murder under these beautiful appearances.

Qin Yu stretched out his hand under the space button containing the big knife mantis armor. The space button carved from ivory is crystal clear, smooth and shining with fascinating light, but under such an extremely beautiful appearance, there is an armor that is absolutely deadly to the magician.

Armor is something that makes countless magicians love and cruel, because they can not only bring them endless wealth, but also take their lives in a flash. In order not to make their lives so fragile, magicians desperately improve their spiritual strength and look for soul stones, so that they can control the armor. As long as they can control the armor, they can definitely gain countless reputation and wealth on the mainland.

" click

A slight extreme sound came from the space button, as small as Qin Yu almost doubted whether he was an illusion or whether the space button had never sounded at all.

The sound is very low, which means that the armor has not been activated.

After this sound, the space button remained motionless, as if Qin Yu had never sent his spiritual power into it.

Unexpected and reasonable.

It seems that he can only use magic to fight against the other party. Qin Yu secretly thought that at this time, what he was thinking about was how to solve the other party silently, but it seemed difficult to look at the distance of the other party.

Time waits for no one. Since there is no better way, we can only adopt the best and most effective method.

A flash of light flashed in Qin Yu's mind.

After a few seconds, a magic water mass suddenly formed in his palm. The next moment, Qin Yu turned around and stepped out, and then the magic water mass turned into a water arrow and attacked Li Zhi. Just as the magic water ball flew out of his palm, Qin Yu exerted wind magic, and then ran towards Li Zhi.

One person and one water arrow fly out from under the tree almost at the same time, and the speed of the water arrow is naturally much faster than Qin Yu.

Listening to the abnormal wind blowing behind him, Li Zhi turned his head alertly. What was it? His pupils contracted violently and saw a shining object flying towards him under the sunlight, and after this unknown object, he actually followed a man who used wind magic to fly in the air. The man's hand was a dagger with a flash of cold light, and there seemed to be blood dripping on the dagger.

Li Zhi's head exploded. Even if he was an idiot, he knew that the unknown objects and people rushing towards him in front of him were killing him. At this moment, he quickly used his fire magic. In his busy schedule, a fireball flew against the unknown object, and the two objects soon met in the air, and the phase The place I met was half a meter away from Li Zhi's body.

Water and fire are bound by each other, and they instantly become invisible after meeting.

Li Zhi broke out in a cold sweat, but his crisis had not been resolved, because the man flying in the wind had already flew one meter in front of him. Li Zhi, who had not yet lost his cold sweat, couldn't help looking at the dagger in the man's hand with a frightened face. He had never seen anyone holding a dagger as a weapon while flying in the wind. You should know that the magician flying in the air had to use all his strength to control the balance. How can he have time to manipulate other things? It's just that he didn't know that he met Qin Yu, who didn't play cards according to common sense.