armor demon

Chapter 82 Layer 2

Li Zhi doesn't know wind magic, let alone light kung fu, so he escaped very slowly, so just as he took a step back desperately and didn't even use the explosive power, the other party had already flew in front of him, and the dagger in his opponent's hand quickly stroked towards him.

The cold dagger drew a strange arc in mid-air, which was extremely beautiful, but this beautiful arc came for Li Zhi's life. Sure enough, my mother was right. The more beautiful it is, the more toxic it is. Such an idea flashed in Li Zhi's mind, and then he desperately raised his left hand to block the beautiful arc hitting his throat.

The dagger stabbed Li Zhi's arm, and then splashed a stream of blood, but he was so frightened that he even forgot to shout out.

The dagger failed to make a fatal move, which Qin Yu expected, because his stroke was just a casual move. He did not have infinitely changing moves like those warriors at all. What he pursues is just a fast, but he naturally can't do this fast without internal power alone. It has reached the level that Li Zhi can't react.

However, it is enough to injure the other party and bring endless panic to the other party. Now he has the absolute upper hand, not to mention that Li Zhi, as a magician, is not his opponent in close combat. Therefore, under Qin Yu's subsequent fierce attack, Li Zhi had no power to counterattack at all.

The dagger is horizontal, vertical and straight, but every stroke of the dagger without any moves makes Li Zhi ble out a stream of blood.

"Forgive my life, Brother Qin Yu, I surrender." Li Zhi endured the pain on his arm and shouted in horror. Looking at the movement of Deng Fei behind Qin Yu, he suspected that Deng Fei might have died a long time ago, so he naturally begged Qin Yu for mercy and would not wait for Deng Fei to appear at all.

Listening to Li Zhi's words, Qin Yu stopped attacking the other party, and then looked at the other party coldly and said, "Say a reason for me to let you go."

"All this is arranged by Ouyang Li. I'm just a soldier and shrimp. You also know, how can a magician with no * no strength like me do not ask for asylum? Li Zhi burst into tears.

He thought that Qin Yu would forgive him for his poor sake, but he didn't know that it was still Qin Yu's cold eyes that greeted him.

Qin Yu looked at Li Zhi, who was begging for mercy indifferently, as if he were looking at a humble creature, because he felt that some people did not need to be pitiful.

Seeing that begging for mercy had no effect, Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to remember something and groped in his pocket. He took out a money card and stuffed it into Qin Yu's hand and said, "Brother Qin, this is all my belongings. There are 5 million yen in it. As long as you let me go, I will give this card to you, and absolutely Yes, I won't ask you again, and I will never tell anyone about your magic. Li Zhi is not an idiot. He feels that Qin Yu, who did not expose his magic in public, must not want others to know, and if he made such a guarantee, Qin Yu might let him go for his cleverness.

Qin Yu stretched out his hand, took the card and stuffed it into his pocket.

Looking at Qin Yu collecting the money card, Li Zhi couldn't help but be overjoyed and quickly hit the railway while it was hot. "Thank you, Brother Qin, for not killing me." However, he didn't know the development of the next thing, but he was stunned.

He only heard Qin Yu say coldly, "I'm sorry, no matter what, you have to die."

"You rubbish, you idiot, if you dare to kill me, you will be killed by Master Ouyang and senior Zheng sooner or later." Listening to Qin Yu's resolute words, Li Zhi immediately scolded indifferently.

What just greeted him was a dagger with a cold light.

The dagger flashed by, and Li Zhi, who had already exhausted, no longer had any reaction. Then a stream of blood floated from his throat, and then his whole body collapsed on the ground and could no longer say anything. However, his face was still full of anger and unbearable. He didn't expect that he, as a decent student of the Armor College, would be buried in the magic boundary, but under his angry and unbearable expression, there seemed to be a trace of regret.

Qin Yu doesn't believe the other party's guarantee at all. He believes that as long as people like Li Zhi are not within his control, they will definitely reveal their magic things like others. In order to prevent his magic from spreading, he can only make the other party dead, because only the dead will be conservative. Secret. Although wind magic is not a big deal, it will undoubtedly paralyze the enemy if it is not revealed, and will undoubtedly increase the weight of life protection and victory against the enemy in the future. Therefore, Qin Yu still made such a choice, and he believes that if he falls into the hands of the other party, the consequences will be the same in this mysterious magic boundary, because the life and death here will not be investigated in depth at all. What they value more is whether they can be here as students. There are great gains in it.

There was not much valuable on the two. In addition to some magic crystals, Qin Yu also found a money card on Deng Fei, but the money in it seemed to be less than Li Zhi's. After the search, Qin Yu threw them into the depths of the forest. After all this, he rushed forward.

In a short time, Qin Yu rushed to the mountainside. There was no obstruction along the way, and there was no shadow of Warcraft, only those beasts that occasionally ran out of the woods and were killed by Qin Yu.

Is this the entrance of the second floor? Looking at the light curtain in the huge cracks on the mountainside, Qin Yu was a little surprised. He thought that the passage to the second floor should be a stone ladder, but he didn't know that it was similar to the light curtain he saw in the fantasy. However, from the map, this is undoubtedly the entrance to the second floor.

The light curtain flashed, but it made people unable to see through the scene behind it. Qin Yu couldn't help wondering what kind of scene it was inside, and would it still be the same as the beautiful scenery outside?

Qin Yu flashed into the light curtain, but in order to prevent being attacked by people or monsters, Qin Yu was highly concentrated and his muscles were tight, so that he could defend or attack in time in case of unexpected situations. However, what reassured him was that he did not find any life behind the scenes.

In front is a bluestone road about ten meters long. At the end of the bluestone road is a huge stone. The boulder blocked Qin Yu's sight so that he could not see the scene behind the boulder, and the boulder had two bright red characters, "two floors". The words were very ordinary, but under such a gaze, Qin Yu actually felt dizzy. He was so shocked that he quickly bit the tip of his tongue before he woke up. It seemed that these two words were injected with some kind of magic.

After bypassing the boulder, the scene in front of him suddenly became cheerful. To Qin Yu's surprise, it was still sunny and bright everywhere.

This is a very flat and wide scene. It is said that it is very, because Qin Yu can't see the edges at a glance. In this scene, there are countless hilly stone mountains or slopes, and these stone mountains, soil slopes are full of countless very huge stones. These stones are actually very strange, no Which piece is repeated, and the strangest thing is that some boulders are still floating in the air out of thin air. Have they all been enchanted? Such an idea flashed in Qin Yu's mind.

But what shocked Qin Yu most was that there was no green in this endless place, that is to say, Qin Yu could not see even a grass on it, let alone a tree. Is there no life here? Where are those herbs? Well, who came in first can't see a trace of it? Did they go the wrong way? Er, no, the previous two words showed that they didn't go to the wrong place.

With these doubts, Qin Yu walked into this vast place, and compared with the breadth of this field, Qin Yu was just as small as a sand on the ground.

Stepping on the soil on the ground, Qin Yu's heart flashed surprise, because from the feeling of the soles of his feet, the soil here is very soft, that is to say, the soil here contains a lot of moisture. There is water but no plants. What's going on?

His eyes were full of earthy yellow, but Qin Yu could not see any flying sand and stones, because there was no wind, and the whole huge space was so quiet that he could hear his heartbeat.

After walking more than ten steps, Qin Yu suddenly found that he had integrated with the objects in the scene, and he could no longer see the scene of the whole huge space.

Why did you see the scene of the whole space just now? Such a question suddenly flashed in Qin Yu's mind. Indeed, he was so small that how could he see the scene of the whole space? Could it be that what he saw just now was a reduced space, and he who entered the space also shrank later. Qin Yu felt that only this statement could solve this question.