armor demon

Chapter 83 Golden Fist Piercing Bird

He took out the map and looked carefully. Qin Yu knew that he entered the No. 10 entrance. He knew that the entrance he entered was absolutely different from others, because according to the teacher, if he entered the second floor at different times, it would be scattered to different entrances, and those students who entered the second floor together would naturally gather at the same entrance. And that's why the teacher asked them to gather at the pavilion. The map is marked with the route to the third floor, and there are also some places where there are herbs on the second floor, but Qin Yu doesn't understand at all how there can be life in such a place that seems to be infernal.

Qin Yu seems to be walking in the desert at this time, but there are huge stone mountains and slopes on both sides. His goal is to rush to the third floor, because most of the herbs on the second floor are those low-level herbs, which are not very attractive to Qin Yu, who is rich. Of course, the second floor will also have some heavenly levels. Middle-grade and top-grade herbs, if you are lucky, you may encounter ground-level herbs, but this is not available.

Although Qin Yu's goal is the herbs in the third floor, if he can get some heavenly-level herbs in the second floor, he doesn't care about moving a few more times. After all, no one will think that he has more herbs, and no one will think that he has more money. So does Qin Yu.

Qin Yu used wind magic and rushed forward, and soon walked a kilometer or two, but to his surprise, he still did not find any life along the way, not even a trace of wind.

Well, the map shows the survival of herbs not far from the left in front of here. I went down to see how these herbs can grow in such a strange place. Qin Yu thought about it.

A road naturally formed between the stone mountains and the soil slopes on both sides, but this road is not so flat. The road is full of potholes, a large stone on the left and a small stone on the right, and many stones floating in mid-air. These stones are large and small, and they all look strange. The only thing in common is that this Some stones are actually earthy yellow, and there is no life attached to the stones at all.

Such a pothole road must be unspeakable for magicians who are not strong in wind magic. Of course, Qin Yulai, who can do wind magic and has good physical fitness, is naturally like walking on the ground.

Qin Yu walked about 20 meters according to the route on the map, and then turned a big stone to the left. He found that there was an herb growing in a small crack in Shishan not far away. Qin Yu was not surprised because he knew in advance that there would be herbs here. He just wondered how the herb was. Living on a stone mountain that seems to have no soil at all.

The location of the herbs shown on the map was marked by the students of the Armor College who entered the mysterious magic boundary ten years ago after countless explorations, and they confirmed that most of the herbs in the same location will still grow again ten years later. However, the map of the mysterious magic boundary is very large, and it is impossible for those seniors to travel all, so no one knows the location of the growth herbs marked on the map accounts for a few points of the whole map.

There is a herb growing on the bare stone mountain, and even Qin Yu looks a little incredible. If those who don't know the details see it, they may be shocked.

Although it grows on the stone mountain, this herb is extremely strong. The promoted body and the smooth and stretched leaves all show that it lacks nutrition at all.

This mysterious magic boundary is really strange, and it is incredible everywhere. Qin Yu secretly thought in his heart.

The herb is "close to a late", but Qin Yu was not in a hurry to pick it, but carefully observed the surrounding situation, because according to those former seniors, there are generally warcrafts around these herbs. Of course, no one can sum it out what the general probability is. According to their experience, Those monsters seem to appear randomly.

After being sure that there was no danger around him, Qin Yu carefully walked forward. The reason why he was careful was that Qin Yu felt that it was better to be careful in such a strange and strange place. If he was not prepared, if an unexpected situation suddenly occurred, he could not react at all.

There is no wind and no sound. If there is, it is the slight footsteps of Qin Yu stepping on the ground. The whole space is extremely quiet. Although Qin Yu is only 100 meters away from the herb, if he uses wind magic, he will reach the herb in just a few seconds, but, At this time, he walked forward step by step.

While walking forward, he also carefully observed the movement next to him, his eyes swept around from time to time, and his ears listened attentively to the sounds around him under the control of his mind. It's just that his footsteps still sounded in the whole space. The gentle footsteps were originally so insignificant, but they seemed so abrupt here and now.

50 meters.

40 meters.

30 meters.

20 meters.


The distance was pulled closer step by step, but there was nothing abnormality at all. Could it be that he was too careful? Qin Yu couldn't help but flash such an idea in his heart.

There are only ten meters left. Qin Yu can already see the fine lines on the leaves of herbs, and even the small smoke and dust on the herbs can be seen. This is a heavenly herb.

Five meters, the distance is closer again with Qin Yu's approach, as if he can get the herb in his hand, and Qin Yu can smell the unique fragrance from the herb.

At this time, Qin Yu's face suddenly changed and his pupils contracted violently, because he saw something very strange.

The round stone next to the herb suddenly moved, no, it cracked.


Such a loud noise suddenly sounded in the extremely quiet space.

With the sound, an object suddenly shot at him in the middle of the cracked boulder, which was a fist-sized object, but it was so fast that Qin Yu could not distinguish what it was.

In the blink of an eye, the virtual shadow object actually reached the first half meter of Qin Yu's body.

If Qin Yu does not dodge, he will definitely be shot through his chest by the object.

The object seemed to have reached Qin Yu's chest and seemed to be stained with his clothes. At this moment, Qin Yu suddenly waved his hand and saw a flash of coldness passing by. Between the electric stone firelight, the coldness collided with the object in mid-air.

After a "bang", the two objects that collided sharply separated in an instant, and the fist-sized object bounced more than five meters.

In a hurry, Qin Yu didn't have time to use wind magic at all, so he could only wave his dagger. He just saw that the original sharp blade in his hand was actually hit a gap. Qin Yu was suddenly stunned. You know, this dagger is made of extremely hard diamond fusion gold. The hardness can be imagined, but it was smashed by the other party, which shows how hard the fist-sized object is.

Qin Yu knew that if he had moved slower, he would have died.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak", the big object that was bounced fist still floating in the air made such a cry, as if it was hit by the blade.

What is this? Looking at the big fist object in front of him, Qin Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

This is obviously a bird with a golden body, but it is not commensurate with its big fist body. It actually has a ten-centimeter-long mouth, which is thin. If Qin Yu did not see it move, he would have thought that its mouth was a metal barb. It is its mouth that bumps into the dagger Prime Minister in mid-air.

The golden fist piercing bird, the name suddenly flashed in Qin Yu's mind, but it is reasonable to say that the golden fist piercing bird should be trapped in some magic enchantment in the third layer, and it is impossible to appear on the second floor. What is the reason for this?

However, this question could not be answered by Qin Yu now, and he quickly focused on the golden fist piercing bird.

However, after Qin Yu's closer look, he was stunned to find that there was no trace of scratches on the extremely sharp thin mouth, that is to say, Qin Yu's dagger did no harm to the other party at all.

The golden fist prickly bird was so hard that Qin Yu couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

How can he defeat this fierce bird? After a brief panic, Qin Yu quickly calmed down. He understood that only by calming down can he have a chance to get through this difficulty. If he panicked and waits for only one result, that is, death.