armor demon

Chapter 104 Flow

When the last dim yellow light disappeared from their eyes, a firm voice sounded.


As soon as the words fell, the figure standing like a javelin floated down from the slope. At the same time, the five students who had been defending at the end of the stone road retreated one after another, all climbing from the reserved road to the stone walls on both sides.

The defense line is open.

The shadow wolves with scarlet eyes suddenly found that the level full of blood that resisted them outside the stone wall was not human, which means that they could pass through this level and then tear these shameful humans into pieces with their sharp teeth.

At this moment, the whole wolves were excited like an exploding boiling pot. They looked up to the sky and roared, and then rushed to the stone road.

And the shadow wolf, who rushed to the front, took the lead in rushing forward, because it found a figure standing at the end of the stone road.

The stupid shadow wolf fell into the trap set for them by the students, but for this group of students, the prey they faced seemed to be too powerful.

All the wolves are ferocious, and people can only see their excitement from their scarlet eyes.

Qin Yu, who floated down the slope, stood quietly in the innermost part of the stone wall. As a bait, he only needed to stand so quietly.

Although the leading shadow wolf still had a trace of hesitation when crossing the level, it was also a momentary thing, and then couldn't stand the ** of the bait standing in front of it, so it struggled to jump forward.

still did not receive any attack, which made the wolves who had a trace of fear of that level lose the burden in their hearts and then scrambled to jump over the natural level.

The leading shadow demon wolf rushed to the magician standing in the stone wall like lightning. From the open blood plate of the mouth of the shadow demon wolf, everyone could see its sharp and chilling fangs, and the airflow from its running can smell the bloody smell on it, which made everyone I can't help but be a little scared. You should know that they were previously defended by the terrain and have a certain distance from this group of shadow demon wolves. How can they face the running shadow demon wolf like the unknown magician standing below now, not to mention that there is a group behind this one.

However, the unknown magician below still stands quietly, as if he doesn't know what fear is, as if he is facing a group of gentle and loyal dogs.

After so many battles, Qin Yu actually developed a habit, perhaps an instinct, that is, he always looks so calm in the face of danger, and he can escape from danger several times thanks to this calmness. Even he doesn't know how he formed such an instinct. The more critical the moment, the calmer he is, the more he can analyze the powerful relationship between things, and find out the flaws of the enemy, and then give the enemy a fatal blow.

Like the shadow demon wolf at this time, although its fangs are so horrible and the fishy smell emitted from its mouth is disgusting, Qin Yu is not disturbed by them at all. The focus of his eyes shifted to the throat of the shadow demon wolf. He knows that for the shadow demon wolf, this is their weakness. What Qin Yu did was to let his fist pierce the throat of the shadow demon wolf. There was not much time. He needed a fatal blow, otherwise it would be dangerous to be entangled by the shadow demon wolf. At that time, it would be the bloody mouth of the wolves.

The figure of the shadow demon wolf instantly enlarged in Qin Yu's pupil, and just as its mouth was about to bite the throat of the unknown magician, and when its claws were about to jump on his body, when everyone's exclamation was about to break out of the throat, everyone only felt that their eyes were blooming, but The latter figure instantly staggered with the shadow demon wolf, and at the same time, a golden light stroked towards the throat of the shadow demon wolf.

The shadow demon wolf still rushed forward, but the sharp-eyed man suddenly found that a blood arrow spewed out of the throat of the shadow demon wolf, which was obviously another fatal move.

It's really fast and fierce. Everyone can't help sighing. They believe that this will be the result if they face this unknown magician.

After solving a shadow demon wolf in an instant, the other one had just crossed the level and watched his companion fall to the ground in an instant without knowing life or death. The shadow demon wolf behind couldn't help roaring and pounced at Qin Yu, but waiting for it was another fatal stab, and then it also fell straight to the ground. .

After this, there are two shadow demon wolves that rushed towards Qin Yu one by one. Qin Yu can solve it with his hands and feet, but with two words, the difficulty suddenly rises sharply. He can't guarantee that he can get rid of these two shadow wolves in two moves.

When two shadow wolves attacked Qin Yu, several shadow wolves jumped out of the level. Due to the narrow level, it is impossible for them to jump at the same time, that is to say, most of the shadow wolves are surrounded outside the level and on the stone road. The three magic wolves jumped out found the people standing on the stone wall, and then they opened their mouths and attacked the people on the stone wall. The stone wall more than one person high was a piece of cake for them. The two moments when they jumped up were knocked back under the stone wall, and judging from their movements and wounds, they were seriously injured.

However, this naturally can't scare the shadow wolves behind them. At this time, they are all thinking about how to bite these humans into pieces. While everyone knocked down these three, several jumped into the level in a row.

Although it was a little troublesome, Qin Yu still neatly solved the two shadow wolves. Although the shadow wolves looked very ferocious, their agility, attack power and intelligence were much lower than that of the long-handed ape. This is why Qin Yu dared to challenge the two shadow wolves at the same time, and they relied on It's just the number of them.

The war burned in an instant, but it seemed to be too good for everyone. Of course, this is also temporary.

"It's not good." Just then, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

Qin Yu looked up and suddenly found that a shadow demon wolf actually made a strange change in the air, and then rushed to a female student. At this time, the classmates closest to her had already cast magic, and it was impossible to cast another magic in such an instant, and had just solved two shadow demon wolves. Qin Yu is far away from her and can't rescue at this moment. That is to say, unless there is an accident, the girl will definitely be thrown to the ground by the shadow demon wolf.

At the same time, several shadow wolves jumped in from the level.

If the girl is dragged under the stone wall by the girl, she is bound to be bitten to death by several shadow wolves.

In this moment, a boy standing next to the girl suddenly dragged the girl aside and left his back to the dark wolf. In the blink of an eye, the boy was bitten by the shadow wolf and dragged under the stone wall. In mid-air, he left only one sentence, "I love you."

The girl's face was pale and trembling all over, but what she stretched out was only a piece of cloth on the boy's torn dress.

The boy was dragged down in an instant, and it seemed that he had no choice but to die.

Looking at the shadow demon wolf biting the boy's blood basin, the people who reacted to attack the shadow demon wolf one after another, but their magic did not seem to be faster than the mouth of the shadow demon wolf.

Seeing that the boy was about to be killed, everyone couldn't help sighing, and in addition to the shadow wolf, the previous ones that jumped in were about to run to the boy's side.

It's close but it's like a world away, which is the feeling in everyone's hearts at this time.

Just when everyone was extremely disappointed, they suddenly found that a water arrow with a much lower firing position than them stood out from the pile of magic they attacked, and then accelerated to attack the dark magic wolf. Just as its fangs had rubbed against the boy's face, it seemed to be alert and then raised its head. Look at the water arrow that shot at it.

And at the moment it looked up, the water arrow hit its mouth impartially. If it did not look up, people believed that the water arrow would definitely shoot through its eyes.

This speed and accuracy can't help but be amazed by everyone. You don't have to look at them to know that it was the unknown magician below who fired water arrows.

This water arrow just repels the shadow wolf and can't save the boy. If you really want to save him, you must repel the wolves around him so that you can save him from the ground. At this time, the boy lay motionless on the ground and seemed to faint in the fall just now, so the rescue work was even more difficult, because he had to pick him up from the ground to save him. However, in the case of wolves waiting around, it is difficult to achieve this step.

Everyone focused on the unknown magician below, because no one but him could do this at this time.

Will he save it? Some people can't help but flash this idea, because if you really want to save it, there will be danger. If you are not careful, you may be injured, and it is still a small matter. If you give your life for it, it is not worth the loss.

However, the man's question disappeared in an instant, because he saw a figure running towards the dark shadow wolves like lightning.

At the same time, several shadow wolves continued to jump into that level.

eight, a whole eight, and the place where the boy fell is just a few steps away from the level. That is to say, when the unknown magician arrives at the boy's place, he has to face the attack of eight shadow wolves. In addition, there are shadow wolves jumping in at any time at the level.

Looking at such a thrilling scene, everyone couldn't help sweating and their hearts pounding.

This is absolutely impossible to complete, but what courage and determination it takes for the unknown magician to break into such a dangerous environment. Everyone sighed repeatedly in their hearts. At this time, they were not only admiring this unknown magician.

"Quick cover." An anxious voice sounded among the crowd.

At this time, the people seemed to have just woken up, and then used magic to attack the shadow wolves who entered the level behind. At this time, they could only help the magician share part of the firepower.

In an instant, Taoist magic roared at the shadow wolves that finally jumped into the level.

People have raised their potential to the extreme, and they know that only in this way can they prevent these shadow wolves to the greatest extent.

Due to the instant efforts of everyone, several shadow wolves were forced to take no further steps.

And this also helped Qin Yu a lot.

In addition to the three shadow demon wolves temporarily forced by everyone, there are five. Qin Yu, who rushed towards the shadow demon wolves, knew that he could not resist the attack of three shadow demon wolves at the same time in safe and sound conditions, not to mention five. If he had to forcibly save them, he would even catch himself. A life. In such a situation, the main reason why he dared to run over is that the terrain in front of him made several seemingly crowded shadow wolves unable to attack himself and the attraction and containment of everyone at the same time.

At most, only two could attack themselves at the same time, and Qin Yu, who calculated how the situation would develop next, ran decisively towards the boy. However, the risk is still great. People will certainly not be able to continue to use magic to suppress these shadow wolves. At that time, these shadow wolves will naturally point their fangs at their nearest humans, which will be dangerous at that time. Therefore, Qin Yu could only try to repel the two shadow wolves in the shortest time, otherwise he could not save the boy at all.

Sure enough, due to the terrain and the involvement of everyone, only two shadow wolves faced him, and the shadow wolf, who had just almost suffered from him, looked at it with a ferocious face. And the other one also showed fierce eyes, as if he were already the food in their mouths.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Yu has floated in front of the two shadow demon wolves. Fortunately, there are still several shadow demon wolves who are controlled by everyone, so it is impossible for them to use their agile bodies next to them, which naturally gives Qin Yu a chance.

However, Qin Yu knew that he only had one chance to shoot. If he could not defeat the two shadow wolves, the next moment he would be greeted by those shadow wolves who lost the control of everyone.

Qin Yu clenched his teeth fiercely. In an instant, his fist stabbed towards the two shadow wolves like lightning. He had exerted his greatest strength. All he could do at this time was to hurt two shadow wolves with one move, otherwise everything would be useless.

The golden light drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, and this arc drew the heads of the two shadow wolves. Fortunately, Qin Yu did not take action many times, so the two shadow wolves did not realize the lethality of this golden light at all, and it was too late when they realized it.

Two blood stains splashed from the faces of the two shadow wolves in an instant. Although the visual effect they caused was not as visual impact as the previous blood, it was enough to repel the two shadow wolves. At this urgent moment, Qin Yu stretched out his left hand and grabbed the boy's clothes, and then shook it hard. The boy flew to the front of everyone. Ma Wei quickly held him in his arms.

And when Qin Yu finished all this, it was the people who could not use magic, and then the wolves turned their heads to attack him.

However, Qin Yu still flew into the air when their sharp fangs were about to bite him.

Although Qin Yu rescued the boy, the crisis did not stay away from them, because without Qin Yu's involvement, the shadow wolves who jumped into the level did not rush forward at all, but jumped directly onto the stone wall and attacked the people on the wall.

In an instant, two jumped on the stone wall.

If more shadow wolves jump on the stone wall, the situation will be very critical. But how could everyone give them a chance? Just as the two magic that avoided the crowd jumped on the stone wall, everyone also jumped from the stone wall to the wall. At the same time, a loud noise sounded in an instant.


While the loud noise sounded, the piles of boulders on the slope were crushing towards the dark shadow wolves as if they were pouring down.

At this time, their ferocious faces flashed with incomparable panic in their eyes. Listening to the "rumbling" loud noise and looking at the large stones pouring towards them, they all rushed to both sides in panic, but because of the stone walls piled up on both sides and their very crowded, they It is impossible to escape from the crushing of the stone flow.

The boulder piles were run down, and everywhere they passed were the sad wailing of the shadow wolf. They didn't expect such a result at all.

That is, a few seconds later, the boulder flow rolled from the top of the slope to the bottom of the stone road, and in the process, there were pieces of meat and blood crushed by the shadow wolf.

However, everyone has no time to enjoy this bloody scene. They have to deal with the shadow wolves who escaped from the moment of life and death. Although the boulders poured down quickly, there were still eight shadow wolves that escaped, and at the moment they jumped out, they naturally targeted the nearest magicians.

Although few shadow wolves have escaped, this is a life-and-death struggle for these magicians, because those who are good at long-range attacks can't take advantage of them in close combat after losing their terrain advantage. However, these have been considered in advance, so they are not very panicked, but gathered together in a tense and orderly manner after jumping off the stone wall. Only in this way can they resist the attack of these shadow wolves. Otherwise, if they are single, they will definitely be torn apart by these shadow wolves in an instant. In pieces.

The battle continues, and they have a closer battle with the Shadow Wolf, can they win the final victory?