armor demon

Chapter 105 The Dawn of Victory

Although they have thought about countermeasures in advance, people don't seem to take much advantage of it, because the magic defense of these shadow wolves is too high, and their number is only more than twice that of the remaining shadow wolves. That is to say, the average magic that each shadow wolf has to bear is only a little more than two magic. . Fortunately, considering this in advance, they barely turned the magic that attacked each shadow wolf into three ways after leaning against the boulder behind them.

However, these three magics seem to be unable to repel all these shadow wolves at this moment. A shadow demon wolf is still rushing forward without fear of death, and then tightly biting a girl's sleeve and dragging it out vigorously. You can imagine what would happen if the girl was dragged out. .

In a moment, a boy next to the girl didn't know that he had found a needle from there, and then pinched the needle and stabbed the dark wolf fiercely in the eyes. Looking at the thin needle that instantly enlarged between the pupils, the shadow wolf could only release its mouth helplessly. Of course, if it were Qin Yu, there was no possibility that the shadow wolf would survive.

Is this okay? Seeing that such a thin needle actually forced the shadow demon wolf back, several girls quickly found a few embroidery needles from their space rings and handed them to the boy beside them.

In an instant, several boys seemed to have the fist stab Qin Yu. It seems that the punching effect brought by Qin Yu is still far-reaching.

The battle was just a blink of an eye, and at this moment, Qin Yu, who had originally flown in mid-air, had already fallen to the ground and cut the throat of a black shadow demon wolf. There were only seven of the eight shadow demon wolves left, and the dawn of victory had appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the shadow demon wolf that was stabbed to death by Qin Yu in an instant, everyone was refreshed, and then tried their best to use their magic attack on those ferocious shadow demon wolves.

At present, Qin Yu and the rest of the magicians formed a clamping attack on those shadow demon wolves. Of course, it seems feasible to be a group of wolves to besiege everyone, because there is only Qin Yu on the opposite side of the crowd, and it is impossible for him to contain many shadow demon wolves. Under the siege of several shadow demon wolves, he quickly gave up the attack. , and then run in the direction of the slope.

Seeing the unknown magician running back, everyone was also helpless. They knew that he was not a god after all, and it was impossible to maintain the attack under the siege of so many shadow wolves.

It can only rely on themselves. Such an idea is formed in their hearts, but compared with the previous 60 shadow demon wolves, these four shadow demon wolves are much easier to deal with now. In total, the magic of 18 people have reached four ways on each shadow demon wolf, although they have not yet made them against the shadow demon wolf. It is absolutely fatal, but it is also easy to repel them. However, in their hearts, they are still very grateful to the unknown magician. If he hadn't killed one in an instant and then attracted three, they would not have fought against these four shadow wolves so easily.

In the face of the siege of three shadow wolves, Qin Yu can only run and fight. He is not confident to knock down these shadow wolves one by one in the situation of frontal attack, and he also knows his advantages, that is, wind magic and fist stab. Only by using his advantages can he lose little or no loss at all. In this case, killing the shadow wolf is just a fool's behavior.

On the rocky stone mountain, Qin Yu's flexibility is even a little stronger than these native shadow wolves. Of course, this is mainly due to his hard training in the Armor Academy.

The flexibility of wind magic seems to be used by him to the extreme.

The boulder in front of him is getting closer and closer to Qin Yu, and it seems impossible to avoid it at his speed, but just as he was about to hit it, there was a sudden stop. In an instant, he stopped the car so suddenly and stopped in front of the boulder like lightning, but this is not over. After the emergency stop, the next At that moment, he actually made an incredible turn.

Qin Yu's sudden stop made the black shadow demon wolf chasing the front be overjoyed. At present, he rushed forward fiercely, as if thinking about it and pounced on the human to the ground, and then pierced a few holes in it with his fangs.

The speed of the shadow demon wolf was extremely advanced at that moment, and Qin Yu in front of him actually stopped the car, which stunned the student who accidentally looked here in the gap before the wolf attack, because according to the development of things, the unknown magician had to be killed by the shadow. The devil wolf can't fall down.

How can you make such a low-level unforgivable mistake?

However, just when these students thought that the unknown magician would definitely be pounced on by the shadow wolf, he actually turned around. The next moment after he turned, the shadow wolf had jumped to the position where he had stood before, that is to say, if it was a little slower, he would definitely be thrown to the ground by the shadow wolf.

The shadow demon wolf didn't expect that the human would dodge like this, and then it hit the boulder fiercely. Its last attack was very strong, so the collision also caused fatal damage to it.

After a "bang", the dark shadow wolf's mouth spewed out a pile of blood, and then fell on the boulder and could no longer stand up, as if he was not worried about beasts.

The situation was so rapid that several students had no time to react. The unknown magician was in danger at the previous moment, and the next moment, the shadow wolf fell to the ground.

It's really exaggerated. Using the body method to make a shadow wolf fall to the ground, those students couldn't help but be stunned. From this detail, they can see how the unknown magician's control of wind magic has reached such a point, which is really incredible.

The results trained in the training room of the Armor College have been fully utilized by Qin Yu. Of course, in addition to hard training, he is also inseparable from the 100-step sweat play. If it weren't for the 100-step sweat play, it would have been impossible for him to feel the elements, and if he could not feel the elements, he could not control it at will. Wind magic.

A sudden stop turned and knocked down a shadow wolf, which Qin Yu did not expect. He was also a little surprised, but then focused on the two shadow wolves behind him.

Looking at the companion's life and death in a blink of an eye, the two shadow wolves were furious, and now they spared no effort to rush towards Qin Yu.

The remaining two shadow demon wolves naturally do not pose any threat to Qin Yu, but he doesn't want to attack head-on like under the stone wall just now. One body method knocks down a shadow demon wolf, which makes him more clearly realize how important it is to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses, such as It is something that everyone likes to do to knock down the enemy without depleting any physical and mental strength.

Of course, Qin Yu does not think that he can casually use another body to make the shadow wolf hit the boulder like an idiot. What he is now considering is how to avoid one of them and specifically attack the other, so that there will be no danger.

Qin Yu ran fast, and three huge stones appeared in front of him. The inspiration flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly came up with a method.

He accelerated violently and flashed into the three huge stones the next second later, and the two shadow wolves behind him lost their targets in an instant.

They still kept their speed and ran to the three boulders, but before and after reaching the boulders, they had to stop helplessly, because they actually lost the human figure in front of them.

The two shadow wolves looked at each other helplessly and walked around from both sides of the boulder.

The shadow demon wolf on the right suddenly found a golden light coming against him in the second after separation. It was shocked to see the powerful black shadow demon wolf, but it had no time to avoid it and could only watch the golden light cut through its throat.

Separate the two shadow wolves and kill them one by one. This is the strategy that Qin Yu just remembered in an instant, because he knows that only by separating them can he maximize his advantages and not besieged by them.

After killing a shadow demon wolf, Qin Yu naturally easily killed the other one. This whole process was just a few minutes, and in these minutes, Qin Yu had already run a few kilometers, which shows how fast he was.

After killing two shadow wolves, Qin Yu did not pause, but used wind magic to fly to the place where everyone was.