Card Alchemist

Chapter 395 The Sixth Sin

"It turned out that the woman was tied up, which was too relieved!" Kaninage looked at the soldiers of the Third Army who were packing their luggage in twos and threes and couldn't help laughing loudly. She couldn't wait to tell everyone she knew about it.

Alice sat quietly and kept fiddling with her test tube. Skillfully add one agent to another raw material. With uniform stirring, the ** in the test tube gradually changes color. Originally, old Billy should have been the representative of the alchemists, but old Billy and Star didn't know what to do, so the alchemists were temporarily managed by Alice.

As the war is approaching, these alchemists are constantly studying a variety of potions. One is to enhance the combat effectiveness and resilience of one side, and the other is to restrain the demons. This is also the reason why Starr did not select so many combative alchemists from the alchemy guild.

Alice has already recovered her memory.

But she consciously chose to be silent. Now Star is no longer related to the teenager he knew in the alchemy castle at that time. The teenager could be desperate to survive, and now the teenager has more responsibilities. If possible, Alice will only choose to silently follow Starr and be his strongest backing.

"How do you think that Star would tie up Tarina and let her press her fingerprints on the handover note? I thought he was really lustful!" Kaninage lay comfortably on the paved ** and asked Alice, who was always immersed in trying the tube.

"Don't doubt his wisdom. No matter how many times the strength and power of the other party is greater than Star, Starr will have the ability to solve it. And it is likely to use unimaginable means, which is unexpected!" Alice said with a smile.

"So, do you know him very well?" Kaninaki turned over from ** and asked.

Alice couldn't help but stop the work in her hand, paused, and then opened her mouth. I know him very well, but it used to be. Now he has reached a height that is unmatched by others, which can only be looked up to.

"That's true!" Kaninage nodded. When I assassinated him, my strength was two levels higher than him, and I was caught by him so easily. The boy's growth rate is really amazing... He has reached the Holy Land.

The evening wind blew slowly, and the soldiers of the Third Army left their positions where they had been stationed for half a year dejected. Their officer was safely sent to a carriage, and was sent up by Star himself. Although the most luxurious facilities have been used in the carriage, the door is sealed, which is like a prison car. Star was afraid of this woman from the bottom of his heart, afraid that the other party would escape and say those unreasonable conditions, so he had to use this kind of extreme means.

"You bastard, sooner or later I will have sex with you." Tarina's scolding kept coming from the carriage.

Star looked at old Billy and shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and kicked the horse's buttocks rudely. The painful horse suddenly went away, and a series of scolds suddenly sounded in the car, but the scolding became smaller and smaller. The soldiers of the Third Legion hurriedly chased after him, and the dust behind them was like an earth dragon.

"Finally, this trouble has been sent away!" Old Billy looked at the soldiers who had disappeared at the end and couldn't help sighing deeply.

"I always have an ominous feeling!" Star squeezed his lips. For some reason, when he picked up Tarina, he suddenly sensed another strange feeling from her. This feeling is exactly the same as when Desen turned into angry blood... "I have a hunch that she will definitely come back, maybe to fulfill what she said before!"

Old Billy shrugged his shoulders and put on a helpless expression.

"Okay, don't think so much for the time being. The time to take over the position is two hours faster than I expected. Now that the sun has not set, I think we have something else to do.

"What's the matter?" Old Billy couldn't help asking.

"Do what Tarina didn't do!" Star said with a smile.

An hour is very short for alchemists, even enough for them to take a nap, and not enough for one-thousandth of their time to study a new potion. But it is enough for them to make 'burning agents' and 'explosive agents' according to the formula. Skilled alchemists can even make more than a dozen bottles of potions in this hour. When the neatly placed potions appeared in front of Starr, Old Billy couldn't help but be moved.

"Are you going to destroy this forest?" Old Billy couldn't help asking.

There are tens of thousands of bottles of 'burning agents' and 'explosive agents' that have used up almost all the materials brought with the army this time, but these are enough. Not to mention destroying a forest, even the imperial city can be easily burned.

In this hour, Star showed a method of making medicine that a 'star alchemist' should have. A person manipulated thirty different crucibles at the same time, without any mistakes, and his movements were not flustered at all, which was completely like running smoothly. There is a quarter of the potion here, all of which are from Star.

"Yes, there is nothing wrong. The appearance of the dragon should have been noticed by the demons of the abyss. In a few days, the figure of the middle demon will be completely lost in the Nanyao Forest. At that time, we are likely to face all the upper demons, even the big demons. Although the sun doesn't hurt them much, it has some impact. And the whole day's shine will also make them lose most of their physical strength. In this way, at night, even at the home of the demons, it will not have much impact on us warriors. Star said.

The Knights Guild temporarily acted as a feller. They cut down the big trees and transported them to the camp. The Assassin's Guild acts as a carpenter. Their exquisite and delicate knife techniques can make any small gear parts, and then the mercenary union is perfectly stitched together to make one catapult after another.

It's just that it's not a stone in the catapult this time, but a large number of potions.

All the potions are packed in a small bamboo basket. After old Billy's calculation, these baskets will completely disperse after being thrown into mid-air. And the potion in the basket will be sprinkled all over the Nanyao Forest like rain!

This is a tactic that blooms everywhere, which can completely catch the demons off guard.

Star doesn't believe that the demons hidden in the Nanyao Forest can completely avoid these potions? Although the number of catapults is not large, it is enough to cover the whole Nanyao Forest!

At the same time, the demons in Nanyao Forest are also ready to move. They have seen that the sun has completely disappeared in the distant sky, and in another three minutes, they can launch an attack. They vowed to rush out of this damn forest and enjoy the most delicious human beings and their souls.

However, at this moment, a clever sinking wizard sensed a strange feeling.

In the past, whenever the sun completely set, the human beings outside should beat their shields and howled harshly. But today, it is extremely quiet outside the forest, which is too unusual. He gathered his head out of the forest doubtfully, knowing that this was an adventurous move, because there was no lack of accurate sharpshooters in human beings, who could accurately shoot through the enemy's head from a hundred meters away.

So the sinking wizard just poked his head and quickly withdrew.

But while retracting his head, he saw a faint fire in the sky. Is this strange feeling in my heart from these fires? The sinking wizard couldn't help laughing. In the past few months, those stupid human beings always tried their best to destroy the forest. But it has never succeeded...


The cracking sound of the crisp glass bottle covered the cry of all the animals in the middle of the night in an instant. Then, the flames suddenly ignited in these places where these broken sounds came.

"Oh, my God, this is not magic!" The sinking wizard held his head and shouted.

He ran madly into the woods, ready to avoid the coming flame. But a glass bottle containing yellow potion fell from his sight and fell gently to the ground.

A large area of blisters suddenly appeared in the bottle, rolling like boiling.

"Boom!" Then the glass bottle exploded, and the fire lit up in the dark.

The sinking wizard can't figure it out in any way. How can a slender bottle hold so much energy?

There were wailings and explosions in the Nanyao Forest almost in an instant, and the huge roaring explosions were connected, destined to make the night not very calm. The firelight rose everywhere, almost illuminating the whole night sky.

And this situation is still going on.

In the opposite direction from the Nanyao Forest, an army is moving forward slowly. The clerk sat in the carriage and forgot to drive the horses on his way. He looked at the red sky in the distance and opened his mouth wide.

"Your Excellency, that beautiful prince really did it. He has burned the Nanyao Forest... From now on, the demons will not have a place to hide. The clerk hesitated for a moment and quickly remembered that it was Nanyao Forest. He shouted excitedly in the car.

But there was no lazy answer to Tarina in the car as he imagined. Instead, it was quiet and there was no sound.

"Your Excellency?" The clerk whispered again. Countess, are you in there?"

The clerk shouted several times in a row, but there was still no answer in the car. He stretched out his hand doubtfully and pushed open the door of the carriage, but the carriage was empty, and there was no half a figure.