Card Alchemist

Chapter 396 Assignment

"The Count is gone!" The voice of the clerk suddenly spread throughout the Third Army.

When the panicked soldiers rudely knocked open the car door, there was no half a figure in the car. There was only a blood stain on the messy bedding... And there was no gap in the car at all, that is to say, the count disappeared out of thin air!

"What should I do?" The guards asked anxiously. The life of the count has been linked to their responsibilities. If the Count of Tarina really has a difference, then when he returns to the imperial capital, it will be a trial in a military court.

The clerk quickly closed the door of the car and dispatched a whole team of soldiers to guard the car step by step. From now on, you are not allowed to leave the carriage three steps away from me. Tie up the guards who guarded the carriage just now. When you return to the imperial capital, the military court will judge them!"

"No, my lord, I'm wronged! ......”

The farce of the Third Army is continuing in full swing here, but the war in Nanyao Forest is becoming more and more obvious.

During the day, hundreds of dragons were suppressed at the same time. Although they did not cause any substantial damage to the demons, the powerful pressure almost scared their courage. Covered attacks composed of catapults almost spread throughout the Nanyao Forest, and the fire began to burn from almost every part of the forest.

And the 'runing platoon' composed of fire dragons is slowly approaching the Nanyao forest. Their natural dragon fire has a devastating blow to this ordinary tree. Even the demons of the abyss can also release water magic, but they can't be compared with dragons in terms of quality.

Soon, the fire had devoured one-sixth of the Nanyao Forest. However, just as everyone was ready to continue to attack, Star's order to suspend the attack spread all over every position.

"What's going on? Shouldn't we take advantage of the victory to pursue it? As long as we work hard, we will be able to destroy the whole Nanyao Forest when the sun is born tomorrow. In the face of the ruthless sun-burning demons, their only ending will be burned alive by the sun!" Old Billy was about to collapse. He looked at the demon figures in the Nanyao Forest and shouted madly at Star. Do you see that they are extinguishing the fire? It will soon ruin the situation that we want to get if we lose all the supplies tonight. By the daytime tomorrow, they still have tall trees to help them block the sun. At night, they will still attack our soldiers!"

Facing the roar of old Billy, Star just shrugged his shoulders helplessly. Then he explained, "What would happen to those demons without Nanyao Forest?"

"They will definitely die by the sun!" Old Billy said.

"So according to what you said, without the shelter of Nanyao Forest, the demons only have a dead end. But have you ever seen any creature that won't fight before dying? Can you guarantee that they are desperate under the sun and will not choose to attack our position? Once that happens, our soldiers will face the most terrible situation!" Star said.

"What's going on?" At this time, old Billy began to be a little confused.

"Then our soldiers will be attacked day and night!" Star took a step forward and stood at the top of the canyon. The flames in the Nanyao Forest had been completely extinguished. Demons usually come here during the day, and they usually choose to refresh themselves during the day and prepare for the attack at night. And Nanyao Forest is their shelter. If all the forests are destroyed, they will attack our station day and night.

Star smiled and then said. Now we only destroy part of their forest. When the sun is coming tomorrow, these demons will definitely choose a big tree that can hide from the sun. However, what will you do when you find that your previous position has been occupied by other demons?

Old Billy suddenly realized that he couldn't help but point his head. If I were a demon, those guys who dared to occupy my territory would not spare them. This move is really too cruel. Let them fight inside!"

Star nodded. These demons were not an iron barrel in the first place. It was only because of Dios's order that they temporarily formed a corps to come here. Whether it is the strength of the demons or other comprehensive qualities, they are several times higher than that of us human beings. But they don't have a unified commander, which is why they are at a downfall. During the day, under the shelter of the shade, it should have been their time to rest, but now it has become an infighting for them to compete for territory. When they exhaust all their strength during the day, the attack faced by our soldiers at night will be several times weaker than that of the Third Army!"

Old Billy never thought of this. It was just a simple trick that could start messing up several times or even ten times more enemies. Although the soldiers of the God of War Whip rarely go to the battlefield, after this big training activity, they will become a well-deserved elite corps in the empire.

"Stop the attack!" Starr once again conveyed the order and the explanation just now to each garrison expedition. Next, everyone is ready to meet the devil's counterattack!"

The position command does not need Star to do it in person. Just like the commander of a legion, he only needs to pass down the order and then execute it by the captain of each regiment. Star's main role here is to formulate the direction of the war and finalize the battle plan. Now that the order has been passed, there is no need for Star to stay here. He still has a lot of things to solve.

Old Billy followed Sta. He had another question, but Sta didn't give an answer. Just as Star was about to walk into the military tent, old Billy stopped him. Star, we only have the way to repel these demons, but there is no way to destroy them. Sooner or later, these demons will transform from the middle demons to the upper demons, and the damage of the sun to them will be greatly reduced. Sooner or later, we will face the attack of the demons day and night, which will be the most difficult time for us to pass!"

Star stopped, and old Billy reminded him why he didn't understand. It's just that the current situation is really difficult to solve. The space crack is the culprit that allows demons to freely travel between the two planes. And from the perspective of the expanding space cracks, there are at least a dozen big demons on the other side of the abyss plane that are constantly tearing the cracks, trying to make the cracks bigger. At present, if you want to stop the demons, the only situation is the closed space cracks...

But even Star has no confidence. After breaking into the Nanyao Forest with hundreds of dragons, he can still come back alive. Once he enters Nanyao Forest, he will definitely be known by Dios... If so, the defense line of Nanyao Forest will completely collapse.

Star nodded. He did not hide the current urgent situation, but gently patted old Billy on the shoulder. Dude, we have no choice now. The only thing you can do is to guard this forest and prevent any demons from rushing out. The only thing left is to rely on the sword!"

"Swordmang?" Old Billy couldn't help frowning. I almost forgot if you didn't say it. I saw Jian Mang with you before. Why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?

Sta smiled and said nothing. However, the thoughts floated to another plane... I guess Jian Mang has returned to the abyss plane now.

From the sunset to the moon, the one-sided battle has come to an end for the time being.

The rookies who are new to the battlefield have learned to keep silent after the battle, quickly recover their physical strength, and carefully wipe their weapons with a deep appearance. Even the blade of pure steel products has been opened, and the bones of those demons are really not ordinary hard.

The warriors of the frenzy trial acted as temporary priests. Star doesn't care what Sethirs thinks. In short, as long as the soldiers under her command are forced to use all their spiritual power to use the simplest 'Holy Light Technique' to treat the injured soldiers and dispel the demons left behind after death. Poisonous fog. And the alchemists who should have taken on this job have taken a break for a long time. After they exhausted all their physical strength to make potions, they exchanged for a short rest.

Almost every soldier was assigned the most reasonable job, and Star made reasonable use of all the human resources at hand to maximize them.

Perhaps the only dissatisfaction is probably Sethus, who found Star, who was ready to rest as soon as the end of the battle.

"What's going on? The soldiers of the crazy trial should be stationed in the front of the position like the whip of the God of War, not as a wet nurse! It is a completely wrong decision to let them serve as priests. You are not a qualified coach at all!" Sethus made a lot of noise in the military tent.

On the contrary, Star seems indifferent. He deliberately met Cypheus with a provocative look and asked, "Do you know what Pope Fygran and I said?"

"What did you say?" Sethus asked.

"I just want a group of priests. A group of priests who can treat the wounded soldiers, but he sent me this group of guys. What do you think I should think? Star shrugged his shoulders, "According to my original intention, I should just let you get out of here and change a group of priests."

Sethuston was dumb. She didn't expect that Star would become so strong in this regard, and finally she had to walk out of the military account in dismay.