Card Alchemist

Chapter 397 The Count of Desire

Watching Sethers walk out of the military tent, Starr's expression still showed no sign of relaxation.

Instead, he moved the teacup in front of him at will and secretly drew an alchemy array with a blocking effect on the table.

In the strange military tent, the firelight swayed and shattered the mottled shadow. At the top of the military tent, a slender shadow is slowly crawling and stopping directly above the station. I didn't expect you to give up such a powerful combat force and let them serve as priests.

The voice came out, which was a beautiful woman's voice, which was full of infinite **.

Star shook the water cup and looked at the scattered ripples in the water cup, but still the shadow. Count Tarina, what should I call you?

"The Count of Desire..." The voice lengthened the syllable of the last word, and the whole person jumped down from the top of the tent and fell behind Star. Like a soft and boneless snake, it gently climbed on Star's back, and a pair of delicate hands gently put them around Star's neck. As I said, I will come to you again. But this time, I must have sex with you!"

Tarina's eyes were full of crazy burning desire. Her clothes, which were as thin as fine yarn, were rapidly becoming transparent, as if they had been swallowed up by delicate skin. By the way, how did you find me? I saw you draw an alchemy array on the table. It seems that you don't want me to go out!"

Star smiled and drank all the water in the teacup. I knew you would come back to me. As early as you left, I smelled a smell of 'sinners' from you, the Count of Desire... Maybe you don't know that the jealous witch fire and the gluttonous lord have died in my hands. With you, now I only have one 'sinner' that I haven't seen before. I don't know if you've seen it?"

"Don't say such a disappointing thing!" Tarina collapsed on Star's back and gently rubbed Star. While sticking his delicate lips to Star's ear, he kept spitting out the fragrant wind and gentle breath. The sinners are just the people who were chosen by death. Before they were selected, there was no intersection at all. But to my surprise, you have met six 'sinners', so who is the other one?

"Lazy!" Star did not move like a mountain. In the face of Tarina's provocations, he still remained as calm as water, and he was not even distracted by it. Because he understands that maybe Tarina's strength is not the most powerful of the 'sinners', but it is definitely the most difficult one. Tarina has no entity at all... It is a complete state of soul under the mental body. As long as she faces her attack, Tarina will 'virtualize' her body at the first time, not only to avoid physical attacks, but even magic attacks have no effect on her.

This is why Star didn't choose to erase her here in the first place.

Perhaps because of this, he noticed the difference between her and other 'sinners' from Talina. No matter what 'sinners' they met before, their personalities were not as strong as their titles. But Tarina is like her name - the Count of Desire. This beautiful countess has now completely become a slave to desire, driven by desire.

Perhaps it is the right time to take advantage of this to get more information about 'sinners' and Dihas from her.

"Lazy..." Tarina still didn't stop her movements. In her opinion, everything was not as valuable as Star. But even so, Tarina's movements paused slightly, and she recalled the only memory in her mind. There seems to be some. If you want to know, you must promise me a condition!"

Sta couldn't help smiling bitterly. He had already guessed that Tarina would say so. Even she knows the conditions she is about to make.

"We haven't finished our business before. After you serve me in **, no matter what you want to ask, I will tell you!" Tarina almost snuggled up to Sta's arms, and a pair of small hands kept touching the stubble that had just appeared on Star's chin.

"But I also have a condition. When you beat me, I will promise you!" Star raised his eyebrows and proudly said his conditions.

"Then come on!" Tarina didn't care at all. Her hands wrapped around Star's body like a snake's body, binding him firmly. You lost!"

While Tarina was preparing to take the next move, Star, who was firmly held by her, actually melted. Like a candle that was quickly collapsed in the stove, even the original skin color gradually became difficult to recognize.

Tarina said, although there was some uncontrollable disappointment in her voice, there was an increasingly inflated desire in her eyes. So you like to play like this! Use a wax man to lie to me, and I was almost fooled by you!"

The shadow in the dark slowly twisted, from flat to fuller and fuller, until it reveals the original face of Star. Before you figure out the strength and ability of the other party, do you think I will get you close to me so easily? Anyway, after all, you are a 'sinner'. If it falls into your hands, I'm afraid it will end worse than others!"

A trivial little joke made Tarina couldn't help laughing. She slowly stretched out her hands to Star, but under the candlelight, the shadow printed on the ground slowly stretched and quickly entered the darkness. Now to tell you, my ability is to control the shadow. I think I can get close to you now!"

As soon as he spoke, the shadows of Tarina's hands had been completely integrated into the darkness.

At the feet of Star, rows of black arms like dead bones suddenly stretched out from the ground and firmly grasped Star's bare feet. However, not only that, these black arms are like glue, completely making Star as a big tree, constantly climbing up and constantly wanting to firmly entangling Star.

No matter how hard Star struggles, those hard-won shadows will quickly recover and get entangled again.

Soon, Star became a mummy haunted by shadows.

"Well, I've already won you!" Tarina walked to Sta with a smile and proudly supported Sta's chin with her own hands.

However, at this time, her body suddenly stagnated. Tarina can obviously find that the air around her is solidifying and her movements are slowing down... 'Time Field'?

This idea came to Tarina's mind, but she could no longer say the word with her mouth. Her movements have completely frozen in the dark, like an ice sculpture. However, the shadow on the outside of Tarina's body is also retreating crazily, because Talina understands that as long as there is a dark place, Star can't destroy her shadow.

But soon, Tarina tasted the bitter fruit she had planted.

Star, who was originally wrapped in his own shadow, is burning with a blazing fire. This kind of flame has no temperature or any lethality. The only function is lighting. The whole dark tent suddenly emitted an extremely strong white light, driving away all the darkness in an instant. And Tarina's shadow was nowhere to escape, and it flew back to annihilation in an instant.

Tarina, who realized that danger was approaching her crazily, quickly chose to 'bxu hua' her body. However, she forgot that she was in the 'time domain'. Not only her movements, but also her thoughts have been slowed down to a certain extent.

From the time she saw the danger, until she wanted to avoid the danger, Star had slowly solved the shadow entangled her and walked to Tarina. It sealed all her magic. When Starr untied the time field around Tarina, she found that she had completely fallen into Star's hands.

"Okay, you won!" Tarina took the opportunity to lie in Star's arms, as if she was being slaughtered by you.

Star couldn't help smiling bitterly. Tarina was the most difficult sinner he had ever met. More than others, Tarina has no threat to her life at all, and she has never had the idea of killing herself. That's why Star didn't choose to kill Tarina directly!

In addition, Tarina is now an imperial count, and her status as a direct officer of the Third Army is also a headache for Star. If you kill her, you will also have a lot of trouble. Although Roland would excuse himself, the families standing behind Tarina didn't think so.

"Go away and don't appear in front of me again!" Star couldn't help sighing and letting go of Tarina. I don't want to get any news from you anymore. Anyway, you didn't plan to tell me at all.

Star shrugged his shoulders helplessly, casually withdrew the alchemy array for imprisonment, which was shrouded in the outside of the tent, and fell on **.

Perhaps due to the most direct and simple will of women, Tarina finally began to worry after knowing that Star really didn't want to talk to her. She began to try to talk to Star in various ways, but in exchange, she still ignored it. She never even saw herself in Star's eyes again...