Alchemy Era

Chapter 17 Magic Sword

"Third update! Please collect and red tickets!"

Li Ou opened his eyes and woke up. He has just finished a meditation.

As usual, he felt that magic flow slowly and gently between his body and outside his body, forming a wonderful cycle of harmonious coexistence. It moistened the magic lake like a gentle breeze and drizzle, and gradually filled it again.

The whole process is like a wonderful journey. Leo has always thought so. The only thing that is not so wonderful is that his meditation world is not as colorful as that of mages. It can present an elemental world like burning flames, waves roaring, wind roaring, mountains...

He got up and washed his face when the morning sun was rising outside the window. The orange light gradually engulfed the city, expelling the gauze that blindfolded the city's eyes.

Another night has passed. A new day is beginning from this time.

However, as time slips away from the fingers day by day, storms attack more and more frequently.

When he was a child, whenever the terrible storm season came, his father would take him to a port full of all kinds of sailboats. Different patterns and badges are drawn, and the ships decorated with sea monsters and women's horns are tightly tied together with iron chains, as if they can spread straight to the sky.

In the port square where curses and prayers ring at the same time, smart vendors always make all kinds of delicious food; while the circuses that come from far from land set up large dome tents, and there are always bursts of exclamation. The season of suffering for captains and sailors is their festival.

Think about the past. Li Ou couldn't help but childishly expect the storm to become more turbulent. But by this time, he was already an alchemist. His reason is telling him that the stagnation of trade will make his life more difficult.

This will be a stormy season. Li Ou thought.

"What are you going to do today?"

In the laboratory, the girl from the east eagerly asked. In front of her, two long swords made of Valster steel were placed horizontally on the shelf, and the smooth sword body reflected their appearance.

"The last step." Leo said.

All the preparations these days are for today.

The laboratory is underground, refreshing in summer and warm in winter. The thick gray rocks propped up the room and continued to extend underground. But at this time, Li Ou still can't use the alchemy device sealed under the secret door. He opened the closet and took out a palm-sized crystal box. A bottle made of angust metal is placed in it.

Li Ou carefully took it out, pulled out the plug and looked at it carefully.

Gold, mithril, lapis lazuli, red copper and ferroalloy are added to the Oster magic crystal extracted from garnet, which is blended into a special solution and lies quietly in it. This is the most critical step. Leo has been worried about this. But now it seems that the situation is better than expected. The chemical reactions between the components work perfectly, making them integrated, and now they are emitting colored shimmers outward.

Li Ou breathed a sigh of relief and put the bottle gently on the long table.

The girl took the sword.

"Are you going to start?" She asked.

She watched Leo put a flat and smooth oak disk on the table. The complex lines on the surface of the disk are like spider silk, tightly wrapped in the depression that can accommodate the hilt of the sword.

"Immediately, wait a moment." Li Ou took the sword and put the end of the hilt in the recess of the oak disk. "Moon dance, please give me the two... 'stones' on the test bench."

"What is it? You seem to care about it very much. The girl couldn't help asking.

"Run." Li Ou thought for a moment and answered truthfully, "I made it myself."

The girl looked surprised: "It's almost worthless!"

Li Ou rubbed the smooth pale stone like jade. They are engraved with ancient magic words, which means demonization. He explained in detail, "Hide it in the hilt of the sword, and then connect the sword body with magic crystals, which can stimulate its power in every swing and turn the sharp blade into a magical thing. All steel armor and monster skins will be regarded as nothing by the magic sword.

Lu Yuewu stared at Li Ou and suddenly smiled, "Don't you worry that I will tell others your secret?"

When Leo looked at the smile in her eyes, he knew that the other party was trustworthy. And——

"I believe you." Leo said, "Trust my eyes, too."

Suddenly he sighed, "It's just a pity--" He held up the rune stone against the light. "This thing can only be used for his own use and dare not buy and sell it. Otherwise, why bother fighting with monsters? At least 50 Oren."

"The man is innocent." The girl reminded him to get rid of the idea that he had just made a bubble, "This is right." She said solemnly.

"Of course I understand, of course I understand."

Li Ou shook his head, took a deep breath, and barely calmed down his impetuous mood.

"Can we start?"

Li Ou nodded to the girl.

A nail-sized ruby is embedded in the center of the array. A hot flame immediately soared and burned, wrapping the hilt of the two long swords. When the oak disk turned into ashes, the metal end of the hilt gradually melted.

"It's now!"

The girl pressed the two rune stones into it in a precise way. Li Ou, who had been waiting for a long time, dumped the magic crystal solution, outlined the energy conduction channel with a sharp silver knife, and finally covered it with melted silver, pasted the cut garnet flakes on both sides of the silver ball, completely covering the rune stone.

When the temperature dropped, the girl couldn't wait to grab the long sword that had not yet been wrapped in non-slip leather and cut it several times in the air. The blade broke through the air and sounded in Leo's ear.

"How do you feel?"

"Not bad." She said, "It's very useful."

But Leo saw her frown slightly. He knows it's not as good as she said.

The newly condensed hilt was rough and unpolished. Li Ou held it in his palm and felt that the sword was trying to get out of his control under the struggle of the hilt.

Li Ou sighed, "If you activate the array with your own magic, the size and temperature of the flame can be controlled by me. It's a pity..." Li Ou lowered his head with regret.

If magic is not a bottleneck that restricts him, he can transform it in a day and will never be delayed until a few days later. But now, he has not only tasted several magical empty nausea - like taking poisons that can induce addiction; but also spend more time carefully polishing with gravel.

"Don't worry. Next time I will definitely do better than it. Lu Yuewu advised, "You can even wait for me and my sword. What are you afraid of and worried about?"

Yes, Hongluan Sword. Li Ou thought. A huge problem is still in front of him, and an insurmountable mountain is blocking his way. He had to approach it step by step until he reached its feet and finally climbed up. Is it possible to expect to reach the top so far away? He had to look at the moment, keep an eye on the work in his hand, and then wait for it to slowly pile up into a tower like fine sand dripping from an hourglass.

He must take one step at a time, and all this will begin from now on. Li Ou took out the sand and gravel from the corner and grabbed the long sword. Give me a piece." Lu Yuewu suddenly stretched out her hand to Leo, "Let's go together." She said.

However, the bells jingled and passed from above the ground to the ground. Several bells are like birds singing together, urging him to stop his work.

Li Ou gave the girl an apologetic look, put down his sword and climbed the stairs to the hall, and confusedly opened the door with the "closed door" logo.

"Sir," knocked on a dirty little boy with a muddy face. He said fearfully, "A gentleman asked me to give it to you." He held a blank envelope in his hand.

Who asked such a child to deliver letters?

Li Ou opened the envelope. The handwriting on the rough dark yellow paper is messy, and you can write it with your left hand at a glance. The crooked letters were finally pieced together into a familiar address for Leo. However, at the end of the letter, the position of the signature was occupied by the words "36th Street of Ainblo".

"What does that gentleman look like?" Leo asked softly.

He vaguely made some guesses, but this needs to be confirmed. But he didn't think he could get the answer he wanted from the little boy in front of him.

Sure enough, the little boy lowered his head submissively.

"I don't know, sir." He shook his head hard, "I really don't know. The gentleman was wearing a hood and standing in the sun... I told the truth.