Alchemy Era

Chapter 18 Complex Information

「First Update」

The place we met was the horn tavern that Leo was familiar with.

When he saw the scribbled handwriting on the letter, he almost thought he had read it wrong. After repeated confirmation, he realized that it was not his illusion, which clearly outlined the appearance of a horn. In this case, he had no reason to refuse. Because the writer grasps people's psychology accurately. He knew that familiar places would make people relax their guard and happily go to the appointment.

Li Ou pushed the door open, followed by Lu Yuewu.

It's still early, and the guests in the pub talk in a low voice, which is particularly quiet than the empty hall at this moment.

He glanced around and found that Charles, the owner of the pub, was arguing with a girl in a brown robe. He felt that the girl was a little familiar, and he remembered that she had insisted on paying with silver coins not long ago.

"Miss, the house and wine money you owe on credit..."

"Didn't I say that? I will pay you." The girl knocked on the table with a wine glass, and the shining liquor in the sun spilled out of the glass, and the air immediately filled with the fragrance of wine. How many times do I have to repeat it before you are satisfied? She is quite dissatisfied.

"When will that be?" The smile on Charles's face froze instantly, "When will that be?" He asked again and raised his volume, "When you have enough silver coins?" But you have gold coins, why don't you pay with gold coins? Although the villain's pub is not a bank, it can also be found and exchanged for other countries' currencies.

Charles's proposal seems to have touched the girl's reverse scales.

"Do not think about it!" She slapped the table and stood up and looked at Charles angrily, "No one can get a son from me!" Listen carefully, no one can!"

Charles said back, "Miss, so far, you have paid 365 silver coins." He chose to fight without showing weakness, and he was on the side of reason. Since you don't want to pay with gold coins, please tell me what I should ask you to get what I deserve.

"I...this..." The girl suddenly stammed.

She meditate, squirmed her mouth and tried to say certain words, but never found the right words. She lowered her head and covered her cheeks with long red hair. Her left hand reached into the robe and searched for things. Her hand suddenly stopped, as if she had touched something.

"This is the only one I can give you." She said.

She took out a wooden stick with a long bone. The wooden stick is dark, with only the thickness of the thumb. There is still a broken wooden stubble at one end, and there is a claw-shaped bracket at the other end, but it is empty. No one knows what has been placed on it.

"What is this?" Charles stared at it for a while, "Willow bars? Or is it a fire stick?

"Neither!" The girl roared loudly.

"Liou." Lu Yuewu suddenly whispered, with a little uneasiness in her tone, "She seems to..."

"I know, and I feel it."

The magic stirred in the pub, singing happy songs when responding to the call. And the source of everything is the red-haired girl in the center of the magic whirlpool. Her eyes are shining, more dazzling than the sunlight projected in. Only then did Li Ou notice her eyes, which were as amber as glass.

"Father Charles," Leo walked over and said, "Book it on my account."

"Liu, this..."

"You? Who are you?" The girl stared at Leo warily and looked up and down with vigilance, "Why help me? I have nothing to do with you at all."

"You know why, miss. Your anger can be felt by passers-by on the street.

The girl snorted and was silent.

"Moreover, my help is not free. Won't you accept gifts from others with your pride? Leo smiled at her and pointed to the broken wooden stick in the girl's hand. "Charles won't accept it, but I don't mind."

She squeezed the wooden stick hard, her knuckles were white, her eyes were quite resentful, and there seemed to be a flower of flame flashing inside. Li Ou could see what she was thinking. He must have felt that he was taking advantage of the fire.

However, he did not help for the "burning stick". He was just worried that the uncontrolled magic would burn Charles's horn shop to ashes.

"You can refuse." Li Ou shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then pay the bill with your gold coins."

The girl bit her lip and struggled inside. After a while, she stuffed the wooden stick into Leo's arms, "Here you are, here you are!" She shouted angrily, "Take it! Then don't appear in front of me! Also, all the expenses for the next week will be charged to your account!"

Lu Yuewu frowned, and the amber glass reflected her brown eyes. She glanced at the red-haired girl and turned her head. Then, she saw a guy in a simple black robe walk into the pub.

Her two fingers put on the hilt of the sword. "He's coming." She whispered.

Leo asked Charles to serve a pot of Iris sake, and then found an empty corner to sit down. The man in black did not say a word, and then sat down. He chose the right position and sat with his back to the sun. So that his face was hidden in a bright and dazzling light that people could not detect the shadow behind him.

"I know who you are. Such a means is meaningless." After a moment of silence, Leo said to the man in black.

The dazzling sunlight made him narrow his eyes and couldn't help but look away. He suddenly found that this position was very particular. Even if he knows the other party's face, he can't see the other party's expression. Since I received the letter, I didn't have a good feeling that it would get worse at this time.

"I arrived early." The man in black said, "However, you don't seem surprised to see me."

"If I can't even see such a conspicuous hint, I'm extremely stupid." Leo grabbed the wine pot and poured wine into the pottery glass. "However, next time you'd better change another secret language. It's really not a secret."

"This is not my strength."

"Then how do you contact the informant?" Leo raised his eyebrows and said, "The knight can't lie."

Or do knights regard everyone as idiots who obey orders as rigidly as they? Li Ou said in his heart. There is another name for 36 Avenue in Einblo: Rose Street.

Knight Ipahui Kay was silent for a long time. Li Ouquan regarded him as a stone statue.

He couldn't guess what would make a knight with a title come to him specially, dressed as a mysterious man, but he didn't expect it to be a good thing. At this time, he has regretted that he went to the appointment. But on second thought, if the other party is really determined, I'm afraid he will come directly to the door. At that time, I was afraid that it would be more anxious and annoying than staying in a horn pub.

The knight held a ceramic glass and touched the rough edge of the glass with his lips. The taste of Iris wine was as light as water, which could not stir up any waves in his heart at all, but made his suppressed heart heavier and heavier.

"I know my invitation is very abrupt; my dress is also suspicious." He explained, "But there is no other way. The White Rose Knights have their own jurisdiction, and the Creators Guild will not like to see us haunt their territory, especially exercising their... 'rights'.

"I'm also a member of the guild."

"But I can't find anyone else to trust except you."

Leo shook his head, "We've only met once, Mr. Knight." He reminded, "Don't you think it's an insult to this word to talk about trust so lightly?"

"And--" Lu Yuewu next to him took the words and asked, "Where's your companion? Knights fight for honor and should help others. Can't they even do this?"

"This involves secrecy."

"Okay," it is not clear whether Leo is willing to say it or not, whether he is still determined to hide it, or break the oath he made when he vowed to become a knight. Anyway, he immediately interrupted him. I don't want to know, not at all." He repeatedly stressed, "I have no interest in the affairs you are responsible for."

The knight noticed the sight around him. He knocked on the table, "I think you should listen to me calmly." He put down the cup and said, "Even prisoners sentenced to death have the opportunity to tell their last words."

"But that was a good word before death, and now..." Li Ou raised his eyes and glanced at him, but the sun once again dazzled his eyes. You are insincere." Li Ou felt that he could not control his ups and downs at all until Lu Yuewu was slightly cold under the table, and his comet hand held his wrist. "Okay, what else do you want to say?" He took a long breath and his tone gradually softened, "Persuasion? Come to me for things that you can't come forward in person and can't solve, and develop me into another eyeliner of yours?"

"I didn't mean to do this!" Knight Kay was fed up with Leo's sarcasm. He whispered angrily, "Don't interrupt me. Next, I said, listen! Then it's not too late for you to decide. It's up to you whether you agree or not.

If you really listen to the whole story. I'm afraid there is only one option in front of him.

"This has something to do with you." The knight said, "Mike Jeriti, the gravekeeper, is missing."

The gravekeeper saw him walking with the White Rose Knight. If he really has an affair with Sister Shadow, then Leo can't stay out of the matter. He won, Leo thought.

"What does he have to do with what you are looking for?" After thinking about it, Li Ou asked.

"There is a clue pointing to him." The knight explained, "But it is impossible to confirm what identity he is secretly. Maybe he is just a witness." There is no reason for speculation. Leo smiled bitterly. He didn't know whether the bitter smile was for himself or for the unknown gravekeeper Mike Jereti.

The shadow nun is like a sharp sword hanging above her head. From the moment they met the White Rose Knight Kay, they were destined to be the clams on the same rope. If they don't struggle, they will end up drowning in the water humiliatingly.

"What do you need us to do?" Lu Yuewu asked.

Only she has been fearless from beginning to end.

"I only have one piece of available information left in my hand." Knight Kai clenched his fist and said, "Nova Chamber of Commerce." He said, "Mike Geriti used to work for the Nova Chamber of Commerce. Joseph Holland has also had a deal with them before.

Li Ou glanced at the girl beside him with the afterglow of the corners of his eyes and found that she was also looking at herself like this. All right, Nova. He sighed helplessly, and it was Nova again.

"It seems that I have to go."