Alchemy Era

Chapter 25 Black Dawn 2

"Thank you for the reward of Slyaer132"

The temple has been eroded, and the trees and vines have incorporated the ruins into their own territory. The altar has long disappeared, and the stone statues once erected are also mottled, broken into countless pieces and scattered around. They can't even identify the former owner of the temple.

They walked along the road taken by the pioneers to the temple. In the weeds's courtyard, a hole leading to the ground is like the mouth of an open python, and the wet corridor is like a snake's belly. Lu Yuewu first danced down and fell into another slippery mud. Rosie followed, cursing the humid and sultry environment, shaking off the mud on the leather boots, and summoning a light ball of light. Li Ou fell at the end, behind the sword hall.

They are a few days later than scheduled. Presumably, most of the obstacles in front of them have been cleared. The profiteers who entered first have gone deep into the ground and spiralled in the deep and vast labyrinth. But they did not speed up because of this, and they were very wary of every step forward. Just because the "clown" described the hugeness and danger of the ruins in a few words.

"I don't see anything special." Rosie manipulated the light ball to illuminate the corner of the stone room. At the end of the corridor is a stone room built by white stone. The air is still filled with the smell of choking gunpowder, and the pale stone walls are dark. There are only traces of damage caused by knives and axes. She touched the engraving on the wall and judged, "It seems that someone has deliberately erased something."

"This is the legacy of the last civilization." Li Ou reminded.

"Lozva?" Rosie turned her head and said, "I have read your collection. But this is more like the underground palace where the dead sleep, rather than the ruins that sank into the ground in times of disaster.

"This is the underground temple." Leo said, "But I don't know which god they worship."

"Didn't you enter the first floor? When you take the exam.

"That should be a fake tomb that blinds the view."

Rosie frowned. She seemed to want to say something, but she didn't have time to speak.

"Come on." Lu Yuewu waved to them at the door of the stone room, "One more." She said.

The body hung on a hard stone wall stained with blood. A rusty nail poured into his forehead, penetrated the skull and penetrated the stone wall. His hands and feet were pulled in different directions and also fixed with nails. If the nails are connected in a straight line, it will form a perfect pentagram. It was like a blood sacrifice, and Leo couldn't help but feel creepy.

"Did they do it again?" Rosie asked.

He settled down and replied, "I can't think of anyone other than them who has such great hatred for alchemists."

"Where's the mage?" Lu Yuewu said.

She probably remembered the conflict in the Nova Chamber of Commerce. Mage?" Li Ou didn't know how to answer. It's not because of Rosie - she never cares about her peers, but - "good and bad." After thinking for a long time, he only found this dry word. Our quarrel with the mage is just a dispute over power. It's just that there are always some... radicals."

"That really stains the word 'radical'." Rosie sneered, "It's more appropriate to describe a brainless madman."

Li Ou looked at the horrible dead body on the wall. I would rather face the shadow nuns than be targeted by them. They are really a group of fanatical madmen - more fanatical religious believers than the Holy Light Knights of Andal Church..." He couldn't help shivering and thinking of the nearly 100 fragmented bodies that floated into the port ten years ago. For several days, the sea was blood-red. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and reluctantly finished his words, "They are unscrupulous in the name of saving nature."

"Have you flinched?" In Rosie's words.

Yes, he retreated. That year, the sky and sea of Ainblo were stained with blood. Countless people were dragged out of the soldiers' homes and thrown into prison until they were overcrowded. Then, the bustling Silver Maple Leaf Street is full of gallows, from the street to the end of the alley. Alchemists, mages, knights and nobles, no one can escape the catastrophe. Coward." He heard Rosie say another sentence, but he didn't respond. He looked into the depths of the dark maze. What else was there? In addition to the greedy profiteers, there are also monsters raging, and now there is an unknown black dawn. They are just like their names - the first ray of light in the morning is also dark - hiding behind sunny smiling faces.

"You have the final say." Lu Yuewu said, "It's more brave to admit that I am weak than strong."

Rosie snorted and stopped talking.

They are all waiting for my decision. Leo suddenly felt that the word "give up" was so heavy. He thought of his original intention of coming here; of the Nova Chamber of Commerce, Shadow Sisters, Black Dawn, Alchemist and Mage, White Rose Knight, Balode, and Hurt. All this is inextricably linked to the truth he is trying to pursue, forming an amazingly sticky cobweb that entangles him tightly and can't get away. Then... there is no more. He made a decision.

Walking deeper, the surroundings are finally no longer wet. Rosie exhaled heavily, but caused dust to fly and cough repeatedly. Damn it!" She cursed and simply attracted a gust of wind blowing the dust forward.

"Do you still think we don't have enough trouble?" Lu Yuewu questioned.

"We are here to look for treasure, not a big mouse that drills into rat holes and is afraid of black cats." Rosie retorted, "Instead of letting the wild cats hide in the dark, it's better to set a trap to lure them out. Solve it all at once."

"Even if you use yourself as bait?" Leo thinks this method is too dangerous.

"When you have confidence in yourself," Rosie raised the corners of her mouth, "you will find that this is the best way to solve things."

Just like when you delivered it to your door? Did you exchange your confidence for a few gems, but then give loyalty? He couldn't help asking. Overconfidence often means death, and the duel knights have verified this with their lives countless times. But he did not reject Rosie's proposal. Maybe it's okay to try? He thought that at least he would know who belonged to the morning light in the dark.

Maybe there are more intruders than river crucian carp, and they have been traveling for nearly an hour without encountering any monsters. Therefore, they are very fast and catch up with the pace of the pioneers.

There were bursts of shouts in front, the sword danced like the wind, and the armor chirped, mixed with a few angry curses from time to time. At the crossroads, a group of five people are resisting a python entering the ruins from the corridor. It showed off its poisonous teeth, and the powerful sweep of its tail made the man with the metal round shield break his arm and kneel aside and groan in pain.

"Avoid them." Leo ordered, "Let's go to the left."

"That's the wrong direction." Rosie reminded.

Li Ou felt that she had bad intentions and was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. No one knows the right direction of the maze. He frowned, but felt that his tone seemed to be too harsh. Emotions should not be vented on others. He clearly understood, but the shadow was around, and the pressure was as heavy as a mountain. He exhaled, "If our speculation is accurate, we can always go around."

"In this case, it's better to go to the right. Leave the left to them.

As long as it doesn't cause unnecessary trouble, he doesn't care whether the direction is left or right. It's up to you." He said.

At this time, the four people who still have combat effectiveness have gained the upper hand, and the python has been bruised all over. Its venom has long been used up, and the dangerous sweep is gradually weak. So one of them withdrew from the battle and walked towards them.

"Mrs and Ms... are you here for vacation?" He laughed when he opened his mouth. But when he saw the badge on their chest, he immediately closed his mouth. We come first," he said first. "There should always be a first-come, first-served basis."

As the python fell, the rest of the people came over. The armor they wear is poor and damaged, and the weapons are also of inferior quality. And their blood-stained faces have scars as signs. Leo guessed that they might be robbers who wanted to make a fortune. Fighting with them because of incompatibility is undoubtedly the stupidest thing.

"Three roads." Leo raised his finger and said, "There are three ways to choose in front of us. You choose one first, and we will go to the other. Then each has no relationship, and it depends on luck.

"I like people like you--" said another person, "It's straightforward. So, which one do you choose?"

"Left." Leo did not think about it.

"Then let's go to the left." He waved his hand and greeted his companions to the road on the left.

They are going further and further in different directions. When Leo could no longer hear each other's voice, Rosie suddenly said, "They won't live long." She was resolute and showed a happy expression of the conspiracy. The left side can let them go to heaven. There is a magic trap hidden there.

As soon as her voice fell, a violent explosion came. The ground shook, and the gravel overhead collapsed like rain. The violent magic engulfed him in an instant. When the vibration stopped, his ears were still buzzing, so he couldn't hear Rosie's indulgent laughter. He seems to underestimate her. Leo realized.