Alchemy Era

Chapter 26 Follow the Shadow

"New Year's collection, red tickets!"

The underground temple is like a huge cobweb, and the ants struggling on the web do not know where the owner of this net is hiding and when they will suddenly appear.

They passed through a side hall, and the dead bodies were still walking.

Granite altars, stone pillars, and walls are painted with red paint to make people sleepless at night. The body nailed to it seems to be the tormented protagonist in the ghost story circulating in a remote village. However, there were still several corpses killed by swords lying on the ground of the side hall, surrounded by the remains of a brass python.

It turns out that it is not all black dawn that can kill people. Li Ou suddenly felt relieved.

"Wait." Lu Yuewu made a gesture.

"What's the matter?" Rosie said impatiently.

The dull underground is a claustrophobic space, and the monotonous scenery and depressing atmosphere have long annoyed her.

Lu Yuewu didn't look back, "Quiet." She made a listening posture.

"Your hearing is better than that of a mole?" Rosie snorted, "Don't forget, I'm a mage."

Li Ou has never seen any mage master "unpopular" spells - most of them have been lost. He couldn't help focusing on her. Rosie threw out some gray powder, turned into invisible magic stirred into invisible dust, clinging to their auricles, and the sound of chaos and panic immediately filled their ears: the screams of fear and helpless shouts seemed to be close at hand, making them cold like the wailing of the banshee.

Something big has happened. They all realized. As long as it's not the black morning light. Leo prayed secretly. He took the medicine from the bag and handed it to two companions. Lu Yuewu silently took a drink, but Luo Xi waved her hand and refused.

"I don't need it." She said, "It doesn't work for me. Well, these in your hand have no effect on me." She glanced at Lu Yuewu, whose breathing suddenly became rapid and her skin showed signs of scales. "Moreover, I don't want to be so... ugly."

Lu Yuewu stared at the dark front, holding a sword and warning without saying a word. Li Ou pulled out his sword close to the cold stone wall on the other side. He looked at Luo Xi, who was holding the broken staff and whispered, and didn't know what to say. There will be better." He said to himself, "I won't wait too long."

"They are coming." Lu Yuewu reminds.

A whole group of people - "Eleven or thirteen people." Lu Yuewu said. - Escape to them. They screamed, panted, and their footsteps were disorderly. From time to time, there was a desperate cry after someone fell. When they appeared in Leo's sight, there were only five people left in their team. They lost their helmets and unloaded their armor, stumbled into Leo and others, and blood spilled all the way.

"Get out of here!" They shouted, "Don't get in the way!"

"What happened?" Li Ou asked.

They looked back in horror, as if there was something terrible behind them. Get out of here, don't stop me!" They waved their arms and tried to pass through Leo's obstruction.

"Tell us," Leo tried to slow down his tone, "what on earth happened?"

"Let's go, let's go." One of them pleaded, "If you want to die, just die. We still want to live." There are countless treasures in it, enough to buy a viscount title. Another person answered and bewitched, "They are yours, they are all yours!" Just let us go..."

"Who will believe your nonsense?" Rosie interrupted him, "Answer honestly, what's in it?"

"Some... 'people'..." Another person stammered and looked behind him from time to time. They are all dead, all dead... If you want to go, go... Please, don't stop us... We're going to run for our lives..." Suddenly, a scream made them no longer afraid of the long sword in Leo's hand. They pushed Leo away and fled out in a panic.

"What do you think?" Rosie asked while playing with the magic wand.

"I can't hear what it is." Lu Yuewu frowned, "Maybe it's really..."

Some people. Li Ouxin said. They may belong to Black Dawn, but maybe something else. He is not sure. Danger will come at any time, and it is always around like a shadow. He suddenly remembered the alchemist's motto.

"Let's take a detour?" Rosie continued to ask.

Her slanted behavior showed that she was still dissatisfied with his choice a few days ago. No need." This road leads directly to the temple hall, which is the only way to the end. They can't escape the danger ahead. Let's move on." He said. At the same time, make up your mind: when your magic is enough, you must make some invisible potions for a rainy day.

Lu Yuewu adjusted the chain armor so that it would not shrink into a ball. Then she nodded to Li Ou, took another breath, and clenched her sword as the first to enter the dark passage. Rosie snorted behind Leo, "It's a wise choice."

The message conveyed in his words made him smile helplessly. If my choice doesn't suit you, are you going to turn around and leave? Don't want to stay for a moment?" Darkness can not only bring fear, but also make people have great courage.

She gave the answer ambiguably. What do you think?"

After crossing several bodies of mercenaries killed by sword axes and *, they approached the hall of the temple. The battle here is still going on. The light projected by several torches lengthens their shadows, making their battle like ghosts dancing, making it impossible to tell which side is the enemy and which side is the friend.

They approached quietly in the shadows until they saw the enemy.

"This is--" Even Lu Yuewu couldn't help whispering.

Different from what Li Ou expected, what appeared in front of them was neither the mysterious black dawn nor the shadow nun wrapped in a gray robe, but a dozen ringing armor puppets - a set of rusty armor on the outermost, tightly wrapped, revealing only a pair of shining blue eyes. Eye. They waved heavy two-handed axes, two-handed hammers, and held rusty swords and dilapid shields. Every blow went all out, and hitting a stone pillar was full of gravel.

However, armor parts that have lost their soul support are still scattered on the surrounding ground, but more are human corpses. The blood has gathered into a pool and shines in the firelight. The soldiers who resisted the attack were exhausted and could only curl up behind the shield and support them, while their opponents were tireless.

"It's not right." Rosie suddenly said. She locked her eyebrows and stared at the armored puppet. The history of rusted armor is long enough, but the soul inside is fresh. It's like steaming bread coming out of the oven. She seemed to swallow his saliva, "I can smell that fragrance clearly."

"Key." Lu Yuewu said. Her voice was almost submerged in the colliding of swords and groans of pain.

Li Ou added, "There is no need for a long modifier like a spell."

"Someone woke up the armor displayed on both sides of the hall--" Rosie shrugged her shoulders. "They should be loyal guards, expensive furnishings--but not these people in front of them."

Except for the black dawn, Li Ou can't think of anything else. He originally thought that this expedition was a struggle between major forces, but he did not expect that the real crisis would come from the other side - an opponent that they had ignored and thought had already been destroyed; a terrible enemy that cast a shadow on all alchemists, like a sword against his throat. So he forcibly stopped Lu Yuewu from helping the other party, regardless of her angry eyes.

Lu Yuewu may have a real knightly noble character, but knowing that death is still desperate is no different from a fool. And Rosie, just one gem can make her obedient.

"They can't do it anymore." Lu Yuewu pointed out again, "It can last for five minutes at most."

Those mercenaries were mostly kneeling to the ground, covering their arms and moaning. The sword in the hands of a few people who are still struggling rattles on the rusty armor, like knocking on a metal jar. Occasionally, a sword that pierces into the armor can't hurt the root. The swords in their hands are all ordinary iron, and magical creations are inherently resistant to steel.

"Can you withstand their two-handed hammers?" Rosie, who was guaranteed, argued for Li Ou, "The strength of the puppet can not be limited to muscles. The more angry and resentful the soul is, the stronger it is.

Think about the alchemist who was tortured to death by the black dawn all the way. Leo felt shudder. Even if Lu Yuewu infused the bull, it would not help. He thought for a moment and took out the medicine prepared for Rosie and took a sip. A sense of dry heat immediately surged up. Despite professional training, the superposition effect of the two bottles of medicine doubled the negative effect. He shook and almost fell to the ground.

"It's okay." He heard his numb mouth say, "I'm just in case."

"Just in case?" Rosie glanced at Lu Yuewu, who hid in the darkness at the entrance of the passage. "You stopped us to fight in person. You are great." She sneered, "Should I call you 'Knight Leo'?"

He was confused, "Why do you say that?"

"I thought your eyes were sharp enough to stop 'Miss Knight', but I didn't expect you to see nothing." Rosie blinked, and her amber eyes were like the galaxy in the night sky.

She saw through his mind. Leo realized. But he is not a knight, let alone a saint. He will be afraid, and he will also seek good luck and avoid evil. Especially at this moment, they are the only trustworthy people around. He was responsible for their safety, and he said to himself in his heart, even if they misunderstood or despised him.

The eyes met in a hurry, and Rosie seemed to understand his idea. She went straight to the topic, "Lift up your head and look to the right--"she said, "Miss Knight, you should also take a good look--it is under the flames, clear. There is a fool hiding there, and a friend who has just been separated.

Andrewson and Brand get together. They are all injured and are applying the healing medicine to the wound. He didn't notice. And he didn't know until then that Andrewson was entangled with thousands of hands.

"What about now?" Rosie didn't give up. "What's the decision?"

"He is not the only one who is about to die." Lu Yuewu said. She looked at Leo and waited for his order. As she said before, she is Leo's escort and will follow his orders.