Alchemy Era

Chapter 3 Black Thorn

The dock was full of noise, hundreds of sailboats were crowded together like sardines, and porters shuttled between the crowds, but more people leaned on the wagon and chatted idlely.

It's much quieter than before. Li Ou passed by the dockers and saw that their clothes were clean and flat; they raised their heads, but their faces were not tired, only looking depressed and desperate. Recently, there have been fewer and fewer goods. Leo thought as he saw only a sailboat with a broken mast staggering into the harbor. The storm will cause the market to fluctuate violently. At this time, if you can find a large number of goods, you will definitely make a lot of money. No wonder Sinsak urged urgently. He looked at the still gloomy sky above the sea, and the danger was obvious. I can still go back on my word. He thought. But his footsteps did not stop.

"Are you Mr. Leo?" A middle-aged man stopped him. The other party wore a gray linen shirt and shaved his hair with a dark red pattern. He is a Leo Islander. I'm Pedinan, the captain of the Golden Titan. He introduced himself, "Please follow me. The boss has been waiting for you for a long time."

The sailors climbed up and down three high masts, busy fiddling with rigging and heavy purple sails. Below, the porters were busy carrying supplies to the deck and stuffing wooden boxes into the cabin one by one in the scolding of a naked man.

Three-masted galley. Li Ou looked up, and the hull covered with olive oil was shining, but the shadow like a huge beast shrouded them. It's really a big deal, Li Ou thought. Sinsak's methods made him ashamed.

They boarded the sailboat. The waves pouring into the port formed a dangerous undercurrent after hitting the embankment, and the hull swayed endlessly. Rosie swayed, and her face turned pale. It was not until she held Lu Yuewu's shoulder that she barely stood firm. What are you laughing at!" She shouted to Li Ou weakly, "Bastard!"

The captain led them into the captain's room. However, Sinsak has uninvited guests, and they are arguing.

"You must agree to my request." The man in the brocade robe said indisputably, "Otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Sinsak tried to refuse. But the return is too little and the risk is too high.

The man rudely interrupted him, "I can give you nothing in return, but only pay you the risk."

Sinshaq's eloquence seems to have been thrown out of the sky. He was silent.

The guest in brocade and jade robes showed a contemptuous smile on their faces. He is the main guest. No matter what means you use, you must ensure that the goods I want arrive on time. He paused, "If you resist my request, you know what it will cost... Maybe the 'Golden Titan' should be renamed. What do you think of the 'broken iron'?

Sishak's face is blue. But the other party restrained his smile and stared at him coldly. Hurry up and give me an answer." He urged impatiently, "Ken or not."

"I'll do it!" Sinsak gritted his teeth and said almost word by word, "I will do as you ask."

The man was not dissatisfied with Sinsak's resentment. It should have been so long ago." He whispered, "You shouldn't have wasted our time." He reached out and smoothed the folds on Hinshaq's hem, "Time is money - you and I both know that. What's more, the storm is coming. We should race against time. Mr. Sinsak..." A smile appeared on his face again. "How about sailing tonight? I will let our obedient 'water kitten' drink at home, sleep soundly, and let people hang a guiding light for you." "Kitten in the Water" refers to the patrol fleet of Ainblo's search for smuggling transactions, which is named after the bobcat flag. I can't do more." The man suddenly said with a straight face. He seems to be wearing a magic mask. Li Ou couldn't help marveling at his ever-changing expression. What do you think? Mr. Sinsak?"

Sinsak has no choice. Everything is as you tell us to set sail tonight.

"I'm glad you did this." The man left with a smile, "Then I'm looking forward to your good news."

It was not until the man got off the boarding ladder that Leo asked, "Who is he?" The man smiled like a tiger.

Sishak collapsed in his chair and sighed helplessly, "Joshuer Black Thorn, the second son of the Black Thorn family." Black thorn family. Leo has heard about it. They run a salt farm and are also involved in the jewelry industry. His father, Mortimer Black Thorn, is a member of the city council. Sinsak explained, "But at least one-third of the members of the parliament are staring at his hands. Wherever he swings his whip, they are like obedient pony. He bought it with money, threatened it with a sharp knife, and cursed it with magic. The Andrewsons are nothing compared to him. He controlled several port docks, and no one ignored his orders. Sinsak finally warned, "If... I mean, if he finds you, you'd better follow his instructions and don't try to disobey."

I just want to never deal with them." I will remember your warning." He still has doubts in his mind. Why did he come to you? The port is full of bigger ships and better fleets. Why did you find the 'Golden Titan' alone?

"He has a handle." Sinsak lamented, "I thought it was seamless, but the eyes of black thorns were everywhere."

There has been no impervious walls since ancient times. Can you tell me? I may be able to learn from it."

"Barrod will not allow you to do anything illegal."

Liou heard the information he inadvertently revealed. Sure enough, there was a friendship between them that he didn't know. He thought that the confrontation with the black thorns seemed to make him tired. So what did you say this time?" Li Ou seized the flaw and immediately asked.

Sinshaq knew that he had made a mistake and immediately changed the topic, "I can tell you as a story. It's still early."

Li Ou secretly regretted that I missed another opportunity. It is not a bad thing to know more knowledge. You never know when it will come in handy."

Sinshak nodded and looked out of the door. The door of the captain's room is facing the main mast of the three-masted sailboat, and a thousand-faced flag - a black palm - flutters in the wind. At the end of the deck, a gilded bow is vivid. The statue is a Titan with a hammer and a shield. This is the origin of her name. Li Ou thought.

"This ship did not come through formal channels." He said.

"It's strange that you will be taxed." Rosie snorted softly with a pale face. She seemed to be a little seasick and leaned against the back of the chair, as if she had fallen asleep. Lu Yuewu took care of her.

He was unmoved and continued, "I bought the income anonymously."

"No one has any doubts?"

"Forged documents." Sinsak raised his right hand and stretched out five fingers. "I have never forgotten my skills."

"This doesn't seem to be enough."

"Of course it is not enough. This is just the first step." He explained in detail, "I transferred a large amount of money to the middleman's account - where did you ask where the money came from?" He finally squeezed out a smile, "Do you still need to ask? I am responsible for purchasing and smuggling, and it is easy to be greedy. This large amount of money was taken out by the middleman to bribe officials and forged legal certificates. Hang on... well, you know... on the opponent's head."

His tricks are dazzling and confusing. And then?"

"Then just wait. Try to delay the delivery date until the storm season. He said, "Every year, thousands of hands buy a large number of ships, and I just add my own share. And in the unpredictable season, there are always some problems..." Sinsak shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I only bought one, thinking that people don't know it, but a mountain is always taller than a mountain."

"Is she the Golden Titan?"

"I gave it all to her." Sinsak said, "I long for her to return full of gold and gems. Wealth is power. Look at the black thorn family and you will know. They can call for wind and rain.

Bloody wind, rain of gold coins. Li Ou snorted coldly, "This is gambling."

"If gamblers don't even want to pay for gambling, how can they win money?"

So gamblers are crazy people who feel good about themselves. Gamblers usually end up with nothing. It's the bankers who win the money."

"My gambling has always been good." Sinsak said.

"That's because your loss is worth risking." Leo sneered, "Your bet is your money and our lives, and it doesn't include your life."

"There is no fairness in the world. The accumulation of capital is always bloody and cruel. As far as my position is concerned, it is reasonable for me to make this arrangement.

Because we are just nobody. Li Ou took a look at Lu Yuewu. If I refuse, I can avoid everything.

"You can't refuse. Because you and I don't have to worry about the banker's takeaway in this gamble.

He seems to have something else to say. However, Leo couldn't understand. Of course, the banker won't pay a thousand. He said, "He will only attract storms, lightning and thunder."

"My golden Titan will not sink easily."

"Gold will never sink unless driftwood is used."

"Li Ou," he sighed, "we have to take some risks for what we pursue." He threw out something as a date. Only when you know the result can you know whether your adventure is worth it.

His hints can't be more obvious. Li Ou thought.

"If you can't come back, I will naturally go down to accompany you." Sinsak sighed and told his suffering again. Needless to say, the black thorn must have prepared the prison. The difference between you and me is just who is early and who is late. What on earth did Barrod do with him? They fund underground organizations. They asked the Shadow Moon Mask to issue an ultimatum and let Sister Youying come to collect debts. To deal with betrayed people, they curse with black magic. If you don't want to live, life is better than death.

I've heard enough." I can give you one-tenth, no more." Leo was unmoved by Hinshaq's words. Since you hope so much, just be your pawns. He said in his heart, I'd like to see what you arranged for me. Survival or destruction?" So--" He rudely interrupted the other party, "Go to sea immediately tonight?"

Sishak took a long breath, "I will leave at night. Black thorns can't tolerate others' procrastination.

I just hope they will go to hell early. I hope they won't collude with Black Dawn. Leo prayed.

"I will pray to the gods." Xinsak smiled and said, "I hope that we can all make our dreams come true."