Alchemy Era

Chapter 4 Signs of Death

"I hate shaking. I hate boats." Rosie lay on **, pale and said weakly, "I hate water."

They have been sailing for three days. The storm seems to come at any time, but it always hangs high above the clouds. Even the moon occasionally comes out with a shiny tulle. However, Captain Pedinan was still cautious. Every night, he arranged a large number of people to look at the sea in order to find the fleeting starlight in the darkness and figure out the gods of the ocean and storm. They could have relied on the mage, but the mage had fallen into severe seasickness since the day she set sail. She felt dizzy, nauseous and vomited. She couldn't eat anything, so she could only faintly and moan in **.

"I've had enough." Dry vomiting destroyed Rosie's voice and made her voice almost hoarse. I hope she can still chant spells. I want to go back." She grabbed Leo's arm and said unreasonably.

"Fly back or swim back?" Li Ou smiled helplessly, "Can you still recite the spell of flying magic? Is there any energy that is as endless as the dragon?"

"Knock out the deck." Rosie raised her head and said, "Give me a wooden board so that I can cross the sea."

Li Ou just wants to laugh, but it's really inappropriate. He finally put up with it. That will only bury the fish's belly. He said, "You can't summon fireballs in the sea."

"Yes, this damn water!" Rosie fell down dejectedly. She stared at the ceiling and said, "I even hate taking a shower now. I want to vomit when I think of soaking in water all over my body.

"It will get better." Leo handed her the prepared medicine, "If you drink it, you will get better."

"I have been drinking this sticky and bitter thing for three days." Rosie complained, "But it's still not good."

Even scholars can't figure out the cause of seasickness. How can I have a special medicine? Lu Yuewu helped Luo Xi up and put the mouth of the bottle on her mouth. It's better than doing nothing." Leo said.

"The dead body can accompany you to sleep. Are you afraid of its smell?" Lu Yuewu said.

"I said, I'm not a necromancer. Don't compare me with them." Rosie retorted weakly, "I just hate water. I feel dizzy when I see water." She looked at the black sticky oil in the bottle and said, "I can't drink it."

Patients always have privileges. Li Ou coaxed her to drink the unpleasant and bitter potion. Then thorn the quilt for her. The water lily in the medicine quickly played a role. Her eyes were unable to open and drowsy.

"Let her sleep for a while." Li Ou said to Lu Yuewu, "At least it won't be so uncomfortable to fall asleep."

They accompanied Luo Xi in the room, Li Ou was immersed in the sea of books, and Lu Yuewu carefully wiped their swords. Their ears echoed with monotonous and repeated waves. Occasionally, one or two seabirds flew by outside the porthole, and there seemed to be only sadness from their calls, which was sad.

A rapid knock on the door suddenly came, destroying their leisurely afternoon time.

Opening the door, the second pair of frightened and panicked faces appeared in front of them.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li Ou..." He was breathless and couldn't even say a complete word.

Li Ou asked him to slow down, "What's wrong?"

"Outside... on the sea... Captain asked you to go up and have a look... Hurry up..."

On the deck, the sailors stopped their work. They crowded on the side of the ship with horror on their faces. The second mate pushed them away, "Get out of here." He scolded, "Get out of the way."

Captain Peidinan stood on the second deck with a monocular in his hand. Although his face was calm, his face was still pale, and the hand holding the railing trembled slightly.

"Mr. Li Ou, look around us." He heard them approaching and said without looking back.

The scene they saw when they walked out of the cabin surprised them, but at this time they stood higher and could see more clearly. Countless fish floated on the sea with their white bellies, and a fishy smell enveloped them, making them unbearable to vomit. They are all dead, and they all realize it. All the fish covered with sea and piled together died, and even the fierce tiger sharks and humpback whales were not spared.

The captain handed the telescope to Leo, "Use it again."

Within a few miles, all he could see was a tragic white light in the silver light, and the white belly of the dead fish was like the smile of death, which made him tremble and tremble. Even the strong-minded Leo Islanders couldn't help but be afraid. He thought.

"That's what happened when I got up this morning." Pedinan's hands still trembled uncontrollably. Where's Miss Mage?" He asked.

His will is crumbling, and he has tried to attribute the tricks that affect morale to spells. Li Ou realized that he had begun to seek medical treatment in a hurry. She is already asleep. The symptoms of seasickness are irresistible.

"That's it." He said without disappointment. He was silent for a long time, stared at the whisper below, and gradually abbreviated the sailor on his face. The first officer, drive them back. If they are noisy and have endless energy, let them wipe the deck, apply olive oil to the cables, and let them clean the sails. The second mate took the order and left. Mr. Leo, let's go inside and talk about it. He said, "We have to discuss the next itinerary."

"Do you know what's going on?" The captain paced back and forth in the room. I need a definite answer."

Li Ou can explain this emergency in several ways, but he knows that people who live on the sea will not believe it.

"I have ordered the anchoring and stopping the ship." The captain said, "You can also see that my sailor has lost his soul and courage. A chicken cry can make them jump into the sea to survive. We can't move on."

Sinsak's words echoed in my ears: no matter what happens, we are unable to breach the contract. But at this time, up to the captain and down to the sailor forgot his warning. They took the dead fish as a sea of bones. Are you going back?" Li Ou asked.

"Is there a second choice?" Pedinan looked at Leo, "Do you want me to move on? No, it's impossible!" He refused, "Do you want me to open a route in the pile of dead fish and ride the wind and waves against the storm that is about to fall?" I can't do it. I can't joke about the lives of the whole ship. I have to be responsible for my crew!"

He was also in the captain's room that day, and what Sinsak said also entered his ears one by one. You also have to think about your life." Leo said, "Sinshaq's words are not like lies. Black thorns must be cruel and can't fail.

However, Leo Islanders are superstitious. Neptune is angry. His tone is no longer firm, but he is still stubborn. This is a warning from the gods. We can't take a step forward. Otherwise, there must be a terrible disaster waiting for us.

"The gods have passed away."

"Then how do you explain what happened in front of you?"

"This is just a rare spectacle, just like a meteor in the sky, which passes by accidentally and is traceless."

"I went to explain to my crew: Is this a joke given to us by the gods? Let them turn a blind eye to dead fish and treat the stench as the fragrance of flowers? He said angrily, "They are not alchemists, not scholars who have read history books. They think that if a god exists, that god must exist. They think that this is a sign of the gods, and the gods will inevitably punish them.

The gods are always illusory, and faith is only valid for crazy believers. There is a kind of thing that human beings are born thirsty for and can't be cut off. It can turn faith into snow under the sun. There is one thing that the gods hate, but it can dispel the fear in people's hearts. Leo said, "It is more popular than God's grace."

Pep Dinan looked at Leo, "You mean..."

"That's what you think." No matter who makes the same choice as him. I think it's not too much for everyone to be born and die at the risk of being cursed by the gods.

"This is..."

"This is what you deserve." Giving faith is usually only to get a reward. When the rich return is in front of you, who is willing to look up? What do you think? Are we willing to accept death that can't escape anyway, or are we willing to fight against the illusory prophecy? Li Ou finally asked.

The captain made a decision quickly. Words are like the wind. Pei Dinan said, "It's not as good as gold coins."

However, Leo's mood was not much relaxed. He looked at the sea full of dead fish, and Rosie's words were still in his ears. She said, "Black is an ominous omen."