Alchemy Era

Chapter 7 Unreal Reality

"Li Ou, wake up." Who is calling him? Li Ou stood up and sat up alertly and found that Lu Yuewu was trying to wake him and Luo Xi. What's going on?" Lu Yuewu's eyebrows tightened and his face was full of uneasiness. Her chain armor flashed silver in the moonlight coming through the porthole - she was fully armed.

"I said, don't wake me up while I'm sleeping!" Rosie scolded angrily, "Is the ship going to sink? Or are we cursed and die soon? Let their idiot gods go to hell! I want to sleep!"

Lu Yuewu didn't say anything. She looked away and stared at the door. After a moment of silence, she whispered, "Hold your breath." She put her right hand behind her ear and said, "Listen carefully."

Her look is not fake, and she won't make such a joke. Li Ou covered Luo Xi's angry mouth and motioned her to follow Lu Yuewu's words with his eyes.

The room became silent, and some trivial noises came quietly.

A pair of boots stepped on the board, and the empty creak came from outside the hatch and from the deck above their heads. Those footsteps moved neatly, like an army marching in a queue. Li Ou tried his best to listen, but except for this echo, there was no call for a military order. The Golden Titan seems to have become a training ground for their platoon, as if it is too big to be boundless. Who on earth is playing tricks outside? Leo can't guess.

Rosie suddenly pinched Li Ou's arm hard, and she pointed out of the porthole. Look there!" She said in her mouth.

I don't know when the moonlight quietly reced, and only a little tenacious gray light penetrated the thick fog that suddenly spread on the sea. At midnight, when the sight suddenly fell, a huge streamlined black shadow gradually emerged from the fog like a monster giant whale. Compared with it, the Golden Titan is like a toddler.

They were silent and consciously held their breath for fear of being found by the approaching shadow of terror - even if they were far apart. They clung to the glass of the porthole and stared at each other approaching.

The first thing to pierce the thick fog was the rag sails full of drums, and then the bow of a deep-sea octopus appeared like a tentacle full of green copper rust. The huge five-masted sailboat is ferocious and horrible, with swords crossed on the torn flag on the main mast. A long-standing legend emerged from the bottom of Leo's heart.

"Ghost ship." Leo found that his voice became hoarse and trembling.

"What?" They didn't seem to hear clearly.

Li Ou muttered to himself: "So this is not a legend..."

The huge dark shadow of the ship gradually approached, and the thick fog around the ghost ship completely engulfed the Golden Titan. However, the fog did not hinder their sight, but dragged them into another world. The footsteps of the march could no longer be heard, and other voices replaced it. Some people's laughter and whispers sounded in their ears. The sound came from all directions, close to their ears, empty and cold. Even the laughter carried a lifeless chill.

Lu Yuewu looked at Leo, and her eyes were asking: Is it the monster in the cemetery that night? Ghost?

Liou shook his head, and he couldn't explain.

Small whispers are like having magic, making them unable to escape. Don't fall asleep." Li Ou pinched himself hard and reminded him. However, he underestimated the will of his companions, and they were extremely sober and cautiously paid attention to their surroundings. Therefore, when the dreamlike whispers stopped, they saw an amazing and strange scene.

Long table seats appeared beside them, and candles lit up on the silver candlestick. There are knives and forks on the plate, with steaming food. They suddenly fell from their cabin into a lively and brightly lit hall. There were a crowd of people singing and laughing. They laughed and talked and drank wine. Several soldiers in heavy armor patrolled towards them.

"Don't move." Li Ou pressed Lu Yuewu's sword-drawn hand and said, "Wait a minute."

Two soldiers came side by side towards them. The eyes under their armor were full of blue soul light, but they didn't seem to see Leo and the other three, and they bumped straight over - Leo tightened his body, and he felt that the girl's muscles beside him were also tense in an instant - they passed through their bodies without hindrance.

"How is this possible?" Lu Yuewu exclaimed in a low voice.

"Nothing is impossible." Li Ou said, "If I guess correctly, what we see in our eyes is an illusion. We are still in place. Touch your right - if I remember correctly, it's the bulkhead.

"Liu, Liu." Rosie shouted, "Look at their emblem." Rosie pointed to the sailors with machetes and said that she seemed to recognize their origin and just wanted to confirm. Leo, you should be able to recognize it. On their left wrist.

They have a tattoo of a sea monster with teeth and claws on their wrists. Leo clearly remembered that he had the same badge in the hands of their captain Pei Dinant. It is a sea god totem worshipped by Leo Islanders. He won't admit his mistake.

"They are all Leo Islanders." They all realized it.

Li Ou looked around. On the main seat of the hall sat a middle-aged man wearing a golden sea monster helmet. His bare body was painted with pictures of sea snakes and giant whales, and his muscles were tense. A heavy axe was placed at his feet, within reach.

"Who is he?" Lu Yuewu asked.

"I don't know." Li Ou felt a trace of doubt, "Don't you think he looks a little familiar?"

"He is dead." Rosie interrupted him impatiently, "Dead has nothing to do with us."

"The dead have trapped us here." Lu Yuewu reminded her.

"Let's go out and have a look." Leo made up his mind. He doesn't know how the person who wrote the legend of the ghost ship escaped, but he obviously won't find life when he sits in the cabin and waits for death. Is there any way to break the illusion? He asked.

"Are you going to commit suicide? Or are you going to destroy the whole ship?" Rosie looked at him with wide eyes, "Illusions are based on reality. Breaking illusions is equivalent to destroying everything that exists in reality. The consequence of their exile may be their own destruction.

"Of course I know this." Leo said, "Illusions are real. These are all things that have happened."

"What are you going to do?"

"The charm of spells." Leo said confidently, "Since the illusion is rooted in your mind, replace it with another illusion!"

Everything went surprisingly well. Rosie succeeded in expelling the invading enemy with another illusion. When the effect of the spell subsides, there is no difference between what they see and what their hands touch. The waxed walls and cold wine glasses bring them a strong sense of security. The previous magnificent picture scroll was as traceless as the moon in the mirror.

There is silence around. Li Ou looked out from the porthole. Outside the window, there seemed to be nothing strange, but the mist filled the sea and blinded the moonlight. The huge ship seemed to be their common hallucination and disappeared at all.

"Are we all wrong?" Lu Yuewu said uncertainly.

She expressed the voices of Leo and Rosie, but the panic in their hearts reminded them that the darkness and splendor of the previous moment was not their delusion. Li Ou felt that he was about to distinguish: which is true and which is the fantasy?

"My spell won't go wrong!" Rosie responded to Leo's worries indisputably, "It's only our eyes that go wrong."

But what do the eyes see wrong? No one knows.

"Then take a look with your own eyes." Lu Yuewu pulled out his long sword, "It's true to hear it with empty eyes. Leo."

Li Ou took a deep breath and calmed down the magic in his body. Then he clenched the hilt and reached out to hold the doorknob. He motioned to Lu Yuewu and Luo Xi, and then suddenly opened the door.

The corridor outside the door is as quiet as ever. The doors leading to each room were closed, and the oil lamp hanging in the overhead cover swayed and emitted a dim yellow light. Everything seems to be normal.

However, the surroundings are wet. Not only are there a series of water depressions under their feet, but also the walls are full of traces of running water erosion. Wisps of water grass came out of the cracks in the boat board, inhabited by sea dwellers - sea snails, oysters and scallops.

"Is this the Golden Titan?" They couldn't help asking questions.

Li Ou felt that they had arrived at a ship that had been sinking for a long time and was walking under the deep sea.

"What should I do?" Rosie asked. Her face also looked pale under the light. On the deck..." Her voice trembled, constantly looking around and looking back. Or..."

Unknown fear is a demon that devours the will; self-timidation is a nightmare that can disintegrate all resistance. Even in the face of octopus monsters, it is better than baseless speculation. So Li Ou cast a French seal, and the wind split the door of a cabin like a knife and an axe.

The room was dark and smelled of the sea.

When Rosie summoned the photosphere, they were terrified to find that the sailors were lying swollen all over their **. They remained motionless and had become corpses soaked in water for many days. Water plants poked out from between their mouths and noses, as if their soft bodies were swaying with the current in the sea. And they all have creepy sweet smiles on their faces.