Alchemy Era

Chapter 1 Red Pigeon

"If you have something to do tomorrow, please take a day off."

The sky is bright, and the summer is still the same. The sea breeze blows, bringing a trace of coolness in the morning. The seagull hovered above the mast and swooped down and screamed at them from time to time. Li Ou took a deep breath and felt that all the depression in his heart had dissipated.

The horse behind him snorted, and the carriage creaked and stopped.

Asha, a lame girl, first jumped out of the carriage, and then reached out to hold a young bachelor in a light yellow dress. She twisted her skirt, went down to the ground and walked towards them. Asha also followed her step by step.

"Gui'an." She bowed to them gracefully and solemnly. Thank you for taking revenge on my brother.

How can he accept her gratitude? Joseph Holland was killed by the "ghost" Edsey. Not them. They only extinguished a remnant soul and brought back the golden bottle, but they harvested a heavy glory. This glory is like a shackle, which locks him up, making it difficult for him to breathe and on the verge of suffocation.

These words can't be said. Everything is over, Miss Yvela. We should look forward." He comforted, "Like this huge ship that raises sails, it is now a brand-new journey for it."

"Yes." She barely squeezed a smile at him. I hope the waves ahead will be calm and the monsoon will be calm.

They got on the boat.

"I hate boats." Rosie hesitated and stepped on the shaking deck with lingering heart. I hate the sea." She had a bitter face, and the weight of her whole body was leaning on Lu Yuewu. She almost cried.

The same rice raises all kinds of people. The spider queen regards the sea as her second hometown, like her mother's embrace. When the black magic was completely eradicated, she couldn't wait to say goodbye to them and sail to the vast sea again. Although the moisture on the sea makes my joints tingle, staying away from the ocean will completely kill me. That's what she said, with a gentle smile on her face, just like the smiling face in his blurred memory a few years ago. It's inevitable that people die of happiness, and I have to be kind to find some 'worry' for others. She left without saying a word or even saying goodbye. She wants to reshape the prestige of the black widow and bring destruction to those who betray her. Li Ou looked at the light blue foaming sea and prayed in his heart that she would be all well and return safely as he wished.

"Mr. Li Ou, Miss Yvela." A middle-aged man in a crimson coat and fluffy breeches with purple-blue vertical stripes greeted them outside the cabin. He has thick light gray hair, and there is only an inch of grass on the top of his head. Eugene Lester of the Red Pigeon family is here to pay tribute to you.

Is he the diplomatic official identified by the city council in a splash of saliva? Leo has heard about the red pigeon family. What they make the world known is their endless eloquence. It is said that the first patriarch of the Red Pigeon family defeated the army of Deafraz with eloquent eloquence and completely retreated it overnight, so he was awarded the title of aristocracy. There is still a joke circulating in the market: when the patriarch chose the family coat of arms, he almost chose the noisy crow because he was drunk. Thanks to his wife's quick wisdom, she overshadowed his words loudly. Red pigeon!" She said loudly, but she was also incoherent. A dove symbolizing peace!" However, when the pigeon is stained red by blood, can it still symbolize peace? I'm afraid that the feathers have been pulled out and eaten by the stew.

This is the first time Leo has seen Eugene Lester. It was also the first time he dealt with the people of the red pigeon family. At this moment, he can't say how much he feels about the other party. I hope his argument will be as outstanding as his ancestors.

"Is the room arranged?" He asked.

"It has been arranged." The other party answered calmly, "You and Miss Ivira's rooms are on the second floor, and the rooms of the two escorts are opposite your room."

A team of knights and six Neanderians also boarded the ship with their horses at this time. They are all guards on this trip and follow their dispatch. They wore heavy and gorgeous ceremonial armor and wore silver steel armor on their horses.

The ship shook for a while, and Rosie's face turned paler.

"This lady seems to need a rest." The red pigeon said.

"Yes." Li Ou nodded, "She is not used to life on the boat."

"Well, all right." Eugene Lester took them into the cabin and opened the door of the room for them. We will discuss it when the ship leaves the port and the sea is calm. Anyway, we still have about two weeks to squander the sea and cross the ocean.

Is he mocking? Leo stopped the red pigeon that was about to leave. I know very little about the visit or negotiation. He stared into the other party's eyes and suddenly found that the red pigeon's eyes seemed to be a pomegranate-like red. It matches his family name appropriately. But I know that negotiations are nothing more than achieving the purpose through exchange - both sides take what they need. However, due to our temporary order, no one is clear, so... Please send a copy of the information to my room. I'll reply to you after reading it.

"I also need one, Mr. Lester." Miss Bachelor squinted and said, "Please send it as soon as possible." She passed the red pigeon, took her maid straight into the room and closed the door heavily.

"Rosie, I think you need a bottle of calming medicine." He euphemistically issued an eviction order.

The fragrance of water lilies fascinated the mage's nerves. Rosie lay down** and slept soundly.

The morning light rising outside the window sounded the horn of the Sea Monster Princess sailing. The elegant lady slowly sailed out of the harbor in a misty veil, and the sails slanted against the southeast monsoon, swaying away from the thorny bay. The princess passed under the miraculous stone bridge, and the shadow briefly blocked the sun, but after a moment, the more and more dazzling sunlight shone directly into the cabin.

Liola put on the window screen, and the soft light sprinkled all over the room, shining on Rosie's curled up like a baby. She was wearing a short shirt and trousers, and her long red hair spread under her body like feathers, shining in the sun like a real flame.

Li Ou opened the information sent by the red pigeon Eugene. The lacquer wax was sealed in his hand one by one.

However, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the paper with black characters on a white background in his hand was as heavy as a kilogram. Every word above made him unbelievable and frightened. Lu Yuewu raised her head from another piece of information opposite him. Her face was also full of surprise, "Is it really that serious?"

Before, Leo had some speculation. From the sardine-like boats at the dock, from the dead and sighing porters, sailors, captains, and the rising prices but increasingly scarce vegetables and fruits, everyone knows what this year's particularly long storm season has brought to the city. But he didn't expect it to be so critical.

He put down the paper in his hand and sighed.

"The downtown area needs to be rebuilt urgently, and soldiers and families of the deceased need pension." He remembered the smile on her face when he met the female city owner. I don't know how bitter there is behind her smile? In addition, the priest has to surpass the deceased, and the mage also needs to solve the remnants of the cemetery. The army also needs to recruit again to guard against the black dawn.

"I understand all this." Lu Yuewu put the pile of parchment in front of her in front of him, "But is it useful?" She knocked on the table with her fingertips and clicked.

Leou looked at the paragraph she referred to. It clearly states the demands made by the nobles of the parliament and the compromises that can be made.

"I think it's more appropriate to ask for help than to negotiate and trade goods." Lu Yuewu commented, "Is the situation really so serious? Is the bullet run out of food?" She repeated again, with confusion on her face.

Li Ou can't answer her question. He even thought it was an easy and simple job as a reward for "resolved" the crisis. But now it seems that he is just a deaf man in the dark, unable to see or hear. He dared to assert that the red pigeon Eugene must have hidden something else. He is a politician and has enough chips in his hand to ensure safety so that he can sleep peacefully at night.

"Liou." Miss Bachelor came to her at the right time. What do you think?" She said bluntly.

Shock, heavy, and angry? He can't say it." As far as I know, it's not that serious."

"That's the surface." Miss Bachelor sat down at the table and naturally poured herself a glass of water. Her eyes blinked gently and looked at him. Otel is gathering troops. You don't think they get together just to eat meat, drink, dance and sleep, do you?

Ottel? Leo has some impression of this place. She is located on the other side of the dragon-shaped canyon, on the top of the mountains. At the foot of the mountain is the endless Sanji River, which can go straight down the river to Aiyinblo Bay. Otel people live on the plateau, barbaric, strong and bloodthirsty like beasts. More than ten years ago, they attacked Ainblow, but on the way, they were frozen by the river by mages and alchemists, causing them to break the sand and escape in confusion. Now they are going to make a comeback?

"It can't be confirmed for the time being." Miss Bachelor did not hide it, "But it's not what it used to be. Who can freeze the Sanhalberd River at this time?"

They have chosen a good time. It's hard to believe. But is this our mission to drive across the ocean?

"And just by counting us--" Lu Yuewu said, "Except for me and Luo Xi, there are only three people. What can I do?"

"The black crow persuaded Faraz to quit, and now the red pigeon will harvest allies for us." Miss Bachelor sighed, "Isn't that good? Everyone thinks so."

She is also full of complaints. Everyone is really smart with 'pigs'. Li Ou shrugged his shoulders, "However, I have always been pessimistic about everything." Can we really succeed? He has no confidence.

After sending off Miss Bachelor, Leo returned to the window and sat down. The sea outside the window is calm, but under the calm blue sea, the dark currents are surging and colliding with each other, which is difficult to distinguish.

Unconsciously, dusk passed, and a maid on the ship knocked on the hatch with a dinner plate. She stood by the door in a ephedra skirt, "Sir, this is food." She whispered with some fear.

"I'll just come." Li Ou took the plate from her hand and stuffed a silver coin into her hand. As he woke up Rosie, he casually asked, "Yes, what's your name?"

"Nalya." The girl said, "My name is Nelia. The fisherman's daughter, Nelia, sir.