Alchemy Era

Chapter 2 Bard

"Is this your opinion?" The red pigeon Eugene slapped the table fiercely.

The golden wine liquid spilled out of the cup, which was sweet and fragrant. Do you have any better suggestions?" Miss Bachelor asked back.

They ask too much and give too little. At a glance, it came from the hands of greedy nobles. So Li Ou told the other directly, "What we want is the handwriting of the city owner, not the stupid request of the vampire." He pushed away the pile of paper in front of him and leaned back a little on the back of the chair. He stared at the red pigeon Eugene and said with determination, "If you are going to follow their orders, I would rather jump back to the sea. Anyway, it's a dead end."

"The sea is full of sharks, and there are long knives and guns on the shore." Eugene, the red pigeon, sneered coldly, "It's up to you to drown or be stabbed to death." He narrowed his eyes, and his eyes seemed to be as sharp as a knife. If their eyes can kill their opponents, Li Ou has no doubt that they can achieve complete success this time - they will capture the flowing palace with no living people.

"The same is true on the other side of the narrow sea." Leo replied. There is no need to speculate at all. Now he can see His Royal Highness smashing the porcelain cup and shouting the anger of the guards. You won't know what will happen to us.

The red pigeon seemed to take this as a compliment, "That's why they put me in charge of this."

Li Ou suddenly just wanted to laugh. Does he really think he is the old crow who went to the grave? He hasn't figured out his essence yet. He is just a pigeon smeared with red paint. Pigeons have never been as noisy as crows.

Miss Bachelor raised her hand and interrupted them, "We have different opinions, gentlemen." She tapped her finger on the table, "We need to be consistent. Otherwise, we will be defeated before the war.

This is obvious. But it's hard for him to believe that they will reach an agreement today - even if it's just one thing. He simply stood up ahead of the other party, "If the pigeon can lead us to victory, what else do you want to do?" As he spoke, he walked out.

He heard the scream of the chair sliding violently on the wooden floor, "Sir Leo! Pay attention to your words!"

The pigeon cooed behind him and flapped its wings vigorously. He opened the door, went out, and then closed the door tightly again.

"Moon dance?" In the corridor outside the door, the female swordsman was leaning against the wall and waiting for him. Why are you here?"

She didn't answer. Isn't it going well?"

"Hmm." He walked out of the cabin. He wants to bask in the sun. It dispels the sweet and greasy smell of wine around the body and eliminates the smell of shit and urine stained by staying with pigeons for a long time with the blazing sun. The sun is still dazzling and hot. When stepping on the deck, the strong light made him involuntarily narrow his eyes. His eyes were pale, and he could hardly see the stairs under his feet. Standing in the sun, sweat quickly gushed out of his pores and quickly wet his clothes. He leaned against the side of the boat and watched the naked sailors adjust their sails and play with the ropes from time to time. He endured the damp sea breeze and the scorching of the sun, and said to the oriental girl who had raised her long hair, "Einblo needs the fleet of the city of thousands of lakes and the large supplies that went with the ship."

The sweat wet her hair, and her dark temples clung to her ears. Li Ou stretched out her hand to straighten her hair, and she gently turned her head away. What do you have to pay?" She lowered her eyes and asked softly.

Leo withdrew his hand awkwardly. The peace treaty with the city lord's order is a meaningless alchemy for the city of thousands of lakes.

"Is it meaningless?" She raised her head.

"The City of Thousand Lakes hates mages, and of course it also hates magic." Leo turned his head aside and explained softly, "In their eyes, alchemists are probably no different from evil wizards who turn people into sheep and shamans dancing ghosts."

"No one will agree to... such harsh conditions."

Anyone knows that this will be the result. Yes, no one will foolishly agree." If the prince is willing to exchange his army and goods for empty checks and useless waste, he must be crazy, or his mind will be controlled by magic. Li Ou sighed and looked at the cabin, "But our pigeons in the cage seem to firmly believe in his mission."

Before the female swordsman answered, the sailor's noise suddenly sounded everywhere. They all put down their jobs and lay down in the bow of the boat.

Li Ou looked up curiously and saw a lot of debris floating towards the Sea Monster Princess along the ocean current. Among them, there are rag-like sails, broken masts, and large pieces of broken shipboards. They are hitting them straight.

"Half sail." The first officer immediately ordered loudly, "Push them away with the oars."

"What happened?" Miss Bachelor came out of the cabin.

Li Ou pointed to the sea full of debris, "We met a sea disaster."

"Let the ship get closer and see if there are any swants." Miss Bachelor ordered the first mate.

The wooden oars pushed away the sharp mast and fiddled with the fragments of the ship's board. The half- sailed sea monster princess seemed to shake her fish tail in the mud and moved forward carefully and slowly surrounded by broken wood chips. Dong, this is the sound of empty wooden barrels hitting the hull; bang, this is the sharp corners of groups of large boxes hitting one after another. There are more and more fragments, and in the end, the ship is like a turtle. But they have seen several dilapidated ships either tilting the hull or breaking into several pieces and slowly sinking.

"The Virgin Mary is above." A sailor whispered, "What the hell is going on here?"

This seems to be a dead sea. There are many white and swollen corpses floating among the dense pieces of wood. Most of them only wear thin shirts, and their chests or faces are almost full of scars. They floated in the red blood, and their faces were frightened, as if they had seen something terrible. On a straight sailboat, a black helmet flag torn in half drooped weakly.

In Leo's view, all this in front of him is not like the damage caused by an angry storm, but more like a cruel battle. But the shark seemed to disdain the feast, and he didn't find a triangular dorsal fin appearing here.

"That's the pirate flag." Lu Yuewu said, "Do you still want to save them?" Each of them should be pirates.

Aunt Selena is also a pirate.

"A flood of love." Rosie snorted coldly and then said silently.

The Sea Monster Princess put down a small boat, and several crew members rowed over and slowly detoured through the silent maze built by boards and floating corpses. The boat gradually disappeared behind the broken sailboat. After a while, a sailor blew the whistle vigorously, "There are still people alive here!" He shouted loudly.

When the pirate was rescued, he was shaking all over and his face was blue. A crew member brought him a blanket and poured him a glass of spirits. He muttered in a low voice, "What a lucky guy."

The survivor's fingers trembled, and even the glass could not be held firmly, and the transparent liquor was scattered all over the ground. Li Ou picked up the glass and sent it to his mouth. He swallowed it until he was choked by the liquor and coughed violently. After a while, he raised his head. His neck turned red, "Thank you." He said in a cough, "I feel much better."

Leo sat down opposite the pirate. Miss Bachelor was right next to him, and the female swordsman and Miss Mage stayed by the door and talked softly, glancing into the room from time to time. We sent someone to inspect each ship. He said, "I found that you are the only one alive."

"Real?" There is no sadness on the pirate's face. They are all outlaws. Li Ou realized that he must be used to death and has long been numb. Thank you for saving me." His gratitude does not seem to be fake.

"The gratitude of pirates?" Rosie's tired voice came from the door, "Tay to the person in front of you, don't take me with you."

"How dare you treat me as a pirate!" The man, like a cat with a trampled tail, raised his head angrily and swept over them coldly. No wonder you sit opposite me and guard the gate... Are you going to judge me?"

"What else can it be if it's not a pirate?" Rosie retorted coldly and continued mocking, "Will you tell me that you are a nobleman held hostage by pirates in exchange for ransom?"

He is wearing a colorful coat. Red and green, as well as deep purple, were mixed randomly on his coat like paint overturned by the painter, and several seabird feathers were inserted in his coat pocket and stood listlessly. His costume is like a circus clown. How can nobles have such vulgar and unpleasant aesthetics?

"No." He said dejectedly, "But I'm not a pirate either."

"Then who are you? Pirate's concub?" Luo Xi's words became more and more vicious, and Li Ou heard Lu Yuewu's whispered admonition. But I don't think they should be interested in a man with a parrot face.

The pirate couldn't help shouting, "I'm a bard!"

Pirates actually listen to the sweet words of the bard, which is as funny as the warbler loves to listen to the knight's mutsumi.

"Of course they won't listen." The guy who claimed to be a bard hurriedly defended, "But there are always many women on the ship who have been robbed. They need my piano sound and singing for comfort... Sometimes, sometimes, they let me play the piano when they do that.

"They really enjoy it." Rosie mocked.

Lu Yuewu pointed out, "I didn't see a woman among the dead."

"They must have been taken away."

"Then how did you survive?" Li Ou asked, "Who attacked you again?"

"I don't know. How can I know? How can I know?" He screamed like crazy. When night comes, we drink in the hall. I was playing my lute and was ordered to make a bitter-faced lady smile again. I didn't live up to my trust, so the old man rewarded her to me. I drank too much and played with that woman all night. Finally, I fell asleep under the bed. Then... Then my head hit the foot of the bed, and I woke up, and the woman was gone... I heard it, no, I also saw it... I saw the ghost waving a sword and kill the man, but there were still living people among them..." The bard's face was the same fear as the floating corpse. They wore steel armor, took away all the women, and imprisoned all the men who were still alive and sank into the sea... Outside, all the guys outside were drowned like that..."

Li Ou has no time to listen to his next narrative, and he has no time to sigh that his good luck can escape the ghost's search. He rushed out of the room and kicked away the helmsman's room. Leave, get out of here now!" He shouted at the captain, "Turn around and get out of here!" The farther the better!"