Alchemy Era

Chapter 3 Ashore

"Ask for red tickets, ask for collection"

The land is looking up.

The Sea Monster Princess bypassed Cape and slowed down at the busy and crowded crab-like bay. Built on the tower on the Cape of Crabpliers, the portman kept signaling with the lights in his hand.

"Remending the main sail." The first mate ordered.

The boat immediately slowed down, and the huge and gorgeous princess seemed to have entered the beggar's nest and was instantly surrounded by a group of dark and greasy boats, like long boats nailed with rag boards. They stood on the long boat and looked up at the sea monster princess, shouting from time to time, looking at the girl who was naked.

"Let the knights pay attention to these sea rats." Eugene, the red pigeon, ordered softly, "Whoever's hands are dishonest will warn them severely."

Didn't he see that those people's eyes were more disgusted than greedy? Li Ou thought. What is hung on the Sea Monster Princess is not a peace pigeon, a green olive branch, but a sword and a magic fire flag. In a group of seabirds and black fish flags, it is an alternative singularity and is unacceptable. What's more, the sword is on the side, and how many people dare to touch the princess?

However, it was useless for him to say anything, so he simply kept silent.

He looked at the other party with the corner of his eyes. The red pigeon Eugene is like a stubborn stone. The bald top of his head is accompanied by the increasingly bright sunshine in recent days, which seems to be like a polished gem, shining more. But what Leo saw there was not the smooth pearl, but the shiny tip of the gun. Two weeks later, from beginning to end, he insisted on following the requirements, refused to let go and refused to compromise. He neither explained nor comforted. No one knows what he is thinking and what kind of card he holds in his hand. Although he is full of confidence, no one will believe the empty words that are useless and boastful.

"He will kill us." A few days ago, he said to Miss Bachelor, "Does he really think he can replicate the miracles of the crow ancestors?"

"I don't know." Miss Bachelor said. She paused and glanced out of the porthole, "I don't want to know more."

Everyone has no expectations of him. Leo looked at the red pigeon burning the paper with a candle. The firelight rushed into the air, and the black smoke blackened the roof; the fiery tongue made the paint roll and peel off. Of course, the mouse's son can make holes, but he will also be eaten by the cat. The crow's son will always be a crow and will never become a symbol of peace. usually means blood. Suddenly bored, he got up and left the helmsman's room.

The three women are looking at the bow of the boat and talking to each other softly.

"There are so many boats here." Rosie sighed and complained, "I feel dizzy just looking at me."

"This is the city of water. Long boats replace carriages, and rivers replace slate roads. Leo said behind her. You have to get used to it as soon as possible.

"Shaking will make me lose my balance, and seasickness will make me lose my mind and make me miss the spell." She leaned her head down from the side of the ship and watched the long boat twisting her body shuttle back and forth like a snake. She turned pale and said pleadingly, "I just want to go back."

"Land is ahead. Just wait a little longer." Miss Bachelor said, "Solid land will make you feel better."

She shrugged her head and said weakly, "I hope so."

This time, the sailboat sailed all the way here without encountering a storm or hitting the Shanghai monster. Li Ou felt that this was the protection of the gods, and God opened his eyes. Otherwise, Miss Mage will be more uncomfortable than now.

At their heads, the sailors shouted at the bottom, and the other crew members lay on the side of the ship and cursed the long boats. Damn it! Stop, don't squeeze!" They shouted in the common language of the Western Continent, "Do you want to be smashed into pieces?"

However, the narrow seaman with a naked upper body, dark skin and a golden ring on his ears roared back in Valia with a heavy throat. What are they talking about?" A crew member asked his partner next to him. The man speculated innocently, "They are saying that they don't understand what we are talking about?" There was a burst of laughter among the crew. So they closed their mouths, stopped meaningless abuse, and lowered the sails instead, and slowly pushed the ship with wooden oars.

The Sea Monster Princess is huge but not very flexible, and the long boat of the Thousand Lakes City shuttles flexibly through the narrow cracks and squeezes back and forth in the cracks like spider silk. The gorgeous body of the sea monster princess was squeezed in the middle and could hardly move. She had to follow the customs and move little by little after many long boats.

The bard leaned against the starboard and played the lute he found from under the cabin. He sang in Valian on the narrow side of the sea:

"The sea breeze blows gently like a small hand;

Birds sing and miss;

People who have returned home have taken a big step;

Miss, your kiss warms my heart;

The sea is my home, and the lake is my bed.

A thousand lakes are waiting for you to come. This is my home.

His singing is loud, which is no different from the high decibels of seagulls. Leo now believes why those pirates are reluctant to kill him - his voice is really great.

"What is he singing?" The female swordsman asked curiously, "The tone is very pleasant."

Li Ou winked at her, "I don't understand." He said with a smile, "You can ask him, Mr. Bard will be happy to please beautiful women."

After passing through the throat of the crab pliers, the long boat quickly dispersed and disappeared into countless rivers connected to the harbor. The rivers here are intertwined and intricate, like a huge spider web. Leo has no doubt that if he is in it, he will quickly lose his way.

"Ready to break down!" The first mate reminded loudly.

The Sea Monster Princess finally arrived at its destination after two weeks of turbulence at sea. After a tremor, the ship completely stopped, and a gangway was put down. The knights first took the horse that had been locked for a long time and stepped on the solid ground. The horses hung their heads and put their shoulders, but the firmness under the horses' hooves quickly restored their spirits. They couldn't help digging the ground with their horseshoes, swinging the horse's tail left and right, and spewing hot air from their noses. They hissed happily, and then left traces of conquest on the land they had just set foot on - a large pool of hot horse manure.

"Gentlemen and ladies." The bard came to them and bowed deeply, "What are your plans next? The villain is helpless and willing to serve the adults in return for his life-saving grace.

The red pigeon Eugene immediately said, "What is far away from us is the best reward." He was afraid of avoiding it.

The bard's face suddenly became extremely embarrassed. I...this...I'm not..." The muscles on his face twitched, and I couldn't tell whether it was crying or laughing. I just... just want to find a way to live... My relatives are all dead... I just want to beg you to take me in."

"Your life and death have nothing to do with us." Eugene, the red pigeon, frowned and said, "It's all right to save you from the pirate ship."

Although this is the case, Li Ou felt that he was too cold-blooded and ruthless, and every word had no room for manoeuvre. If he has such an attitude during the negotiation, the dusty may have no hope of success.

The bard lowered his shoulders helplessly and turned away.

Miss Bachelor suddenly stopped him. Mr. Eugene, will you hand him over to me to arrange it? She showed a beautiful smile and sprinkled a handful of corn kernels on the pigeon.

"If you can guarantee that he is not a threat to us." No matter what color the pigeon is, it can't resist the sweet corn kernels**. Pigeons are cooing, "corn" and "corn". Sir Eugene Lester said, "Then what you mean." He complained and quickly left and gave them the space.

This bird is quite smart, Li Ou thought, and he can understand people's minds.

"Do you think you are from the City of Thousand Lakes?" Miss Bachelor asked.

The bard seems to have grabbed the life-saving straw, "Of course, it's true. I'm a native of Valeria. He hurriedly told his situation, as if even the secret in his heart had to come out. I grew up in the river of the City of Thousand Lakes. He said, "I know every river here, every building, and I even know the dark road leading to the flowing palace."

So he is not completely useless. It's better to have a local snake to lead the way than their eyes black and bump around. The city of thousands of lakes is a completely strange place for them. Among them, there may be only the exception of Miss Bachelor.

"I have been to the city of thousands of lakes." One night, when they sat on the deck blowing the sea breeze and watched the meteors in the sky, she said, "If you want to become a bachelor, traveling to various countries is a necessary process of learning."

"So you know Valian?" He asked her this.

She winked at him, "I only know the common language of the West. Other than that, I don't know anything and I'm at a loss.

Now that you think about it, isn't the bard in front of you the best translator? But there seems to be a loophole in his words. He does have dark skin, but in Leo's opinion, his skin color is more due to sun exposure, not a pure "black Valeria"

"My mother is a 'white man' and my grandmother is also a 'white man'." He explained with white teeth, "The combination of 'black' and 'white' has become this strange appearance." He unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his untanned skin.

"freak." Rosie hummed in a low voice.

Miss Bachelor was not surprised by this, "Please continue."

The bard tidyed up his shirt and said, "So, the dark yellow-skinned me is not liked by the clan at all. I have to wander since I was a child, but I escaped the looting of pirates." He smiled self-deprecatingly and looked at the female swordsman, "According to this hometown, this is the so-called retribution." There is a fixed number of drinks and pecks.' Is that right?"

He stammered like a parrot, and his words are not accurate. After getting Lu Yuewu's affirmative nod, he smiled proudly. Then, I went to the Bard Academy in Sililand alone. After learning, I stayed in Juneo for a while, just because I slept with a nobleman's daughter, and he had no intention of taking me as his son-in-law. He would be blind if he wanted to." So I had to flee back to my hometown in a hurry. My hometown is a flowing garden. I think everyone must have been looking forward to a poet playing the tinkling notes of water for them and compose a hymn to the beauty here.

"But you met a pirate on your way home?"

He nodded and couldn't help but be a little dejected. I not only lost the lute, which I made a living, but also had no penniless.

"Very good story." Li Ou commented, "But... you'd better take good care of your little things. Don't reveal it casually, otherwise, I promise that the lion tiger fish will like its taste very much.