Alchemy Era

Chapter 37 Master and Apprentice

"Please collect it!!! ying ying ying——」

The burning smoke of the gods dyed the starry sky gray.

The girl and the Virgin, the warrior and the craftsman, the secret lady with sapphire eyes, the old man with a golden beard, and even the thieves hidden in the shadows are already in the sea of fire. The yellow sandstone block of the statue and the countless layers of paint on it emit a hot and thirsty red light. The heat curled up and enveloped them intensely and densely. In the twisted smoke, the faces of the stone ghosts and stone carving banshees on the stone wall were hazy, as if there was a curtain woven through a layer of bead curtains. In Leo's opinion, the monsters seemed to be trembling and ready to move.

"What a sin." Rosie couldn't help muttering.

"Don't make a sound." Li Ou said, "It's better to look at them than to have mercy on Stone." Under the beating firelight, the red-robed monk confronted Brandick with a sword. The latter's face was twisted, like a gangster with a fleshy face, and his eyes were obviously crazy and ferocious. There is no doubt that he will kill him. Whether it's for me or Ashburn...

Dozens of believers gathered outside the closed gate of the church. They looked at the suddenly bursting fire and screamed in panic. The smell in the air is very unpleasant. Even the alchemists on the sidelines were deeply disturbed by such disrespectful behavior towards the gods they had worshipped all their lives. They shouted outside, the desert warriors smashed the door outside, and the questioning of Mario monks sounded. Everyone forgot their vows... Li Ou felt that the gods in the fire were even more uncomfortable.

"Get out of here, don't come in!" Ashbourne shouted, "Whoever comes in is waiting to be punished!" And shut your mouths and don't forget your vows!"

"The monks of Ashbourne?"

"Mario monks, be optimistic about them." Ashburn told the other party, "This is a battle between me and him, the two of us." The flames scorched them. Leo, just watch it. Unless I die, it's not your turn to take action.

"My teacher, you still have such a strong confidence in yourself." Brandick stepped forward two steps and approached Ashbourne. But do you really think you can beat me?"

"I didn't know until I tried." Ahiburn smiled and said, "We didn't know until we tried, Brandick."

"Then come on!" Brandick shouted.

However, Ahiburn's face was as calm as water and was not moved at all. Come on!" Brandick shouted again. The former squatted slightly and held the machete. His eyes were calm as if he was doing a life-and-death act, but it was just a very plain performance. What are you waiting for?" The loss of reason of the desert warrior affected his mood. He is no longer calm.

Ahiburn suddenly took a step forward, and Brandick immediately tightened his body. But in a blink of an eye, the former was taken back, as if it had never moved. He carefully controlled his pace and moved his legs alternately around a semicircle. He stepped forward and then took another step back. He was always outside Brandick's attack range. Every step is trying and seducing, and he is like a patient hunter, waiting for the prey to reveal flaws.

"Is he really a mercenary?" Rosie whispered in surprise.

Li Ou doesn't think he is a mercenary, but more like a tactical master.

His footsteps confused Brandick and made Leo feel more dazzled. He could hardly see the track of the other party, could not touch his plan, and could not predict his next step. Relying on the fast and slow movement speed, Ashburn successfully exhausted Brandick's patience and made him more and more manic.

"Didn't you say you were going to kill me?" Brandick gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, "Aren't you going to clean the door? Then come on! Don't linger! This is not like you, my teacher!"

"It's not like you, Brandick." Ahiburn seemed to be a cheet arched up, and the machete reflected fire and stabbed Blanc in the eyes under the control of the monk. Patience and waiting, you have completely forgotten, Brandick, it's you who lost.

"Then come on!" He opened his chest.

Ashburn took three steps forward quickly, and then forcibly braked his foot, and the latter's axe rubbed against his forehead. A clumsy scam. He distanced himself again. It's like a woman who cheated on you, only you believe it.

"Shut up!" Brandick said furiously, "She won't allow you to slander!"

"We will know the truth sooner or later." Ashburn said calmly, "But obviously you won't know."

"Real?" Brandick raised the long-handled axe with a ferocious smile, "It's not me who is destined to die here." He squatted slightly, and then jumped up without warning and launched an attack. Ashburn didn't even raise the knife block, but lightly and half turned to avoid this move. The desert warrior's offensive opened and closed, and the sound of the axe breaking the wind sounded in Leo's ear. The red-robed monk tapped his toes, avoided a series of attacks by Brandick, and jumped aside to distance himself again.

"He has changed." Even Rosie saw it.

Li Ou nodded in agreement. The desert warrior took his best, and every move was a chopping without room, completely abandoning his defense. His flaws were in the whirlwind of the axe blade. Obviously, it was like seductive pieces of cheese, placed on the dining table in the living room for people to taste. Mr. Knight, how sure are you?

"Half to half." The knight unconsciously rubbed his sword body and trembled all over, as if he were a beast ready to move. Under the firelight, his face was twisted, even more than Brandick, as if there was a beetle crawling under his face. His eyes were full of pain, and there was a hoarse roar in his throat. What's wrong with him? Li Ou felt uneasy.

On the high platform, the burning gods seem to wear flame robes of changeable colors, turning from red to orange and then yellow, emitting a beautiful light. Leo doubts why the stone statue burns like charcoal, or there is some magic in the fire? The girl opened her arms and spit out a fire tongue in her mouth. The flame licked the cheek of the Virgin, as if kissing her. The flame cloak replaced the veil of the secret lady, and a dagger gently peeled off her clothes, revealing a bare head. The flame jumped on the leather grip. Li Ou looked at the thief's fingers tangled, gradually scorched, and finally peeled off and turned into a bright red charcoal fire.

The pungent smoke made them cough repeatedly, but the two people in the battle were not affected at all. Brandick's offensive was like a tide, and the axe was like a whirlwind covering Ashburn. The axe waved out again and again, but every blow fell into the air, and each blow was only a little, which made the desert warrior no longer able to control his anxiety. He couldn't help scolding--

"Return, old man! Are your bones rusty? Don't you even dare to block?" He no longer respects the teacher, just like a stranger, a robber who regards the etiquette of the world as nothing, a... demon. Or is your body so weak that it breaks at the touch? He mocked and attacked, but it was still ineffective.

Ashburn took a step back, stepped aside with his right foot, shook his shot and retreated to the same place and dodged to the left. The machete was held in the palm of its hand, like a viper ready to go, a patient spider hunting. Are you trying to annoy me?" The monk's face was as quiet as water, "I'm as impulsive as you at your age, and I only know how to attack, which makes me pay a heavy price. But obviously..." He bent down to avoid the split axe, stabbed half the machete forward and quickly took it back. He was still oppressing his disciples, and Leo realized. You haven't suffered enough--" He suddenly punched quickly and hit Brandick's elbow. The latter snorted and retreated in shock.

"Why don't you use the blade?" The desert warrior squinted at Ahiburn.

"You don't need it to deal with a guy with only beast instincts." Ashburn put the machete on his belt, put a pair of flesh palms on his chest, and posed for battle.

"This...Li Ou..." Rosie said incredulously, "What is this? How can this compete with the sharp blade of steel?"

"You should ask the moon dance." Leo told her that the monks of the East were like this.

However, Brandick's anger broke out like lava, "Are you insulting me?"

"I don't think a guy who gave up his glory is worth insulting." Ashbourne was as calm as ever. "Look clearly, Brandick, and think about it. On the first day I taught you, you questioned me. What did I say to you? Ah, you forgot. Let me tell you, for the monks, our bodies are also an indestructible weapon.

"But you are already old." Brandick sneered, "And I'm not who I used to be."

"It's you who have changed, Brandick." The red-robed monk marched in the beating flame, and his tongue licked his skin, and he didn't seem to feel pain. Is the body a weapon? Leo couldn't believe it. He marched in the flames as fast as lightning. I have never doubted my faith, so I am fearless and invincible. You are not!"

He jumped up in the flames, and the bright red light dragged a dazzling trajectory behind him. Brandick blocked, but Ahiburn cheated the latter with a swagger. His footsteps kept swimming around Brandick, bringing a remnant of his fist and palm, confusing the latter's sight. Brandick waved his axe in a hurry, but it showed more flaws. The monk's palm penetrated the whirlwind blown by the axe blade and hit him in the chest. A force made him stumble back.

"How is this possible?" He was shocked.

"Nothing is impossible." Ashburn stared at him, "I wish you could understand, but now, I think you will never understand this."

The red-robed monk stroked the huge axe with his fist and grabbed his weapon empty-handed from Brandik's frightened eyes. Then he suddenly took a step forward, put his shoulders against his chest, shook his arms sharply, and smashed the latter heavily to the ground. Brandick snorted, and despair finally appeared in his eyes.

"Blandic--" Ashburn said, "Say the woman's name. Have you become her puppet, a traitor to the Silent Sanctuary? The informer?"

"No." He gritted his teeth and replied.

"It's not you, who is it?" The red-robed monk stood beside Brandick and questioned loudly. The latter fell into a sea of fire, and the painful and confused eyes of the gods were like the eyes belonging to Ashbourne. They stared at the once loyal warriors with stiff and twisted faces. Flames and pain tormented them.

"You should ask that person!" Brandick shouted and tried to get up, but Ashburn stepped forward. Then say the woman's name." He stepped on Blanc Dick's chest with one foot and clenched his right hand into a fist. Leo guessed whether he wanted to hit the desert warrior directly on the head or cut his neck... or he couldn't do it.

"I won't tell you."

Blandic struggled like a beast. He clapped his hands, grabbed the back of the red-robed monk's knee, and threw his teacher aside. The red-robed monk briefly lost his balance, but before Brandick got up and found the axe again, he had rushed over again and knocked down the desert warrior to the ground again with a powerful straight blow. This time, the red-robed monk did not hold his hand. He grabbed Brandick's collar, lifted him up, and waved several punches quickly. Each punch was full of anger and inexplicable grief. "Say, say her name!" Ashbourne shouted, "Say her name!"

Brandick leaned softly against the edge of the platform, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth. She will come to you. I promise." He smiled and said, "You will know her name, and she will burn these hypocritical gods with flames."

"Tell me, what on earth did she say to you?" This is also the answer Leo wants to know. How dare you start questioning your past and rejecting your beliefs, so easily turning you into a fanatical madman?

"She just told me what she really wanted to show me what an oracle is!" Brandick laughed loudly, but the blood foam from his throat choked him. He coughed with a terrible smile. He said with difficulty, "I should have believed the words of the white devil earlier... An obsidian can fake everything. Have you ever lied to me, thinking that I don't understand anything? He struggled on the ground, twisted his stiff neck, and looked at the gods who were howling silently in the fire. They died early."

The red-robed monk looked at him calmly. Is that all, Brandick? I have known what you said for a long time--" "She was right. If the gods are alive, the blaspinner should also be you, not me!" Ashburne was not interrupted by his shouting, and he continued, "-belief is not that simple, Brandick."

"What is that?" The latter snorted disdainfully.

His face is pale and his chest is sunken. Li Ou knows that he doesn't have much time. That woman can't save him." Power." So the alchemist told him directly. The power you can't imagine."

Ashburn nodded, "If you pass the test and become a holy warrior, you will understand." He said, "I will teach it all. disappoint me so much..."

He coughed a few more times, and more blood foam gushed out of his mouth. Brandick looked even more depressed, and the fire of his life was dying like a candle in the wind. So, I won't know until I die?" He said bitterly.

The red-robed monk did not answer, but his open arms showed his will. In his whispered spell, the magic listened to his order and gathered into drops of water, forming a breeze, extinguishing flames, rolling up dust and cleaning up the wreckage in Brandik's surprised eyes. But the god whose flame fades can never return to its original appearance due to spells. They only have an inch of bodies and bare heads.

"This is the power of faith, Blanc, you destroyed him with your own hands." Ashburn said regretfully and painfully, "So, repent for it after death." He walked to his disciple and put his palm on his chest in the latter's unexcable sight. Sorry, I can't let you live. This is the best knot--

A fierce wind suddenly swept the red monks: a black-red shadow was like a galloping carriage hitting Ashbourne. The latter was thrown high and hit the sighing gods fiercely. He slipped from it like a rag and fell to the ground and twitched a few times.

Leo knows who the shadow is, "Tario!" The alchemist shouted,

The black-red shadow turned his head, revealing a hateful appearance of the demon's shape that was slowly grinning at his teeth. He roared low to Leo, dripping sticky saliva from his mouth. He held the sword awkwardly and danced uglyly.

"Fate! What the hell is going on? Rosie scolded and buckled the crossbow machine.

The crossbow accurately pierced his face. The latter covered his face and sobbed in pain, and black blood flowed out of his fingers. It was he who killed the monks and the boys, not Brandick. Leo stared at the knight Tario who turned into a demon. That kind of wound is definitely not a wound caused by a huge axe. The traitor is him, and it is also him who is deceived..."


"The sun is ubiquitous." In the face of the roaring demon rushing up like a wolf dog, Li Ou quickly condensed the remaining French seal, "Black is also." He shouted and the magic poured out.

The blue arc light bumped into the galloping demon, and in the competition of power, the demon fell into the wind. Even if it is full of flesh, the body wearing fleshy armor keeps stumble and retreating...

"Brandick--" The red-robed monk struggled beside the gods, "Think about the glory you once insisted on." He tried to get up, but fell to the ground again. Brandick's face surged with struggle, hatred, pain and self-reproach. He trembled all over and his eyes wandered back and forth between the devil and the red-robed monks. Anyway, Brandick, first of all, you are a warrior. The red-robed monk suddenly shouted, "You are a warrior, not a coward!"

As if it was a return of light, Brandick suddenly jumped up from the ground. He grabbed the axe that fell to the ground and roared suddenly. Leo could hear the broken sound of his chest. Devil!" He threw out the axe with all his strength.

The huge axe swirled and hit the devil's eyebrows. Then, the desert warrior fell to the ground with the devil. Blood spread from under them, like two tears of regret.