Alchemy Era

Chapter 38 Uninvited Guest

"Collection, la la--"

"Viscount Arnoldko from the County of Siris." Li Ou bowed absent-mindedly. Sir Taylors of Harmondale. He paused and looked at the heavily armed guys in front of him. Their eyes were full of pure hatred, and the alchemist did not know what kind of public anger he had committed. You... I really hope you are not good at all."

"I'm the same, white devil!" Sir Thales clenched his fists. He put on a tinkering sequined thin leather armor, hung an epee on the sword belt, and beat his buttocks from time to time as he moved. Li Ou just wanted to laugh. However, the alchemist looked around: there was a shining armor and sharp spear in the hall. It's a pity that you are still alive and you haven't been burned to death.

"Sorry, we let you down." Li Ou shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't get what you want."

"It's really you..." The red-robed monk beside him smiled sadly, and anger and hatred appeared in his smoky gray eyes. I really don't want to see you. You will regret appearing here, I promise.

"Don't be in a hurry to intimidate, Lord Ashbourne."

Viscount Arnoldke threw the scarlet cloak behind him, revealing a carved and hollow brass breastplate with a striking golden boat pattern on it. The armor shines in the sun, like a small sun. However, Li Ou looked at the gorgeous and strange hollow on it, and his sword could easily penetrate it. Showing more than practical, Leo curled his lips.

"We didn't come here to argue and fight--

"What is that for?" Ashburn glanced around coldly and then locked his eyes tightly. These guys, did they come here to worship the gods? Or are you going to completely destroy this place? I think the answer is obvious. I'm not a stupid fool. I will naively think that all the forks you hold in your hands are for barbecue.

"You insulted the most loyal soldiers under the Duke of Patton!" Thales screamed loudly.

"Quiet." The alchemist looked at him with a bad smile on his face, "I thought you would rush up like a jumping cock. It's a pity that my sword has been waiting to kiss your ass.


"Don't be busy, don't be busy. Don't worry." Mario monk mocked, "Oh, look, these soldiers don't think so, distinguished Sir." He leaned against the back of the chair and shrank on the wide cushion, lazily. He scratched his finger and circled all the spear soldiers around him. They have been frightened and wish you could get permission to turn around and escape at a glance - after all, the quiet sanctuary is a resting place for the gods, not their martial arts arena. Killing is not allowed here. They all know this. As long as the gods are angry, they will run away.

"I really want to know how the gods are angry." Anodko smiled coldly, "Use flames?"

A terrible silence spread in the hall. The voice of the viscount buzzed in the hall, and the desert warrior standing on both sides tightened his eyes and clenched his fists. Usually with a sword," the red-robed monk stared at Arnoldko, "and blood."

"You can be disrespectful, Mr. Viscount." Mario monk took over, "But I wonder if they have seen blood. A group of recruits, it seems that the lesson I gave you last time is not enough?

The frosty words made the other party retreat for a short time.

However, the real situation is not optimistic: since the fire that night, the authority of the monks' orders has been much lower than before, and rumors have spread in the silent sanctuary. It swept the sanctuary that maintained penitent peace a few days ago. There are whispers everywhere, and in every corner there are people who break vows talking about the fire that burned the church. The monks tried to restore order, but with little effect. Their heavy armed forces no longer became like arms and fingers, and even began to carry the danger of devouring themselves. But it can be concealed for a while. The alchemists clearly knew that what Ashburn needed was time, enough time.

Taking this opportunity, Li Ou quickly leaned over and asked in a low voice. What the hell is going on, Ashburn? Are they really here for Nianta? I don't look like it."

"I can't figure it out."

"Guess. I feel very bad."

"Then it depends on how they make a move." The red-robed monk frowned, but his anxiety was well hidden and looked more like anger than uneasiness. Li Ou, don't allow you to interfere. I'll see if I can fool it.

"I think it's very difficult, Ashburn." The monk Mario looked at the viscount in front of him and said without illusion, "They have made up their mind. Their soldiers... are too many."

"It will be clear."

"Yes." Mario nodded in agreement. No matter what you say, revenge has to be revenged. But not now."

"So?" Leo felt something was wrong.

The red-robed monk looked at him with helpless and painful eyes, "Sometimes, we have to learn to compromise, Leo."

He is right. However, there is only incredible anger in the heart of the alchemist. This means selling." He gritted his teeth and glared at Ahiburn. One, two, three... I've had enough of this." He roared in a low voice.

"It may not be so bad, it's just the worst plan--" said Ashburn, a former Dalma.

He is no longer just a follower of his father. Leo thought sadly that he was the chief monk of the sanctuary. He helped him, but he could never protect him and fight against another un rival force, even though the other party destroyed his expectations. He can only rely on himself. Reality taught him a lesson again. All roads have to be walked by himself.

"We need time, and then you can get help." The red-robed monk explained sadly. However, Leo couldn't help doubting how true his expression was. That night, in the midst of the raging fire, he hardly felt his sadness when Brandick died. The Silent Sanctuary can't sink here. She needs to change. But now, time is the most scarce thing..."

"No need to say," Li Ou interrupted him, and he no longer had any expectations. I see, monk Ahiburn."

Maybe their gap is noticed by them. Anodko took a step forward, "Dear Red-robed Monk, do you still want to invite the White Devil here?" He finally began to tell his true intentions. Until he leaves?"

"He is still my guest. This has never changed."

The alchemist leaned against the chair, holding the armrest with his right hand, without saying a word.

"But he stained here. An unfaithful arrogant person is a guest in the territory of the gods. Is this what you do as believers of the gods? Arnoldko smiled disdainfully, "When did the gods become so compassionate?"

"Because of the tolerance of the gods--"

"They are not like you, they have a black, purulent heart. I doubt if it is still beating. Leo interrupted the red-robed monk. He sat up straight and looked at the uninvited guest in front of him. Let's get straight to the point, Mr. Viscount. Don't beat around the bush and let us speak directly. The person who made the decision was me, not anyone else. No one can represent me.

"Very good." Arnoldko said happily. He looked at the monk with an expression and then opened his mouth, "You have stained the sand sea. You will not be welcome here, white devil." He said, "And you should remember that you insulted Thales and me, the two nobles--"

"The rude bastard has become a nobleman. I think the names of bandits and robbers are more suitable for you."

"Presumptuous!" Thales shouted, "You hooligan and thief!"

"What? Is it true for me to shout so loudly? Is that the truth? Li Ou had a bad smile on his face, his fingers opened and his fingertips rubbed against the rough hilt of the sword. Recently, I heard that it is quite simple to become a nobleman. In order to maintain a luxurious life, your prince only needs to pay a sum of money to the noble elders.

Tales's face was pale and trembling all over, but he couldn't speak with his mouth open.

"Your Excellency Arnoldko," the alchemist smiled, "It seems that what I said is true?"

"Say a few more words, White Devil, soon your mouth will not be your own." The viscount threatened, "So hurry up and mock more, you will make us feel more guiltless."

"I doubt if you know what guilt is." Leo said, "Well, Viscount Arnoldko of Schlis County and Sir Thales of Harmondale. What are you going to do? Let's talk about it quickly. Don't waste everyone's time. I should take a nap instead of playing riddle games with you in this weather.

"This is what we have to do!" Angry Thales pulled out a leather handguard from his belt and fell heavily on the ground at the feet of the alchemist. I will cleanse your insults to the nobles with your blood, devil!" He screamed.

"Just for that?" Li Ou smiled disapprovingly, "You came with so many soldiers to fight with me? Don't joke. I'm different from you. I'm not a fool.

Tales pulled out his long sword and stared at him with red eyes. Duel, coward!"

"Pick it up, alchemist." Arnoldko said provocatively, "Your Highness has given you a choice. Let's fight."

"There is no fighting in the Silent Sanctuary, guests." The red-robed monk reminded him "intentionally." Arnoldko, tell the fool to pick it up quickly. We can't throw garbage here. This is the temple, not the duke's castle. If he doesn't want to pick it up, I will let him know what will end. The hand that throws things is not careful.

The other party ignored them, and the long gun was corrected by the spearmen and silently coerced them. Go to the yard." The viscount said.

"Duel?" The alchemist snorted coldly.

"Yes, you have to fight."

"Do I have to?"


"But, Viscount, don't you think..." Leo changed a more comfortable posture in the chair. He smiled disapprovingly, "I'm just the white devil in your mouth. It's not worth mentioning. What's more, did my duel praise me? I don't think I deserve it... What should I say? It doesn't deserve glory and praise in the competition.

"If you challenge a nobleman, he naturally has the right to accept or refuse, depending on his will. But now the opposite is the case: Sir Thales challenged you to be equal to him - of course, only temporarily - so you can't refuse. Arnold raised his eyebrows and said in a mocking tone, "Rejecting this glory will only prove that you are completely worthless."

"The logic is really strict." The monk in red robe smiled miserably, "I think you look like a philosopher, Mr. Viscount."

Li Ou raised his head and stared into Arnoldo's eyes, which looked like he was holding the victory he hated. He just wants to turn him over. I don't think my value needs to be measured by duels or by a group of rat rat. I know the geometry of my own value--

"You will need it." Anodko interrupted him, "If you are completely worthless..."

"What will happen?"

The Viscount sneered, "I will order you to find a tree to hang yourself. You dig out shit."

"Sorry, there are no trees here, iron buckets."

"You will be glad that there is a crooked neck tree here later." Anodko told him, "Because if you fail, all your companions will be thrown into prison, and Miss Nianta will be the bride of the prince."

"Aha, that's your real purpose." Li Ou has been psychologically prepared for this, and the other party must have justly wanted to get the right to inherit the land between rivers. Damn politics, he cursed in a low voice. What if I win?"

"You won't win." The Viscount of Sirius looked at him with a gloomy smile, "Even if you hurt a hair of Taylors in the duel, you will be punished, you devil. I will arrest you and start again. This is the prince's order."

Li Ou pulled out his ear and said, "If I understand correctly," he said, "I must participate in the duel. If I refuse, I will be hanged; if I agree to the duel, I can't fight back. Because if I hurt him, I will go to the guillot. What a fascinating choice. Maybe I should help you alleviate some trouble? Why don't I hit my head on the statue here - you can choose any one - are you satisfied?

"Don't be sarcastic." Anodko gritted his teeth and said, "You insulted the nobleman, the prince, and the daughter of the mother of the desert, the devil!" You have to pay for it, understand? Young Thales needs to defeat a white devil to gain fame--

"It can also make the prince marry the heir of the river land. What a good calculation." Li Ouman slapped carelessly. But before that, can you tell me who this distinguished Sir Thales is? Is he the prince's male pet or the head of the goddess?

"Shut up!" Thales screamed angrily, "Let our men see the truth, white devil."

Arnoldco's big hand grasped Taylors' arm tightly. There is no doubt about show-out, white devil. He narrowed his eyes and said, "It's useless for us to take your body, so you just need to take the initiative to defeat, and you and your partner can save a small life. That's it. You have no choice."

"But there are always exceptions to everything."

Exception? For the impossible? I promise that you will be treated with courtesy."

"The courtesy of the prison car? It seems that I have no choice?"


"Do you think so, sir?" The sarcasm on Leo's face was even stronger, and he looked around the soldiers around him. But I think I still have a choice."

"Indeed," Arnoldko said provocatively, "you have a choice. But then there will be killings. Do you want to see things turn out like that? Do you want to add the burden of blood and death to your conscience? Unless your companions are old here, the road you choose can only lead to blood and death. Besides, you can't kill us. Because I don't think the monks and adults don't want to welcome the Prince's anger, if they don't want this place to become ruins.

"Let me say something," said the red-robed monk, "Mr. Arnoldko, you tried to arouse the moral sense of the alchemist with noble words - trying to ask him not to draw his sword against a bandit who tried to attack him. Of course, he sympathized with the bandit, because the bandit had 80 old mothers and children waiting to be fed. But don't you think you have no glory in this way? Even if this Thales of Harmondale wins, he will not get a good reputation. Do you think people's mouths are just for eating, and everyone is dumb?

However, the other party took the initiative, and the hesitant desert warrior gave him the greatest courage. So Arnoldko's face was full of smiles and did not shy away. I didn't ask the white devil, I just let him make a choice. How to choose is his business. He sneered and said, "But I have to suggest: fight, white devil. This is the best way, not a life-and-death decision. As long as one is beaten down, it will stop.

"Ha? The duel that can survive is really unheard of.

"Now you know." Thales waved his sword twice and said viciously, "I will cut your stomach, cut your intestines, and then stuff them into your asshole."

"It's disgusting." Li Ou curled his lips with disgust, "You bastard of a butcher. Unexpectedly, someone likes the swine fever on you.

"Stop your mockery!" Arnoldko pulled out his sword and suddenly waved it down, "Make a choice, agree, or... still agree."

"This joke is so funny." Li Ou stood up and finally said, "Let's try it. It's a pity for this sunny day.

"Then you agree." Arnold raised his head and his eyes flashed. "Will you fight with the noble Sir Thales from Harmondale?"


"Very good. Then go get ready."

"I won't linger like you. I'm ready." Leo pressed the hilt of the sword with his left hand. Don't waste time, let's make a quick decision. Yahiburn monk, you can watch it. It has nothing to do with you. Am I right? Mr. Arnoldko?"

"Completely correct." The viscount took a look at the red-robed monk and said in a heavier voice, "This is still the land belonging to the sanctuary. No matter what happens, it only has something to do with the white devil.

A strange color suddenly flashed on the face of the monk Mario. Then please don't fight in the sanctuary. Fighting is prohibited here. Please go outside. There is a strong enough sand under the steps of the hall. It's just right for you. I will restrain our warriors."