Alchemy Era

Chapter 39 Duel

"Please collect--"

The sun shines brightly outside the hall, and the sand of yellow orange and orange reflects the dazzling sunlight. Leo narrowed his eyes to reduce the stimulation of the sun. He found that Thales' brass breastplate was like a mirror, which made him unable to open his eyes. He avoided his sight and swept around. He saw an inexplicable inspiration in the eyes of the monk Mario.

"Stay here, don't go too far." The red-robed monk said.

On both sides are the gaze of silent monks hidden behind the hood, and behind them are desert warriors holding swords. Li Ou took a deep breath, "Let's hurry up. If my friend sees us doing some unsalable private duels, we will be in trouble.

Sir Thales snorted coldly, "A coward who is afraid of women."

"Your envoy is also a woman," Li Ou raised his eyebrows. "Didn't you lick her toes?"

"White devil, I swear, I will definitely break your leg, let you kneel in front of me, and fill your mouth with shit."

Swear? To whom?" Li Ou looked at him with a sneer, "manages your tongue, I think it is more suitable for serving women. And as far as I know, I am not the only inferior people who are rude and unqualified, but also the gods.

"It's you who should control your mouth, white devil." Viscount Arnoldke shook his mouth with deep hatred in his eyes. If it weren't for the duel, you would have been arrested. You are a hole-digging mouse. You should be grateful instead of putting the mouth that fell into the stinky ditch on your face with a snake and scorpion heart.

"You don't allow me to fight back in the duel. Don't you even allow what the dying person wants to say now?" The alchemist chopped the soft gravel under his feet and rubbed the sand surface with his soles. Or is it that people are about to die and their words are good, and I just told the truth? Now that I think about it, I have a prophetic talent, right?

"Don't show off your tongue anymore." Arnoldko shouted, "You monkey."

"I will definitely cut off your head and stuff it into your crotch to lick your own asshole!" Thales is getting more and more irritable. In this case, Li Ou narrowed his eyes and thought contemptuously that it would be better to be more angry until he completely lost his mind.

"Stop your mutual abuse." The monk in red robe said, "You are warriors, please at least have the dignity of a warrior."

"Sorry, I'm just the devil in your eyes." Leo coldly declined the kindness of the red-robed monk. He approached his opponent and pulled out the rune sword. The body of the sword is shining and eye-catching.

"No," Arnoldko also pulled out his sword, "you can't fight with your witchcraft weapon. Use my sword."

Li Ou shrugged his shoulders, took the viscount's sword, and waved a few times in the air. It's very heavy." He said coldly, "We'd better all use iron or mine hoe."

Tales uses the same sword. Equal opportunities."

"You are so humorous. Anodko."

The soldiers held spears around a semicircle, and the desert warriors surrounded Leo. Thales and the alchemist stood facing each other. Leo could feel the sight of the desert warriors behind him. It contains expectations and confusion, as well as some guilt and uneasiness.

"Mr. Sir, what are you going to say?"

The noble noble gentleman squeezed his lips, half squatted his body, held the sword in both hands, and made a gesture of fencing, motionless. I will cut off your tongue and dig out your eyes. He gritted his teeth and said.

"Is that all?" Li Ou smiled, "I thought I could hear something else. What a pity."

"If you want to say something, say it, White Devil, you will never say it later."

"I want to know..." The alchemist smiled evilly, "Have you been enjoyed by your prince?" Before he finished speaking, he had rushed out, and the sword fell. He saw the expression of anger and fear on the other party's face. He smiled contemptuously, and the sword shifted and rubbed against the other party's ear. Then he took a step back and stood again with his sword.

Tales touched his ear and found that he was unharmed. He suddenly laughed loudly, "You dare not kill me, you dare not hurt me at all--"

Leo shook his heavy sword, "Great Sir, I thought you would pee in your pants."

"White devil, you dare not take action." Thales smiled sharply and said, "Today is your death."

Mr. Jazz took three steps forward and launched an attack. His movements were so obvious that Leo didn't even raise his sword to block, but lightly and half turned away from his swing. The other party's moves opened and closed, and the sound of a long sword breaking the wind sounded in Li Ou's ear. You should use an axe instead of an embroidered needle. The alchemist sarged, tapped his toes, and quietly jumped to the side. With a wave of his sword, he disrupted the rhythm of Thales. You are a reckless man, a brainless mud monster.

"You are the monster full of scum." Thales shouted sharply, "The devil who brings disaster."

"If your mistress tears off the veil, you will know who is the real source of fear." Leo retreated continuously to cope with the continuous whirlwinds of Thales. I have to say that his basic skills are quite solid, at least better than him. But obviously, you served her well, especially in **.

" Shut up! You are a festering bug."

"Vicious curse." Leo curled his lips, raised his sword to block Thales's chopping, and led the sword to the side, and he gently withdrew from his attack range. I want to prove it, but unlike you, I don't have a hobby of exposure. You'd better wait to put on the dog chain after you go back and be led out to hang out by the woman.

"I swear," Taylors's face turned red, like a pufferfish full of air. I will definitely pull out your tongue and let you taste all the pain and die in silent howling-

"Tales," Arnoldko warned loudly, "Don't talk nonsense with him, he's trying to provoke you--"

"Dear Viscount," Leo withdrew his sight from the breathless and tired Thales. He was not in a hurry to attack. He stared at Arnoldo coldly. Please shut your mouth, or I don't care about the agreement - the reason why the devil becomes the devil is that we don't keep our promises. Anyway, in your opinion, we have no glory at all - I will dry your blood like a pig. Yes, maybe we will die, but you must be the first to die.

Arnoldo's face turned pale.

"Well, Sir Thales, aren't you going to attack? Why are you standing stupidly like a wooden stake? The alchemist laughed disdainfully, "Or, coward, are you praying to kill me with this blazing sun? But the iron bucket, I think it must be you who is cooked first. Ah, I'm hungry."

"Bastard!" The young Jazz jumped up angrily and rushed straight to the alchemist. You are the one who should be stripped!"

He waved a few swords quickly and brought up a sword curtain. Li Ou resisted a little and retreated repeatedly. A soldier hurriedly retreated behind him to make more space. Li Ou bent down to dodge the sweep of the sword, danced around the sword to confuse the opponent, and then opened a greater distance.

" Coward, fight back!" Thales shouted while chopping, "Cut me, kill me!"

"What a thick face." The alchemist sneered, "I want to kill you with a sword, but those spears will pierce me the next moment and nail me to the ground. That way of death is too miserable. I don't want to die so ridiculously.

"So you are a complete soft egg."

"I'm just smarter than you, idiot."

Tales moved his footsteps, and his heavy sword shook, bringing a reflection of the sun. Leo narrowed his eyes. He turned his back to the sun, while his opponent was facing the scorching sun. He silently calculated the distance and remained vigilance. Sweat flowed down from his forehead and rolled down his chin. But he knew that Thales was hotter and more tired than him. He can't stand it anymore. His footsteps were floating and gasping.

The Jazz's long sword cut at Leo, "Devil! Come and kill me!" Thales shouted angrily. Leo is convinced that his blind concessions and rhetoric have made the young Jazz lose his calm judgment. So he raised his epee, blocked the knight's sword, and then waved his sword to cut the body of the sword. The impact made the opponent stagger.

Tales' eyes spewed fire.

The alchemist adjusted his breathing leisurely and hooked his fingers at him provocatively, "Come on, fool."

Tales' throat roared with hatred. However, he is tired, slow and full of flaws. And Leo is still waiting for the opportunity. He pulled away with a step and resisted the sword with a long sword. He took a step back, one step, another step... His feet suddenly became soft, and fear seemed to hold his heart tightly with an invisible hand. The alchemist knew what was under his feet - he finally understood the previous message in the eyes of Mario monks - fortunately, he quickly pulled out his left foot and rolled on the ground in front of the cut sword. Although he was embarrassed, he was unharmed.

"What's the matter? Did you get out of power so soon, soft-footed shrimp?" Thales laughed recklessly and insulted loudly. Just put your hands together so that I can tear off your tongue at once."

"I think you will be disappointed." Leo told him clearly.

Tales snorted coldly, and the sword suddenly attacked the alchemist from the right side. He swam silently, dodged the attack, and calculated the distance. He bent down to avoid the blow, took a step back and took two more steps to the left. The gravel under his feet is loosening. He met a little bit and raised his sword to attack at the same time. The body's instinct to perceive danger forced Thales to raise his sword. He quickly collected his sword and jumped from Thales' side at the same time. They resumed their confrontation, and the alchemists cheered up. He shook his sword and brought a clear and extinguished light. Thales raised his hand to block the dazzling light. However, Li Ou roared and suddenly stabbed him in the eye. The sword was like a sharp arrow, and the decisive momentum made the other party feel the threat of death. He waved his sword randomly to try to resist, while stumbled back. One step, two steps... Leo shouted intimidatingly again, and his sword stabbed Thales's eyes at a faster speed. Jazz retreated faster. By the time he retreated to the fifth step, his foot had stepped on the soft sand surface; in the sixth step, his right foot had been swallowed up by yellow sand below his ankle, and then he lost his balance in the screams of horror and fell on his back on the flowing sand...

"Tales!" Anodko ran over quickly. He tried to pull out the other party, but the sand showed no mercy to the aggressor. They don't care how noble the viscount is. The viscount pulled out his leg in panic and staggered and fell to the ground. Soldier, pull him out, quickly!"

The soldier hesitated. Thales struggled to call for help, and the result became deeper and deeper.

"Idiot, use a spear." Arnoldke split the spear from a soldier's hand. Hold the tip by yourself and hand the tail handle to Thales. Thales, damn it, calm down and catch it! Grab the spear and I'll pull you out.

But Thales' fear spread like wildfire. He missed the spear several times. Constantly twisting and struggling, in exchange for accelerated sinking. The quicksand passed his body and then quickly reached his chin, leaving only his mouth, nose and eyes. He sobbed in despair, and his eyes were covered with ashes. After a while, there was no trace on the sand.

"You killed him. It's you, the white devil!" Arnold walked towards Leo, and the spear in his hand pointed straight at the alchemist. If you kill him, you have to pay for it.

Li Ou calmly opened the spear in front of him with his sword and said with a sneer, "I acted according to your request, Viscount, I didn't touch him. He fell into the sand himself."

"You forced him to go in."

"He is not an idiot. Will he follow my orders to judge if I let him die?

"Shut up! Soldier," Arnoldko shouted angrily, "Catch him!"

"Do not move! Stand and don't move!" The red-robed monk returned Li Ou's sword to him and shouted. The desert warrior who still obeyed his orders stood up behind him. They held short-handled axes and machetes, with a unique military indifference, which did not care about life and death. The soldiers remained motionless. The alchemists noticed that their eyes were full of pleasure.

"No, Viscount. You'd better not move." Ashbourne said slowly, "If my ears are not deaf, what I heard is that you don't allow Leo to fight back. That's exactly what he did. The duel is over. Exceptionally smooth. As for death, which duel have you seen that no one died? For warriors, death in a duel is proof of glory. Unless you deny his glory, avenge him, and regard him as a shameful thief.

Arnoldko snorted coldly, and his hateful eyes stared at the red-robed monks. There is a terrible calm on the flowing sand. "Ahiburn!" The viscount grasped his spear and shouted at the red-robed monk, "I swear you will regret this!"

The alchemist touched the rune sword, felt the magic leap, and coughed twice, "Oh, Viscount." There was a blatant joke in his voice, "But remember your oath. None of us can stand false vows. The gods can't stand lies. The lesson of the past is in front of us--

"Of course I will remember!" Arnoldko shouted, "You colluded to collude. You killed Thales. None of you can escape! Ashbourne, wait for the trial of His Royal Highness!"

"Clusion?" The alchemist laughed repeatedly, "Didn't you pass through the sea of flowing sand? You should know where there is and where there is no sand. How did he fall into the stream sand? In my opinion," he pointed to his head, "there must be something wrong with him here."

"If the Duke of Patton had even a little reason, he would not have convicted us." Mario said disapprovingly, "The white devil did not break his oath. This is a fact that everyone sees with their own eyes. Oh, it's just that the child's luck is really bad.

"Does he deserve to die?"

"No one should die, but this is the way you choose."

"Don't you know what it means to treat courtesy?" Leo stared at Arnold. He noticed that his hand rubbing the sword made the viscount extremely uneasy. The shining rune above is the greatest deterrent. You taught me a way to deal with you: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

"Is it the same with the order of His Royal Highness?" Anodeco trembled and took out a warrant from his arms, as if it were his amulet.

"First of all, I have met the prince, seen the world, and is also their guest, so don't scare me in the name of the prince." Leo said disdainfully, "Secondly, I'm not a Valian or a resident of Sirius County. The prince's decree has little effect on me - everything depends on my mood."

"Prince Patton has an order," the Viscount read aloud to the paper, "... I declare that Celstin Leo, the alchemist of Ainblo, enjoys our respect and help. His companion, the beautiful heir of the river, Miss Nianta, is my distinguished guest. Anyone who dares to be rude to her will attract our anger--'"

"Aha," the alchemist interrupted him with a sarcastic face. "The gap between orders and actions is particularly wonderful, Viscount Arnoldko, don't you think so? It's hard, so did you change it to earnest?

The soldiers' eyes were full of anger. The Viscount of Sirius blinked nervously and unconsciously rubbed his hands against his clothes.

"Barton is not a waste." The red-robed monk commented, "But his men have too much waste."

Arnoldko's face turned pale in an instant. He took a step back and looked left and right. The soldiers did not hide his eyes at all and looked at him with contempt like the desert warriors. Mario monk spit with a smile.

"I thought you would command your soldiers to attack, but now it seems that you have been playing tricks. I really don't know where your courage comes from. Li Ou suppressed his smile. If, Anodko, I mean, if, I feel that your attitude in the whole thing is an insult to me, and I challenge you now and ask for a sword, what will you do? Do you think I'm worth pulling out your sword? Or will you refuse, even though you know that I will look down on you, spit on you, and kick your ass in full view of the public? Ah, forget it, I know the answer from your eyes.

The viscount's face became whiter.

"Your appearance makes me feel guilty." Li Ou shrugged his shoulders and put away his long sword. I'll do it. I'll agree to your request. We accept the Duke of Patton. No, it's an invitation from Prince Patton--"

"Liu--" Ashburn shouted.

"I think we should leave, Ashburn. We have been bothering you long enough. It's time for us to leave." The alchemist said, "Otherwise, I really don't know when we will get home, don't you think so? Mr. Dalma."