Alchemy Era

Chapter 1 North

The rain hit the board, and the cold water flowed down from the hole in the cabin, and there were water in the dark room. After trying their best, they could only put the table and cabinet together with the bed and curl up in the corner.

Their good luck seemed to have been consumed along the way, and only the goddess of doom always accompanied them.

Storms, waves, frozen rain... They have all experienced everything except sea monsters. The storm stopped and came again, and they had never seen what the sun looked like during the voyage for nearly half a month. At present, the storm has lasted for several days and shows no sign of weakening. Through the big dark hole above his head, the alchemist could not tell whether it was day or night at this time. Only the wind roared, the heavy rain poured, and the ghosts cried and howled as if the wandering souls and resentment were roaring at them.

Even if the vicious pirates and smugglers have become devout believers, they cannot reduce the anger of the gods. A flash of lightning and thunder flashed in the hole, and the bitter cold wind poured in and abused the narrow cabin. They trembled and had to squeeze into a ball to warm each other.

"Is it that your love Jorah cursed us?" Rosie, who had been in a mood to joke before, had huddled in the corner. ...I'm so cold." She muttered, "Hold me, Leo. I'm... cold."

Li Ou hugged her tightly. Her illness has also been continuous, which is more worrying than this disgusting weather. The side effects of alchemy are deeper into her body than at any previous moment, making her resistance too weak to be ignored, and he can only relieve her symptoms, but not completely cure it. He looked up at the dark sky and didn't know when the voyage would come to an end. He put his face against her face, comforted her, gave her courage and confidence, and prayed that she could survive.

"Skiller, you are looking for a good boat." He couldn't help complaining.

The killer smiled powerlessly. His appearance has not changed since a few days ago, and Leo believes that this is what he was. Everyone is exhausted from torture, let alone maintain the changing magic. Now he has an ordinary face, brown hair and brown pupils, which are ordinary. It should be said that it is a good woman you provoked. He said weakly.

Magic destroyed too many things. Not only the hull was damaged, but also a city also died. They embarked on a journey almost in despair. Without supplies, let alone repair, they could only expect the blessing of the goddess of luck. However, now it seems that they not only don't get the favor of the goddess of luck, but their sisters have a special love for them.

"I'm not honored at all." Leo answered with difficulty.

His throat was hoarse and once hot and tingled, as if he had been torn by something, but thanks to the never-ending rain, he could slightly moisten his throat and drive away the illusion of dehydration. Although in the illusion, he saw the girl in a wedding dress. If there is a loss, there will be gain. He can only comfort himself in this way.

"Now I know why Miss Rosie hates water." The killer squeezed out a smile and moved in the dark, causing a burst of ** around. They are like walrus paralyzed on the beach close to each other. I can't wait to scoop up this ocean now..." A sneeze interrupted him.

"'s getting colder and colder." Lu Yuewu said in a trembling tone.

Where on earth are they going?

"You asked me?" The pirate leader roared at him. A week ago, when the weather was slightly better, the alchemist asked the one-eyed dragon, and he slapped the table and threw the cup angrily. With the gods, who should I ask? His eyes bulged like a frog, and his eyes almost spewed fire. Li Ou has no doubt that if he disagrees, he will directly draw a knife and cut it according to him. You have made the deck flat and clean!" He shouted and was deafening. Ten years, ten years have passed, and my ship has never been so clean as it is now! My captain's room, my watchtower, mast, sail... Damn it, it's all gone."

The deck is clear, and the sailors have nothing to do. I know..."

"...Then you still come to ask me!" The one-eyed dragon is soaring. The chart has already been swept into the sea by you. You even came to ask me where I am now and where I will go. You might as well ask yourself."

If he knew that he was the captain, how could it be his turn?

Ebra can clearly identify the sky, but the night sky has never been clear, and even a star and a little moonlight has become a luxury. I don't know the direction, Leo. Yvela said uneasily. She held the boat's starboard and trembling, and the cold sea breeze made her face look blue and purple. It's too cold here. It's too cold. I don't know if it's...that prophecy..."

"...the cold winter is coming." Li Ou picked it up.

However, predictions have always only played with future generations, just like a socialite who wants to refuse to welcome. She tried her best to take off her fig leaf. Unexpectedly, when the other party arrived at **, she covered up, fought with you, and rubbed until you were not interested. Then the woman suddenly threw away all the rags and dressed elegantly. Then you will be scared to death by her true face.

"I hope not." Eveila couldn't hide her worries, "If that's the case... we will die at sea."

There is no doubt that the sea will freeze completely. And they will not even be able to see the magnificent scenery.

He didn't know how long it had been. Anyway, he woke up from the cold in his confused sleep. The surroundings were getting colder and colder. He seemed to be completely frozen, his hands and feet were numb, and he exhaled white air in his mouth and nose. Although all the clothes and blankets were wrapped around them, the wind and rain seemed to have not stopped for a moment and refused to let them go.

The knights and crows repair the holes, but the cold wind can always find gaps to get in and penetrate into their bones through the gap between blankets and clothes. Li Ou moved his body slightly and looked down at Rosie. She curled up in his arms and breathed smoothly, and he breathed a sigh of relief. The breathing in the room came one after another. He raised his head and looked through the nail-sized gap above his head. He was surprised to find that the sky was like a snowflake?

The alchemist struggled to get up, left the cabin and ran to the deck.

The sea was as dark as ink, and the wind rolled up black waves, shaking the hull. Thin clothes can't stop the cold wind, and it is even more impossible to resist the snowflakes falling from the sky.

"Fate, what the hell is going on?" He wrapped his clothes tightly and jumped on his feet and cursed.

"It's not because of you white devils." The one-eyed dragon replied, "If we hadn't met you, we would have enjoyed women and wine now. For that money... Damn it!"

They are the source of bad luck, Leo admits, for niggers. Take the money to do things." But he is not polite at all. If you don't want to die now."

"...White Devil." The one-eyed dragon stared at him for a long time. If I die, you will have to be buried with us."

Li Ou said coldly, "Let's talk about it then."

They stayed silent on the deck for a long time, with the same worries and uneasiness on their faces. But Li Ou paid more attention to the rolling sea. He tried to find signs of icing... If unfortunately, the arrival of the cold will be fierce and unstoppable, and there will be no time for people to adapt. However, the snowflakes gradually stopped unexpectedly. Under the gale blowing, the dark clouds in the sky were slightly thinner and brightened around. He looked up at the suddenly changing sky, and a dark shadow flashed through the corners of his eyes.

The pirate leader beside him has screamed--

"Land!" He roared excitedly and threw the boat-shaped hat into the air. "It's land, damn it, it's land!" Oswell, let everyone paddle for me! White devil, let your men go too! Do you see it? That's land!"

The joy of life did not confuse his mind. He tried his best to look at it. In the dark sky, a long-lost sun penetrated the clouds, and then he saw the dazzling reflection on the approaching land - a magnificent scenery that only mirrors or ice snow could appear. Leo realized violently that the cold did not come, but that they had found the severe cold.

"We are close to Dolphin Bay." Evela said.


She turned her head, and the surprise on her face had not faded. She swallowed her saliva, and the cold sweat on her forehead seemed to turn into ice residue. Her body is trembling with cold and fear. Dolphin Bay. She said calmly, "to be precise, this already belongs to the Kingdom of Kratim. We returned to the western continent, but this is in the north of Ainblo.

They are not just in the wrong direction. We crossed the whole quiet ocean. The facts made him unbelievable. However, it is not only the unpredictable ocean currents in the sea, but also the unstop strong winds all the way. If the gods hadn't died, Leo would have suspected that they were using ghostly shadow tricks behind their backs.

"Is this...north?" Rosie leaned against Leo's arms and asked weakly.

"Yes, the cold north."

"Our hometown," Feifeido, a crow, pointed to the closer and closer land, "the O'Antrim Mountains are there." I didn't see anything in the direction of his fingers. But Leo knew that behind the thick dark clouds, there were holy mountains towering into the clouds. Maybe...

"We can also visit the desperate castle."

His self-deprecating did not get laughter. No, maybe, Leo, we have to go there. Evela said seriously, "I have too many questions waiting to be answered. You are the same, aren't you? Also, Rosie's illness. I've said it many times." She raised her hand to stop Leo's defense. She is not only suffering from the sequelae of alchemy. Look at her face."

She narrowed her eyes and seemed to fall asleep again. Her hair fell even more, and the previous red fire-like hair was sparsely found; her pale face was faintly evil and awe-inspiring magic lines... He didn't know if it came from her magic. But everything that came into his eyes made his heart ache.

"Don't say you can't guess anything, don't say you can't see it. Don't deceive yourself, Leo. Yiwei stretched out her cold hand and grabbed him and said gently, "Don't carry all the mistakes alone. You still have me and Lu Yuewu. We are willing to share not only happiness, but also pain with you.