Alchemy Era

Chapter 2 Village in the Valley

They were almost driven off the boat.

Okay, it doesn't matter. Just like the nigre doesn't want to see the white devil, they also don't want to walk with pirates anymore.

They walked deep and shallowly on the snow-covered mudflats and supported each other. Although the sky is slightly clear, the wind is cold, which makes it unbearable for most people who have been in a midsummer country for a long time. The white breath exhaled by the alchemist covered his vision, and his eyes were blurred. He could not see the way and found that he could not feel the presence of his hands and feet at all.

"I'm so cold." Namelia's petite body trembled, and her face was so red that she could hardly walk. Yahan, I'm cold. Her appearance is pitiful.

The captain of the bodyguard picked her up and wrapped her in his clothes. He was replaced by the cold. But even the strongest warrior can't last long. They haven't eaten well for a long time, not to mention a good night's rest. Each of them is at the end of a strong crossbow, going against the wind in the wild cold wind in the north.

"Where should we go, Evela?"

The rolling mountains in front of them present a colorful and magnificent scenery in the dim sunlight. However, for their tired travelers, it is an insurmountable barrier.

"Go north," Evela said, "Continue going."

"How do we get there? There are large mountains in front of us. Li Ou asked, "Do you want us to go over them?"

"You don't have to climb mountains." Evela withdrew her sight and took a white breath. If I remember correctly, there is a small village near Dolphin Bay, just below the foot of the mountain. She pointed to the front.

Liou tried his best to look at it. The frozen tundra extends forward, and there is no end at a glance. It looks lifeless, but there is a looming forest line at the foot of the cloudy mountain. He didn't know what those people relied on for a living. I hope her memory didn't go wrong. He prayed. They really can't stand more tossing.

They walked slowly, staggering forward among the mud and countless stones. It was not until dark that they finally found the shadow of the wooden arrow tower in the arms of a sharp cliff.

Thank God.

They involuntarily accelerated their pace. Around, the ice and snow mountains continue. However, among the dark moss, a compacted black soil road mixed with gravel is particularly conspicuous. The clear and fresh rut on it is not a waste for them to give thanks to the gods.

The village is right in front of us.

Unexpectedly, the wooden gate of this remote mountain village was closed, and the militia on the arrow tower looked at them hostilely and put arrows on the long bow in their hands. He seems to be extra cautious about them and guard against them. It's like... they are mountain thieves, robbers, and their enemies.

"Stop!" The militia wrapped in thick fur shouted at them, and the long bow aimed at them. Otherwise, I will shoot an arrow!"

The familiar words, although with a strong accent, are enough to make them cry. But the other party's appearance doesn't look like a welcoming gesture at all. He stood on the arrow tower, as if he wanted to ring the alarm.

"What happened here?" Li Ou asked.

"Don't go any further!" The militia screamed nervously, and the roaring cold wind circled, dragging his voice echoing over the mountain village. This is not what you should know! I said, stop!"

Liou raised his hands to indicate that he was not hostile.

The militia gasped loudly, and the bowstrings were tight. Who are you? Report your name."

Who are they? A group of refugees. Li Ou pointed to him with a wry smile. There are both men and women among us, all with injuries and serious illness. Do we look like robbers like this? He pulled his clothes to show each other. He was covered with messy and colorful clothes and ragged blankets. No matter how you look at it, we seem to be the one who has been robbed.

Indeed, they are dusty and have no eyes. Sleepiness and fatigue are obvious. The militia lowered their bows and arrows. But...but there are too many of you." He said in embarrassment.

"Okay, let's go in." Evela pleaded, "We need to rest, and we also need a doctor or a priest."

The other party has been watching them for a long time. Take good care of your weapons." He finally said, "Don't play tricks under our eyes. Open the door and let them in."

The door slowly opened with the squeak, and what came into view was a low and thick house made of wooden stakes and frozen soil. The architectural style here is completely different from that of the midsummer country, but the white skin faces are enough to make them feel friendly. The people in the small village at the foot of the mountain showed a guarded alienation from their arrival. They looked at the roadside from afar, with curiosity and uneasiness in their eyes and inexplicable hostility.

"Is there a hotel here?"

"Yes." Leading the way, or the militia that monitors them, replied. Go straight along this road, and there is a sawwood inn next to a sentry pine. But the village head should want to see you first."

"I'll meet him with you." Leo said and told others to settle down in the hotel, "I'll be back to you soon."

They walked a short way, and several wooden houses with triangular roofs looked particularly eye-catching in the low earthen houses. According to the militia leading the way, the village head lived in one of them, while the other belonged to the highly regarded elders in the village.

"Here," Evela asked, "Is there a church here at Andal Church?"

"There is a small church." The militiaman pointed in the opposite direction from the houses. "Behind that, there is a small square with a wooden statue. You won't miss it. However, you might as well ask the priest to get a doctor. Your companions seem to need to take care of their bodies, not inexplicable magic.

Li Ou followed the militia. He knocked on the door, and then there was an old voice inside. Come in." The militiaman opened the door and said, "Go in." He said.

There is a butter candle in the room, and there is a pot on the fire in the middle of the hall, which is full of water and warming a bottle of wine. The air is filled with the smell of dried meat. A white-haired old man sat by the fire and heard the noise made by Leo. He raised his head.

"Ah, traveler." The village head's face was full of wrinkles and age spots, but he spoke clearly and his voice was loud. Welcome guests from afar. He said, "Sit down, please feel free."

Li Ou sat down opposite him, and the village head poured him a glass of wine.

"Thank you very much." He picked up the glass and took a sip. The hot temperature and strong burning spread from his mouth to his throat to his abdomen, suddenly dispelling the chill through the bone. He sighed contentedly and put down the cup.

The village head filled him with wine again. Where are you from?" His eyes sparkled with wisdom. We haven't had any guests here for a long time. Heavy snow blocked the mountain road - that was the only way for us to get in and out. You don't look like refugees, do you? Our guests."

Li Ou knew that he could not hide the old man in front of him, so he had to choose to tell the truth. We come from the sea. He sighed and said, "The storm destroyed everything. We were thrown off the boat and went on our own."

"I smell it." The old man smiled with satisfaction. You all smell like fish. Your experience is sad and worthy of sympathy. But how did you find it? It's too far from the beach... It's too far... Swamps and quagmire can drive people crazy."

"Some of us know the way." Li Ou suddenly felt that the village head's eyes towards him became less trustworthy and full of doubts and vigilance. She is a bachelor. She has been here."

"Bachelor?" The village head nodded, "Is she a young lady? Where is she now?

"She went to visit the pastor of the church." Li Ou replied, "Some of my companions were injured, and some of them suffered from a cold."

"Hmm." The old man answered in a muffled voice.

Firewood crackled, and Mars jumped out of the fire pit from time to time, and then fell on the stone brick and extinguished. The room is as warm as spring, and the rising smoke is extremely lazy and makes people drowsy.

After a moment of silence, Li Ou said, "Sir, I have a question."

"Say it." The village head nodded, "I know all about it."

He moved his buttocks on the chair and straightened himself. What on earth are you guarding against? He asked, "What's going on here?"

The old man smiled and said, "You have two problems."

"But they only need a common answer." Leo said.

"Well." The old man was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about how to answer. As you can see," he said hesitantly, "on snowy days, there are always some beasts that are about to starve to death wandering around the village, ready to eat alone. They are deadly and never fed enough..."

Leo clearly realized that he was looking at it. ...I admit that sometimes human beings are more unbearable than beasts, but mountain thieves will make you like great enemies, and robbers can force you to gather all resistance forces. Leo commented, "But none of you did that. You are just checking us and interrogating strangers outside.

The village head didn't have a good tone, "You think too much, guest." He said coldly.

"Your intention is too obvious." Leo pointed out.

The old man didn't say a word.

"It doesn't seem to be peaceful here. Everyone here has special eyes. He said, "It's more uneasy than hostile, and the worry is obvious. Something must have something to do with strangers who come by chance, right?

"You have a pair of keen eyes." After a long silence, the old man finally opened his mouth. But he did not respond positively to Leo's doubts. Curiosity is not good for you, guest. However, since you want to know the context, let me see the 'bachelor' in your mouth first. The old man grabbed the walking stick next to him and stood up tremblingly. He stared into Leo's eyes and said with warning, "If she is really a bachelor, then I, like you, have countless puzzles waiting to be answered. At that time, I will answer your questions carefully."