Alchemy Era

Chapter 6 Holy Samurai

"I suddenly feel too lazy--"

"Anyway, you have to stop and look at this first."

The alchemists found them in the corner of the stable. The air was filled with the smell of urine, and several highland horses with mixed bloodlined their noses and tilted their heads to stare at him maliciously. The man was placed on a pile of straw with a brazier next to it. The firewood crackled and shot out of the spark, which made people worry that this place would be swallowed up by the raging fire because of negligence.

Evela touched the pulse of the other party. What is it? She is not interested.

No one looked up at him.

Li Ou shrugged his shoulders and looked at the man with his eyes closed.

He has a pair of sword hands, and the skeleton is wide enough to bear heavy armor. But now the man in front of him is like a skeleton, and even the farmer with a hoe is stronger than him. If someone told him that he was a holy warrior, Leo felt that he would not believe it. Every holy warrior should be a warrior who died in battle. How could he die in the stable? He suddenly realized that he had been smiling, so he quickly closed his mouth and tried to put away his smile.

"Why are you still here if you don't leave?" The village head turned his head and roared at him, as if he not only disliked him blocking the light, but also felt that the air he exhaled polluted the stables, as if it had caused them to die. You are not welcome here."

You have never welcomed anyone.

"Well, in that case..." He took a deep breath, "That's fine. You really have to see." He waited to see the other side's clown-like play. He whistled happily in his heart.

"No matter what you have in your hand, I don't want to see it." The priest refused without thinking about it. He raised his head and pointed to the door. Go out, alchemist, don't get in our way.

"Really? Are you sure you won't regret it?"

"I'm not interested in your stuff." The priest said indifferently.

"Liu!" Evela said impatiently, "Please be quiet. We are trying to wake him up and wait a little longer, but I'm afraid he will die. The priest needs to be quiet to cast spells.

Li Ou did not move.

She raised her head without hiding the dissatisfaction on her face. Can you leave first? I'll come back later..." Then, she saw the long sword that Li Ou smiled and waved in front of her eyes. She continued vaguely, "... looking for you..." She stopped talking and stared at the sword in Li Ou's hand. Leo, does it... belong to him? She couldn't hide her surprise.

"Miss Bachelor, ignore him." The priest scolded impatiently and said to Evela, "What else can he do besides being sarcastic and getting in the way?" Let him get out of here. I don't want to see him."

"I should really kick you out." The village head also chattered, "Don't let me call the guard."

"Gentlemen, you should have a look." Evela said.

The priest refused, "There is nothing to see. Saving talents is what we should do now." He cursed angrily between his magic, "He is dying. We are saving him, and are you trying to kill him and give him your so-called mercy?"

Leo did not answer for the time being.

The brilliance of the magic penetrated the void and spilled down from the roof. The man's head was shrouded in the holy rain, and the raindrops penetrated into his skin. The muscles on his face twitched, and a painful struggle appeared. In the golden light, the alchemist seemed to see black air in the blur.

Li Ou took a step forward. Don't come any closer, alchemist." The village head raised his crutch. Stop it!"

"I'm not a murderer." As he spoke, he got closer.

The man twitched violently in the light rain. He saw more clearly: more, as if swaying left and right like seaweed in the ocean current, wisps of black smoke came from his limbs; from his ears, nostrils, mouth; and from his internal organs. A seemingly corrupt stench floated into his nose, and bursts of nausea surged in his stomach.

However, Li Ou knew that other people could not see all these visions, and even the priest could not notice them.

The wisps of black smoke mocked ferociously in front of the alchemist and twisted into various horrible images, as if the devil's minions were shouting at him. He keenly found that the fire had darkened unconsciously. With the brilliance of the priest's prayers, the surroundings are getting colder, and there are cold caves in the stables.

The weak horse no longer shouted at him. They curled up in the corner, lying in the thick meadow, whining helplessly.

Whether the other party is really a demon in the rumor or not, everything is urgent. However, he believes that his doubts are bound not to be recognized by them, especially when they know the identity of this person.

"You should not treat him here, but transfer him to church..."

"...It's not your turn to talk here."

Unless, he thought angrily that your eyes are really white, and you don't understand anything at all.

"But I'm afraid that you will immediately kneel down and beg Forgiveness from Andal."

"How dare you call the lady's name!" He simply threw the sword directly at the priest's feet. Er...this...this is..." The priest stretched out his hand tremblingly and held his sword, and his old hand full of thick cocoon stroked the coat of arms on it. He raised his head in disbelief, "How can this be possible? Does this belong to him?"

Li Ou thought his neck was broken, but he could still lift it. Holy Samurai's sword. He snorted disdainfully, "Priest, you should know it, right?"

"Yes, I know it. I won't read it wrong." The priest swallowed a bitter saliva with difficulty. He was still in shock, his mind was blank, and he couldn't think at all. But why... why is it here? Are you sure it belongs to him? What's wrong with him?"

Li Ou also wants to know the exact answer to the priest's question. After all, doubt will never become a fact.

"Isn't this what you should understand?" He still couldn't help saying sarcastically, "Save him, Reverend."

In the church, the militia cleaned up the benches and made a flat ground.

The priest lit seventy-seven candles in front of the statue - most of which came from the patchwork of villagers. The candle was placed in the shape of a six-pointed star, and the holy warrior was placed in the magic array. Then the expensive incense was ignited - Leo guessed that the ancient time was probably accompanied by the priest's arrival. Because when the latter took it out, the box carefully opened was full of dust. While muttering words, the priest sprinkled the flawless pure rootless water in the array, and then threw magic dust into it.

If it is left in the era of the gods, casting spells is prayer, scriptures and teachings are spells, and faith is the source of magic. How can it be so cumbersome, just like a shaman in a barbarian group. But the shamans can still communicate with the tribal sages, and the priest in front of him who shirked everything in front of him, but now he is obviously unable to do it.

If he can wake up the other party, it is already a blessing of the gods, Li Ou thought contemptuously.

After finishing all the preparations, the priest turned around and frowned impatiently. Get out and leave me alone. I need absolute silence. I have to meditate and pray. Never be disturbed."

"Alton, do we all have to go out?" The village head asked worriedly, "Are you sure you don't need help?"

"No, I don't need it. I'm fine." The priest refused. I'm the only priest in the village, and I have to do it alone. You can also get out of here and give me some time. It will be done soon. The Virgin will not abandon her believers. Her kindness is unmatched. I will do my best to wake him up...provided that there are no blaspitans or infidels here." He looked at Leo angrily, as if he were an unforgivable criminal and a sea of enemies. Especially you, the alchemist, go out." He shouted, "This is the lady's sanctuary, not your bedroom. Get out! Don't stain this place."

He sent the holy sword to avoid scolding him, but he was criticized the harshest. What's wrong with the world? However, the embarrassed appearance of the priest in the stable is really funny. He shrugged his shoulders and whistled out of the door happily.

The door of the church closed tightly behind him, making a dull sound.

"Miss Bachelor, please take good care of your friends." The village head warned, "I don't want to see anything unpleasant happen between us." After saying that, he looked at Li Ou coldly and then left with a crutch under the crowd of the militia.

"They have gone too much." Evela said.

Li Ou smiled and said nothing.

The sun shrouded the mountains, but he didn't feel any warmth.

"If I am alone, if we are all villains and thieves..." Li Ou led Evela down the ramp and whispered to her, "I will drag you away immediately, the farther the better."

She looked up in surprise, "What did you say?"

"Don't you think it's too cold here?" Leo said, "There is no warmth under the holy light."

Evela covered her mouth with her hand, and her big eyes showed panic. You mean... this can't be true, right? Leo, isn't he a holy warrior? How can it be the monster in their mouth?

Li Ou sighed and walked down the last step. The villagers around saw him and pointed at him from afar. Perhaps it was his arrogant posture, blasphemous words, or the gossip of the priest who complained that made these villagers feel bad about him. But he doesn't care. Let them go. He will leave here soon and will never come back.

He avoided chasing the child and lowered his voice, "To be honest, I haven't figured it out yet." He explained to Evela and looked forward to getting some useful information from her knowledge. I don't see it. The cold evil is hidden too deeply. Whether he was deblasphemed by the devil or chose to fall by himself will he know until he wakes up.

"I think it should be invincible." Evela thought for a moment and said, "There is almost no record of the fall of the Holy Warrior."

I hope so. Li Ou looked back at the dead spire church and said, "Then let's wait and see. Watch him wake up. The answer must be revealed soon." He paused and said with a contemptuous smile, "I hope the gods can show us a little of her only compassion - in her own way."