Alchemy Era

Chapter 7 The Mercy of the Gods

In Li Ou's opinion, the ceremony is lengthy and tedious, and there is no progress.

The stars are shining outside the window, and the bright moon is in the sky. However, until late at night, there was neither magic light nor magic shining in the church on the dirt slope. Everything was silent, like falling into a deep sleep, like a sleeping cemetery.

"How long do we have to wait here?" Rosie drank up the glass of liquor anxiously and smashed the wooden glass hard on the table. The old table creaked unbearably and shook violently. I've seen enough of the night scene. She roared in a low voice, "I'm about to count out how many stars in the sky."

How many? He really wants to know the answer. But at this time, his reason told him that it was better not to provoke her.

"Stars can also show the future." Yvela said without looking back.

Her eyes seemed to cross the top of the church steeple and sink into the deep night sky. Through her eyes, Li Ou was sure that she did not say this sentence deliberately perfunctorily, let alone ridicule Rosie. What she said is completely based on facts. She is a bachelor and naturally understands the running stars and their twinkling words. However, Rosie doesn't seem to realize this:

"So what did you see? Is the cold coming? Rosie laughed. Come on, there are glaciers and tundra around. You don't need to say that I know. Without the fire, we would freeze to death."

"You know I'm not talking about..."

"...It doesn't seem to be any different."

"Then take a good look." Evela turned to her and said, "Looking up at the starry sky with respect and carefully observing their tracks, you will find that they are whispering to you. They will tell you everything you want to know.

"Sorry, I can't hear anything. I'm deaf." The female mage said sharply.

Evela didn't seem to hear it. She pointed to the sky outside the window and said, "The gray stars are shrouded in fog and become darker and darker; the goat and the lion are fighting, and the sword is forged in the fire..."

"...This is not a good omen. I know." Rosie interrupted her impatiently again, "But I'm not interested in listening to this!" She waved her arms and said angrily, "I don't object to you studying astrology, but please don't drag me in." I don't know what they look like, like this village. This place is like a paradise for the living dead.

She is right.

Even if it is a mountain of garbage piles and a livestock fence full of horse manure and pig urine, the smell of nausea there is far more than the fainting and suffocating here, as if the smell of rotten corpses comes to the nose.

"I can't smell it." Lu Yuewu frowned and said.

"No nose, you will see it soon." Li Ou looked at the light falling from the sky, and mortals could not see it. Either a holy warrior who expelled evil or a fallen black knight. Other than that, I can't think of any other results.

"What does it matter? Monster, demon? Everything will be fine if a fire is burned.

But she can't ignite it now.

Yes, she really shouldn't stay here to stay up late with them until the answer is revealed. Her body can't stand it. Rosie, why don't you go and have a rest first? He said kindly, but she didn't seem to appreciate it.

"I can't ask for it." She said shyly, opened the door and closed it hard. Please continue."

Evela looked at the vibrating door worriedly and asked uneasily, "Is she... all right?"

"It's okay, don't worry about her." Lu Yuewu said.

Li Ou waved his hand to signal her not to care. She just lost her temper. She is like a child. Having said that, he knew why she was angry and angry. He understood all her anger. She just hates that she can't help. I hope she doesn't cry under the quilt and doesn't look like a real child. He thought as easily as possible.

However, Pastor Alton does not have the leisure like him, and he can also have the relaxed leisure of quarrels.

In the six-pointed array, the divine power seems to be a universal light falling from heaven, washing the body of the holy warrior. It was like a torrent showing a substantial posture, and the dazzling golden light spread around and swept across the whole church. All fragile things disappeared in this golden torrent, and the benches, candles and tin armor decorations turned into nothingness.

The priest knelt in the middle of the church hall, knelt outside the magic circle, and prayed to the holy image of Andal with his eyes closed. He kept praying, and his voice was loud and loud, but he never escaped the shackles of the stone wall and buzzed in the church. He integrated all his mind into prayer so that Andal could respond to his prayer.

Faith turns into an invisible force, and even if the prayer is a variant of spells, the spiritual force constructs the spell structure... Leo and Evela will explain today's magic in this way. But Pastor Alton obviously did not know the secret hidden in the depths of the church. He expects the gods to show mercy and guide him. But it's like playing the piano to a cow. Even if it's a hunger strike and self-whip to show your faith, you won't get any response. Just because the gods are ever-changing and impossible to figure out the nothingness. Now it is even more ruthless.

There is a torrent of positive energy falling like a waterfall through the void, leaning down from the roof of the church. The priest's thin body is like willow leaves swaying in the wind and rain, struggling with the storm. However, he seems to know nothing about what has happened to him. He only knows how to pray and do his best to pray desperately. It seems that Andal will appear, come out of the statue, show him the mercy he has been preaching, saving the holy warrior, and rebirth his broken leg.

The hall is golden, like heaven.

Waves of torrents fell from the sky, and the priest became weaker. His old body began to tremble and shake violently. His robe wrapped around his body was completely soaked with sweat. When the six-pointed array suddenly bloomed as hot as the summer sun, he finally couldn't hold on and collapsed to the ground.

His prayer was abandoned halfway, but the spell did not stop.

The door of the kingdom of God seemed to open here, and in the dazzling golden color, the priest seemed to hear angels singing in the kingdom of God. This must be a miracle. The priest lying on the ground looked at the scene in front of him and thought weakly and happily that even if he would die now, he would die without regret. The angel would definitely lead him to the kingdom of God.

This is a gift from the goddess!

The priest forgot his physical fatigue and struggled to get up, intending to continue to pray to the goddess in order to please the goddess. However, when he raised his head, the joy on his face was replaced by the horror of darkness.

"No..." He couldn't believe everything his eyes saw. He rubbed his eyes hard, and when he opened it again, despair and panic were written on his face. No!" He shouted sadly, "No, this... what the hell is going on? How is this possible?"

There was a crack in the Andal stone statue erected in front of him without warning. First, it was small and weak, and then it spread quickly. For this short moment, he saw the crack spreading like a toxin. From head to toe, Andal's skin is full of shocking scars.

"No, stop, please, stop..." The priest cried and pleaded. ...Who can tell me what's going on?"

No one answered him.

The torrent is rushing, like the blessing of the gods; the statue of the gods is broken, but it is like the root of blasphemy.

The priest was frightened and desperate in the light and darkness. He looked at the stone statue and the holy warrior who was still unconscious and couldn't find the answer. The surroundings seemed to be dead.

However, in this suffocating silence, the sound of the stone statue breaking seems to be the devil's harsh smile. The priest looked desperately and irresistibly: a striking and dazzling crack cracked under the eyes of the stone statue, like two sad blood and tears; the broken stone so that the mouth missing a hole seemed to be moaning.

He fell to his knees, and tears blurred his vision. Our Lady, what on earth are you going to tell me? He sobbed and said, "Is this your punishment for me?" He seems to have found a reason to blame, "Because we have received blasphemy alchemists?" He shouted, "If so, I will kill him!" Kill him desperately! I just hope you don't punish your lamb anymore. Please forgive my sins."

The stone statue is silent, and the fragments are still peeling off.

However, from the dull sound of the collision of stones, the priest seemed to hear the most pleasant order. He struggled to get up, standing on one foot, crooked. With a firm face, he took a step forward... He fell to the ground helplessly. But he soon got up again. He kept repeating the process of standing and falling. Until he sadly chose to crawl.

"Bless me!" He shouted and stood at the closed door. Shadows have nowhere to hide!"

But in a blink of an eye, the holy light suddenly faded, and the church without candlelight was as dark as a bottomless pit. In an instant, all courage suddenly disappeared with the closing of the gate of heaven, like a light spot under the scorching sun. In a blink of an eye, only cold despair grabbed his heart. The priest only felt pain and weakness as if a pair of twins swept in together. He slid softly along the gate and sat on the ground, breathing violently against the cold board.

"Ho Mary, what the hell is going on?" He muttered helplessly.

Andal did not answer his questions. She is about to die.

In the dark silence, only the sound of stones falling is like raindrops, but every collision between the stones and the floor is like a sledgehammer hitting the priest's heart. He covered his twitching heart and tried to open his eyes wide, trying to see what Andal looked like now. However, he only saw the faint light sprinkled into the glass window, and a strange dark shadow slowly got up from the ground with a stiff, puppet-like movement.

The other party was dark and could not be seen clearly. Only the long shadow was also particularly clear in the dark like thick ink, spreading from the other party's feet to the priest's side until it enveloped him. In the darkness of despair, the priest saw a pair of eyes burning gray flames that he would never forget. He is like a demon, like the most terrible nightmare in his heart.

The other party stared at him as if he had seen through his heart.

Fear climbed into his body, but the sound of the stone statue collapse suddenly woke him up. Andal's statue...she... fell down. The priest realized. He should have been sad and cried for it. He blamed himself and felt guilty, but only committed suicide to apologize. However, he suddenly found that his heart was particularly calm, and even despair and fear seemed to follow.

At this moment, the priest suddenly remembered the question that he scolded the alchemist for being disrespectful to the gods:

"Do the gods have any mercy?" He now agrees with the other party's answer. Yes, but in their own way. Because he failed to see the mercy of the gods for him.