Alchemy Era

Chapter 8 The Gate of Heaven

"Collection (kneeling and pulling the corner of the clothes, banging"

The dazzling golden torrent overflowed from the church, roaring down from the hillside, as if it were a mountain torrent when the ice and snow melted in spring, flooding the whole mountain village. It roared low, like a beast out of the railing.

The sleeping village woke up from a beautiful dream.

The villagers came out of their homes and stared at the gate of heaven opened above the church.

The hillside is bright, and the spire of the church seems to be against a sun. There seemed to be an angel figure in the clouds, and the demagogic fairy music echoed in their ears. This is a wonder that they will never see in their whole lives.

In the light that dispelled the darkness, the priest's prayer suddenly became clear. His voice slowly became louder and clearer, and finally became louder and louder, overshadowing the angel's singing. However, the priest's tense voice was full of fatigue. Leo could hear that only fanaticism and fragile hopes supported his weak and old body.

There is no doubt...

"He will die because of this." Evela stood up on the table, her face full of unbelievable surprise. His spell will kill himself... How did he choose this?

"Ivera," Lu Yuewu asked puzzledly, "what's going on?"

Evela calmed down a little. She looked up at the bright spire church on the hillside and said slowly, "This spell... summons the gate of heaven... is beyond his load." She sighed weakly and sadly, "Once the priest can't support it, it will begin to devour his life until he... becomes a dead bone and ashes."

"Maybe we should stop him from continuing."

"This is the road he chose, Moon Dance." Evela shook her head and said to her, "He is a believer of the gods. He regards his sacrifice as a favor and a shortcut to the kingdom of the gods. There is no coercion, which is his own decision.

But Leo's views are different from hers. No, you made a mistake, Evela." He corrected, "He's just praying. Do you think he can know the secret of magic? He will not understand until he dies. He is just a priest in a remote mountain village. He probably only knows how to choose a certain paragraph in the scripture and recite the magic secret text on it in the way of church teaching.

"We should stop him." Lu Yuewu said, but Leo did not move. Are you going to watch others die in front of you again?

She looked at him with reprimand and dissatisfaction. He did not flinch and looked at her disgusted eyes. He saw a lot of things that surprised him from there, just like when she was in the desert, and her eyes were full of resistance to him. Suddenly, he felt that he might never understand her way of doing things.

"There is no way to stop it." He turned his head and exposed a tired and injured face to Evela. He smiled helplessly at her and let her see it was better than being found weak by the female swordsman. Moon dance, look at the people below and their faces. He tried to make his words sound more normal. Thank God, the noise below covered his trill. Do you think we can get close to the church? As an unpopular outsider, I'm afraid of being stabbed to death by a dung fork as soon as he appeared in front of them.

Looking down through the window, there is a day-like view around.

The residents of the whole village gathered at the foot of the church, and the expressions on their faces were like ignorant believers in the wild desert in front of the "might". What did their piety get? Leo wants to know the fate of these people.

The priest's hoarse prayers seemed to be bells and drums, and the slowly opening door of the Kingdom of God buzzed.

"It's the priest!" A man shouted excitedly, "It must be his prayer to make the miracle come."

Women burst into tears.

"Thanks to the Virgin Mary, we are saved."

"The goddess of love did not abandon us and ignore her lamb."

They prayed humbly and piously, as if the dead gods would respond to them. Even the devil is laughing in the sky, right? Through the golden torrent, Li Ou saw the dark sky. It's like a hell without the sun.

An old man threw away the stick and knelt in the mud first. He lay in the mud in the most devout posture. Then, more people responded to him. In a short moment, except them, all the villagers knelt on the cold ground and bowed in the direction of the church, with tears on their faces and begging for protection.

However, suddenly, the priest's prayer stopped abruptly, and the glory of heaven became more and more brilliant.

" there something wrong?"

Liou is not sure for the time being. The prayers around him came one after another, scratching his irritable heart. He stared at the door of the church. Anyway, the frozen holy warrior should have woken up. Such a magnificent positive energy is enough to cure stubborn diseases and eliminate all evil diseases. However, if... Li Ou clenched the scabbard.

But he forgot that now the goddess of doom favors them. She was as happy as ever, and even spoiled everyone who met them. Just as Leo planned to wait and see what had changed, the gate of heaven began to disappear without warning...

"There's something wrong!" Leo stood up.

"What's the problem?" Lu Yuewu looked confused, "Isn't it normal?"

It's not normal at all! Once the gate of heaven is used, it will not stop, but now..." Li Ou looked up at the golden gate behind the misty clouds. It has been closed and is rapidly becoming blurred. Ella, stay here!" The uneasiness gripped his heart tightly, and he felt that his breathing was unbearable. Wake up the knights and killers and let them protect you. Yuewu, come with me, I can't control so much."

The alchemist rushed out of the hotel.

The surroundings suddenly fell from the dazzling light into the invisible darkness. Everyone panicked. They lost the divine response and could no longer tell the direction. The surroundings suddenly became chaotic, and there were people who didn't know what had happened and screamed to run away. More people knelt on the ground and looked at the direction of the church, and they looked blank.

"Did the Virgin Mary abandon us?" Someone cried in fear.

A woman grabbed her face and shouted angrily, "Oh, my God, what on earth have we done?"

In the light, shadows are like shadows. The darkness drove them crazy.

Li Ou did not draw his sword. He pulled Lu Yuewu through them carefully and tried not to disturb the villagers. But collisions were inevitable, and they were found. Li Ou saw hatred in the man's eyes in a blink of an eye. Then, more people found them.

A strong man stood up from the ground and stopped him, "Where are you going?" He asked uglyly, accompanied by a malicious push. Say it! Be honest!"

"Where else can they go?" Another man gathered around.

Lu Yuewu pulled her hand out of Li Ou's palm and said, "Come out of the way, we're going to church."

Her words attracted more attention. More people gathered around, and in the night, they were like a group of hungry wolves. Church!" One man shouted, "What are you going to church for?"

"They must have bad intentions!" Another person picked it up.

"No," Lu Yuewu's defense seemed pale and weak. We are going to save the priest."

"Don't pretend!"

"The priest has the blessing of the Virgin Mary, and it's not your cat's turn to cry and pretend to be compassion!"

No one will believe you. Li Ou thought. He blocked Lu Yuewu behind him, "Don't get out of the way."

"It's not that simple!" At the beginning, the man who provoked the dispute did not retreat and took a step forward on the ground. He waved his fist in front of Leo. If you want to go there, ask my fist first. Either you walk over my body or go back obediently!"

He wants to choose the third one.

But it seems that even the people who just escaped seem to have the courage to surround them. There are more and more people around, and the torches are lit, and there are shaking heads everywhere, like a group of manipulated corpses. The villagers' eyes were full of resentment passed on to them, trying to vent their fear. A group of vulnerable people dare not even face the nightmare in their hearts.

"It must be because of them." A man shouted loudly. It was a middle-aged man with a numb face. He pointed to Leo but avoided the latter's sight. He said intimidly, "The priest said that this man did not respect the gods!"

"...must be him!"

"It must be him that the Virgin Mary punished us."

"Catch him!"

The crowd rushed towards him, and Li Ou outlined a French seal, but Lu Yuewu grabbed his hand. Leo, don't do it." She pleaded bitterly in his ear. Don't."

If you don't do it, are you waiting to die? The group of people in front of him could no longer listen to any persuasion, let alone his excuse. This is a group of ignorant mountain villagers, who probably don't even know the difference between a mage and a priest. It is also a group of believers of the gods. How can we hear about the dead of the gods?

"Is it just like this?" He retreated and roared angrily, "You and I will be killed by them!"

"Do you want to kill them all?" Lu Yuewu said, "Kill the whole village? So what's the difference between you and the demons in their mouths?"

"I'm not that crazy."

But he has to come up with a solution as soon as possible. Some people have gathered around from behind with pitchforks in their hands. He doesn't want to die so humiliatingly at the hands of this mobus. However, he found that he could not swing his sword or break through the siege. He has never felt helpless. I should be cold-blooded. He thought wildly.

Just as people were getting closer and closer to them, an unpredicted shock wave saved them.

The earth shook irregularly, the houses wailed helplessly, and the bricks and tiles began to crack. Everyone suddenly fell to the ground and moaned in pain. They stared at what was going on around them and had no idea what had happened. However, a loud noise guided them in their direction.

With the flying dust, they saw the church on the hillside collapse.

"The Virgin is on, what's going on?"

"Is the devil coming?"

The villagers were terrified.

But there is silence around, and there are no demons or ghosts. Only after the dust dispersed, they saw a stranger standing on the ruins of the church. He held the faint priest in his arms.