Magic Hunter

Chapter 76 Deadlock

Chapter 76 Deadlock

It's also quite coincidental. At this time, the decadent man finally appeared at the door of the church...

At the beginning, he saw that Yue was slightly stunned, but then he smiled and then walked over slowly.

He doesn't care much, or he doesn't mind that Yue appears in the territory of Death at this time. Even so, now the two seem to have a pretty good consensus.

Death seemed to be very welcoming to the appearance of this decadent man. He greeted him slightly, and then said a few fake greetings, saying why he couldn't move faster. He knew that Yue would come to the door and was still so slow.

The decadent man smiled and didn't have much surprise or panic: "You are the god of death. As a god, you are always popular." He showed a little helplessness. Well, it looks like helplessness: "... A demon like me is always hunted down by these annoying human beings... We are actually quite scared." When he spoke, he finally looked at the moon beside him: "... Are you still going to resurrect that man now?" His tone sounded full of concern and curiosity, but he was a little mocking, as if he had been completely unwavering in the past few years.

For the decadent man in front of her, it is easy to see that the moon is unhappy. You know, her now resentful eyes have been staring at him from the moment the decadent man appeared, like a hungry wolf, and she can't wait to swallow him.

But she didn't do this. Before the evil mage found Lin Jie, Yue still understood rationally that the decadent man in front of him must live. Therefore, behind the extremely angry eyes, Yue still gave the decadent man a good-looking smile: " well," She came over and her bright red lips next to his ear: "... I'm very willing to kill you with my own hands... Give me this chance."


At night, villa on the island.

The brightly lit villa has a beauty that is not available during the day, like a bright new star, standing brightly in the dark night, dispelling the surrounding darkness. At night, the wind on the island seemed to be a little strong, and the waves beat the coast with bursts of 'popping'. The coconut trees in front of the room catered to the somewhat cool evening wind and swayed vigorously, accompanied by the crisp 'sand' sound...

Lin stood at the window and quietly looked at the brightly lit city in the distance, as if he was thoughtful. At this time, the door was opened...

Hearing the noise, Lin Weiwei turned around and saw Lin Jie walking slowly.

Then, she stopped and looked at Lin quietly.

"..." She seemed to have something to say. She tried to open her mouth several times, but she didn't know where she came from. Finally, she could only stare at the forest opposite quietly.

In the face of Lin Jie, who was so hesitant, Lin smiled. His smile was quite good, but he had some obvious helplessness: "...Don't say you want to die, I won't let you die." He joked a little, but he seemed so serious. He should understand that when he told Lin Jie about the parasitic black moth, he might face such a result.

Obviously, when the magic is gone, the parasitic black moth can easily devour Lin Jie's soul and finally complete the transformation.

Yes, Lin's suppression seems to allow Lin Jie to maintain himself for a period of time, but in essence, it is to help the black moth no longer need more soul and strength to swallow Lin Jie's soul. Anyway, the so-called metamorphosis of the parasitic black moth is to completely swallow the soul of the host, so as to transform a perfect The container.

It is not as easy to devour the soul of the host as expected. It is like a locked door. Before there is not enough strength to destroy the door, it is just a beautiful fantasy that the parasitic black moth wants to devour Lin Jie's soul. Of course, under the condition of its constant suction of the soul, the door was destroyed, and Lin, he just used this door to bind the parasitic black moth, so as to keep Lin Jie quite self-conscious.

But obviously, after the door that originally protected Lin Jie turned to bind the parasitic black moth, Lin Jie's soul was in a state without any protection. When the door that bound it was freed from it, it was really easy to devour Lin Jie's soul, and at that moment, the magic crystal magic was completely exhausted. When...

In this way, Lin is not helping Lin Jie at all, but makes it easier for Lin Jie to be swallowed up by the parasitic black moth, but Lin has no choice. In the case of Lin Jie's continuous storming, he can't guarantee whether he can keep Taomi. You know, this stupid man who is willing to block bullets for Lin Jie, he always I like to use the power of 'love' to wake up Lin Jie.

Of course, the result is not good. If it hadn't been for Lin's timely appearance, the fool who didn't know how to escape would have been swallowed up by Lin Jie. Therefore, there is no other way. Lin has to use the power of the magic crystal to forcibly restrain the parasitic black moth, so as to bring Lin Jie a peace that may only have a few days...

Of course, he knew what the result of this was. He was also kind. Before deciding to restrain the parasitic black moth with the power of the magic crystal, he had a showdown with Lin Jie and Taomi. The result of this was just a disguised tranquility, and once this tranquility disappeared, the absolutely fierce storm was bound to come...

At that time, Taomi did not agree in any case. He didn't want Lin Jie to be so calm for a few days, and then he would die forever. He would rather Lin Jie live like this. Even if he wanted to suck his soul, he hoped that Lin Jie could live like this.

But Lin Jie agreed. She didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. Although Taomi made him very annoying, no matter what, she was willing to block bullets for her. With this alone, Lin Jie had to change her attitude towards Taomi, let alone hurt him...

She more or less heard the inevitable result from Lin's words. Even if she did not accept such an arrangement, she just lived a few more days. Instead of living like this, she might as well live safely for a few days and finally passed away quietly as a human.

This is what Lin Jie wants. Although she still can't fully accept that she is entangled in these strange things, she has to accept the reality and has to make this choice that is good for everyone.

It's like this. Lin did this just to ensure that he could live during this period of time, and hoped that he could use Tiantong to see those things during this period. And Lin Jie, she wants to pass away quietly as a human being at the moment she can't stand it, and Taomi, he can live relatively safely, even if he very much disagrees with Lin Jie...

Then, reluctantly, Lin exerted magic on Lin Jie's body, and finally restrained the parasitic black moth.

This was a few days ago, and now Lin Jie, with the further regression of the magic of the magic crystal, she finally began to feel that she would not have much time left, and the parasitic black moth was about to break through the shackles.

Therefore, since yesterday, Lin Jie has said that let Lin end her pain and let her die proudly as a human being, not a monster.

Ke Lin didn't do this. He knew very well that he should do it, but as mentioned above, if he really ended Lin Jie and let her be free, Tao Mi would definitely fight with him. At that time, it would become illusory and almost impossible to use his Tiantong to see the things he wanted to see.

In fact, under Lin's guidance, he already knows more or less how to control Tiantong's rice. The reason why he didn't use Tiantong to witness those things for a long time was to protect Lin Jie. He was really afraid that when he used Tiantong to see those things that Lin wanted to see, would Lin kill Lin Jie without hesitation...

Speaking of which, Taomi also said domineeringly that unless Lin can save Lin Jie, he will not use Tiantong.

Of course, this is impossible. Not to mention Lin, even the old man may not be able to save Lin Jie at this moment.

Then, the three of them came to a standoff until now...