Magic Hunter

Chapter 77 Are you trying to scare me to death?

Chapter 77 Are you trying to scare me to death?

" me," Lin seemed serious: "If necessary, I will kill you, but not now." He wants Lin Jie to understand that if it is really at the time when she can't control it, he will inevitably purify it and let her be human.

Looking at Lin's serious eyes, Lin Jie did not doubt that he would do so, but she was not sure whether she could survive until that time, or maybe the next second she would turn into such a monster.

She couldn't control it, and didn't know how to control it. All she knew was that she was getting more and more confused about what she was and what was the monster. She felt that she began to integrate with the parasitic black moth in her soul. With each fusion, she felt more and more powerless, and The black moth's desire for the soul is stronger and stronger again and again, making it impossible for her to control it easily.

She doesn't want to go on like this anymore. As Lin just said, if necessary, he will kill himself, and in Lin Jie's opinion, this time has come...

Lin Jie is afraid of death. She doesn't want to die, just like many people. She is afraid of unknown death. She has just turned 20 years old, and her life has just begun, and there is still a long way to go, but she clearly realizes that death is the best ending now, not to become the unimaginable terrible monster...

So, it is almost as firm as Lin. This time, she felt that she could no longer be her own Lin Jie. When she came in, she did not intend to go out alive. She wanted to end herself, while she still had this stupid courage.

She came over and stood in front of Lin. Her originally clear big eyes were full of transparent tears, but she didn't cry. She was stubborn and didn't let herself cry: "...Lin." She shouted softly, and the soft voice was very beautiful.

But in this gentle voice, Lin in front of her completely felt the suddenness after a trace of despair, no fear, no fear, no happiness and joy, only the initial calm, like a windless field, extremely quiet, silent peace.

Such calmness made Lin afraid. He believed that this time, Lin Jie, she really made all the preparations, and resolutely and resolutely did not want to regret choosing this dignified death in the end.

"............" He quietly looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, and his heart, which should be calm, was vivid after all: "...I..." He really wanted to say something to Lin Jie, but he didn't know what kind of comfort to use. In the final analysis, he was just using her. The reason why she still exists now is that Because he wants to use the Tiantong of Taomi.

He should not hesitate. He believes that he is an indifferent person, but every time, when the other party shows that calm but tearful eyes, he always hesitates and uneasy, and begins to subconsciously think that he is right to do so, or he should end her pain coldly as usual. Bitter.

He should do this. If he had purified Lin Jie from the beginning, maybe she would not reach this point. Maybe she could still survive, maybe...

Lin suddenly felt very scared. Now he knew that he was far less strong and indifferent than he thought. He would still be moved by this or that kind of stupidity. Xia Ya was like this, Xu Si was like this, and now Lin Jie is like this...

He was a little at a loss. He could no longer calm down when he could face this situation calmly before. His eyes, which should be indifferent and calm, still showed the real reluctance and hesitation.

"............" Lin Jie saw the reluctance in Lin's eyes. She seemed to be very happy, and the beautiful smile hung on the corners of her mouth again.

Then, it was quite surprising. Lin Jie gently hugged the man in front of him, gently pressed his little head against his strong chest, and gently listened to his strong heartbeat: " know?" In Lin's chest, Lin Jie, who didn't cry, shed two lines of crystal tears after all: "... I'm very happy now... very relieved... because of you..."

"...!" Lin was a little shocked. He never thought that Lin Jie would say such a thing at this time. He couldn't believe that a beautiful girl like Lin Jie could say 'because of him'.

He likes beautiful women, but he doesn't think that beautiful women will like him. Besides, he is still quite cruel to Lin Jie. He not only deceived her, but also forced her into this situation. Naturally, it is natural for Lin Jie to hate him at this time. But now she not only doesn't have a trace of hatred, but also shows that she likes it very frankly.

This made Lin a little at a loss. For the first time, he felt that the embrace of beautiful women was sometimes so cruel, which was heartbreaking...

Lin Jie tried a little harder and wanted to hold the man she liked more tightly, but in the end she let go. Then, the tearful face quietly stared at Lin in front of her...

She didn't say anything, just looked at it gently, as if she wanted to remember Lin's face that she liked.

In the face of Lin Jie's eyes, Lin was at a loss, but did not avoid it. In the end, the eyes that seemed to have been sad began to become indifferent and very cruel and calm.

"...Thank you." Lin Jie understood Lin's eyes, so she smiled at Lin for the last time. That smile was really beautiful, beautiful and charming.

Lin didn't say anything, his long hair covered his eyes, and his right hand finally pulled out the black pistol on his waist.

Then, with little hesitation, he accurately aimed the muzzle of the gun at Lin Jie's deadly forehead...


The harsh gunfire brought out a trace of blood.



............It was not Lin who shot, but the man at the door.

"I'm sorry," his golden pistol was accurately aimed at Lin's head, which convinced Lin that if he had a strange movement, the next bullet would not hit his right arm, but his fatal head.

He showed a faint smile: "... This girl, I still want him to survive."

When he spoke, he had already come over. His speed was very fast. Lin only saw a shadow flashing by. Then, Lin Jie didn't know what had happened. She only felt that the position behind her neck was hit hard, and then she lost consciousness.

At this time, Lin finally saw the man's appearance clearly. There was nothing wrong. This decadent man in a wrinkled black coat was an evil mage.

Lin has seen this man, and of course he knows what is in the man's body at present. He was honest and didn't act too much rashly, but the angry eyes after the surprised were already staring at the decadent man in front of him.

"-Let her go!" Knowing that it was impossible, Lin still asked one more question.

With one hand holding Lin Jie, who had fainted to death, the decadent man was a little surprised. It seemed that Lin's sentence 'let her go' just now really scared him: "...Wow!" His expression was very exaggerated: "... It turns out that people will really change... I haven't seen him for a while. I didn't expect that the once cold-blooded black hunter would say such humane words..."

He gave Lin a disdainful smile: "...Excuse you want to scare me to death?"