Magic Hunter

Chapter 78 Remember to lock the door

Chapter 78 Remember to lock the door

In the face of the teasing of the decadent man at present, Lin seemed very impulsive. Although he looked calm on the surface, his tight gums and clenched fists were already a good illustration. Even if the use of magic would bring him a very deadly result, he would not forget it like this.

Such Lin, the evil mage looked at it one by one. He completely doubted that Lin fought with him regardless of the consequences. In fact, he was relatively clear. Lin, a black hunter, has always been like this. He will always clean up the things that make him unhappy.

But he is not very worried. Even if Lin is likely to kill him after breaking the ring, he is really not afraid of this.

Sure enough, when the gray-haired man appeared quietly, Lin finally realized that the evil mage was prepared this time.

The silver-haired man smiled at Lin a few steps away. His smile was still sincere, but it always made people feel a little playful: "...Uh-huh!" He came over: "... The black hunter is really not doing well. It seems to be more miserable than I thought." The silver-haired man was very sincere, but everyone could hear that this sincerity was just another blatant provocation of Death.

Lin felt more or less that this man with strange white hair should be the god of death who could not leave the 'Death Cemetery'.

Lin is not very surprised by the appearance of Death. He can now imagine that Death should be the amulet of the evil mage. In other words, if Lin really intends to work hard with the evil mage, Death will not stand by.

In this way, the situation is very clear. Even if Lin breaks the precepts desperately, he will not be an opponent in front of the god of death. Anyway, only in the case of having the green dragon can Lin be with the god of death, and in the absence of the dragon, he will not be the opponent of death. In fact, if death is willing In other words, he doesn't need to wait for Lin to break the ring successfully. He can easily kill Lin now, even if, because the dark blood forest still has strong vitality.

This is what seems to be very passive. Now it is not the question of whether Lin wants to be tough with the evil mage, but whether the death and the evil mage will let him survive.

This may be a little exaggerated. For Death, he still doesn't want Lin to die, at least before he successfully copied Lin's soul. As for the evil mage, he really wanted to destroy the black hunter in front of him, but he still understood that he could not kill Lin without the help of death. Even if the current forest is no different from ordinary people, you know, his dark blood was successfully advanced on the night of the [Moon Eclipse]...

In front of the second-order dark blood, or in front of [magic blood], the moment the evil mage touches Nalin, the magic on his body will also be quickly sucked by this [magic blood] equivalent to the big devil, until his magic is sucked away. That's why the evil mage dare not light. Yi used magic on Lin, but injured him with a gun.

Well, of course, this is not to say that Lin, who has [magic blood], is invincible, but that magic blood has an unparalleled ability to suck magic. As long as it is entangled, it can't escape. But in front of such a powerful opponent as Death, Lin's magic blood can rarely play a role. Anyway, Death has that ability, but To forcibly block the erosion of magic blood on its own magic...

It is natural that the evil mage will avoid demon blood. He is just a demon, not a big demon like Dong Shao, and the magic blood like Lin, as mentioned above, is equivalent to the order of the big demon. In this way, it is also reasonable for the evil mage to avoid it.

Speaking of which, the reason why the evil mage wants to be supported by death is that it is still the kind of dark blood that successfully produced advanced by Lin. Although he is very confident that he can retreat completely in front of the current Lin, he does not dare to take risks. God knows what will happen to this black hunter with many variables. If this is lost A perfect container that has almost been formed, the gains outweigh the losses. In this way, it is also necessary to bring a powerful bodyguard like Death.

Then, everything was still within the expectation of the evil mage. Because of the existence of death, although Lin wanted to be impulsive, he also suppressed the anger in his heart by reason. He knew very well that under the protection of death, he had almost no chance to meet the evil mage.

There is not much suspense. After the appearance of Death, the evil mage did not stay more. With the appearance of the transmission array under his feet, Lin Jie, who fainted to death, soon disappeared in front of Lin and Death after a dazzling white light.

"...Don't hate me," Death spread out his hands and expressed his absolute helplessness: "You also know that it's not easy to have this perfect container. I mean, I can't help it." Indeed, this evil mage provides a perfect container. Before the evil mage gives the 'core' to Death, the container does not completely belong to Death.

It's the same. Death wants Lin to understand that he is forced, not deliberately offending him. In fact, he doesn't want to offend anyone, just like he doesn't want others to offend himself.

But it doesn't seem to work. Lin's eyes looking at Death are still very unfriendly.

"" Death shrugged his shoulders and seemed to have no pressure.

Then, after all, he noticed the darker magic crystal on the table: "...Hmm," he smiled and looked at Lin's eyes with more sympathy: "I don't know if I'm right... Sometimes, the closer people are, the more they can't believe it... I mean, many people are often believed by themselves. It was sold out by people.

"...?" Lin is not a fool. He clearly heard the words of Death: "...what do you mean?"

"Well," Death pretended to think: "... guess."

After saying that, he didn't care about Lin's wanting eyes. After saying goodbye to him, he also disappeared from the room quite quickly, leaving no trace in the end.

"...cut!" Lin is a little upset. He picked up the darker magic on the table and immediately walked out. He didn't have time, and Lin Jie didn't have much time. If Dong Shao came, the whole thing would become very troublesome.

Then, as soon as he arrived in the living room, he saw the rice washing that fell in the pool of blood and didn't know whether it was life or death.

Damn it!

He cursed secretly and then ran over in a hurry...

Fortunately, this guy's life is hard, and his heart grows on the right, not on the left side like ordinary people. Otherwise, the magic of the evil mage piercing his chest in an instant will definitely kill him.

But even so, Taomi was not lightly injured. After all, after making an emergency treatment for Taomi, Lin also called the old man...

............"Hey!" After a while, a pleasant and pleasant voice came from the mobile phone.

For this familiar voice, Lin was surprised at the beginning, and then immediately realized: "...Liu Xueer?"

The other end of the mobile phone was silent for a moment, and then there was an ecstatic voice: "...Lin! Is it really you?" The girl on the other end of the mobile phone looked very excited. Holding the old-fashioned microphone, she was so happy that she almost jumped up: "... I'm so happy! It's such a coincidence that I got your call!"

"..." Lin is obviously not in the mood to 'talk about love' with Liu Xueer now. After feeling that Liu Xueer was almost excited, he said seriously, "Where's the old man? Let him answer the phone.

"...Uh-huh! Wait a minute." Liu Xueer can feel that Lin has an urgent need to find his grandfather. She didn't ask much. After putting down the phone, she ran into the back bedroom.

After a while, with the help of Liu Xueer, the old man came out bumpy.

He came to the counter and sat on the crimson wooden chair. The pale old man picked up the phone and asked 'what' lazily. His voice seemed very indifferent and calm, without the anxiety and uneasiness of the little granddaughter beside him.

At the other end of the phone, after Lin slightly talked to the old man about Death and the evil mage, he was a little uneasy waiting for the old man's response...

"Ah!" The old man didn't look surprised: "... In this case, I'll see if I can arrange a partner for you... I'll let you know the news of that girl."

Seeing the old man say so, Lin Ying said, and then said, "...send a doctor here. Someone was injured by magic."

The old man didn't seem to have any interest in knowing who was injured by magic, let alone ask how much the man was injured, but directly asked the address.

- Address?


It's killing me. By the way, Lin really doesn't know where it is.

But it was still fast. After all, he remembered that at that time, the confident brother left himself a business card, if it was right...

Sure enough, after pouring it in the trash can next to him for a while, he found the business card that he still dropped, and then, I don't know if he was self-confidence on purpose. On the back of the business card, there was really a detailed address.

This is very interesting. After the address, Brother Confidence also added a few words - remember to lock the door.

After that, a very cute expression was added - (*^__^*) hee hee...

Lin: "..." He really understands this pervert. Confident brother's habit has not changed, and he always likes to write the address on the back of the business card.

It's quite strange that this villa doesn't have a house number or anything. If that's right, I just don't want too many people to know the existence of this villa.

But I have to say that this is an unusual island villa. If you are interested in finding it, it is not difficult.

So, Lin once again began to deeply doubt whether it was too much for the confident brother to do so. In such a big villa that was not low-key, he actually wanted to pretend to be low-key... Please...

There is no need to guess too much. The reason why Lin couldn't find the house number of this villa was that he was thrown directly into the sea by the confident brother.

In this way, looking at the crooked font behind the business card, Lin was a little coldly sweaty like a primary school student. He felt that sometimes he really couldn't figure out the confident brother. He even began to feel that the confident brother only used this luxurious villa as a cover, so that others thought that this was his old nest. One of them...

If that's the case, Lin is really speechless. In his opinion, confident brother, this bastard, really has a lot of money and no place to spend. He actually bought such an island as a family, which is completely unnecessary.

He suddenly felt very unhappy. He was also a human. Why is the gap so big? But he is helpless. People can always be more angry than people. If he is so serious all day long, he will really go to the cemetery.

He could only sigh slightly. After telling the old man the address on the back of the business card, he hung up the phone.

Next, Lin left the villa and planned to find the moon first...