Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

One of the three waltzes of missing

One of the three loyd's gifts

Although it finally got the evaluation of "basically qualified", it is also equivalent to a failure in the battle. Lulu held a "reflection meeting" in the restaurant, and the members of the swordsmen, including Xilu, were all depressed.

The six students assigned to scout at the front and rear gates were hypnotized by the sleeping magic before they noticed the traces of exposure.

Kick, who ambushed in the inner room, did not see Lulu's shadow from beginning to end, let alone what happened.

Xilu is the only one who met Lulu, but she is also embarrassed under Lulu's "seamless" fighting method.

But after all, the prisoner was also caught... So when Lulu commented that it was okay, Xilu couldn't help but start to refute, and as a result, Lulu still white-eyed:

"That's because my servants used sleep magic to give you the opportunity to take advantage of it. What if I use fast-acting hypnotic drugs?"

Xilu lowered her head speechlessly.

"Although it's the first time... but you have done a good job. I was still worried about whether you would pay attention to this matter, and you not only analyzed my action plan, but even the time of my action was very accurate... But you still have a big oversight. That is... Have you noticed that every theft happened on a rainy night?"

Everyone suddenly realized. The rainy night not only makes it easy for thieves to hide their whereabouts, but also has considerable advantages for water magicians. Masters like Lulu can directly launch magic such as sleeping through the rain... If they can realize this in time, they may not be easily plotted by her.

"And your hiding place is also a very bad choice. As long as he is a veteran with a little experience, he will first confirm the guard force of the location of the gate, so as to temporarily change the infiltration route; Xilu hides in the destination of the prisoner's operation, and it seems that she is actually a trap; as for the place where Kick hides... it will not be visited by the prisoner at all! You are so naive!"

Thinking that the place where Kik was ambushed was actually near Shirley's bedroom... Everyone couldn't help sighing fiercely for this "big brother".

"To be honest, Loed is the only one who is really qualified... When I attacked Xilu, I could clearly feel that he was hiding behind me, but I still couldn't tell which corner he would emerge from... loyd, did you realize my identity at that time? Do it?"

Loed nodded:

"Because no matter how you dress up, there are still things you can't change or cover up. I judge from the rhythm of your walk and the fragrance on your body.

"That's really surprising. Can you tell me more about it?"

"Do you remember the road that took me to the classroom on the first day when you started walking? As a result, you hurt your foot, so until now, the way you walked..."

"You really have the ability! Look at other people's feet so carefully!" Xilu interrupted him angrily, which triggered a burst of laughter.

"So what about the aroma you mentioned? I remember that I didn't spray perfume at all yesterday..."

"That's because you used to take care of me when I was injured, so even if you didn't spray perfume, I can still smell it faintly from you..."

"You big sex demon!" Xilu, whose eyes were red, roared at him:

"You're either looking at other people's feet or smelling other people's fragrance. What on earth do you do? Is this also a knight!"

"Because they are all survival skills learned before, I unconsciously use them... If you feel unhappy, I can only smell the fragrance of you in the future..."

"Wow! Stop talking!" Until the almost stupid knight and the open dialogue made Xilu boil like a boiling kettle:

"Throw this indewd skill into the garbage! And... even if you find Lulu's identity, you should come out to help me when she attacks me!"

At the thought of Lulu's "seamless" attack, Xilu's heart beat wildly. If the prisoner is a man, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable... Even if she is Lulu, her first kiss...

"Stupid loyd!"

Of course, loyd didn't understand her real thoughts at this moment, but he was used to her losing his temper, so he did not refute it. Instead, Lulu clapped her hands gently and stood up:

"This is the end of the reflection meeting. You must have learned some experience in the incident, right? The real enemy will make you more unable to react! So don't take your responsibilities lightly, especially the college celebration in the near future! Don't think that as long as you use two swordsmanship and magic, you can protect the college!"

The real enemy will be more cunning and fierce... This is what Lulu really wants to convey to everyone. Guard College is really not an easy job...

"So, if necessary, you have to put down your airs and learn what you will not come into contact with in the future. Sometimes it can protect your lives! After all, there will be three scheduled holidays! It's time for you to plan well.

"Oh! So it's the 'king's birthday' from tomorrow!"

As the name implies, this is a national holiday to commemorate the king's birthday, which lasts for three days. Compared with the celebration held only in the college a few days later, the streets of the town will also be several times more lively than usual. However... Every kingdom will have large and small forces against the king, so there will often be some unnecessary disturbances, so the vigilance force will become several times more than usual...

"So, relax your tired body! But don't waste swordsmanship training!"

The final discussion result of the swordsman group is to set the training time at sunrise every day in three days, and 30 minutes later, they can disband and enjoy the fun of the holiday.

Perhaps because of the pleasure brought by the holiday, Xilu threw away her previous troubles. After pulling LOid back to the room, she happily opened the wardrobe and carried all the clothes inside to **:

"Don't stand in a daze! Come and help me choose the right clothes!"

Because you usually wear the college's short dress uniform, it is rare to dress up a festival for girls. Loyd seemed to be the first time to see such a dazzling female dress, and she couldn't help but be surprised by the abundance of Xilu's collection:

"You have so many clothes..."

"Of course! Even ordinary nobles will put at least 20 sets of clothes in the room to cope with the activities that need to participate at any time, which is as important as we must pay attention to our faces at all times. In my house, there are at least three rooms for clothes..."

"So, I haven't asked... I heard that Miss Xilu's family is a hereditary count?"

"I have just been promoted to marquis, but I'm not interested... My father is busy with court socializing every day, and my mother only cares about my marriage, and only my sister is good to me... So I don't want to go back!"

"When you said that, it suddenly occurred to me... What's your name is Silu Ferrinwen Rafald?"

"Yes, the middle name is my sister's name, because I like and admire my sister the most! I quarreled with my father for this name, and then I lived in this college... Don't just talk about these boring things, what do you think of this dress?"

Xilu put a purple low-cut long skirt in front of her. Loyd looked carefully for a while and shook his head.

"Real... I think it's very good... So this one? And this one?"

Cello picked out a few more exquisite dresses, but they were rejected by loyd, and she suddenly got angry:

"No one is not good-looking! You can tell me a reason!"

"If you want to say a reason... you can't be angry."

"Why am I angry? Anyway, hurry up and say it!"

"Because you chose low-cut clothes... which don't match your figure."

Xielu subconsciously looked at her chest... and then threw the long skirt in her hand at loyd:

"Where are you looking, big fool!"

"There's no need to get angry. Isn't it enough to change to a suitable one..."

Loed carefully selected **'s clothes. Five minutes later, he raised his head with a puzzled face:

"Why... are they all low-chest?"

"Well...when I buy it...I always will always grow will always grow should be like"

Xilu lowered her head and hummed weakly.

"That is to say... there is an absolute conflict between ideal and reality."

"Noisy...noisy to death! This can't work or that... You can find a way for me!"

Xilu's hair is about to stand up.

And take this kind of private question to discuss with a man... Even his own knight... It's very unreasonable... But loyd, a dull guy, doesn't seem to realize the special significance of this problem...

"Speaking of which, I have a request... I want to ask you to take a day off, which is today, okay, Miss Xilu?"

Huh? This kind of thing is very common. You can take a good vacation today. you have anything important?"

"Please allow me to keep it a secret for the time being, so I will come back in the evening and say goodbye."

Looking at Loyde's hurried and weird back, a suspicious cloud suddenly rose in Xilu's heart:

"What do you want to hide from me like this! Shouldn't... Do you want to sneak out and meet someone? Ah ah! It's unforgivable! Either staring at other people's feet or smelling other people's fragrance, do you start to pay attention to other people's breasts now? It's really pissed me off! This single-celled demon knight!"

Angered by unfounded speculation, Xilu lost her anger in the mirror in the room, and then threw her clothes into the wardrobe like venting:

"Anti... Anyway, I'm just thick and flat as a mirror! I'm so sorry!"

The happy mood that was finally condensed because of the arrival of the holiday was about to become the prelude to the storm. The moment before Xilu lost control strangled the reins as if she had encountered a sudden cliff:

"What's the use of saying this now! Why don't you... follow him and see what he is going to do! But... this is not tracking or peeping! It's just... It's just that the owner is worried about what will happen to his knight! In that case, the master will also be troubled, won't it?"

loyd walked easily in the square of the college and greeted the students passing by like acquaintances. Although he has only been in the college for a week or two, he has established quite a deep network, and few of the students will be separated by him because of his identity. About a hundred meters behind him, a man in a black cloak followed him sneakily. Witnessing this strange scene, the passing students All are dumb. However, loyd didn't seem to notice this and headed in the direction of the teacher's dormitory as if nothing had happened. The figure of the black cloak followed him and confirmed that he had entered Lulu's room, with a spark in his mouth:

"This perish...!"

A few minutes later, loyd exited Lulu's room and left the teacher's dormitory area and headed towards the arsenal. You don't need to think about it, you can guess that he is going to see Shirley, and the black cloak figure stamped his feet hard behind his back:

"What on earth do you want to do!"

I can't guess what loyd said in Lulu's room, but it must be some erotic words... And one is not enough, ready to start with the second...

At the time of fantasy, loyd's figure had gone away, and the black cloak figure - that is, Xilu quickly trotled to keep up.

At the gate of the arsenal, loyd is talking about something with Shirley. Although I couldn't hear their conversation at all, I saw Shirley's bright face...

This guy must be trying to please her! Sweet words are the best tricks for men! I didn't expect that this upright knight was also good at this kind of ability! No wonder he can easily remember the other party's walking posture and the fragrance on his body! Saying "I have no experience in such things" is all fooling me!

Xilu could even hear her teeth ringing sadly, but by this time, loyd had said goodbye to Shirley and walked in her direction again. Xilu quickly hid into the bushes on the roadside and held back her roaring heartbeat. It was not until she confirmed that the other party had gone far away that she flashed back and continued to keep up.

However, this time loyd was marching towards the gate of the college... Xilu was guessing his intention to follow. loyd suddenly strode up, and Xilu hurriedly stepped forward. As a result, she tripped heavily over the cloak, and Loyde's figure quickly disappeared in her eyes.


Xilu gritted her teeth and roared. However, no matter how much she roared, only the surprised eyes of the passing students answered her, which quickly discouraged her.

"Idiot! Leave the master behind... to have fun... What's the matter?"

Now her mind is full of scenes of Loide talking and laughing with other girls, and the cloud that had accumulated in her heart is finally about to burst into a thunderstorm... A loving voice pulled the terrible cumulonimbus cloud back from the slippery track in time:

"It's almost a holiday. It's not good to get angry for no reason, Miss Xilu."

" it Mrs. Sheila?"

Seeing Mrs. Sheila's plump and kind face, Xilu's manic heart calmed down:

"Morning...Good morning, Mrs. Sheila..."

"Good morning, Miss Xilu. I'm leaving for the palace again soon. Who are you angry with? Is it the young man around you?"

"That's not...not it! Who would be for that fool..."

"Your panic is really indescribably cute, Miss Xilu. In fact, such a thing is not worth being angry with. It is a very important etiquette for men to have extensive communication with women, isn't it?

"Yes...that's right...but..."

"Are you afraid that he will be robbed by others?"

"!'s not like this..."

her mind was broken in one word, and Xilu was even more at a loss. Mrs. Sheila touched her head with understanding:

"I understand your feelings, but it doesn't make sense to be angry here. If you don't mind, I can teach you some useful skills to occupy a higher position in his heart.

Originally, I wanted to say "there is no such thing", but I was still moved by the sentence "Occupying a higher position in his heart", and Xilu raised her head with expectation:

"What is... what ability is it? Is it really that useful?"

"It depends on how much you can learn. Anyway, come with me first. If you pay more attention to everything, you won't be disappointed."

Loed returned to the college at dusk as promised, but did not return to his room immediately. He had a bulging bag in his hand, which seemed to be full of all kinds of gifts.

The first place to go was Lulu's room... loyd came to the tower of the teacher's dormitory, circled around, and knocked on Lulu's door.

"If it's loyd, please come in. If others say... Lulu is not here."

Loed pushed open the door, and Lulu was in a daze in front of the mirror... After seeing him enter the door, she stood up happily:

"Sure enough, it's you. I'm still thinking that if it's someone else..."

"That sentence just now... seems a little strange."

"Don't worry about that. Since you have come to my room, why don't you sit down and have a drink?"

"Because there are still important things..."

Loed handed a beautiful small box to her with both hands:

"Please accept it, although it's just a small gift... Thank you for taking care of me all the time."

Originally, he looked a little lost, but he was attracted by his gift, and Lulu's eyes lit up again:

"What is it? I don't want it if it's not a good thing... but the gift you gave is an exception.

"Because my meager salary can only buy such things... If you don't think it's suitable..."

"There is no such thing! Besides, I don't know what's inside yet!" Lulu grabbed the small box from his hand and comforted it nervously.

"Well, I'll be rude first. Good night."

Confirmed that loyd's footsteps had disappeared in the distance, and Lulu became lost again and opened the box absent-mindedly:

"Don't stay with me for a while... What a ruthless guy... But what's in here..."

There are only a pair of common crystal earrings lying in the box... No matter how you look at them, they are quite ordinary... It can't be said that they are ordinary, at least they are remarkable in workmanship... They are also top-quality in civilian jewelry piles...

Lulu couldn't help but be a little disappointed. It seems that the child still doesn't know much about me... But she can't have too much luxury from him... But after she picked up her earrings, she was slightly stunned:

"This is... the mark of my hometown... It seems that the crystal produced there... It can't be wrong... It's this kind of crystal..."

In the morning, loyd came to his room and asked about his hometown... So that's what happened!

Tears flashed in Lulu's eyes, and she pressed the earrings tightly to her chest as if she were holding her own life.

The next step is to give a gift to Shirley... There is a well-made women's dress in the beautiful box, although it is only a superior in the civilian class... Shirley is also very happy to accept it. She is worried about what to wear for the holiday. loyd's gift suits her, but she couldn't stay either. Loyd for dinner.

Finally, he gave the gift to Xilu... loyd suddenly became a little cramped and stayed in the student dormitory for a moment before he made up his mind to walk to her room.

With his knock on the door, there was a panicked voice in the room. Loyd stood outside the door for another ten minutes and finally heard his long-awaited sentence, "Please come in."

The room is dark... Why don't you light the lights? Loyd touched the table and lit the candle, and then was shocked by the scene in front of him:

Xilu sat aside with a cowardly look, with a rich dinner on the table... and red wine.

"Welcome back..."

Although she put on a smiling face... and it was indeed a heartfelt smile... But Xilu's face was still a little stiff and even **... She probably did her best...

"Xilu...this is..."

"Thank you... Mrs. Sierra... learned... did it for the first time..."

It turned out that Mrs. Sierra taught her simple cooking skills during the day... This is indeed an important skill to attract the opposite sex, but it is unknown to what extent a layman like Xilu can do... Of course, loyd did not know these things, but he was still deeply moved:

"Thank you very much for your kindness, Miss Xilu..."

"Well...then try it... I don't know the taste..."

Xilu's eyes are full of expectation and uneasiness... The first craftsmanship is about to be tested, and of course it will be that expression... loyd sat down opposite her and put the dishes on the plate into her mouth...

It should be said that... This is not... To put it mildly, it's basically not Xilu's craftsmanship... It's impossible to achieve such a height for the first time... What's more, her hand has no trace of injury... It's probably just made after helping Mrs. Sheila's hand... But it can also be regarded as her craft...

While thinking like this, loyd took a small bite of each plate of food, and then put down the knife and fork:

"It's really a great craft. I've tasted the smell of nature."

"Although your comment is a little strange... I'm very happy..." Xilu's eyes sparkled with joy and childishness.

"Well... I also have something to give you as a gift. Miss Xilu... can you put on that purple dress?"

"Hey? But you didn't say that dress..."

Xilu is doubting the other party's intention, and loyd has hidden in her small room. After a moment of hesitation, she still took out the dress:

"If you wear it... you dare to criticize here and there... Even if you just praised me... I will beat you well..."

A few minutes later, Xilu changed her appearance. Originally full of childish roses, she became as gorgeous as Xialian in a blink of an eye... But if she praised "it's really a man with clothes", she would definitely be beaten by her.

However... it's really not suitable... her chest is empty... Xilu can't help but feel a little inferior.

Loed... What do you want me to wear this dress for? Are you going to laugh at me? Or do you want to take this opportunity to push me down? Then...that's the case...

Xilu began to panic and couldn't figure out the other party's thoughts at all. Instead, it added some of her fear. It was not until loyd asked in the room that she recovered from the endless reverie and then coughed to comfort her heart:


Loed opened the door and couldn't help staying in place for a moment...

Are you stunned by my appearance? You just found out, idiot...

I'm still disappointed in my figure... You big pergender...

Xilu's heart sang and whispered for a while, like floating in the sea... Then she saw loyd half kneeling down in front of her and stretching her hands to her chest...

"Wow! What do you want to do?"

Xilu screamed in panic and hugged her shoulders tightly. This guy is really out of this insidiousness... No, this dirty purpose wants me to wear this dress! But... So he is interested in flat breasts like me? Ah ah! This perish!

"Please open your hand, Miss Xilu."


You are still so serious if you want to do bad things! What kind of pervert are you!

"In this case, you can't wear this bow tie."

Xilu saw the bow tie in his hand... Then she blushed for no reason and stretched out her hands obediently:

"But you should at least make it clear... Anyone would think that kind of action..."

"That's really rude... It's really my negligence... Please don't move..."

loyd seriously tied a bow tie for her. His fingers occasionally touched her skin, and Xilu's heart moved a little.

"Okay, please look in the mirror, I don't know..."

Xilu came to the front of the mirror, and her eyes lit up:

Although this is just a common laminated bow tie... Maybe it's not even if it's a bow tie in the eyes of the nobles... But it is quite cleverly integrated with his dress and quietly resolves the obvious weakness in the chest...

"Are you satisfied, Miss Xilu?"

"Of course...of course I'm satisfied!" Xilu carried her skirt and circled happily:

"What a vision! You really have a good research on women's clothing!"

"It would be great if you were satisfied. My salary can only buy such a gift... I'm still worried about whether you will find it annoying..."

"Nothing! What you want and what you like... That's different! Anyway, I like it very much!"

So that she can wear this dress to the street tomorrow... She decided to wear this dress in the future.

"Yes, hurry up and eat! Otherwise, it will be wasted!"

"But... why is there still wine? Miss Xilu is not old enough to drink, is she?

"Aren't you not this age? Don't worry, just drink a small cup secretly..."

Xilu poured a few shallow points into the two cups and then sent the cups to him:


The soft sound of clinking the cup made the eardrums tremble crisply.

"Thank you for giving me a gift... Always protect me in the future, Loed..."

With one bite, Xilu's face turned slightly red...

Is her drinking capacity so bad? Loyd was a little surprised, but Xilu came to him again:

"Don't leave me casually...or I'll be angry..."

The spring breeze blew on his face, making Loide look a little excited. Xilu seemed to understand his intention and gently closed her eyes...